1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Discussion about History of Alien and Sedition Acts in Broadway Musical

Hamilton “Alexander Hamilton as Immigrant, Musical Mythology Meets Federalist Reality” by Phillip W. Magness, sets out to identify and illustrate the point that the hit Broadway musical, Hamilton, by Lin-Manuel Miranda, has misinterpreted Hamilton's agenda and characteristics. Magness believes that Miranda's depiction “falls short of hagiography”, meaning it was almost as if writing about a saint, and that it was done in pursuit of art, as well as regarding Hamilton's ongoing character rehabilitation. The musical emphasizes the immigrant status of...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Tyrannical Taliban: Laws and Rules of Taliban in Afghanistan

Using tyrannical, arbitrary rule, the Taliban terrorized the millions who resided in the Middle East. The false promises of rule of law and stability imposed by the young Islamic and Pashtun fighters, ultimately lead to their replacement of the current government. The Islamic Militants’ violence against innocent civilians, and the war waged against their own country is evidence of their dictatorial rule. The Taliban ensured the people of Afghanistan would be provided with freedom and protection, but it soon turned...
3 Pages 1395 Words

Female Characters in Virgil's Poem: Analysis of Roles of Roman Women in The Aeneid

Key mortal female characters described in The Aeneid heavily influence his journey, and Goddesses who hold positions of power and influence within the world the poem is set in. Although it is common to have Goddesses play roles in such literature, Virgil’s makes the decision to divert from mortal female stereotypes and the expected roles of Roman women at the time, this being a domestic role in raising a family. Instead by placing mortal female characters in positions of power...
3 Pages 1435 Words

Interaction and Change: Global Significance of Columbian Exchange

The expeditions held by Christopher Columbus were able to change the world as we know it. The Columbian Exchange was able to give rise to “an interacting Atlantic world that permanently connected Europe, Africa and North and South America”. Intended at first to find a shorter route to Asia through the sea, Columbus had accidentally stumbled upon new lands inhabited by the natives. When people think of the discovery of the Americas, they only focus on the interactions and the...
3 Pages 1382 Words

McLuhan's Theory of Medium and the Message: Perception of Information through Different Sources

Marshall McLuhan, known for his eccentric ideas, brought a new insight into the way media is looked at today though medium. Though McLuhan’s book ‘Understanding Media: Extensions of man’ he explored the idea of how the ‘medium is the message’. He focuses on the idea of television and radio as a medium being much more interesting than the actual message that they are trying to say. We then focus too much on the context and forget about how we get...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Speed of Light and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity: Theoretical Method to Slow Time

Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879, in Germany and was a physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity, considered to be his most famous piece of work. His research spanned from quantum mechanics to theories about gravity and motion. After publishing some papers that changed how the world knew space, time and gravity, he toured the world giving speeches about his discoveries. Since a very young age, Einstein was extremely interested in science and was influenced...
3 Pages 1354 Words

Osama Bin Laden: Two Sides of Coin in Story of International Terrorist

Throughout the history of the Earth, there have been many different groups and organisations which have been labelled as ‘terrorists’, although arguably the most significant being Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was a militant based Islamist organisation founded by the infamous Jihadist leader, Osama Bin Laden, in the late 1980s. The organisation began as a logistics based network and was created with the intention of supporting those fighting against the Soviet Union in the Afghan War, recruiting members from different Islamic...
3 Pages 1381 Words

Essay on Qualities of a Good Teacher

I have been a teacher for more than fifteen years, during which I’ve always tried to be a good teacher. But what makes a good teacher? What are the qualities of such a teacher? Are teaching methodology courses enough? These questions occupied a significant portion of my mind and time as they don’t have simple answers. Thus I started reading about the qualities a good teacher should have. Then I enrolled in a couple of courses that were really beneficial:...
3 Pages 1415 Words

Positive Effect of Selfies: Analytical Essay

Abstract In this article, “Promoting Positive Affect Through Smartphone Photography”, Studies show that students attending college are more likely stress than others because of many reasons but that stress can lead to many chronic health problems. A study was proposed on 41 college students for a period of four weeks to see if the selfies will truly impact their moods. They were put into three conditions which where Selfie who would just take a smiling selfie, Personal who would take...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Opinion Essay on Street Art and Graffiti

Abstract: Almost all people dream to leave their mark on earth after their death. Some of them leave Graffiti everywhere signed with their names as a special remark of them. Introduction: Street art and graffiti are two deeply linked words. The word graffiti is an Italian word that means to scratch on a surface. Today graffiti means to apply any unintentionally art on any surface or wall using different tools such as spray paints, pencils or stickers. There are some...
3 Pages 1446 Words

New Paradigms in Study of Art: Analytical Essay

Street art is visual art created in public locations, usually unsanctioned artwork executed outside of the context of traditional art venues. Other terms for this type of art include 'independent public art', 'post-graffiti', and 'neo-graffiti', and is closely related with guerrilla art. Common forms and media include spray paint graffiti, stencil graffiti, wheatpasted poster art, sticker art, street installations, and sculpture. Video projection and yarn bombing have also gained some popularity near the turn of the 21st century. Background Street...
3 Pages 1376 Words

Modernism in Literature Essay

With the growing interest in Urbanism and Industrialization as well as a pursuit of an ever-changing world bred the urge for Modernism (Kuiper, 2019). To put it another way, modernism in literature stemmed from flourishing globalization and industrialization. Literary modernism had been prevalent and well-known in writing, fiction, especially from the 1910s to 1960s. Authors such as Joseph Conrad and Henry James are mainly regarded as the fathers of Modernism in Literature by their pre-war works. However, Modernism in terms...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Misrepresentation of Women and eating Disorders: Analytical Essay

How the Misrepresentation of Women in the Media Began While issues regarding body image have always been present in society, with the introduction of flappers in the 1920s, body standards in the United States underwent a dramatic change. The voluptuous body type of the Gibson Girl was replaced by the slender, boyish figure of the Flappers. The changing societal ideals allowed the “New Woman of the Progressive era [to obtain] more participation in the public ‘sphere,’” however, “[women] did not...
3 Pages 1411 Words

Issues of Racial Discrimination in Ballet: Argumentative Essay

Ballet originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century. Noblemen and women were treated to lavish events, especially wedding celebrations, where dancing and music created an elaborate spectacle. Dancing masters taught the steps to the nobility, and the court participated in the performances. Terms like ballet and ball stem from the Italian word 'ballare,' which means 'to dance.' By 1661, a dance academy had opened in Paris, and in 1681 ballet moved from the courts to the stage....
3 Pages 1353 Words

Informative Essay on CPR as a Life-Saving Technique

Directions: Use this worksheet as a guide to create your speech outline (The number of main points, sub-points, and support may vary according to your unique content). The final product needs to be typed, in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, have 1-inch margins, and include internal source citations (at least 1 per main point and 1 in the introduction) in APA formatting. Please retain the concept labels below. On a separate references page, all source citations should be listed...
3 Pages 1414 Words

Influence of Economic Growth on Improvement of the Life Insurance Market: Analytical Essay

Introduction The main findings affirm the positive effect of the improvement of the life insurance market on economic growth. With the expanded model, the insurance-growth nexus varies across nations with different conditions. For example, the positive effect on economic growth is mitigated within the middle-income nations, but amplified within the low income nations. Moreover, both the development of stock market and the life insurance market are substitutes rather than complements. Several robustness tests are also shown. Improvement of life insurance...
3 Pages 1446 Words

Impact of Professional Autonomy on Patients: Analytical Essay

Introduction: Autonomy is a Greek word which autos- mean (self) and nomos means (rule of law) (Merriam-webster, 2019). The Piagetian view defines autonomy in moral is a right or wrong decision making (Raya, 2007). In general, it is means self-determination or self-rule. However, professional is related to the profession which means work with potential (Walter, and Lopez, 2008). Broadly, professional autonomy means autonomy principles application whereby professional people serve independently to make a decision by using their knowledge and experience...
3 Pages 1408 Words

Hunting Bigfoot by Theresa Giacopasi: Critical Overview

“Hunting Bigfoot” was the first play I have ever seen, other than the Dracula play they did in high school when I was a freshman. I was definitely intrigued by the title of the play, I wasn’t expecting what was portrayed in front of me when I went to see it, I expected something totally different. My first thoughts when being introduced to the play were that it’d be a play about people literally going out and hunting down bigfoot,...
3 Pages 1436 Words

How Was Monarchy Practised in Ancient Greece

I am going to analyze Greece, officially the Hellenic Republic, and The Constitution of Greece. This constitution was adopted in 1975. Greece named the period between 1821-1833, when the Greek War of Independence took place, the First Hellenic Republic, and was ruled by an absolute monarchy from 1833 until 1843 when it gained independence from the Ottoman Empire. From 1843 to 1923, the constitutional monarchy existed in Greece. The kingdom continued its existence between 1935 and 1974, in the country...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Security Framework in Design and Implementation of a Security Infrastructure

“Technology is a Useful Servant but a Dangerous Master” -Christian Lous Lange When technology was introduced to the world, it was like a virus that continued to spread and couldn’t be stopped. Technology is compared to as magic. It has allowed users to exceed humanity according to Einstein. It awed the world with its creations, but it also created a world of monsters taking advantage of all the opportunities that it has to give. It gives people chances, but it...
3 Pages 1391 Words

History of Photography: Essay

The history of photography is deeply rooted in a constant debate about its status as an “Art” or a “craft”. The history of photography is credited as beginning with the discovery of two fundamental principles. That of camera obscura and the observation that some materials are altered by exposure to light (Hirsch, 200). Photography, as it is understood today, can be thought of as beginning in the seventeenth century with Johannes Kepler's understanding of the optics of camera obscura with...
3 Pages 1430 Words

History of Ballet: Essay

Since the 15th Century, ballet has developed greatly from what it originated from to the current day. Originating in Italy, nobles used ballet as entertainment at ceremonies such as weddings and parties, and became popular with both the Italian court and nobles. The ballet we know and love today has been created through themes of gender stereotypes and racism which caused controversy and issues within the dance styles, with many racial issues such as dancers of color being rejected for...
3 Pages 1381 Words

Greek Contributions to Western Civilization

Plato was very important in history; the Athenian philosopher is one of the most important figures of the Ancient Greek world as well as the entire history of Western thought. Born in 427 and died 347 BC, this man would be most known for his work in the “Republic” where he envisioned that a civilization should not be governed by democracy but by having the pure wisdom of a philosopher king. And with his teachings from his teacher Socrates who...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Graphic Design Is My Passion: Essay

Personal Mission Statement I have always longed to be an artist who can inspire others through my own voice and vision. My passion for graphic design started to develop spontaneously since I learned how to read and write. I started making booklets of my own stories—mini graphic novels illustrated by my paintings. My friends enjoyed reading my novels, and I got fulfillment from having an audience in childhood. I began writing poems when I was twelve, and that was the...
3 Pages 1418 Words

French Abstract Impressionism and German Expressionism: Analytical Essay

European film in the 1920s was at a standstill with its focus being narrative based objective cinema. Objective films were often an “omniscient point of view with no real emotional emphasis on character’s perspective” (Ratcliff). It was then questioned, is there any other way to do this? Any other way to tap into the audience emotions by travelling past imagery. It was then that subjectivity through the objective lens came forward originated. From this ideology, two different concepts towards subjective...
3 Pages 1365 Words

Ethics in Social Media with special Reference to Selfies: Analytical Essay

Abstract The use of social media is influencing everyone irrespective of age, gender and culture. This paper aims to examine how parents are becoming unethical to their children due to the excessive use of social media. It also elaborates how these neglected kids are addicted to their social media profiles and selfies. The present generation is recreating their own identity through these emerging selfie applications and hence, question arises about the basic aspect of self-ethics. The edited pictures can mislead...
3 Pages 1387 Words

Pablo Picasso Essay: Way of Life and Periods of Art

Pablo Picasso, a name synonymous with revolutionary artistry, stands as a towering figure in the world of modern art. Born in Spain in 1881, Picasso's journey in art began under the tutelage of his father, an art teacher. His prodigious talent soon catapulted him into the annals of artistic legends. This essay delves into the multifaceted life and works of Picasso, offering insights into his profound impact on the art world. From his Blue and Rose periods to the creation...
2 Pages 1445 Words

Essay on John F Kennedy: Analysis of Presidency Elections

John F Kennedy, born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. From the start Kennedy was born into a wealthy family with his father, Joseph Kennedy Sr. being one of the richest men in America at the time and his mother Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald coming from a wealthy family herself. They was no doubt that John F Kennedy was going to be a well known figure in the future. The Kennedys were a big family with a total of 9 kids,...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Essay on Insurance

The insurance sector is growing day by day in India but some people still feel that Life Insurance is not required for financially sound people. But, it is not the case. Some section of individuals merely takes Life insurance for its tax deduction benefits and low amount of premiums not thinking about their financial goals and family needs. Thus, life insurance is a risk cover that does not disturb the savings of the policyholder and provides financial solvency and protection...
3 Pages 1416 Words

Education in the Virgin Islands: Analysis of the Activity of the Department of Education

A policy is a course or guideline of activity embraced or proposed by a government, political party, or by the people of a country. Policies are made in order to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to receive help, and everyone is governed under the same rules in order to receive that help. In many cases, a policy is created after a disaster. In the case of the US Virgin Islands, several policies need to be created after the passing...
3 Pages 1415 Words
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