1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Has The Internet Destroyed Privacy?

The 21st century is known for being called a digital era. The rapid development of science and technology has led to significant changes in people’s lives. Today, it is hard to imagine living a day without using electronic devices and connecting to the Internet. Lots of everyday operations that were time-consuming and tiring before became possible to do on the Internet. There is no doubt that the use of the Internet made people’s lives much more comfortable, but still, the...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Personal And Social Identity: David Elkind And Erik Erikson's Theories

INTRODUCTION The study of Society and Culture enhances the development of social and cultural literacy, primarily focusing on the interactions between persons, societies, cultures, environments and time. Founded upon conceptually based topics, a variety of cross-disciplinary concepts are drawn upon, utilizing a series of social and developmental theories in the teachings of personal and social identity. In an attempt to better understand the development of identity and social self, numerous theorists have constructed explanations to account for these processes of...
3 Pages 1322 Words

Connections And Disconnections Of Racial Segregation

In this essay I will be using different types of evidence to support the claim that segregation in cities creates connections and disconnections. I will start the essay by defining what is meant by segregation then I will outline examples of different types of segregation such as class, racial and sectarian and provide examples of how in these communities’ people feel connected and disconnected. Segregation is the act of separating someone or something from others, it refers to boundaries that...
3 Pages 1300 Words

Amazon: Competition Is The Best Policy

Amazon is considered to be the biggest e-commerce platform that specializes in online retail, cloud computing, digital content and competes in thirty other industries. Amazon was established by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994, and began its venture as an online book shop, however later it extended to selling video/music content, computer games, hardware, clothing, furniture jewelry, toys, and AI services. Recently in 2017, Amazon has acquired Whole Foods Market chain for around 14 billion US dollars. It’s believed that...
3 Pages 1316 Words

The Issue Of Convicting Child Murderers

Murder. It’s a horrendous crime no matter the age of those who are commiting the crime. Through this essay I will be reffering to the crime murder, defining what it is and the consequences of commiting it. I will discuss adult prisons and young offenders insitutions stating the differences between the two and the purposes of them both. My main objective Is to investigate why child murderers aren’t conviced the same as adult murderers due to age. The law states...
3 Pages 1285 Words

Machiavellian Methods In Modern Day Society: Examples

Niccolò di Bernardo del Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy on May 3rd, 1469. He is known in history as the father of modern political philosophy, though he is also known for other things. Machiavelli served as a senior official in the Republic of Florence, taking responsibility for diplomatic and military affairs. He was also a writer across numerous mediums, including poetry, comedy, and song writing. Furthermore, the personal letters he wrote to people in his life are considered very...
3 Pages 1319 Words

The Peculiarities Of Social Norms

As we know that diverse people deport our self contrarily in certain situations. This is how they behave in these circumstances. Let take an example of any food restaurant, like – McDonalds, when people visit there, they stand in line to order their food at the counter, after then they again make line at serving counter to take their order and then after consumption when leaving the restaurant, throw left-over food material or any waste in dustbins. So, who told...
3 Pages 1320 Words

The Readiness Indicators Of High School-Leavers To College Performance Success

There is a significant lack of college readiness among high school students. There have been many identifiable causes for this lack of preparedness. One such cause is a lack of alignment between the high school curriculum and college level coursework. For my review, I searched for research instruments that look at academic performance in high school, as it relates to college preparedness. Keywords used were college readiness, curriculum alignment, high school GPA and college performance. Academic preparedness refers to academic...
3 Pages 1286 Words

The Visual Writing Style Features In The Novel Maus

The essay describes how readers can feel empathy for the characters in the Graphic novel Maus, A Holocaust story about the author’s father. Amplification Through Simplification allows readers to plainly see the emotions of characters to empathize with them. How? Why? Cultural Context help make the contents of the novel understandable to people as the events told by the characters is hard to comprehend without visual rhetoric. Maus is a Holocaust graphic novel by Art Spiegelman. The graphic novel describes...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Literary Devices in Girl by Jamaica Kincaid

People constantly think about whether they are attractive enough or not this ends up hurting people because they think that they are not good enough. People will take drastic measures in order to prove to people that they can be beautiful. However changing the way you look can cost you and not just money but also your life that is the lesson that Marge Piercy expresses in the poem “Barbie Doll”. On the other, hand Jamaica Kincaid in “Girl” talks...
3 Pages 1322 Words

Depression In College Students: Causes And Solutions

Colleges should offer other ways to help students with depression because their current ways have become ineffective and harmful towards them. The students in general most likely don’t feel comfortable coming to others for help with their problem. They also don’t know how to deal with depression on their own, therefore they create bad habits to help relieve stress. During all of this students start to spiral down into despair and they can’t get themselves out of it without help....
3 Pages 1259 Words

Career Plans After High School

Four years ago, my family and I experienced a huge scare when my father had a myocardial infarction right before our eyes. We rushed him to the hospital where he was admitted and eventually had open heart surgery. I practically lived in a hospital room for 16 days when my and that is where my passion for the nursing profession grew. The compassion, love, and dedication that the nurses possessed were the exact qualities I was looking for in a...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Morality And Death In John Donne’s Metaphysical Poems And Margaret Edson’s Postmodern Play Wit

Due to the universal human experience, all human beings are subject to the inherited ambiguity associated with the continuous cycle of life and death, and ultimately the search for the truth regarding their own mortality. The role of texts in our society is to allow for the examination of our own consciousness and the evaluation and awareness of our human nature. Intertextuality allows for a deepened philosophical exploration of mortality through the use of concepts and ideas that connect and...
3 Pages 1263 Words

It Is Not Worth Drinking And Driving

Are drinking and driving really worth it? Often, you hear stories of people putting their lives at risk as well as others. It is sickening to think that people would even consider jeopardizing everything for a few drinks. Thinking it is ok to operate a motor vehicle is unacceptable especially with all the transportation services at such easy access. Did you know that drunk driving claims about 10,000 lives each and every year? According to (Cdc. gov), that is about...
3 Pages 1316 Words

The Gender Stereotypes In The Play A Streetcar Named Desire And Film All About Eve

Subsequent to the great depression, America’s economy quickly collapsed and many lives were taken during the time. This led to many individuals being left homeless with little to no money on hand. Today the great depression is remembered as a big mistake and downfall of America which claimed many lives. Many authors have portrayed the events after this moment including Tennessee Williams. Through the play, “A Streetcar Named Desire”, Williams shows that all female characters fall prey to society’s expectations...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Should We Provide Corporal Punishment For Bullies?

In our modern day as the different advancement of technology provide us with a better life and a better interaction within each other. Apparently, as people are more close together where they can reach each other in a nick of time. It leads to some feelings of hate, jealousy, anger and other more, where they do use or release it to do hurt other people upon doing this, which is can be defined as a form of bullying. Based on...
3 Pages 1281 Words

The Significance Of Human Evolution

Evolution: the age-old journey that has shaped life on our planet into the vibrant mosaic we see today. Evolution has woven a mesmerizing tapestry of diversity, from ancient microbes to towering redwoods. But beyond its aesthetic charm lies a world of implications that stretch far and wide. In this exploration, we delve into the captivating repercussions of evolution, transcending mere biology to influence our understanding of history, medicine, and even our place in the cosmos. Unveiling Our Ancestral Narrative Connecting...
4 Pages 1340 Words

Emotional Intelligence In Human Resource Management

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a highly contentious topic within the business world. Some advocates of the concept of EI claim that it accounts for up to 90% of variance between top performing management and average-performing management (Goleman, 2000). However, the debate of EI among academics remains more controversial. For instance, Locke (2005) argued that EI is invalid because it is not a form of ‘intelligence’ and has such an inconsistent definition (p. 425). Similarly, Antonakis (2003) argues that the data...
3 Pages 1331 Words

Absurdism And Existentialism In The Plays Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead And Rhinoceros

Introduction The current analysis involves two plays, written by different authors to illustrate philosophical themes used to express meaning and purpose of mankind and their actions. The first play, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, written by Tom Stoppard, has two main characters, engaged in a game of spinning coins to determine who is more probable to win throughout the process. The more one of them continues to lose the game and hide the discomfort; the other seeks an appropriate position...
3 Pages 1335 Words

Sexual Abuse And Social Isolation

Abstract During the past decades there have been many requests to different institutions to acquire access to statistics reports related to female sexual abuse. It is an undeniable fact that violence has a major impact in hundred females lives . However, that kind of violence it comes in different ways and forms, from domestic violence to marital rape. The consequences have a vital role in females lives, but also the violent of their fundamental human rights. Nevertheless, it ensures the...
3 Pages 1305 Words

The Reasons Of Polygamy And Its Impact On Gender Relations

According to Anthropology, polygamy is well-defined as a marriage amongst one person and two or more spouses at the same time. This occurs in two main forms: polygyny, in which a man marries several women, and polyandry, in which a woman marries several men at the same time (Welsch, 2018). Polygyny is known as the most common form as well as the forms in which one is officially loyal but socially polygamous and maintains other relationships. Globally, polygamy is legally...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Nationalism Influence On International Conflicts On The Example Of Pakistan And India

In this paper to answer the question about how much does nationalism fuel international conflict and instability. I am going to first define the word Nationalism. I will be answering this question by taking in context the recent terror attack in the Pulwama district of the Jammu and Kashmir state of India on The 14th of February 2019. My emphasis would be on the point that yes nationalism does fuel international conflict and instability as it did in this case...
3 Pages 1263 Words

Gender Stereotypes In Music And Their Effects On Public

Gender roles are what society believes are acceptable actions or beliefs for a person to have based on their gender. There are gender roles in every community everywhere in the world. For example, it is socially acceptable for women to wear skirts and dresses but for men it is not. In the music industry, there are clear gender stereotypes for male and female performers. These gender roles or stereotypes separate the work that artists can and cannot do based on...
3 Pages 1340 Words

The Use Of Information Technology In Accounting

Importance of The Study This research derives its significance from the significant of the topic which is researches are still conducted on challenges on aspects affecting the adoption of IT needs more depth and diversity, and we are interested through this study to pay part of this gap in addition to the integration of technology Information needs to be informed management and able to use the technology properly. The study will add knowledge to the existing literature, be helpful to...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Suicide In Children And Teens Is Real

Teen suicide is a major epidemic of teenagers today. It is the third leading cause of death in all teens ages, 15-19, and the second leading cause of death in ages 19-24. Everyone feels overwhelmed by difficult situations sometimes. Many people put their problems in perspective and find a way to go with their life, but many are too depressed so they take their life. Despite age, gender, or race, teens go through so much and trying to maintain a...
3 Pages 1294 Words

Boo Radley Character In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

If you haven't already been aware of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, then you've been living under a rock. This classic follows the misadventures of Scout and Jem Finch the children of a prominent lawyer, Atticus Finch, in the greatly depressed Maycomb County, Alabama. The misadventures provide plenty of dialogue from characters to analyze. I found the liberty in choosing the character who speaks the least: Arthur “Boo” Radley. “Six-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks;...
3 Pages 1339 Words

Rene Descartes Contribution To Mathematics

Mathematics is a very broad topic and has a lot of different topics, some of which you may not even know is related to mathematics. Rene Descartes is a very big part of the mathematical world, and he made many big contributions that changed the way mathematics is looked at today. Although some people might think of Descartes as a philosopher more than a mathematician, that is not true in any sense he made many contributions both to physics and...
3 Pages 1276 Words

Positive And Negative Effects Of Marijuana To Young Teenagers And Adults In The US

Marijuana is a dried flower of cannabis plants. These plants typically smoke to produced a psychoactive high. “These plants and other part of the can be processed into oil, high hash, extracts and other refined product that can be eaten, smoked, and vaporized”(Galeo). The psychoactive is produced by the high associated with marijuana is known as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). Marijuana contains more than four hundred document chemicals. More than one hundred numbers active cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can affect a person mentally and...
3 Pages 1281 Words

Life Imprisonment As An Alternative To Capital Punishment In Australia

Capital punishment has always been told to decrease capital crime, but modern day statistics show that this is no longer the case, therefore, the argument of this punishments use is unacceptable, and it must be removed from the legal system completely. I am humbled to be here today to talk about capital punishment and how it needs to be removed. Merely one innocent individual killed by capital punishment is one to many therefore, the push to use life imprisonment instead...
3 Pages 1315 Words

Does The Weather Condition Have Any Effect On People's Mood?

Weather is a short-term climate change. While it is sunny today, it can be rainy, even stormy the next day. There are a lot of weather conditions in the world and these conditions are considered to have some effects on people’s mood. (Widmer, Bill, “Lifehack”) Unlike some people who are the opposite of this idea, I agree with it. The weather has a lot of effects on people’s mood. There is some relationship between life satisfaction and weather conditions, for...
3 Pages 1260 Words
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