1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Truth about Energy Drinks: Persuasive Speech

Life gets developed every day than the day before. New discoveries and inventions are found each minute. One of these inventions is energy drinks. According to the scientific research, energy drinks were first found in Japan. In the post-war period, amphetamines were very popular until laws were passed to limit their use in the 1950s. One of energy drinks definitions is: a soft drink that contains a high percentage of sugar, caffeine, or other stimulant, typically consumed during or after...
3 Pages 1253 Words

Informative Essay about the Roots of Heavy Metal

Throughout the 1960’s and into the 1970’s, rock had been the number one money producer in the music industry. By the mid 1970’s, people wanted more out of traditional rock music. Artists started exploring different sounds and themes in their music which in turn caused new sub-genres of rock to develop. Some bands developed a more pop-like style which was called ‘new wave’. Although new wave bands were becoming popular on the radio; people still wanted something louder, stronger, and...
3 Pages 1283 Words

Problem of Alcohol Use by Underage College Students

College drinking has become a serious issue especially kids who live on campus. Students regard drinking as part of the ‘college experience’ and tend to drink more when they attend college parties because feel they need to drink to have a good time. While drinking has become a part of college, colleges are making efforts to prevent it from continuing. College students have made drinking a tradition of college environment. Most college students are underage drinkers. In the article ‘National...
3 Pages 1337 Words

Material and Conceptual Practice in the Artworks of Ai Weiwei or Jackson Pollock

Material and conceptual agencies of the art world sustain a significant relationship which reflects the final outcome and concept of the artwork. Art has incessantly served to reveal the inextricable link between the artist, audience and the world through the material practice and techniques utilized in the artmaking process. In contemporary society and specifically, artists cultivate and communicate their social, religious and political standpoint and perspective or values through incorporating traditional techniques. Artists such as Ai Weiwei or Jackson Pollock...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Life Story of Sinclair Lewis: Informative Essay

Sinclair Lewis lived a life pack filled with bizarre experiences from moving all around the country to winning the Nobel Prize in 1930. Sinclair in general had a difficult and unique childhood. Growing up Sinclair had a hard time fitting in and reaching the expectations of his older brothers. Lewis would turn all his time and energy into reading and writing. Although things didn’t always come easy to him, he took his talent and ran with it and just like...
3 Pages 1342 Words

Impact of Vitamin D on Human Health and Well-Being

Vitamin D, or calciferol, is a vitamin present naturally both in some sources of food and produced endogenously in the skin, and is a key component in many different biological pathways in the body. Foods rich in vitamin D include fish, red meats and egg yolks. Since its discovery, through the work of Mellanby and separately McCollum, there have been many studies on vitamin D and its potential applications in medicine, with over 50000 studies and articles being published since...
3 Pages 1254 Words

Cost of Colonialism in Edwidge Danticat’s ‘Brother I’m Dying’ and Stephanie Black’s ‘Life and Debt’

In both Edwidge Danticat’s ‘Brother I’m Dying’ and Stephanie Black’s ‘Life and Debt’, the concept of the afterlives of slavery and colonialism are fundamental. In both, black countries that were previously colonized by a white European power. Danticat and Black shed light on how these people readjust to life after colonialism and slavery, but also the repercussions to the civilization after it has gained ‘independence’. In ‘Brother I’m Dying’, Edwidge Danticat recounts a very personal story of her family’s struggles...
3 Pages 1313 Words

Essay on Sports and Neuroscience

Practicing sport or a simple physical activity, can change your brain. Regular physical activity leads to benefit in physical and mental health. In consequence, regular exercise has become an important part of a well-balanced lifestyle and is easily accomplished through sports. Study shows that playing practicing sports improves blood flow to our brain. This allows our body to build more connections between nerves within the brain which, improves memory, makes you feel more creative, helps your brain develop better problem-solving...
3 Pages 1294 Words

Essay about Songs of the 1960s

The 1960s was the time of revolution. A lot was happening in the world, but especially in the United States. The 60s was the decade of revolutions in politics, society, civil rights, war, and music. During the 60s, people protested for the civil rights movement, race equality, and women’s rights. Sociologist Daniel Bell stated that the beginning of the 1960s was a time of post-industrial values, with an emerging emphasis on personal pleasure, self-expression, consumerism, materialism, and instant gratification. The...
3 Pages 1295 Words

Reliability of Herbal Medicine in Cancer Treatment

Cancer is an acute condition where abnormal cells consecutively divide and spread into neighboring tissues, which endangers cell life if the spread is not controlled. According to World Health Organization (WHO) (2010), cancer causes 13% of all deaths in 2004, accounting for 7.4 million deaths which mostly spread across lung (1.3 million deaths/year), stomach (803,000 deaths), colorectal (639,000 deaths), liver (610,000 deaths) and breast (519,000 deaths) cancer. Moreover, WHO predicts deaths caused by cancer will increase up to 11.5 million...
3 Pages 1332 Words

Mark Cuban: Biography of an Inspiring Entrepreneur

Mark Cuban is a bright individual who defines all characteristics of an entrepreneur and has found his way into many different businesses. He is well known as the owner of the basketball team of the National Basketball Association team, Dallas Mavericks, and a host on the TV show ‘Shark Tank’. He has started multiple business ventures and retains many entrepreneurial attributes as well as he is a natural born leader, which has made him the successful business man he is...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Key Issues Raised in 'Blackfish'

Chances are, you have probably visited an entertainment park such as SeaWorld, a birthday party? Excursion? You went to visit the cute adorable animals, in a tank with derived food, forced training regimes and a torture-filled life that they didn’t choose. ‘Blackfish’ directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite depicts the endless battles these killer whales must fight in order to please humans. This chilling documentary opens eyes to unknown truths left behind closed doors. The murder of three trainers leaves behind no...
3 Pages 1310 Words

Jimi Hendrix and His Contribution to the Evolution of Rock and Roll

James Marshall Hendrix, or otherwise known as Jimi Hendrix, is one of the most influential musical figures in music history. Recognized as one of the most genius guitarists, singers, and songwriters of the '60s, Jimi Hendrix has paved the way for what is rock and roll today. Hendrix is presumably considered as one of the most original and greatest electric guitarists of all time. He is notably remembered for experimenting and combining a variety of different genres of music and...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Comparison of Plato's Allegory of the Cave and 'The Matrix'

A turtle and a salmon are swimming together. While swimming, the turtle asks the fish: “How does the water taste today”. After thinking about it for a couple of seconds, the salmon responds: “What’s water?”. The 2001 film ‘The Matrix’, directed by the Wachowski brothers is a science fiction homage to Plato’s allegory of the cave. Both stories tell of men living in delusional dream states who are inadvertently exposed to the truth of the real outside world. Neo discovers...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Essay on Communism in China

Communism has been around for several years, and has been implemented in varying countries including Laos, China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea. Communism is commonly associated with Karl Marx’s early ideas. Karl Marx was a German philosopher who outlined his ideas in his manifesto ‘The Communist Manifesto’, which he wrote in 1848. He liked to emphasize that capitalism led to inequality between citizens in the population and that his goal was to promote a classless society where everyone shares the...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Character Analysis of Neil Perry from 'Dead Poets Society'

Disobedience often deems an individual as an aggressive revolutionist, an independent leader, or a rebellious outsider. The context of one’s obedience—or lack thereof—determines how the majority will see them. Whether acting out and defying expectations can be defined as audacious and reckless behavior or valiant and courageous, is in the eye of the beholder. Impulsively disobeying and blindly obeying are equally destructive in society. Mankind has always endeavored to understand the complexities of the human mind. For centuries psychologists and...
3 Pages 1281 Words

Analysis of Big Data and Its Challenges

The concept of big data itself is relatively new, the origins of large data sets go back to the 1960s and '70s when the world of data was just getting started with the first data centers and the development of the relational database. In the year 2005, people began to realize the data which are generated through Facebook, YouTube, and other online services. Hadoop (an open-source framework created specifically to store and analyze big data sets) was developed that same...
3 Pages 1322 Words

Why ‘Hamilton’ Is a Hit: Argumentative Essay

The musical told the story of Alexander Hamilton, one of the American Founding Fathers. Hamilton is initially about the founding of America, written by a man who in many ways personifies the most idealized version of the American dream. The producer of the play Lin- Manuel Miranda, decided to write a hip-hop musical about the story of Hamilton, featuring the Founding Fathers as iconic rap artists. Hamilton is a modern twist on the historical figures who have shaped America. The...
3 Pages 1291 Words

Victor Frankenstein Is the Real Monster: Argumentative Essay

What makes a monster? Many would argue that a monster is something that is cruel, inhumane, and abnormal. In our current society, there are many examples of monsters shown through movies, television, and literature. These examples usually depict these monsters as physically ugly beings with a lack of human qualities like emotion. In the very popular novel, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, the author uses Victor Frankenstein’s creation to make the reader question what it means to be a monster. Many...
3 Pages 1250 Words

Essay on Veil in Marjane Satrapi’s ‘Persepolis’

Persopolis Guided Literary Analysis The graphic novel ‘Persepolis’ written by Marjane Satrapi, follows the author and the retelling of her experiences and feelings during the time of the Islamic Revolution which took place in Iran in 1980. The book explores many themes and notions such as feminism, gender roles, freedom, power, justice, social classes, and religion just to name a few. In short, the book really delves into the themes of personal and national identity through the experiences of Marjane...
3 Pages 1272 Words

The Story of an Hour’: Character Analysis Essay

Critical theories play a very vital role in the interpretation of any literal work. The prime purpose of each critical theory in literature is to assist readers in understanding the specific work from a different perspective, which has not been arrayed before. The theories provide an excellent conceptual framework, through which readers will be able to explore and prevail the potential meaning of a given literal text by deploying the content provided and comparing it with real-life situations. The three...
3 Pages 1285 Words

The Secret Lion’ Symbolism: Critical Analysis

In the short story, “The Secret Lion,” the author tinkers around with the idea of maturity by creating different symbols to represent various ideas of growing up. The main character, who now joins the cult of junior high, experiences slight changes from his younger life that will eventually become a thing of the past. In the reading, the main character is described as a “newbie” in the context of being clueless about his upcoming days in middle school. At first,...
3 Pages 1310 Words

Essay about Taxes

Taxes can influence many people. The future generations need to know how it can relate to other things we do in life. Gen Z tends to work in a world of technology and rely on the things all filled on our phones, social media, and many more. The nation pays taxes day by day, month by month, and even yearly. There are many good facts about the tax environment and this shows much of our society. Learning the essentials of...
3 Pages 1341 Words

Critical Analysis of Symbolism in ‘Harrison Bergeron’

An impartial society: Utopia or Hell? What would happen to the world if people were literally equal in every aspect of their lives? In the futuristic short story, Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., the world is finally living up to America's first amendment of everyone being created equal. In this society, the gifted, strong, and beautiful are required to wear handicaps of earphones, heavy weights, and hideous masks, respectively. Thus, these constraints leave the world equal from brains to...
3 Pages 1301 Words

Essay about Stereotyping

When Are You Stereotyping? Imagine if you were stereotyped. Picture yourself as a college student on a Friday night. Your music is up loud you just finished all your last touch-ups to your hair, now it’s time to make the big decision. Which outfit? Most will pick the outfit they feel fits them best, brings out their eyes, or cool new accessories. Although, there’s a small percentage that doesn’t have it that easy. Usually part of the female population. Instead...
3 Pages 1280 Words

Essay about Sleeping Disorders

Today’s Sleeping Disorders A sleeping disorder is any disorder that affects, disrupts, or involves sleep that can affect your overall health, safety, and quality of life (Mayo Clinic.) A quarter of American citizens report insufficient sleep and rest at least 15 out of 30 days (Healthy People.) Many of us do not get enough sleep. Nearly 30 percent of adults get less than six hours of sleep each night and only about 30 percent of high school students get at...
3 Pages 1271 Words

Essay about Single Parent Struggle

The Struggles for Success: Raised by a Single Parent Being a single parent is a problem in our society that is heavily overlooked. Growing up in a single-parent household I witnessed my mother often financially struggle to make ends meet, give her children grown u responsibilities, and emotionally fail to be there for her children. Although she did a great job at keeping a roof over our heads I grew up feeling abandoned, lacking self-confidence and making reckless decisions. This...
3 Pages 1257 Words

Should Vaccination Be Mandatory: Argumentative Essay

In 2019, the WHO declared vaccine hesitancy as one of the world`s top ten global health threats (WHO, 2019). It was reported that vaccination rates, in Scotland that year, dropped in fourteen of the seventeen immunizations for children under six (Health Scotland, 2019). The reasons behind parental refusal are inherently complex, but many factors (such as misinformation about vaccinations, particularly religious and cultural beliefs, and historically fatal vaccination experiments) have created an ingrained stigma against vaccination (McKee et al., 2016)....
3 Pages 1310 Words

Should Prostitution Be Legalized: Essay

As far as we know the earliest recording of prostitution began in Ancient Mesopotamia around 600 B.C. (Prostitution, SexInfo Online). Prostitution has been around for forever and opinions on it have been mixed the whole time. Prostitution is defined as the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations, especially for money (Prostitution, Merriam-Webster). In the U.S. there have been many examples of prostitution being punished for different specific things throughout history. Regulations seem to have revolved around STDs...
3 Pages 1278 Words

Should Children Be Spanked: Essay

Sally Lieber, the California assemblywoman who proposed a ban on spanking last week, must be sorry she ever opened her mouth. Before Lieber could introduce her bill, a poll showed that only 23 percent of respondents supported it. Some pediatricians disparaged the idea of outlawing spanking, and her fellow politicians called her crazy. Anyone with the slightest libertarian streak seems to believe that outlawing corporal punishment is silly. More government intrusion, and for what—to spare kids a few swats? Or,...
3 Pages 1345 Words
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