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Social Issues

Graphical User Interface-based Computer-aided Diagnosis Tool of Skin Lesion: Analysis of Melanoma

Abstract Skin cancer is caused due to irregular growth of cells. There are three major types of skin cancer- Melanoma, Basal, and Squamous cell Carcinoma. Among the three the most dangerous form is Melanoma. If it is left untreated, it leads to the spreading of all over the body including organs. However, the early stage detection of Melanoma is really helpful to cure it. Computer vision can be used for the medical image diagnosis and it has been proved by...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Influence of Partner’s Behaviour on Women's Health: Analytical Essay

Introduction Today health of a person is not only taken in the context of merely not only the absence of any pathology, instead, there can be multiple reasons. the relationship between two individuals can influence their behaviour as well as health. A healthy relationship can also be a reason of good health, ofcourse, if a person is satisfied internally, he would take less stress, sleep well and quit smoking. This is according to the latest research that the main cause...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Analytical Essay on Approaches to Explaining the Bystander Effect

The term ‘Bystander effect’ can be defined as ‘the finding that an individual is less likely to intervene in an emergency situation when other people are present’ (Byford, 2014, p. 232). There are two approaches to explaining the Bystander effect, experimental and discourse analysis. This essay will explore both of these approaches, comparing and contrasting them, using case studies that represent the two methods. The experimental approach to explaining the bystander effect came about after the infamous Catherine Genovese case....
3 Pages 1358 Words

Critical Analysis of Robert Frost's Poem 'Fire and Ice'

Throughout history, there has been a fascination with how the world will end. In recent years, these debates have centered on nuclear disasters, global climate change, and general cynicism. The Revelations chapter was added to the Christian Bible approximately two thousand years ago and details a biblical vision of the end of the world. This is a subject that has been deeply ingrained in the human psyche for a long period of time. Between the present and the time of...
3 Pages 1418 Words

“To Build a Fire” and “The Open Boat”: Comparative Analysis

Literary characters oppose various evil forces, from human antagonists to hostile supernatural creatures, unfriendly ancient gods, and even dark mysterious phenomena. However, nature is one of the most common and most popular rivals of a human being, both in the real life and in a fictional setting. Natural calamities disturb people’s plans, interfere with their regular lifestyle, and produce tremendous tragedies. Too often, it happens because of people’s continuous desire to reorganize the world at their own discretion, regardless of...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Essay on Social Psychology: Reasons for Occurrence of Bystander Effect

This occurs whilst in the company of other people who are also not helping. In the example, the teenage girl (victim) in the event has experienced a bystander effect. The bystander effect occurs due to many reasons; which will be discussed in this essay. Altruism is a selfless form of prosocial behaviour whereby the recipient is not expected to give any reward to the person who helped them (Feinberg, 1978). For example, an elderly lady has dropped change on the...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Analytical Essay on the Beauty Norms: Perception of Model’s Body Image

The ideal of feminine beauty is the socially built notion that physical attraction is one of the most important assets of women and something that all women should strive to achieve and maintain.That being said, beauty standards are set by the society; unwittingly, many of us tend to judge women's beauty mainly from their physical appearance. Moreover, the Ideal beauty is an entity admired, or possessed traits attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for perfection. In our own society,...
3 Pages 1424 Words

Polynesian Expansion and Settlement: Explorers Who Peopled The Pacific

Geographical Location: Polynesia is located in the Pacific, an area of islands and ocean between New Zealand, Hawaii and Rapa Nui (Easter Island). The name itself Polynesia is derived from Greek words meaning many islands. A fitting name for an area containing over 1,000 individual islands, though only a handful of islands are currently inhabited. Hawaii, New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Rapa Nui, French Polynesia, Tuvalu and the Cook Islands are the most notable of those inhabited islands. Located in the...
3 Pages 1431 Words

Portrayal of Human Experiences in ‘1984’, “Harrison Bergeron”, “The Unknown Citizen” and ‘Racism and the Australian Dream”

In our world today, we seem to be losing contact with our language, our understanding of literature is moribund. However, literature is crucial for our understanding of the world and ourselves and reading literature is vital in order for us as a society to function . Literature helps us to gain an understanding of oneself and human experiences because it allows us to expand our thinking about society and its mannerisms. Storytelling is important because it allows us to see...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Definition of Safe Sound Level: Analytical Essay

Safe Sound Level Practical Sound are waves produced by vibrations (OpenLearn, 2017). They can travel through solids, liquids and gases. However, the particles move differently in each of these forms. Sound waves travel fastest in solids, followed by liquids, then lastly gases (Oceanservice n.d). The molecules in solids are the most compacted, enabling sound to travel much faster in solids than in liquids or gases (NDT Resource Centre n.d). Sound waves moving through the air are longitudinal waves as they...
3 Pages 1442 Words

Expansion into Culturally Close Countries: Analysis of McDonaldization of Society

Internationalizing firms tend to start their expansion into culturally close countries before expanding further. The establishment of a firm is always carried out with a stable growth in mind. This thought process is the impetus for any hardworking and focused team. Businesses are quite linear in terms of their operation, the cost incurred has to be met with profit or a break even result. The same way firms tend to start their expansion into culturally close countries first. Running a...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Relationships in Chaucer’s ‘Wife of Bath ’and Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice': Analysis of Elizabeth Bennet

“In a patriarchal society, economic power conquers all.” Compare and contrast, in light of this view, how wealth affects relationships in Chaucer’s ‘Wife of Bath ’and Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice. A patriarchal social system can be defined as a system where males are in authority over females in all aspects of society where their economic power gives them the ability to influence the behaviour of others through deliberate and politically motivated use of economic assets thus specifically, in this instance,...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Study of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metals: The Basic Idea of the Density Functional Theory

Introduction: The basic idea of the density functional theory started in the nineteen-twenties with the work on the uniform electron gas of Thomas and Fermi [1, 2], who came up with the idea that the energy of a system is given completely in terms of its electron density. However, only in 1964, with the publication of the Hohenberg and Kohn (H-K) theorems [3], and in 1965, with the derivation of the set of mono electronic equations with which one can...
3 Pages 1449 Words

Experiences of Older People in the Scottish Highlands in the Management of Chronic Pain: Analytical Essay

Abstract Introduction: The research understudy aspires to examine and explore the behaviours, views, and experiences of older people in the Scottish Highlands in the management of chronic pain. Precisely, the researcher intends to explore the severity and type of chronic pain as well as its management regimens, evident safety and efficacy, identify issues relating to regimens of chronic pain management and concomitant information in order to identify ways in which management of chronic pain can be improved. Methods: The research...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Factors Contributing to Increase of Achilles Tears Cases in NBA: Analytical Essay

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is among most prestigious national league competitions in the world. Basketball athletes spend most of their time dreaming of playing for the NBA. In the recent past, cases of Achilles' tears have dimmed the dream of some of the athletes on the league to shine and make a name for themselves in the league. Achilles tears an injury affecting the lack of the lower leg (Lemme et al. 11). It is usually common in people...
3 Pages 1396 Words

The History of Chemistry: Analytical Essay on Development of Atomic Theory

In 1700 BC, a king named Hammurabi’s found a metal and recorded it. 1300 hundred years later, Democritus, a philosopher added an atomic theory of Leucippus’s. He stated the impossibility of dividing atoms, being impenetrable, and have about the same density to its volume. Also, atoms are active throughout the human body and that is the cause for human movement. With his philosophy and the atomic theory, he gained and introduced more knowledge with one another. He believed space had...
3 Pages 1369 Words

Chronic Pain as a Major Public Health Challenge: Argumentative Essay

Chronic pain is a multi-dimensional, distressing experience that can occur with or without tissue damage and persists over extended periods of time (at least 3 months) [1]. This disease is a public health problem worldwide [5]. Specifically, it is currently estimated that chronic pain affects between 20 and 30% of the adult population worldwide [3–8] and up to 70% of adults older than 42 years [9]. As a consequence, chronic pain has become the most expensive disease in the world...
3 Pages 1400 Words

Fake News and Its Impact On Reality: Critical Analysis of the Onion

Fake news isn't a new issue in today's society. Fake news is news, stories or information created to misinform people intentionally. Counterfeit news is destructive in nature, it makes misguided judgments and disarray of genuine reality news. There are varying sentiments with regards to distinguishing kinds of fake news. Nonetheless, with regards to assessing content online there are different kinds of fake or deluding news we should know about. Fake news can travel by mouth, on the internet, on flyers...
3 Pages 1414 Words

Three Main Ethical Principles: Analysis of Antisocial Personality Disorder

Three Main Ethical Principles The phrase ‘basic ethical principles' is used to refer to the general judgments used by people as a way of serving as a fundamental justification of different ethical evaluations and human actions prescriptions. There are three basic moral principles, as described in the Belmont Report. The three principles include the principle for respect for people, the principle of beneficence, and the principle for justice. Respect for people The principle of respect for people considered two major...
3 Pages 1408 Words

Attitude of Higher Education Faculty towards Teaching via Distance Education: Literature Review

Literature review The pervasive technology and significant social and economic development have forever changed our society. Economic development brings the different way to do anything in life to make easier and give different options to do because economic development means development of technologies. Distance education is the emergence of a new way of doing education that responded to the industrial age in society. Technology in the industrial era enabled new ways of designing education and teaching and learning reconceptualized in...
3 Pages 1449 Words

Case Study of Mild Learning Disability and Autism

Formative assessment Scenario 1 Patrick is a 28-year-old white Scottish male; he has a diagnosis of mild learning disability and Autism. Patrick has epilepsy, which is poorly controlled with Sodium Valproate (500mg twice daily), and his mood is stabilized using Citalopram (20mg daily). Patrick lives in shared accommodation, he shares with one housemate. The housemate has only recently moved into the accommodation following placement by the local authority. The house receives visiting support each day for four hours; Patrick receives...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Importance of Exercise Essay

Exercise for a Better you For me exercise has changed my life, I was in a dark place for two years. I had horrible habits and lacked my personality traits. I wrote my bad personality traits in my notes on my iPhone and since have looked at them to gain motivation to strive and be a better version of myself. It started two years ago when I continued my educational career and CSU in Fort Collins. I only lasted two...
3 Pages 1387 Words

Reasons Why Minimum Wage Should Be Raised Essay

Proposal Essay By definition, the minimum wage is the lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement. It was initially introduced with the purpose of stabilizing the post-depression economy and protecting workers in the labor force. In this day and age, the minimum wage is designed to create a minimum standard of living to protect the health and well-being of employees. Despite varying across states, the federally imposed minimum wage stands at a long-obsolete $7.25 an hour. This...
3 Pages 1355 Words

Sexting Essay

· Introduction to the issue: There are suggestions that online sexual victimization can be explained as cross-gender cyberbullying while both regarded as abuses of power towards the weaker. While behaviors termed bullying are unacceptable, there is some social tolerance of sexual victimization as “normal” by adolescents and teachers. The victims are often blamed for how they have been maliciously treated (Shute, Owens, and Slee 2008, p.479). Sexting refers to the sharing of the sexual content of individuals on social media....
3 Pages 1356 Words

Modern Advances in the Recognition of Dishonesty: Analysis of Polygraph

Polygraph or Lie Detector Test The term 'Polygraph actually signifies 'numerous works' in this manner the name alludes to a procedure where chosen mental exercises are recorded. 19 The principal endeavor right now made to extend a logical instrument to recognize reality or misrepresentation as ahead of schedule as 1895 by Lombroso. It was essentially intended to record circulatory strain and changes in beat rate. Later Larsen and Keeler structured an instrument which was additionally evolved by John Reid in...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Comparative Essay on Mary Ann Bugg’s Petition for Clemency with Ned Kelly’s Jerilderie Letter

Bushranging played an indispensable role in the development of Australia’s identity. Over time, the term ‘bushranger’ has evolved, but at all times defined outcasts, yet, attitudes toward bushrangers remain quite equivocal and complex. To understand the beliefs surrounding bushrangers and the perspectives of those considered marginalised and ordinary in nineteenth-century Australia, we must consider a range of sources such as those histories ‘from below.’ In this essay, I will be comparing Mary Ann Bugg's petition for Clemency and Ned Kelly’s...
3 Pages 1359 Words

Rehabilitation of Sex Offenders after Serving their Sentences: Analytical Essay

1.1 Preventing sexual assault While there's no way to eliminate the chance that something may happen, there are strategies that may reduce your risk or give you the confidence to step in to prevent a sexual assault. Safety planning is about brainstorming ways to stay safe that may also help reduce the risk of future harm. It can include planning for a future crisis, considering your options, and making decisions about your next steps. Finding ways to stay and feel...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Impact of Australian Coal Mining Companies on Environment: Persuasive Essay

Australia is among the world's largest coal exporters (Engelfried, 2018), and Adani is one of the biggest coal mining companies. Coal mining is an activity that brings a significant source of income into the Australian economy; however, there are many environmental impacts associated with it. The operations of Adani mine in Townsville is of significant concern to residents because it will affect the city's natural ecosystem and environment. Adani mining infrastructure may be a source of drought in their neighbouring...
3 Pages 1405 Words

History of and Australia’s Involvement in the War on Terrorism in Iraq and Syria: Discursive Essay

Question: Outline the history of and Australia’s involvement in the war on terrorism in Iraq and Syria? The new war on terrorism in Iraq and Syria has been a long and complex battle with multiple enemy forces, who are most often indistinguishable from civilians. Australia has engaged in this war on terrorism due to varying alliances with a multitude of Nations. Australia’s level of support for the war has varied throughout the years and recently has diminshed due to the...
3 Pages 1371 Words

Incident Management Plan for Workplace Violence Prevention

Objective Since the establishment, CYX corporation has been firmly committed to its core business values with trust, integrity, transparency, and accountability. To proceed the oversight focus, each employee must carry standard the mentioned company’s core values once been accepted. CYX will use the following incident management plan to address workplace violence and harassment or other threats, in case of any even of actual violence that may occur in the workplace during related business activities. The release of incident workplace violent...
3 Pages 1416 Words
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