1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Ways Character Melinda Stands Firm For Her Reputation In The Book Speak

In the book Speak by Laurie Anderson, Melinda’s reputation ruined. Reputation, image, and impression are used in everyday situations affecting social status, self-esteem, and professional freedom. In the book, she loses her social position because of her past and present actions. Reputation is a social process that is an essential part of success, and a bad reputation can damage a future. People learn reputation, study others, and use it to make their own decisions. Melinda's friends, therefore, consider her and...
3 Pages 1230 Words

Modeling Of Hydrogen Adsorption Phenomena In ZSM-5 Zeolite Using Molecular Dynamics Method

Abstract Hydrogen energy has a great potential to become one of the clean energies of the future. The current use of hydrogen gas as an energy source still has problems, namely in the distribution and storage system. One solution to overcome these problems is to use the adsorption method. Zeolite material is considered to be a good material to be used as a storage medium for hydrogen gas. Experimental research generally still requires a fairly high cost. Therefore, we need...
3 Pages 1213 Words

The Importance Of Psychological Research Within The Criminal Justice System

The Criminal Justice System is a set of legal and social organisations which implement the criminal law by obeying rules and regulations. Psychological research has affected the criminal justice system in different ways and this essay is designed to understand the effect it has had upon the interview process (Day & Marion, 2019). The interview is an important method used by the police in order to gather information from individuals as it forms a foundation for all investigations. Psychologists have...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Bioethics And The Idea Of Control In Technology In The Made-to-order Savior And Alone Together

The introduction of technology was made to make tasks easier, however, the uses of it have grown enormously over the years. Writers like Sherry Turkle and Lisa Belkin have discussed the aftermath of the use of technology in terms of ethics. Lisa Belkin in her essay “The Made-to-Order Savior”, talks about how different types of medical technology have created controversies on the basis of ethics. Belkin describes an incident in which the technology was being used to conceive babies as...
3 Pages 1219 Words

Adultery In The Scarlet Letter And The Crucible

The Scarlet Letter ​mainly covers the sin of adultery, while ​The Crucible ​covers witchcraft. Both have obvious similarities like the setting and the crime, but both have major differences. The author of ​The Scarlet Letter ​is Nathenial Hawthorne and the playwright of ​The Crucible ​is Arthur Miller. ​The Scarlet Letter​ is about Hester Prynne committing adultery with Arthur Dimmesdale and becoming pregnant with his child, while she had a husband known has Roger Chillingsworth. Roger discovers who the father of...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Literacy Techniques In Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream And Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Lecture

Nelson Mandela once said, “As long as poverty, injustice, and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest” (8 Powerful Quotes from Mandela’s ‘Make Poverty History’ Speech). Inequality around the world has been a huge problem for many people. Not many voices have been heard, but the people who had the courage to speak up about it like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did in his “I Have a Dream” speech given to congress on August...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Overview Of Environmental Science And Biblical Worldview

As a human being we have the ability to influence our own perspectives or worldviews based on our own experiences and choices. In this modern-day era worldviews have long since shifted from the more traditional biblical worldview to one more anthropocentric in which humans are seen are superior and more important than God’s creation. I find this shift to be alarming because it poses the potential problem of humans over consuming their resources. In the following paper I will discuss...
3 Pages 1174 Words

Hydrogen Combustion And Fuel Cells

Intro If a long-term goal of the United States is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, one factor that must inevitably be worked on is the greenhouse gas emissions from cars burning gasoline. While it would be impractical to suggest that people stop using cars altogether, there are ways to create cars that would either drastically reduce or eliminate the emissions of greenhouse gases from cars. This can be achieved through the means of using hydrogen fuel instead of gasoline. There...
2 Pages 1216 Words

Fear Of Failure As The Part Of Business

We face difficulties from the very beginning of our life. It may sound funny but the period when a small child is learning how to walk seems to be quite challenging. He/she sees that everyone around him/her is walking but it still is something beyond his/her possibilities. All of us can observe the process and result: thousands attempt to stand up, hundreds of them finishing with falling, taking a couple of steps and finally the desired, probably not that confident,...
3 Pages 1155 Words

Fish By Elizabeth Bishop: Themes And Stylistic Devices

Elizabeth Bishop is an American famous poet however; life was not always easy for her. She lost her father when she was still a baby and her mother was sent to a mental hospital and Elizabeth never saw her again. After that, she lived with her maternal grandparents in a village. Later on, when her paternal family gained her custody, she was separated from her maternal grandparents and she found herself lonely in her new home. She got sick during...
3 Pages 1179 Words

Death And Afterlife In Buddhism

Buddhism appeared 2500 years ago in the southeastern India. Over time, it has become influential countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, China. It is assumed that there are approximately more than 300 Buddhists in the world. Siddhartha Gautama who was the founder of Buddhism lived in Kapilavatsu, India. Additionally, the word “buddha’’ means that illuminated or aroused. Historical sources indicates that, Buddha has always used the oral style while teaching the people the basic beliefs of Buddhism. There is...
3 Pages 1229 Words

The Peculiarities Of Guatemala Orphanage System

Abstract The purpose of this research is to explore the view of Guatemala on children and its orphanage system as a whole. The resources that are used in this research are online-articles such as the New Yorker and the New York Times Co. report on the event; and previous scholar review studies on effect of orphanage on orphan, examples are: neglectant in care facility, sex trafficking, paper orphan, etc... Introduction The orphanages problem in Guatemala is a recently widespread events,...
3 Pages 1206 Words

Earth, Making A Life On A Tough New Planet Review

The novel “Eaarth, making a life on a tough new planet” focuses on the topics involving global warming written by Bill McKibben. It looks in depth of global warming causes, solutions and ideas to stop or slow down global warming. The novel was published by Henry holt and company on the April 13th of 2010 and the book itself contains 276 pages. My reason for choosing this book was mainly the title of the book. The way he spelled earth...
3 Pages 1185 Words

Hinduism And Spirituality

One of the oldest religions in the world is Hinduism. Hinduism a way of life that is based around love and respect for others. Hinduism in a complex religion; there are many variations on how to practice Hinduism. Some Hindu people are stricter and some are more relaxed (Bennet, 2010). Hinduism is practiced primarily in southern and south east Asia; such as India (Brisbane, 2011). Family Patterns Family is one of the most important things in Hindu lifestyle. It is...
3 Pages 1213 Words

Argument Description In Letter From Birmingham Jail

Gandhi, a mover and shaker in India’s independent movement would often state, “If cowardice is the only alternative to violence, it is better to fight.” This phrase was broadcasted to the public a couple of times to make in known that there is always another alternative, there is always the way of nonviolent resistance. Martin Luther King Jr., a leader in the civil rights movement, agreed with this claim as it states in his, “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” in 1963....
3 Pages 1249 Words

Sin And Grace In The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorn at its core, is a story of two supernatural forces battling each other to gain control. Every culture has a name for these forces: Ying and Yang, Good and Evil, but in the novel, they are known as sin and grace. The two forces are at work throughout the plot of the story, though it may go unnoticed. How each of the main characters: Hester, Pearl, Dimsdale, and Chillingsworth, let these forces influence their...
3 Pages 1197 Words

Guilt And Integrity In The Crucible

A creepily feel of the word “witchcraft” grazes through the ears of the townspeople of Salem, Massachusetts. No one was safe in this time of 1692; henceforth, if you even just said you had seen someone’s spirit, the person you told upon would be sent to hang. Through these times, many chaotic things occurred with the townspeople's; furthermore, there are a few different themes portrayed for the story. The tails and storyline of these dark times are greatly portrayed in...
3 Pages 1223 Words

Role Of Religion In Racial Injustice And Segregation

Racial Injustice and Segregation has a long history in America, which dates back to the 17th century. Many historical events have stemmed from Racial injustice throughout America. Certain factors can be seen as influential in causing problems between races, including Religion. Religion can be seen to play a role in the creating and furthering racial problems throughout the history, this can be shown throughout historical events such as slavery and segregation; religion can also be seen as playing a role...
3 Pages 1245 Words

What To Do For Saving The Planet

As years go by, the earth just keeps getting warmer and warmer, air and water pollution continues to increase, new viruses and diseases are being discovered, and more species are being endangered; all these harmful effects came to be because majority of the population aren’t socially responsible or aware of certain human activities that affect the environment particularly the human health. The main reason that lead to the problems stated is because of excessive greenhouse gas emissions. Coal-fired power plants...
2 Pages 1166 Words

The Concepts Of Self-Reliance By Ralph Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American Transcendentalist poet and essayist during the 19th century who wrote his best essay titled “Self-Reliance.” The purpose of Emerson’s essay was to encourage his readers to think freely. He argued that societal standards have a conflicting effect on an individual’s personal growth and individuality, and states that self-sufficiency allows the individual to determine their own opinions and ideas instead of allowing outside influences direct their thoughts and actions. Emerson was ahead of his time...
3 Pages 1193 Words

The Mind's Eye Of Language

Traditional language manifests essential bonds through cultural identity which shapes ethnic domain and individuality. Communication empowers how ideas are contrived within society because of diversification and its impact on people. In Gloria Anzaldúa’s ruminative essay, How to Tame A Wild Tongue, she emphasizes how language and culture are inseparable and that a native tongue ties in with the identity of an individual. Anzaldúa also explores the emotional aspects of suppression by patrimonial language through pathos and anecdotes. Gloria Anzaldúa’s How...
3 Pages 1181 Words

The Significance Of Social Workers

A career is something I would love to do even when I’m having a bad day, it is something I want to feel passionate about which gives my life meaning. Mental health is something I feel passionate about, which is why I want to become a licensed clinical social worker. Clinical social workers normally work in a hospital setting and help patients with issues ranging from behavioral health to substance abuse. This type of social worker also helps with planning...
3 Pages 1243 Words

Strength Through Joy Concept Features

Strength through Joy expresses the National Socialist aspiration. ‘Strength through Joy (KdF) developed into one of the most notorious organization of the Third Reich. The reputation it exerted survived the Third Reich itself, and the idea that the KdF added mass tourism and thereby ultimately increased the German quality of life, and was generally believed in the country for a great time. Therefore, it is all the more impressive how surprisingly few studies exist about this organization and its impact....
3 Pages 1185 Words

Human Interaction And Technology In Alone Together By Sherry Turkle

So long are the days of human interaction. We as a society are now instead, submerged into the forever growing world that is technology. While technology has many positives and has improved the way of life for many people around the world, there are also many negatives that I find to be more hurtful to society that many seem to realize. One person who I believe gets the negative impacts technology is having on society is Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Confidence And Revising Test Answers

Buying into the mythos that going back to change test answers will lower test scores, many students decide not to revise any test answers they're unsure about. Personal experience would have it that many people rely on that 'gut feeling' when it comes to taking tests. Whether or not that ideology is helpful is largely up for debate. Based on common sense, it would seem beneficial to go back and change an answer if a student is confident they made...
3 Pages 1187 Words

The Development Of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the amount of worth people assign to themselves. It has been a topic of interest for many generations. This is because self-esteem affects the day-to-day lives of everyone. Given its importance to society, it is one of the many things worth investing time and effort into investigating. This article discusses new information learned from recent studies on the development of self-esteem. In order to establish a valid study, controls have to be set up. These researchers made sure...
3 Pages 1170 Words

The Role Of Veda, Upanishads, Mahabharata, And Ramayana In Hinduism

They are all most of ancient Hindu texts which define truth for Hindus religion, and they are also helping giving spiritual advise and wisdom to the Hinduism believers. All consisting of hymns, prayers, praises, spiritual guiding, meditations and mystical and philosophical teaching. So they have a huge benefit in Hinduism. For instance, Vedas are a huge body of Hindu texts, stands for the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. Considers to be apauruṣeya, it means...
3 Pages 1213 Words

To What Extent Does A Passage To India Succeed In Critiquing Empire?

Colonialism has often been regarded as the struggle, policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it and exploiting it economically. E.M Forster’s novel A Passage to India reveals the true picture of colonialism in the subcontinent. The discussion of the representation of the colonial rule has been carried out since ages. This novel is one of his masterpieces and a subject of literary criticism from many perspectives. As it is a highly controversial...
3 Pages 1209 Words

Definitions Of Humility

When I was a child, I’ve been told plenty of times that everyone should know how to be humble. I began asking myself, “What does humility mean?” According to The Chamber’s Dictionary, humility means, “the state or quality of being humble; lowliness of mind; modesty.” After researching the word humility, I began noticing others who express humility in everyday life. Such as someone allowing another person who is in a hurry cut the line in front of them at the...
3 Pages 1225 Words

Possible Consequences Of Sending People On Mars

Sending people to Mars is one of humanity’s greatest ambitions this century. We are not just going there, but we plan live there as well. With the climate of Earth heading toward a dire state human might need to leave Earth indefinitely one day. However, sending people to Mars is no easy task and the challenges that lie ahead for humans are monumental. Firstly, what environmental challenges does Mars pose to humans and how can we combat them? Secondly, what...
3 Pages 1155 Words
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