1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Personal Reflection on the Essence of Personal Ethics

How would you personally define ethics? Personal ethics is a classification of the theory that figures out what an individual accepts about morality and good and bad. This is typically recognized by business ethics or legitimate ethics. These parts of ethics originate from outside organizations or governments, not the person's still, small voice. These parts of ethics infrequently cover. Personal ethics can influence all everyday issues, including family, accounts, and connections (Kipnis, and David, 2000). Personal ethics is seldom recognized...
3 Pages 1248 Words

Essay on SHARP Program: Mitigation of Sexual Harassment through Education and Communication

Through Education and Communication, we can Mitigate Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment is a problem throughout the Army that needs to be addressed with additional resources to improve unit cohesion, capabilities and training. Knowing the elements of SHARP will ultimately reduce sexual harassment and sexual assault to improve the command climate. “The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program reinforces the Army's commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault through awareness and prevention, training, victim advocacy, reporting, and...
2 Pages 1157 Words

Benjamin Banneker Versus George Washington Carver: Comparative Analysis

The scientific revolution was the emergence of modern science during the early ages which opened up the doors for science (Gale, 2019). During this time period, developments were made in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, physics, and chemistry (Gale, 2019). In this paper, a scientist from the past, Benjamin Banneker, and a more recent scientist, George Washington Carver will be compared and contrasted in terms of their biographies, challenges to participate in the scientific community, and their scientific contributions. George Washington Carver...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Shackled by Liberalism: Reflection on the Impact of Black Lives Matter Have on Society

It was a bright day in June, and the clocks were striking thirteen. The Ministry of Truth had spoken, and all things that did not kneel before The Party, or fit with the ‘new truth’, were to be discarded. Statues of historical importance, books, and monuments to The Glorious Dead; nothing was safe if they no longer met the ideals approved by the new Thinkpol, Black Lives Matter (BLM), the militant and thuggish arm of the ‘liberal left’. What had...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Harriet Beecher Stowe: Successful Contribution to Connecticut History

Although Connecticut has a lot of amazing history to it, it is one of those small states that sometimes gets lost behind the larger ones. Connecticut is known for its rough and cold winters, but it should also be known for those now well-known citizens who grew up here and got their inspiration for creating better lives for all Americans by living in Connecticut. For example, Harriet Beecher Stowe grew up here in Connecticut and was one of a few...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Medea: The Treatment To Women In Ancient Society

In the play Medea, the author Euripides emphasizes that the harsh treatment the main character, Medea, receives throughout the play reflects how women are treated in Greek society. The hardships of women in Greek society can be mainly seen by Medea passionate soliloquies. Medea speaks about how looked down upon, due to the fact that she a woman from a foreign country that holds more intellect than most men in the city where she currently resides. Even Jason, her husband,...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Growth and Development of the Main Character in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The mid to late 14th century fable, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written by Greg Chaucer, illustrates the development and growth of the main character, Sir Gawain. In the fable, Sir Gawain voluntarily takes the place for his king when it was believed the king would face death. The story starts with a mysterious Green Knight and his horse galloping into the court, challenging any person to a game. A “lucky” contestant is given one chance use an ax...
3 Pages 1220 Words

The Theme of Loss in Hamlet

Throughout Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, loss is a fundamental concept that is present throughout the whole play. There are a variety of losses that the characters of the play suffer from, where this essay will be used to discuss the vast variety of losses. The motif scales from the loss of sanity, to the loss of self-righteousness, to the loss of beloved ones. To begin with, there are many ways in which someone can lose their sanity. Ophelia and Hamlet convey...
3 Pages 1212 Words

William Faulkner's Writing Style In The Novel Sanctuary

Cover 1 of Sanctuary 1931 by William Faulkner represents the theme of the story best because of the offsetting nasty vibe it sets off. Also the picture of the woman all ripped up and damaged represents Temple Drake due to the horrors she went through that most likely scared her for a lifetime. In the background is a green stained, slimey and chipped concrete wall and clearly dirty which represents the sneaky and slickness of the deep south of rural...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Satire on the Social Conditions of the Restoration Era in The Way of the World

The setting of the play, The Way of the World, by William Congreve is the Restoration Era, and Congreve, as the author, has taken the help of his own drama to provide his opinion about this age. In the second chapter of the drama, William Congreve provides us a picture about the history of the Restoration Era. With the help of this Socio-cultural and historical approach of the era, Congreve tried to satirize the various things happening in the society...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Ethical Dilemma In Autonomous Vehicles (AV)

INTRODUCTION Autonomous vehicles also known as self-driving cars are highly popular around the world to advance smart mobility and sustainable cities (Lim and Taeihagh, 2019). However, at some point in the near future when something has gone wrong on the road, it has to choose between two options to make a maneuver of whether to save the passenger inside the car while putting the pedestrians at risk or to save pedestrians on the road and put its own passengers at...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Philosophical Concept of the Meaning of Life

Introduction What is the meaning of life? Why do people ask why? Is there life after death? These are all questions that do not have one particular answer and may vary from different life experiences. The main purpose of this report is to explain and explore the different answers to these questions and develop a secular and non catholic perspective of the question, is there life after death? This report will include the documentation of four interviews from people of...
3 Pages 1191 Words

Stress as the Biggest Part of Being a Lawyer

What is stress? Everyone has a different way they define stress. The dictionary definition of stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. A person is very unlikely to find a job where you won’t have stress. Everyone experiences stress in different ways. Whether it is just from being overwhelmed with having too much work to do or having a lot of personal things going on. A lot of people’s stress...
3 Pages 1155 Words

Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges In Higher Education

ABSTRACT The Covid- 19 Pandemic has disrupted the life of every human being globally. It has brought life to a standstill in all sectors of the economy and posed a great threat and a challenge to the Indian Economy in the fields of Higher Education. The Pandemic has been a bane as it has affected lakhs of human lives globally. It has & been a great challenge to Educational Institutions and campuses, which are closed all around the world. All...
3 Pages 1198 Words

Do People Who Experience Domestic Violence Get The Help And Justice They Deserve?

Domestic violence can affect women both physically and mentally as well as their sexual health. According to findings by the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, between 2010 and 2014, 20 of the 91 calls for service, or 22 percent, that resulted in an officer fatality were classified as a domestic dispute (Smith et.al 2017). Domestic abuse cases can be incredibly dangerous for the victim, family, and the officers called to the situation. Many victims do not report domestic abuse situations...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Is the Concept of Free Will Possible?

There are certain things in life is more valuable to us than the freedom. Free will is the problem of modality and we want this one, we cannot live without it. On one hand we think that we have free will and on other hand we think that every event has a cause. The problems of free will is the challenge of determinism of our ideas about personal freedom. Human beings have choice to made own decision and they are...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Issues Of Sexuality, Disguise, Marriage And Romantic Love In Twelfth Night, Or What You Will

Twelfth Night, or What You Will is one of the most challenging Shakespeare’s plays, as it explores issues of gender identity and sexual orientation, interrogates traditional representation of gender roles and suggests same-sex love and attraction between most of the characters, issues, which unfortunately, nowadays, almost 400 years later, are little debated or even considered taboo topics. Twelfth Night is with no doubt a play ahead of it is time. The innovative Elizabethan play, disturbs heteronormativity, which is the belief...
3 Pages 1225 Words

Should Assisted Suicide Be Legalized In The U.S.?

Matthew Donelly appreciated the life he was given. But unfortunately, Matthew wanted to die. After losing his nose, two fingers, and jaw due to skin cancer, Donelly was left blind and slowly deteriorating. Donelly begged to be put out of his misery, but no one ever answered. So one day, his brother Harold used a .30 caliber pistol from his closet and shot Matthew. Harold was tried for murder not long after. It is extremely devastating to watch a loved...
3 Pages 1154 Words

The Use of Marijuana: Should Be Legalized or Not?

Despite the prevalence of the use of marijuana in the world, the harmful effects of this substance on the nervous system and its physiological effects can’t be neglected because many of the complications of the use of the substance appear over a long period of time, many societies and individuals may only seek an instant pleasure They are not long-term complications. Although marijuana is less dependent on cigarettes or opioids, is it only dependent on this important issue? Here, in...
3 Pages 1245 Words

Main Themes And Ideas In A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Shakespeare is a well-known writer, poet, and play write who accomplished many fine works throughout his lifetime. He wrote stories of great tragedies and famous comedies while incorporating the theme of love. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a brilliant play that shows elements of romance and comedy, presenting the audience with various aspect of love portrayed through numerous couples in various situations. Love is portrayed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as unpredictable and unreasonable while conveying the negative outcomes as...
2 Pages 1165 Words

The Failure of Parenting in Hamlet

The role parents play in their child’s development is critical because they have so much influence on them. In William Shakespeare’s 1603 tragedy, Hamlet, parents cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of their children. The awful relationships between parents and their children are very important throughout the play as Hamlet, Laertes, and Ophelia are all victims of bad parenting. Gertrude and Polonius are selfish as they do not take the time to see how their kids are...
3 Pages 1167 Words

Obesity and Mad Cow Disease

Information on obesity According to world health organisation (WHO) obesity and overweight is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that leads to various health problems. Obesity can be measured by a taking a person weight in kilograms divided by square of height in meters. An individual with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more is generally considered as obese. Obesity is the major reason for the cause of various chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, high blood...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Gender Discrimination In Education

Education is the most important right a child can get in his or her lifetime, either it is formal or informal education. According to the Cambridge dictionary, education is the process of teaching and learning or organizations such as schools where this process happens. Education is categorized into two types, formal and informal. This is because education is not only provided in a physical place but in society as a whole which can be interpreted in everyday life. According to...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Jane Austen: Personal Life And Works

Jane Austen’s novels are very well rounded they usually surround one theme and are fairly predictable but they are so good at pulling in the reader. All of her novels have a deeper meaning that they portray that usually tie into her life. Jane Austen, Born on December 16, 1775, was the seventh born of eight children born to George Austen and Cassandra Austen. The Austen family lived in Steventon, which is a small Hampshire town in south-central England. The...
3 Pages 1158 Words

The Peculiarities of Legalization of Cannabis

Several generations have argued about the legalization of cannabis at the global level. In modern world people are getting addicted to drugs more and more every day even in spite of the well-known fact that all types of drugs are forbidden and regulated by government. Meanwhile, the World faces issue related to making drugs legal. Such type of drug as cannabis was legalized for medical purposes only in some countries and legalized in other countries. Cannabis became legalized partially in...
3 Pages 1162 Words

The Role Of Woman In The US History

In the 19th century women and men were not equal, women were the weaker sex, inferior, while men were seen as superior. A home maker in the 19th century was seen to be the “angel of the house” as she would support her husband, care for the children, and carry out the domestic work. The “Angel in the House” myth represents the ideal woman as obedient, submissive and above all, willing to sacrifice her own happiness for that of her...
3 Pages 1246 Words

To Kill A Mockingbird, Rose For Emily, and Gathering Blue: Isolating Children with Abuse

Often in Literature, parents abuse their power against their children. Such abuse could lead their children to feel isolated and alienated. For example, in To Kill a Mockingbird Bob Ewell abuses his children to an extent that they become isolated from the community. The purpose of this essay is to consider how perpetrators of isolation control their victims in To Kill A Mockingbird, Rose For Emily, and Gathering Blue. Bob Ewell, Mr. Grierson, and Jamison all use both physical and...
3 Pages 1209 Words

The Stages and Meaning of Emotions in Hamlet

Death is something that is mysterious, inevitable, and can be dealt with in a number of ways. In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare represents the stages of grief, the process in which everyone goes through while mourning a loss. These stages are directly shown through the emotions and state of mind of Hamlet which were anger, sadness, and acceptance. Firstly, Hamlet’s initial response to his father’s murder was anger, which is a usual reaction to just hearing that...
3 Pages 1221 Words

A Spectacular Product Of A Young Woman's Heart And Mind In Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is a love story written by English writer Jane Austen. Although it was written between 1796 and 1797, it could only be published on 28 January 1813. Since it was considered that writing profession coincides with the duties of womanhood, Austen had trouble finding publishers. Eventually, she had to bring her works out anonymously. In Pride and Prejudice, Austen examines the misinterpretations caused by judging people by first impressions, and how people can break down those judgments...
3 Pages 1157 Words

Is Violence In Mass Media A Necessary Cathartic Outlet, Or An Unnecessary Influence?

Violence is everywhere around us, from the rise of the ISIS empire to the advent of school and college shootings and the continuous attacks on the LOC, violence has become a daily part of our lives and leads us to the question why it actually happens. Whenever I flip the pages of the newspaper, I see hundreds of articles on road rage which very much highlight the prevalence of these kinds of behaviors in different ways. The rise in fights...
3 Pages 1232 Words
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