1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Economic Effect of Poaching: Analytical Essay

What is poaching and how does it affect the economy of Africa? ​ (​ ​Rachel Nuwer,5 October 2017​) The Northern rangelands trust (NRT) was established in 2004 and supports 35 community conservancies spending 17,300 square miles in the northern and coastal Kenya Conservation is not something the local people do purely out of altruism NRT member conservancies now benefit from some 15,000 visitors per year. The economic impacts of poaching is ecotourism, foreign aid, and boycotting. In economic terms, the...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Acid Rain and Ozone Pollution Research Paper

Introduction Pollution entails the introduction of substances into the environment in quantities that can change environmental conditions and in turn, harm organisms. Acid rain and ozone pollution are a form of pollution, which entails the release of gaseous and dust particles in quantities that destroy the integrity of the atmosphere and affect organisms in their respective habitats and ecosystems. Essentially, the atmosphere is an integral natural resource of the earth because it contains and maintains gases in appropriate proportions, which...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Shortages of Water and The Downhill Effects

What would you do if you had to shower knowing the water might not work any minute now? In America today, it is fortunate that water is super convenient for us to obtain compared to other third-world countries. Most people in America take running water for granted. However, it is interesting to stop and wonder how it would be if there were shortages of water and how that could affect us. As the world grows with its population, water resource...
3 Pages 1384 Words

Positive Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic in Balancing the Environment and Right to Pollution Free air and Healthy Atmosphere

The impact of man on environment through his economic activities are varied and highly complex as the transformation of the natural condition and process leads to a series of changes in the biotic and abiotic components of the environment. Environment condition would have been worsened if the pandemic had not hit world. Before 2019, holy rivers like Ganga were polluted also the air pollution in Delhi was worse that people started wearing masks. People were taking initiative to save the...
3 Pages 1373 Words

The Impact of Social Death Enactments on an Individual’s Mental and Physical Health

Social death can be defined as the condition of people not fully accepted as human by the wider society. From various studies conducted on social death, three underlying notions have arisen: ‘a loss of social identity, loss of social connectedness and losses associated with the disintegration of the body’ (Králová, 2015). I will be exploring these factors in greater depth to demonstrate how enactments of social death, in those who are both biologically alive and dead, can impair an individual’s...
3 Pages 1426 Words

A Persona of Renaissance Poet Thomas Wyatt

Sir Thomas Wyatt, born in 1503 in at Allington Castle, was fated to become one of English literature’s most important Renaissance period poets. Wyatt’s father, Henry Wyatt, was a Lancastrian who followed a similar life as his son in that he was arrested under the reign of Richard III and was released by Henry VII and rewarded with multiple grants and titles. Wyatt’s father was an executor of Henry VII’s will and a Privy councilor in 1509 and continued to...
3 Pages 1385 Words

Water Accessibility and Quality

Environmental conditions have profound effects on the well-being of the humankind. However, despite the recognition of their importance, they remain unaddressed by many business entities. Such an approach is considered undesirable both for the corporate and individual stakeholders in the long run. The following case study explores the effect of negligence towards water stewardship and provides recommendations on the roles of stakeholders in the process. Conflict of Goals In order to discuss the responsibilities of the stakeholders in the environmental...
3 Pages 1439 Words

Is the Electoral College Democratic? Essay

The Constitution of the United States (U.S) was ratified and signed on September 17th 1787. The aim of the Constitution was to establish a central government with sufficient power to act on a national level, whilst not having too much power that fundamental rights would be at risk. The U.S Constitution was at its time, very reflective of the citizens and their political needs at the time. However, it is not my belief that the U.S Constitution creates a democratic...
3 Pages 1376 Words

Examine the Ways in Which Humans Impact on Natural Geochemical Cycles

A geochemical cycle describes the pathway in which chemical elements transfer within the lithosphere (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2014). Examples discussed in this essay are the carbon and phosphorus cycles which are both essential for the development of life. The groundwater aspect of the water cycle is also included, as it involves the movement of water within the lithosphere. Carbon has many biological functions such as being used in the production of carbohydrates, fats and proteins (Marianne, 2016, pp....
3 Pages 1417 Words

Biodiversity, Global Warming, Environmental Conservation

The term nature is defined as the collectiveness of the physical world phenomena that includes animals, plants and world landscapes. The concept of nature, as discussed in realms of environment, refers to living as well as non-living things found naturally on the surface of the earth. The environment can be influenced by human beings. This type of environment is called the natural landscape. There are different components of nature when compared to the environment. These elements include; the climate, the...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and Hurricane Harvey

Introduction The coast of the United States in general and Texas in particular experiences tropical storms on a regular basis. Hurricanes hit the Texas coastline, often causing property damage on different scales and, sometimes, fatal casualties. However, some of the hurricanes in the history of the Lone Star state mandate special attention due to the unprecedented magnitude of destruction and death they brought. If one searches for the worst hurricane to hit the United States, one should look no further...
3 Pages 1351 Words

The Effects of Hurricane Katrina Has Left New Orleans Sinking Slowly

Me: Hurricane Katrina was a large Category 5 Atlantic hurricane that caused over 1,800 deaths and $125 billion in damage in August of 2005, particularly in the city of New Orleans and the cities surrounding it. It was at the time the costliest tropical cyclone on record and is now tied with 2017’s Hurricane Harvey. The storm was the twelfth cyclone, fifth hurricane, and the third major hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, as well as the 4th most...
3 Pages 1446 Words

Tragic Effects of Water Pollution

There is a lot of natural resources that are needed to survive, but none can be obtain without water. Water is the main source of life. However, most of the U.S. rivers and streams are polluted largely due to agriculture. Even though there is laws to protect the rivers they are often contaminated by runoff, or illegal disposal of chemicals. The massive amount of runoff caused by agriculture is affecting bacterial growth in rivers as well as algae, which is...
3 Pages 1443 Words

“Abraham Lincoln The Image of His Greatness”: Analysis of a Book

This is a book review of the book “Abraham Lincoln The Image of His Greatness” which is authored by Fred Reed forward by Dr. Thomas R. Turner. Abraham Lincoln was our sixteenth President of the United States. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, near Hodgenville in Hardin County, Kentucky. Thomas and Nancy (Hanks) Lincoln were the parents of Abraham Lincoln. Both of his parents were born in Virginia of undistinguished families. His mother died when he was ten...
3 Pages 1370 Words

Honor de Balzac’s “A Passion in the Desert”

Art is an essential part of human life. Literature is a part of art. Literature entertains people, gives them some information, or offers them some ideas to think over. Literature is very important for modern people, it ennobles, especially classic literature. It is impossible to imagine present life without literature. Some people understand this world better through literature, they try to imagine themselves in the place of this or that hero and maybe to avoid some mistakes in the future....
3 Pages 1443 Words

The Life of Martha Washington and Her Impact on American History

Martha Washington, the first woman to ever be First Lady of the United States, was a woman of high station and possessed the standard level of education for the time—she had no formal education but could read and write. She is a compelling historical figure, and one who set the standard for First Ladies in the United States. Her story is one of loss and monumental achievement, and one I knew little about despite her significant contributions to American history....
3 Pages 1421 Words

Four R’s of Recycling in Modern Understanding

Focus of Essay The 21st century has been characterized by growing environmental concerns. Today, it is becoming obvious for many people that humanity has a great effect on nature, and researchers propose new ways of reducing this impact. Recycling is one of the areas, which receive much attention in terms of environmental protection, and there are several points of view regarding recycling. The concept of four R’s represents the nature of this process, serving as the guideline for people who...
3 Pages 1405 Words

Measure for Measure': The Role of Women

‘Measure for Measure’ features female characters from various backgrounds, representing the whole of Viennese society. Women from the upper-classes, such as Isabella, are featured alongside their lower class compatriots, such as brothel keeper Mistress Overdone. However, all of them have one thing in common; in maledominated Vienna, women are portrayed, first and foremost, in terms of their sexuality. One of the ways in which Shakespeare presents women is through dialogue, or lack thereof. In the play, Isabella is the main...
3 Pages 1449 Words

Analysis of Oedipus as a Tragic Hero

Oedipus is a great king whose parents abandoned on the mountainside and choose to kill to stop evil prophecy from happening to them. His name is derived from his “swollen feet” where he was bound to be killed. He is the main character in the epic play “Oedipus the King” and was originally from Thebes before being taken to Corith where he was adopted and raised by the Corinthian King and Queen Polybus and Merope. Baur Micheal, an assistant professor...
3 Pages 1400 Words

Analysis of Bob Dylan’s Song The Death of Emmett till

Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy in 8th grade at the McCosh school, was visiting his cousins in Money, Mississippi during August 1955. He was originally from Chicago, and he lived with his mother. On August 24, he went into a grocery store to buy a pack of bubble gum while in Mississippi. On his way out, he whistled or flirted with the white female store clerk who took great offense to it, and she told her husband, Carolyn...
3 Pages 1392 Words

What You Pawn I Will Redeem': A Regalia and a Perishing Culture

Growing up on a Native American Reservation with alcoholic parents, being bullied at school and having severe a health condition, the great writer Sherman Alexie somehow still managed to excel in his literature class and later be awarded a bachelor’s degree from Washington State University. However, filled with a dark, sharp sense of humor, Alexie’s work is still a subtle reflection of his youth. Written in 2003 and published by The New Yorker, “What you pawn I will redeem” is...
3 Pages 1369 Words

The Stand for Truth and Its Impact on Society

The society we live in has this skewed way of looking at things. We pride ourselves as being honest, truthful, and upstanding, but are we really? If we go by what’s happening in society can we truly say that we are beings that uphold truth? Not that am saying that everyone is a liar, am just speaking to how we (as a society) have let things happen because we are too afraid to speak the truth. We have enabled this...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Whether Education an Investment or Consumption

Globalisation has led to a considerable growth of the economic importance of knowledge. Knowledge is a resource which has become a decisive factor in economy and developmental policy. The generation and propagation of knowledge holds a key position for economic and cultural development in industrialized as well as in developing countries. There is growing demand for academically trained experts in such knowledge driven economics and societies. As a result therefore, education has emerged as an industry and investment in education...
3 Pages 1425 Words

White Noise’: Consumption Replaces Religion

Consumer culture has been discussed by many authors and philosophers as long as the human race has been consuming. Consumerism is often referred to as a negative force in society, specifically in the United States, due to America’s image of surplus and leisure even in times of societal and economic suffering as discussed in Clay Sirkey’s “Gin, Television, and Social Surplus.” In Don DeLillo’s White Noise, consumerism is described beyond just a social negative; where, in this society, consumer culture...
3 Pages 1350 Words

Constructing Knowledge Taxonomy from E-learning Portal for Higher Learning Institution

Electronic Educational Technology additionally called E-Learning entrance are being utilized more by school, universities, colleges and even individual teacher so as to manufacture a learning environment through Knowledge Sharing. Learning organizations gather enormous measure of data which ought to smother information the executives and information duplication adequately. For this reason, information engineering should offer a methodical technique to reuse and share the current information. This paper consequently builds Taxonomy from a lot of catchphrases for information sharing, reuse and information...
3 Pages 1403 Words

Essay on Water Conservation and Water Quality

Water conservation is the careful use and preservation of water supply, and it includes both the quantity and quality of water utilized. Water is an essential asset for the nourishment of all life. The fundamental demand for all activities appropriates local use to the agricultural industry. With the regular expanding weight of the human population, there has been serious tension on water resources. Negligence of customary water bodies like tanks and lakes, unpredictable abuse of groundwater, and incorrect preservation of...
3 Pages 1385 Words

The Influence of the Vietnam War on the Chicano Movement, Identity, and Culture

In the early 1900’s, a large number of the Mexican population immigrated to America to establish better and more successful lives. They no longer saw themselves as solely Mexican; they were Mexican-Americans. Throughout the twentieth century, American society marginalized these Mexican-American communities and refused to acknowledge their place or their rights. Above that, they faced the challenge of understanding their new identity; this struggle to define their identity led to a major civil rights movement in America, called the Chicano...
3 Pages 1365 Words

Eudora Welty’s ‘A Worn Path’: Summary and Analysis

A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty, is a story of a fierce old woman, and of a love that knows no bounds. This Penlighten article provides a summary and analysis of this moving story. Before writing ‘The Worn Path’, Eudora Welty was a publicity agent for Works Progress Administration in the ’30s. During that time, she captured many moments of the rural life of black Americans on her camera. Phoenix Jackson’s story is very similar to the women she came...
3 Pages 1368 Words

Effect of Cars Burning Fossil Fuel

The world has changed into a whole new level of inventions ever since mankind had discovered what the burning of fossil fuel can do. Skipping through a whole lot of inventions, the automobile was and still is one of the greatest one that is currently used today with the burning of fossil fuel. Not so long ago, scientists noticed that the temperature was rising and they found out it is because of the burning of fossil fuels that give off...
3 Pages 1368 Words

A Report on The Evaluation of The Stroop Effect

The Stroop Colour and Word Test effect on its basis is one of the most well-known and long-lasting phenomena in all cognitive science and psychology. Having been first reported by John Ridley Stroop in 1935, the phenomena explains the degree of difficulty people have with naming colour of the ink rather than the word itself (Stroop, 1935). More specifically, it assesses the ability to inhibit cognitive interference, which occurs when the processing of a stimulus feature affects the simultaneous processing...
3 Pages 1427 Words
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