1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Importance of Robert Louis Stevenson's Novel 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'

'Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind' is a well-known quote from Albert Einstein. Gothic literature is defined as a style of writing that utilizes a dark and picturesque setting, astonishing and melodramatic narrative devices while also having an atmosphere that is full of mystery, exoticism, fear and dread. In this essay I will discuss the importance of ‘The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde’, written by the Robert Louis-Stevenson in 1886. In Victorian England religion and...
3 Pages 1255 Words

The Horrific Event at Guantanamo Bay

The American Psychological Association was formed in 1892 and spread quickly after World War II. The APA is one of the largest scientific and professional organisation representing psychology in the United States. In 2017, the APA (American Psychology Association) settled a case against two psychologists who allegedly utilised the CIA’s ‘enhanced interrogation’ techniques in the aftereffect of 9/11 and violating some of their professional ethics. This horrific event took place in Guantanamo bay, a secret prison outside of the United...
3 Pages 1265 Words

Differentiated Pricing and Price Pooling in Supermarket and Cinema Pricing Strategies

There are various marketing strategies utilised by businesses working toward creating profit and customer satisfaction. Deciding how much to charge for each of your products or service requires evaluating how much customers value what they are buying. One of the most important aspects of any business marketing strategy is pricing a product successfully. A pricing tactic is a strategy implemented by the marketing department of a business to help attract more customers and to maximise profits. There are four main...
3 Pages 1333 Words

The Link Between Neuroinflammation and Psychosis

Most of people think psychosis is splitting of the mind, is this true or not? If not, then what is psychosis, what are the causes of this disease, how it affects the human being? And what’s the role of neuroinflammation in psychosis? Psychosis is a thought disturbance (psychiatric disorder) (Dr.Marian Gorge). Since long time ago, psychosis was generally described as significant impairment in the testing of the truth or “loss of boundaries of ego “witch interfere with the ability to...
3 Pages 1280 Words

Nigerian Oral Hygiene Struggle and Sustainable Solutions

Nigeria is struggling with many health, infrastructural, economic and political challenges. But the most challenging of these issues is that “major issues seem to be treated as minor issues and minor issues seem to be treated as major issues”. As nationals and dental professionals that should uphold health we are asked to answer the varying questions that hold back on our oral health and oral hygiene. Not many people bother about oral health in Nigeria and not many seem to...
3 Pages 1292 Words

A Look at the Behavior of Transformational Leader Using Nelson Mandela as an Example

Leadership is the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2007). Leaders’ persistent efforts aiming at improving the organization is called organizational change (Abbas & Asghar cited by Hirlak & Kara, 2018). Important element for a successful change in any organization is ‘leadership’. There are various leadership styles as put forward by different theorists, and each style has its own impact on change management (Ajmal et al., nd). Researches show that the...
3 Pages 1266 Words

Comparison of Shakespeare’s Rosalind and Viola in 'As You Like It'

Rosalind and Viola are seen as a dominant and independent figure in Shakespeare’s plays. Because, each exemplifies the power and intelligence to confront other characters with their gender-based disguises. They use their disguises as a way to take control of the romantic aspects in their lives, and they engage into different roles with the ability to defy the constraints that the society imposes on women during the Elizabethan period. In Shakespeare’s play, female characters obtain more power and freedom within...
3 Pages 1337 Words

Relationship Between PTSD and Homelessness of Veterans

In this paper, I will focus on the topic of the effects of PTSD on the family and why veterans are returning to the country homeless. All across the United States of America, veterans are recognized and seen as heroes who have countlessly placed their lives on the line for this country, so why is it that many of them are returning to their country from deployments and services to ending up homeless? Homeless veterans initially came to the country’s...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Supply and Demand During Covid-19

The World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) a global pandemic. The COVID-19 outbreak has affected the majority of businesses across the globe. This includes both small and large business enterprises as well as the global market at large. The price of commodities has risen due to the decrease in their supply. Some of the basic commodities have gone out of stock while others are still available but in small amounts. Being a worldwide pandemic, every economy has...
3 Pages 1324 Words

The Problem of the Wealth Gap in Contemporary American Society

America, the land of plenty, has always experienced an abundance of wealth, but has the unequal distribution of this wealth become our downfall? It’s easy to see that people in the United States are getting richer. However, a fraction of the wealth is becoming an issue towards the less fortunate. According to the film ‘Inequality for All’, Robert Reich exhibits the issues concerning the wealth disparity that lies between the upper and lower class in America and notices a significant...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Sociocultural Effects of Racial Income Inequality in the United States

According to the Federal Reserve Bank, the average black family holds less than 15% of the wealth of the average white family. While white families have median and mean net worths of $171,000 and $933,700, a black families’ median and mean wealth is $17,600 and $138,200. Hispanic families also earn substantially less, with a median and mean net worth of $20,700 and $191,200, respectively. A clear racial wage gap exists in the United States. This paper explores the extent to...
3 Pages 1294 Words

Why Minimum Wage Should Not Be Raised Essay

The minimum wage is a topic widely debated by both sides of the political spectrum in the United States. But first, what exactly is the minimum wage? Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 enacted by President Franklin Roosevelt established the minimum wage. The original minimum wage was 25 cents per hour. This amount equates to approximately $4.04 spending ability (Wilson, 2012). Minimum wage is a timely issue, so as an economics student, I would like to discuss my position...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Reflection Analysis of Maya Angelou’s poem ‘Still I Rise’

Maya Angelou’s poem ‘Still I Rise’ is known to be one of the best pieces of poetry written by her, it has had such a massive impact on society back then, and now. She is seen as an icon for the coloured people and she is seen being represented as a very thoughtful and vigorous figure, and an independent black woman, who has to struggle against the never-ending fight of being a female. Maya Angelou’s poetry can be shown as...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Sex Crimes in America

I accept that sex crimes have a real impact on the victims but it is noted and no longer taken significantly. Sex crimes are often overlooked because it isn't considered to be a serious crime because of the lack of consequences handed out to those who commit these crimes and the fact that it is simply not understood. In this essay you will learn about all who plays a part in enabling the criminals, the statistics on which these things...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Costco: Prime Example of Successful Business Strategy

Costco’s business model is to generate high sales volumes and rapid inventory turnover by offering their members lower prices on a limited selection of national brands and some private label products in a variety of merchandise. Costco’s business model is built through customer memberships, who join their membership and renew on a yearly basis. With this model, it shows how customer loyalty is satisfied and that customers will renew. Costco’s business model is an amazing model to use, all customers...
3 Pages 1318 Words

The Desires Of Appearance Vs Reality

When an individual desire to achieve something, they’re willing to go to extreme measures to accomplish their goal”- Chanté Blake. In doing so, trials and tribulations may come aboard however, that doesn’t hinder them from executing their initial plans. Your strive to accomplish something can come from many sources, for example, an influence from others or your passion to accomplish something based off of how others deem something to be. In the literature pieces ‘The Bluest Eye’ by Toni Morrison,...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Reasoning for the Need to Abolish the Jury System

Are you guilty of making judgments of off initial appearance? Maybe it’s an unconscious bias, but this discrimination in a court case can cause the defendants an undeserved sentence or in some cases death! 4% of death row inmates are likely innocent and over 1,500 people have died being wrongfully executed. Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias is one of the main causes of wrongful convictions in court, and mainly come from the uneducated members of the jury. The extremely high...
3 Pages 1274 Words

Refined Female Beauty of the 1950s

The 1950s brought about an economic ‘boom’. War had ended and the economy had finally recovered, with this the cosmetic industry was at its best. 50s makeup reflected “a change in attitude from the simple make do days of the 1940s to the refined feminine beauty of the fifties” ('Authentic 1950s Makeup History and Tutorial', 2016). This period gave birth to many beauty icons including Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. Face and Complexion Foundation would be matched as closely as...
3 Pages 1299 Words

Volkswagen Car Company and Its ‘People’s Cars’

Volkswagen Group is a worldwide car producer was positioning among the main 5 brand-driven OEMs in 2015 and driving the traveller car section with 9.8MM deals. Volkswagen manufacture cars to help people from any social class can afford from their budget. With a long history (set up in 1937), Volkswagen has insisted its position and notoriety internationally and is acclaimed for its Volkswagen Golf line. When tuning in to the name Volkswagen Golf, it is about the picture of an...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Are Cell Phones Harmful to the Human Race? An Argumentative Essay

There is a problem that plagues our society, unresolved it could be our downfall, it challenges our future as a civilization. What is this problem? Our technology or rather our overuse of the technological marvels that we carry around with us every day, mobile phones. We've all heard the claims that phones can contribute to a reduced attention span but did you know that overuse can also lead to infertility and much more, or can they? Some would lead you...
3 Pages 1259 Words

The Impacts and Consequences of Prejudice: Argumentative Essay

Prejudice can damage a soul and sip it dry, Imposing very overwhelming barriers or invisible barriers on individuals’ lives. Prejudice makes it hard for certain individuals or groups to succeed in this day and time in society. The consequences of prejudice go beyond the shaping of relationships between people. People are assaulted daily due to acts of prejudice. Some people having a higher status of power and greater privileges than others leading to social stratification resulting in unfair treatment referred...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Reflective Essay on Bad Day: The Spark of School Shootings

Bang, bang, the sound echoes throughout the school. Screams coming from every direction, students running trying to escape or even hide. Parents fearing for the worst. Asking themselves and the police is my child okay? Is he/she alive? This essay will argue the Columbine High School massacre of 1999, is just an event is just of many that shows and explains what the impact on hiding parts of hiding one’s identity can be. The first thing that you need to...
3 Pages 1271 Words

Jackson and the Removal of Natives: Analysis of Indian Removal Act

In 1830 the president of the United States Andrew Jackson signed into law the Indian Removal act. This act would give the white settlers land they wanted in the south, and moved the Natives east of the Mississippi river. That meant that the Natives would have to go from their southern land all the way to the Midwest. This event took eight long years to play out as some of the Natives tried to fight back, but in the end...
3 Pages 1336 Words

The Yellow Wallpaper and Good Country People: Comparative Analysis

Throughout history, society has had an image of how everyone should act andpresent themselves that conforms to the serotypes society has constructed. With society’s constructed image people tend to develop a habit of seeking approval from others, following along with the crowd by conforming and not forming their own individual identity. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Flannery O’Connor short stories both symbolically portray in different ways the issues with society’s constructed serotypes that caused the suffering of women in society during...
3 Pages 1300 Words

Representation of Real Women in the Novel In the Time of the Butterflies: Critical Analysis

In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, the Mirabal sisters are living in an exceedingly patriarchal, “manly” society. The sisters are fighting their personal struggles while creating a symbolism of rebellion against Trujillo. Alvarez portrays the “butterflies” as real women by showing their personal lives as they go through their coming of age rites, through relationships, political, and religious events. Each sister really is portrayed as becoming women at different times in their lives with different reasoning, whether...
3 Pages 1268 Words

Struggles with the Idea of Adulthood in Treasure Island and Catcher in the Rye

Majority of the book Holden is a pessimist, angry, and depressing young teenager that struggles with the idea of adulthood. The author uses his state of mind to mask his desperate need to protect the idea of innocence. Holden spoke with an informal and childlike tone, but he had a more respectful tone when he talked to the other characters in the novel. The audience sees his youthful and childlike curiosity side comes out when he worries about the ducks...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Establishment of an Animal Cell Culture Laboratory at Lovely Professional University: Analytical Essay

Introduction Animal Cell Culture: Animal Cell culture is a technique for understanding the structure and function of cells, nowadays it has very good implications in biotechnology. Cultured animal cells are commercially used for the production of interferon, vaccines and clinical materials like growth hormones and urokinase. Planning of Animal cell culture laboratory The major requirement that makes different tissue culture from most other laboratory techniques is the need to maintain aseptic condition. it is important that the tissue culture laboratory...
3 Pages 1325 Words

Reflection on My Experiment during Spring Break: Opinion Essay

Electronics became a part of many lives since the 1980s, the goal was to create a new companionship. That new connection was human and machines, computers created by Apple during the 1980s, and improvements to browse the internet. Improvements were made and progressions aimed to bring machines closer to humans. The problem was how to fit this smart device into our daily lives, and that question by many computer engineers forever changed humans. That breakthrough led to a new world,...
3 Pages 1333 Words

The Bill of Rights As the U.S. Constitution Living Document: Analytical Essay

Is the U.S. Constitution a living document or a black and white document? That has been a question for centuries. I personally think that it is a living document and that is changes with the country. If you can add information to it than it can adapt to your current situation. People argue that the constitution is black and white because the founding fathers who wrote it could not have possibly think that the country would change the way it...
3 Pages 1269 Words

Hattie McDaniel and A Look at African-American Representation in Film: Analysis of Gone with the Wind

Many analyses of blackness on screen, and in particular of black spectatorship, take from W.E.B. Du Bois’s concept of “double-consciousness” (>). The most notable works being Jane Gaines’s “Fire and Desire” and Thomas Cripps’s Slow Fade to Black. The concept suggests that black identity is formed from a ‘truce’ between the dominant culture’s definitions of blackness and the individual’s knowledge of their self-worth (>). “Double-consciousness” situates black spectatorship as an internal struggle, where one is constantly looking at one’s self...
3 Pages 1324 Words
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