1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Enlil in Gilgamesh

Shamash is recounting the tale of Gilgamesh since he may have been a genuine Sumerian ruler. It additionally happens in an earth-like world where God exists with humans. Gilgamesh is a God. A definitive being. Immaculate and faultless. They were profoundly respected. He is a brutal yet additional, kind lord. He doesn't care for anybody attempting to take his power since he is the ruler and a definitive god not to be upset. Enkidu was previously a mammoth that meandered...
3 Pages 1290 Words

Essay about Conservation of Natural Resources

The exhaustion of natural resources has gradually been one of the greatest crises for the whole planet and human beings since the latter half of the 20th century. It is known that the earth, like our mother, is the home for survival, which provides us with abundant resources. We, human beings, are the master of the earth, so we should protect it as we treat ourselves. No one wishes his home to become worse. However, the environment on which human...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Essay on CFCs as the Cause of Destroying the Earth’s Ozone Layer

CFCs have useful properties such as coolant liquids in refrigerators and aerosol sprays but studies in the 1980s revealed that they are the cause of destroying the Earth’s ozone layer. How was this problem addressed? Introduction Halogen derivatives are new compounds acquired when one or multiple hydrogen atoms of acyclic hydrocarbons are exchanged for an equivalent number of halogen atoms of alkenes or alkanes. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs )such as chlorine (Cl), carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and fluorine (F) are halogenated hydrocarbons...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Essay on Arthur Miller Themes in 'The Crucible'

The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play set in the 1600s that tackles some very important themes relevant both in the time it was set and the period in which Miller wrote it. The play is about a town called Salem which is driven into hysteria and madness by suspicion and fear. Miller uses this true story of the Salem witch trials as a metaphor for government persecution of suspected communists during the 20th century, while also himself putting...
3 Pages 1346 Words

Essay on 'The Lottery'

The Lottery, a chilling short story written by Shirley Jackson, has long captivated readers with its haunting portrayal of a seemingly idyllic small town. This essay delves into the key elements that make The Lottery a thought-provoking literary piece. Exploring the significance of the setting, the tragic fate of Tessie Hutchinson, and its contribution to cultural awareness, we will unravel the hidden depths and disturbing realities beneath the surface of this renowned tale. The Setting The setting of "The Lottery"...
4 Pages 1287 Words

Essay on 'Becoming a Writer' by Russell Baker

Yezierska’s Breadgivers, Baker’s Growing Up, and Moody’s Coming of Age in Mississippi, all demonstrate the idea of The American Dream. For Yezierska, Baker, and Moody, their version of the American Dream was different. They went through many obstacles to try and achieve their version of the American Dream. In Yezierska’s novel, Sara Smolinsky’s dad stood in the way of achieving the American Dream. Her definition of the American Dream did not change, it stayed consistent throughout her childhood and into...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Essay on 'An Ode to a Nightingale':Meaning of the Bird Song Is Eternal

Do we get to choose? Do we get to live or do we get to die? Quite an indecisive argument that every individual holds up at a certain point in life continuously living in the ruins of time. Every Leaf turns brown, every youth wrinkles away and every bone cracks its age. Nothing is immortal------ immortal is the soul, immortal is the way of existence, immortal is the mark we leave behind. ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ was carved by one...
3 Pages 1321 Words

Essay about Oscar Wilde's Hedonism

Literature is an art that allows an author to exhibit the undesired primal aspects of humanity. The Picture of Dorian Gray written by Oscar Wilde is a prime example of this. Published in London in 1890, the gothic literature carries heavy themes of aestheticism, the superficiality of beauty, homosexual undertones, and hedonism which directly attacked Victorian society’s repressive nature for gross indecency causing multiple controversies surrounding the novel’s release and its author. The novel follows the moral downfall of Dorian...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Essay about Oedipus Character Traits

Oedipus submits the offensive demonstration of slaughtering his dad and wedding his mom. The grievous occasions that pursue appear to be able to discipline for this wrongdoing. However, in Sophocles' Oedipus the Ruler, Oedipus is just 'an offspring of Fortune' (Sophocles, 1080), not blameworthy of his wrongdoings since his destiny was resolved before birth. In endeavoring to keep away from his destiny, Oedipus perpetrates his wrongdoings unconsciously. He comprehends the shocking idea of the wrongdoings told in the prediction so...
3 Pages 1285 Words

Essay about Mexican Revolution

The people fought through the revolution from 1910-1920, to earn their rights. The Revolution was increasingly corrupt, inflexible, and had a violent dictatorship. President Diaz oversaw the broadcast and most rapid period of economic expansion which led to mass loss of land. Porfirio Diaz (Background) Although the Mexican Revolution officially started in 1910, you have to go back a few decades to understand why the Revolution happened. During that time, former military general Porfirio Diaz was viewed by some as...
3 Pages 1321 Words

Essay about Gilgamesh's Transformation

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an important story that shows the transition of a mythical hero. Gilgamesh is a character who undergoes a significant change throughout the book, as his personal characteristics are called into question and he develops new norms with relationships with those around him. Throughout the epic, one can see some lessons being taught about the nature of friendship and the nature of leadership. Accordingly, one learns of legacy and how, even if one has a negative...
3 Pages 1292 Words

Do United States Has Real or Quasi Democracy: Argumentative Essay

The most common belief amongst people all over the Globe is that the United States is the World's biggest democracy. However, whenever these beliefs change slightly, it always points out detrimental exceptions to foundational principles or core principles. For example, many critics argue that the loss of democracy in American history is a result of the election of unsuitable autocrats, harsh measures by the state itself, dangerous foreign interventions, the revelation of much corruption or malfeasance, and other practices which...
3 Pages 1319 Words

Difficulties of Relationship in 'Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind'

A person can come into your life when you least expect it and turn your world upside down. At first, they may seem like they are the best thing that could happen to you but then slowly what was once a dream relationship turns into something toxic. Something that turns both individuals into a person they don’t even recognize anymore. So, what if in this situation the person could be erased from your memory as if they never existed? Michel...
3 Pages 1285 Words

Development of Cars in 1920s: Pros and Cons

After World War 1, America entered the “Roaring Twenties”. This period brought dramatic social and political changes. The advantages of technology and the inventions of machines brought the whole country into a crazy condition. The car, which was a sample of the “Roaring Twenties” has been invented by Karl Benz in 1886. The car is continuously being developed to assimilate into people’s lives. “Cars the most important catalyst for social change in the 1920s” boomed people's lives (Daily Life). The...
3 Pages 1308 Words

Climate Solution Report: Importance of Forests and Reforestation

Reforestation is a climate solution first proposed in the form of an annual planting program by Gordan Sloan in the mid-1900s. While the exact program never took place as replanting trees was largely viewed as uneconomical, the need for reforestation became widely accepted as a necessary implementation during the passing decades. The process gained momentum during the late 1980s due to heightened public concern. Describe your solution. Reforestation is the process undertaken to ensure the recovery of forests that have...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Character Analysis of Day in 'Legend'

In the book, Legend by Marie Lu judgment is a major theme in the book. The two characters Day and June Iparis are forced to make numerous choices that involve their own judgment. They make countless judgments about each other based on rumors they have heard and information presented to them without explanation. Day and June are adequate at reading people and understanding people's flaws. At first glance, the two judged each other and become attracted to one another. Later...
3 Pages 1339 Words

Causes and Effects of Gambling Addiction

Addiction has certain defining features – persistent engagement in a trait despite negative repercussions, reduced self-control over this engagement, a compulsion to engage in the behavior, and a strong craving for the activity (Yau & Potenza, 2015). For a long time, the term “addiction” has been linked to excessive drinking of alcohol or substance use (Yau & Potenza, 2015). However, scholars have begun to recognize that certain behaviors are similar to drug and alcohol dependence. These behavioral addictions include excessive...
3 Pages 1259 Words

Book Report on 'Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary'

The book Anne Frank Beyond the diary is written by Ruud Van Der Rol and Rian Verhoeven. Both the authors of this were workers in the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. The two worked on current problems of racism and discrimination in student programs. Ruud Van Der Rol was a sociologist and Rian Verhoeven was a historian. The two people helped publish the Anne Frank Journal. The parents of Anne Frank, Otto, and Edith got married on May 12, 1925,...
3 Pages 1274 Words

Beach Descriptive Writing

Varkala: Sun, Sand, And Paradise On Earth Nestled in the interiors of Kerala, this paradisiacal place is where everything is heavenly and perfect. From the clear blue skies to the endless blue water, Varkala is a town that can make anyone fall in love with it at first glance. The laid-back and relaxed atmosphere go hand in hand with the exquisite beauty that engulfs this little town. This beautiful town is located in the Thiruvananthapuram district. The Northern Cliff of...
3 Pages 1328 Words

Arguments for Cosmetic Surgery

In today's society, the vast majority of people can be discontent with the way they look, resulting in millions of people choosing to get medical procedures in order to change their characteristic appearance. Cosmetic surgery is carried out by using clinical and surgical strategies, which can sometimes result in complications and dangers that patients must be aware of prior to deciding to have a procedure. However, cosmetic surgery can have several benefits for individuals such as improving mental self-view, common...
3 Pages 1260 Words

Argumentative Essay on Self Driving Cars: Should Self Driving Cars Be Produced

The man was leaving work exhausted after working a 15-hour day; he got into his autonomous vehicle, yearning to go home. As he began his trip home, he began to doze off every couple of minutes and it was getting dangerous to drive in these conditions. Recognizing his sleepiness, he turned on his car's advanced autopilot feature to assure his safety. Shortly after he had activated the autopilot, unbeknownst to him, he had completely dozed off relinquishing control of the...
3 Pages 1286 Words

Applicability of Electric Cars in South Africa: Pros and Cons

An electric car is one that operates on an electric motor, instead of an internal-combustion engine that generates power by burning a mix of gases and fuels, therefore such a vehicle is seen as a possible replacement for current generation automobiles, in order to address the issue of increasing pollution, global warming and depletion of natural resources. Though the electric car concept has been around for a long time, it has drawn a considerable amount of interest in the past...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Analysis of the Songs Related to 'The Glass Castle'

Song #1 - Apologize by one republic This song is about a boy and a girl who are in a relationship. The girl keeps hurting him and cutting him off. The first time I read these lyrics I thought this was a song about suicide but then I realized it wasn't. When he says 'I'm holding on to your rope, got me ten feet off the ground' It means he's trying to hang onto this person. 'I'm hearing what you...
3 Pages 1282 Words

Analysis of Interview with My Grandfather

On Wednesday, May 29, 2019, I conducted an in-person interview with my 76-year-old grandfather. My grandfather suffers from Heart Disease, COPD, and Peripheral Artery Disease. My grandfather has been a smoker since he was twenty years old and used to be very active. Since his diagnosis, he had been able to remain fairly active, until last summer when he had to have a partial amputation of his right foot. The amputation was due to his peripheral artery disease. My grandfather...
3 Pages 1296 Words

The Tragedy of Macbeth' Critical Analysis

It is in the human nature of every man alive to develop an eager, as well as an exorbitant desire for power and supremacy. From this greed, arises the need of the individual to prioritize his own requirements in order to find the right actions to make, to then be able to obtain what he desperately wants. By working hard to receive what he wishes for, the human being learns to make decisions and to define whether or not they...
3 Pages 1346 Words

Essay about Woodrow Wilson's Eight-Year Presidency

During President Wilson's eight-year tenure, the United States saw unprecedented domestic development, thanks mostly to technological and infrastructure advancements. The 28th president amended his views on isolationism and the role of the United States in the conflict. The Fourteen Points of President Woodrow Wilson were a model of American ideology and a blueprint for the rest of the world to follow. They argued for national equality and pushed Germany to join the postwar world order in exchange for liberalizing its...
3 Pages 1304 Words

Will Apple Maintain Its Dominance in the UK Market?

Since the launch of its first phone called iPhone, Apple has dominated the mobile market. It has been a trend setter and has attracted a large number of loyal customers who buy every product they launch. Some new companies such as Huawei is rising to the occasion and has started to give a competition to other small firms. In this essay it will be argued whether a trillion-dollar company, Apple will remain the dominating force and maintain its monopoly on...
3 Pages 1315 Words

Thoughts on Why Reality Television Is Fake and Damaging

Reality TV is a type of genre that includes ordinary people being filmed unscripted. It is designed to be more for entertaining purposes. Often the cast are ordinary people and not your typical famous casts like the majority of other television shows. The word reality means that things are seen how they actually are instead of them being faked, or altered. However, reality television is not always as real as it is made out to be. There have been various...
3 Pages 1294 Words

Themes of Environmentalism and Feminism in the Movie 'Princess Mononoke'

The Studio Ghibli movie ‘Princess Mononoke’ is a Japanese fantasy movie that was released on July 12, 1997, directed by studio head, Hayao Miyazaki. This film was the highest grossing film of Japan after its release. The movie is based during the Muromachi period, in 1336 to 1573 CE; this period was likely chosen due to the progress of the era. It is about a prince who finds himself in a journey of conflict, a fight between gods of the...
3 Pages 1334 Words

Use of Ginger as a Functional Herbal Medicine

The monthly menstrual cramps are the worst experience of my life. It is pretty common for me to feel unbearable pain during my periods, but I remember one remarkable time when I visited my grandma: I was about to use the bathroom to deal with period stuff, but I immediately felt that familiar pain as I tried to stand up. It felt like a knife being dragged across the insides of my lower abdomen, and then it escalated - my...
3 Pages 1343 Words
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