Argumentative Essay on Self Driving Cars: Should Self Driving Cars Be Produced

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The man was leaving work exhausted after working a 15-hour day; he got into his autonomous vehicle, yearning to go home. As he began his trip home, he began to doze off every couple of minutes and it was getting dangerous to drive in these conditions. Recognizing his sleepiness, he turned on his car's advanced autopilot feature to assure his safety. Shortly after he had activated the autopilot, unbeknownst to him, he had completely dozed off relinquishing control of the car at a busy intersection. After a while the man had begun to awaken, paralyzed by fear until he realized that he was sitting in his driveway. His car had driven him safely and prevented a tragedy for him as well as his loved ones. The topics of technological advancements in the automotive industry such as self-driving cars are very prevalent topics in society today. Self-driving cars utilize technology like high-quality cameras and ultrasonic sensors to sense the external environment around the car to provide optimal driving conditions. The technology is meant to be an assistive technology to aid in a more relaxed driving experience as well as hands-free completely relaxed driving. This raises the question: how has an improvement in self-driving technology made driving and life improved, safer, and more efficient?

Self-driving cars and the technology included with them are discussed and disputed through all echelons of society. The idea of self-driving cars is relatively new but has great support from those who own and operate one. There are many types of self-driving cars, but a single company, Tesla, has dominated the space with its line of vehicles each receiving near-perfect safety ratings, which is one of the multitudes of reasons that the manufacturing of these vehicles should be pushed. Benefits of the increased manufacturing of autonomous vehicles include a general improvement of life, improved efficiency on the road, improved safety, as well as an overall improvement in the lives of those who are disabled. State leaders as well as car manufacturers should be pushing the funding and production of self-driving cars as it would benefit the country in terms of general improvement of life, improved efficiency on the road, and improved safety.

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Self-driving vehicles should be pushed for production because of the many improvements they would impose upon society, generally improving the lives of those who own them. Self-driving cars eliminate the exhaustive uphill battle in terms of exhaustive commutes, and forced areas of living as stated in the quote:

Driverless cars have the potential to completely change the way Americans think about where they live. The commute from the suburb to the city center will become much less strenuous, so people will feel less need to live in the city itself. People will no longer need to pay the high rents, taxes, and fees common in big cities in order to work comfortably in those places. With driverless cars, driving to work will feel more like sitting at home on the couch watching a favorite television show. (Whitt)

The push for self-driving cars is an important and necessary one. There is a multitude of reasons why self-driving cars are better to use than traditional gas-powered vehicles. Exhaustive commuting could lead to a higher rate of car crashes so, utilizing these autonomous vehicles could be key in preventing unnecessary deaths. Additionally, some people do not enjoy being forced to choose a location to live because of their jobs. The stressful lifestyles that come with owning a traditional vehicle would evanesce, revealing a more peaceful stress-free lifestyle of being able to get driven to and from a place of work without having to worry about exhaustion. It is truly important to push the manufacturing of these vehicles to improve the day-to-day lives of many people across the country. Traditional gas-powered vehicles

In addition to making the day-to-day lives of people easier, the mass implementation of self-driving cars would bring improved efficiency on the road. Autonomous vehicles should be thought of as a packet of data and the road acting as an ethernet cable; this will lead to the prevention of traffic congestion, on-time arrival, and efficient spacing between and around cars (Oliver). The roads of the modern world are horribly mismanaged and wildly crowded with little to no organization. With the implementation of self-driving cars, there would be less time spent trying to get from point A to point B and it would be done so in a more efficient manner. The traditional gas-powered vehicles lack the technical capabilities of modern-day self-driving cars, providing an even greater reason to implement these new and ever-improving technologies. It is vital that self-driving cars get implemented in order to fully improve the efficiency of the ever-changing world.

Pushing the increased funding and production of self-driving cars would provide increased safety. Self-driving cars offer many increased benefits in safety because of the many technologies they possess as stated in the quote: “The self-driving cars that are now being developed use many forms of technology to drive themselves. Radar, cameras, and other devices are used to 'see' the world around the car. Advanced computer systems drive the car from one destination to another without any help from humans” (Peters). The arguably biggest factor when it comes to purchasing a car is how reliable it is but more importantly how safe it is. The technologies utilized in self-driving cars are greater than those used in gas-powered cars and create a more safe environment for those who might be crossing the road and overall road safety. The number of deaths that come from human error would be decreased as a result of the implementation of these cars with the increased and improved technologies they possess.

Although there are many viable benefits of self-driving cars, there are still groups that believe that these vehicles are too premature and should not be utilized. Not bound to one specific brand or model of the self-driving car, it is said that these vehicles are equivalent to or less than a seven-month child and lack object permanence. It is stated, 'Autonomous vehicles are getting better, but they still don't understand the world in the way that a human being does. For a self-driving car, a bicycle that is momentarily hidden by a passing van is a bicycle that has ceased to exist (The Economist). Though perfectly viable, this is not taking into consideration that a situation as specific as a bike passing behind a van has an extremely low chance of happening if all traffic laws are obeyed. The suite of technologies on board various self-driving cars is meant to provide safety through multiple means and not just one that may be prone to failure.

State leaders as well as car manufacturers should be pushing the funding and production of self-driving cars as it would benefit the country in terms of general improvement of life, improved efficiency on the road, and improved safety. The new and ever-improving self-driving cars constantly add a general improvement of life for those who own one by making their lives so much easier on a day-to-day basis. Self-driving cars also offer greatly improved efficiency on the road by clearing congested roads and allowing for faster departure and arrival times. Lastly, self-driving cars offer a greater view of their surroundings that people would otherwise not be able to see or detect, preventing major accidents. If American citizens want to usher in a positive future they should push for the increase regulating and manufacturing of autonomous vehicles. There are so many companies existing and emerging within this ever-growing space of autonomy. The time has come for people to start worrying about the future more than the present and self-driving cars are the perfect starting point.

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Argumentative Essay on Self Driving Cars: Should Self Driving Cars Be Produced. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from
“Argumentative Essay on Self Driving Cars: Should Self Driving Cars Be Produced.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
Argumentative Essay on Self Driving Cars: Should Self Driving Cars Be Produced. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
Argumentative Essay on Self Driving Cars: Should Self Driving Cars Be Produced [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from:

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