Analysis of the Songs Related to 'The Glass Castle'

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Table of contents

  1. Song #1 - Apologize by one republic
  2. Song #2 - Theme: Survival. don't stop believing by Journey
  3. Song #3 – Bleed Red by Ronnie Dunn
  4. Song #4 – Family Portrait by Pink
  5. Song #5 - The little girl by John Montgomery
  6. Song #6 – Mockingbird by Eminem
  7. Song #7 – Walk a little Straighter by Billy Currington

Song #1 - Apologize by one republic

This song is about a boy and a girl who are in a relationship. The girl keeps hurting him and cutting him off. The first time I read these lyrics I thought this was a song about suicide but then I realized it wasn't. When he says 'I'm holding on to your rope, got me ten feet off the ground' It means he's trying to hang onto this person. 'I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound. You tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down' He feels like he doesn't have a say in their relationship. I also think the rope is a metaphor for his attachment to this person but she keeps cutting him off and hurting him over again.

This song relates to The Glass Castle because in the book the children never get a say in anything. Every time they want to stay at their current home, the parents have to move away because they won’t pay the bills. This song also relates to Jeannette and her dad, Rex. This is because she constantly tells herself that she won’t give up on her dad because she is the only person that still has faith in him.

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Song #2 - Theme: Survival. don't stop believing by Journey

This song is about a small-town girl and a city boy. “Don’t stop believin’, Hold on to that feeling” I believe this means to never give up on hope and keep searching for a meaningful relationship. Remember that feeling of being happy and believe you can be happy again. Never give up on yourself and stay positive. Just because you hit a rough patch doesn’t mean you just give up, always try and try again. It’s very important to be there for people when they need you to support them.

This song relates to The Glass Castle because in the novel Jeannette is the only person that still believes in her dad and he doesn’t want her to stop believing in him. Another reason this song relates to Glass Castle is that Jeannette never stopped believing that she can go to New York to start a new life and become a Journalist. She eventually achieves this goal.

Song #3 – Bleed Red by Ronnie Dunn

This song is about everyone being equal and not judging people by their skin color or appearance. “We all bleed red, We all taste the rain, All fall down, lose our way, We all say words we regret, We all cry tears, we all bleed red.” This is because we are all human beings and on the inside, we are all the same. Don’t treat people differently because we are all the same and we are all here for the same reason.

This song relates to The Glass Castle because of the part in the book where Jeannette goes to the pool with Denita. She will never judge people by their skin color or their appearance because we are all human beings and we all bleed red.

Song #4 – Family Portrait by Pink

This song is about her parents fighting and she wants them to stop so they can be a normal family again. She says “Can’t we work it out? Can’t we be a family?” “I promise I’ll be better, mommy I’ll do anything.” The kid thinks it’s her fault that they are fighting and promises to be a better child in hopes her dad doesn’t leave. She runs away from home and doesn’t want to go back even though she knows she’ll have to eventually. “In our family portrait, we look pretty happy. Let’s play pretend, let's act as it comes naturally.” She wants them to pretend that they are a normal happy family as they were in the family portrait.

This song related to the novel The Glass Castle because Jeannette walls wish she lived a normal life with a normal, happy family, and food on the table. It also reminds me of when Rex fights with Rosemary and how it causes pain to everyone else in the family. This also reminded me of Jeannette’s love for Maureen and how Jeannette felt like she failed her.

Song #5 - The little girl by John Montgomery

This song is about a little girl born into a family with an alcoholic dad and a mom that does drugs. Her parents always fought and every night it would get worse. She would go behind the couch to hide. One night her dad was drunk and pulled a gun on her mom then took his own life. She got sent to a home with two parents that cared for her and treated her right.

This song relates to The Glass Castle because it is about a little girl in the song relates to Jeannette and her siblings. Mary and Rex fought all the time in front of them while she is there scared. They both lived in a dysfunctional home but then started a new life.

Song #6 – Mockingbird by Eminem

This song is about Eminem and his wife Kim having a troubled marriage. Their marriage has fallen apart and comes back together more than once. When they were together, Eminem was working to put food on the table for his children and his wife but couldn’t afford to give them much more than that. When they split up, Eminem still wanted the best for his kids because he didn’t want them to struggle for food or to live. He would save up money so the kids didn’t have to worry about paying for college.

This relates to The Glass Castle because of Rex and Jeannette. Rex would do anything for his daughter because she never gave up on him. When Rex was homeless in New York City, Jeannette tells her father that she has to drop out of college because her scholarship didn’t cover an extra $1000. Even though Rex was homeless, he refused to let her drop out of school. He told her that he would pay for it. This just proves that even though he may be violent and an alcoholic, he actually cares about Jeannette and wants her to be successful.

Song #7 – Walk a little Straighter by Billy Currington

This song is about a little boy with an alcoholic father. His father wasn’t really there for him as a kid. He really looked up to his dad and waited at the door for him to come home every night. His dad isn’t much of a father figure to him and messes up a lot. He wants to follow in his dad's footsteps but when he realizes that his dad isn’t a good father he learns from the mistakes his dad has made and learns to not do the same thing to his children. Every child depends on their mom and dad and looks up to them but when your dad isn’t there for you, it’s hard for you to trust them and bond with them.

This song relates to The Glass Castle because Rex was an alcoholic father and wasn’t there much for his children. Sometimes when he was really drunk he was himself but Jeannette never gave up on him for a long time. She would take care of him all the time and always believed in him. She wanted him to be her role model but eventually, she realized that Rex is exactly who she never wanted to be when she was older and only learned how not to treat her children and partner.

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Analysis of the Songs Related to ‘The Glass Castle’. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Analysis of the Songs Related to ‘The Glass Castle’.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
Analysis of the Songs Related to ‘The Glass Castle’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Analysis of the Songs Related to ‘The Glass Castle’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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