1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Relation Between Women's Economic Status And Domestic Violence

The study of the household as an economic unit is normally viewed as a cooperative unit. Domestic violence occurs mostly against women and would be better explained as a non-cooperative relationship within the household. A woman's economic status is undoubtedly linked with domestic violence between a married couple of a household. This link can be broken down into three aspects as discussed by Weaver et al. (2009). Firstly, although domestic violence is prevalent across households of all socioeconomic status, there...
3 Pages 1390 Words

The Similarities and Differences of Catcher in The Rye and Lean On Pete

The Catcher in the Rye is a classic novel from 1951 written by J.D Salinger, and happens to be a personal favourite of mine. ‘Lean on Pete’ is a 2010 novel by Willy Vlautin, which I haven't happened to read yet, however it is also a 2018 film directed by Andrew Haigh and happens to be a masterpiece produced by one of my favourite film studios; A24. I cannot officially say The Catcher in the Rye influenced Lean on Pete;...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Theme Of Survival In The Lord Of The Flies And The Maze Runner

In order to survive as a human being, one must have the five basic needs to self-actualisation as theorized by humanist psychologist Abraham Maslow; these are needs such as food and water, safety, belonging and esteem. (Heise, 2014) With this in mind, it is important to not only consider the purpose of society but also the need that creating a society fills in multiple survival situations. Importantly, society is often defined as a group of people working together in order...
3 Pages 1416 Words

Domestic Violence Against Men. A Taboo?

When a woman is beaten, threatened, molested, harassed physically or emotionally everybody listens. She is given all the sympathy and support. She is backed by both the society and the judicial system. Indeed, the violence against women is so brutal and shameful that it is not only a slap on women’s dignity but also crushes her soul. Sometimes it affects the minds of the victims so much that they prefer ending their lives than living with continuous fear of getting...
3 Pages 1350 Words

How Geographical Factors Make The Asian Region More Susceptible To Epidemics Of Infectious Diseases

Introduction Based on the original broad claim, initial research was conducted to establish specific diseases that were common in Asian countries as well as certain geographic factors within Asia that affect infectious disease susceptibility; it was found that malaria cases notably increased in areas near deforestation. Thus, the original research question was formulated: “Does an increase in deforestation cause an increase in cases of Malaria?” Refinements to the research question were necessary to further developing the question, these refinements considered...
3 Pages 1386 Words

Persepolis VS To Kill a Mockingbird

The transition between childhood and adulthood is a time of growing independence along with constant questioning, especially when being exposed to the cultural norms of society, some of which are divisive and not always driven by pure motivation. When becoming adults, our personal world is shaped around what we have been taught and through our experiences. This highlights that it is inevitable that you will be influenced by the world and people around you, but you will always have the...
3 Pages 1449 Words

Themes of Prejudice, Growing Up and Courage in To Kill A Mockingbird

The novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ written by Harper Lee, accurately displays the racial injustices and prejudice prevalent to the people in the south, during the 1930’s. The text explores themes of prejudice, growing up and courage, in which is further developed throughout the novel and within the characters. ‘Scout’ Jean Louise Finch and ‘Jem’ Jeremy Finch, alongside with their father Atticus Finch defy the traditional norms in their society and fight for equity, for the coloured people of Maycomb....
3 Pages 1371 Words

The Features Of Business Process Intelligence

Introduction Business process intelligence is a standard of methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transformation raw and rough data into meaningful and useful information used to active more effective strategic, tactical, and operational system. Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs) is functioning stages which provides the definition, execution, and following of business forms. BPMSs has the capability of logging data to describe the business forms which are supported. Appropriately testing of BPMS execution logs can describe essential information to improve the...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Goal Orientation, Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation

The definitive aims of business organizations are to competently provide and influence consumers to generate profits. The most significant factor in reaching these aims is by understanding organisations’ general directions for the long-run usefulness and competence (Dam, 2014). Goal orientation is achieved by the organisations and individuals through the successful cohesion of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. This essay will discuss goal orientation which will help the organisations and individuals in setting and achieving certain objectives, evaluate the motivational theory (intrinsic...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Non-Therapeutic Treatment Options for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is defined as a mental condition in which a person shows two or more of the symptoms like delusions, hallucinations, disorganised speech, grossly disorganised or catatonic behaviour and negative symptoms, for at least six months. And schizophrenia can easily be mistaken with other similar mental disorders like schizophreniform, schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia spectrum. Schizophrenia is considered as one of the domain of the schizophrenia spectrum whereas schizoaffective disorder is distinct from schizophrenia because of presence of mood swings between...
3 Pages 1354 Words

Marginalised Group Youth Culture: Disrespectful or Disrespected?

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you picture a teenager? Is it a well-mannered and behaved or is it a disrespectful and immature teenager? The media is a powerful, mass communication source with the ability to broadcast their views to millions. However, there reaches a point at which the media unethically abuses and takes advantage of their position. A prominent and ongoing issue is the media’s depiction of youth. Teenagers have long been portrayed in such...
3 Pages 1412 Words

The Aspects of Starbucks Corporation in China

Starbucks Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational chain of coffee houses and roastery reserves headquartered in Seattle, Washington. As the world's largest coffeehouse chain, Starbucks is seen to be the main representation of the United States' second wave of coffee culture. Since the 2000s, third wave coffee makers have targeted quality-minded coffee drinkers with hand-made coffee based on lighter roasts, while Starbucks nowadays uses automatic espresso machines for efficiency. As of early 2020, the company operates over 30,000 locations worldwide...
3 Pages 1384 Words

To What Extent Does Artificial Intelligence Pose An Existential Risk To Humanity?

Prominent scientists and technologists like the late Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have voiced concern for the risks associated with the accelerating development of artificial intelligence (AI). The one cost of this is the risk of artificial intelligence is the threat they pose to the existence of humanity. There are a multitude of different pathways it could take to achieve such an outcome; each one more believable and hence, more frightening than the previous. Such a question arose a while...
3 Pages 1424 Words

Covid-19 Has Aided In Nourishing Family Bonds As Well As Promoting The Growth Of Domestic Violence

In this uncertain world, life is full of risk and the survivability of humanity is on test. The outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 has put on test the peoples patience, resilience and determination to survive against the unseen enemy. Many countries are imposing various forms of lockdown in order to lower the spread of Covid-19. This lockdown period has brought about many changes in the countries implementing them. Many people are taking this as a positive change and are building their...
3 Pages 1411 Words

Has The Lockdown Around India And Worldwide Brought Rise In Domestic Violence?

As we can see India has been under a lockdown in order to protect the people from the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been more than one month where all society is dealing with this pandemic. But here we can see that it has been a greater impact on women. COVID -19 has poses a threat to women’s livelihoods and as well as increases their burden at home. Woman is a creation of god who is not equal brave to the...
3 Pages 1434 Words

How Conflict Creates Character

Michael Jordan once stated, “Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”Often in literature, both fiction and non-fiction, characters are faced with obstacles and conflict. This conflict helps them find the parts of themselves that they didn’t know they had. The process of dealing with conflict forces characters to adapt and become more resilient in life. An...
3 Pages 1424 Words

Psychological Health Promotion Aspects

“Survival of the fittest” a common phrase originated from the Evolutionary Theory of Darwin to describe the mechanism of natural selection. As humankind experience pandemic today, their physical health and mental health is being put into test on how to survive this disaster. Each day people are facing an invisible enemy that threatened them and their family. Hence, during this time of quarantine and people staying inside their homes to survive and try to find new ways to keep themselves...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Diabetes Risk Prediction Using Machine Learning

Abstract With changing lifestyle and food habits like lack of proper sleep, exercise, bad eating habits, etc have led to rapid increase in the number of people having diabetes hence, its necessary to decrease it. The proposed system developed will predict the risk of a person getting diabetes and classify it into one of the three categories namely low, medium and high. Depending on the risk level a diet plan or a nearby diabetologist will be suggested. The user’s risk...
3 Pages 1410 Words

The Benefits Of The NSC Artificial Intelligence Act

Artificial Intelligence is a quickly growing industry, and one that is changing all the time. The fantasy of robots and self-driving cars usually seen in sci-fi- movies are now being made into a quickly approaching reality. Long term goals of artificial intelligence in the general intelligence part are language processing, realization, and knowledge representation. Like any subject, further development is needed to achieve the full potential of Artificial Intelligence in America. The establishment of a National Security Commission Artificial Intelligence...
3 Pages 1400 Words

Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration

The criminal justice system ought to consistently rehearse demonstrable skill just as morals in request to guarantee the residents are dealt with decently consistently. There are times when polished methodology also, morals are not appropriately utilized, and individuals can wind up illegitimately sentenced as well as somebody who might some way or another be demonstrated blameworthy may get away from discipline. There are numerous moral choices that criminal equity experts run over every day. It is imperative to consistently utilize...
3 Pages 1374 Words

COVID-19 Influences to Dentistry and Possible Salivary Analysis

Summary A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is associated with human-to-human transmission. The COVID-19 was recently identified in saliva of infected patients. In this point-of-view article, we discuss the potential of transmission via the saliva of this virus. The COVID-19 transmission via contact with droplets and aerosols generated during dental clinical procedures is expected. There is a need to increase investigations to the detection of COVID-19 in oral fluids and its impact on the transmission of this virus, which is crucial to...
3 Pages 1411 Words

Major Players Of Enron Scandal

Enron corporation was a very successful American energy, commodities and services company. Founded in 1985 and Headquartered in Houston, Texas. It was a merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, which were both small regional companies. The company used to sell and trade in more than 30 different products, but when it first got started it mainly produced natural gas and electricity. But then Enron wanted to Introduce new ways of doing business by integrating the laws of supply and...
3 Pages 1369 Words

How Can Censorship Impede Democracy?

Censorship is a pretty challenging task in this day and age with the advances of the Internet. Censorship is the act of denying access to any material, speech, public announcements, or information that is in opposition to the lawmakers, acting government, institutions, or corporations putting the censorship rules in place. It has almost always throughout history been used by governments to protect their beliefs and values and to try and prevent opposition. A great modern-day example of this would be...
3 Pages 1350 Words

The Inclusive VS The Exclusive Identity in William Shakespeare’s As You like It

The play, As You Like It, by William Shakespeare is all about dropping out of the everyday madness of modern capitalism. Shakespeare wrote many plays in his lifetime, and As You Like It is one of his most famous comedies that represents love at first sight, disguise, and manipulative love in an amusing manner. Love as a state of being is universal throughout As You Like It. In Shakespeare’s comedy As You Like It, Duke Senior is overthrown by his...
3 Pages 1371 Words

The Characteristics of Class Conflict in the Society

In this paper, I will begin by focusing on the development of humanity as class conflict and then move onto the impact of capitalism and the relevance that class conflict bears in South Africa today. Class conflict is the “antagonism between entire classes over the distribution of wealth and power in society” (JJ & Plummer, 2012). It is a concept that has come about due to the sociocultural change in humanity, resulting in the social stratification of society (JJ &...
3 Pages 1383 Words

HIV Infection in Papua New Guinea

Introduction Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a country faced with an array of diseases with malaria being one of its mascot epidemic as the tropical Climate facilitates external breeding environment for malarial parasites. However, HIV has gained rapid popularity since the first recorded case of an infected patient diagnosed in 1987 (The Virus Spreads, 2014). Human Immunodeficiency Virus or commonly referred to as HIV is a type of virus that weakens the immune system by attacking the CD-4/ T-Helper Cells...
3 Pages 1391 Words

To What Extend are Reason and Emotion Necessary in Justifying Moral Decisions?

Since the introduction of human onto this world, reasons and feelings are as often as possible utilized by us to legitimize any choices made. Nonetheless, to what degree that them two assume a significant job in deciding? This brings up some questionable issues concerning reason and feeling; would they say they are actually similarly important? Similarly significant methods the two variables must be available and with no of the elements which are reason and feeling, the choice can't be legitimized....
3 Pages 1360 Words

Literary Devices To Reveal The Necessity Of Meaningful Relationships In Fahrenheit 451

Carl W. Buechner once stated, “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel”. People will not forget the interactions that are of immense value to them. Even if the person passed away they still leave a massive impression on the people they met and had interactions with. If the relationship happened during the moment and each person exposed themselves to each other, neither will forget the impact they each made on each...
3 Pages 1411 Words

Conflict Between Private Security and Governance

A lack of mutual respect between law enforcement and private security has been established. Much of this is attributable to the perceived law enforcement differential status — the police attach a higher level or degree of status to the role of law enforcement than to private security (Raines, 2006). Therefore, mutual disrespect is nurtured by the existence of mutual negative stereotyping which reinforces itself and is rooted in misinformation, mistrust, distrust and prejudice. Police officers find themselves to be 'professionals'...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Juvenile Justice System: Where Is It Now?

From the start of the nineteenth century, youth have been granted the privilege of being tried as children, rather than adults. Before then, any child above the age of seven could be charged as an adult criminal and sent to prison (National Academic Press). According to Juvenile Justice, Juvenile Crime which was published by the National Academic Press, the first juvenile court was founded in 1899 in Chicago. The United States juvenile justice system has been back and forth on...
3 Pages 1359 Words
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