1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Social Work Reflection As A Career Option

Social work is one of the top choices for career options for a lot students (Humprey, 2011). Many people go into the social work profession because it “can provide job satisfaction and contribute to our sense of meaning and purpose in life” (Humprey, 2011). This what it felt like for me when I was deciding what career I wanted to pursue after high school. I want to go into social work because of my personal experience and I thought it...
3 Pages 1420 Words

Evil Nature Of Mankind And Selfishness In Young Goodman Brown

In “Young Goodman Brown”, Nathaniel Hawthorne paints a picture of an evil world. A world where people who seem to be the most good turn out to be the most evil. Although we hate to admit it, we have all done something evil. It is near impossible to live inthis world without doing something with evil intentions. In Ecclesiastes 7:20, the bible says, “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.”. (Holy Bible)...
3 Pages 1416 Words

The Role Of Dance In Human Society

Introduction Dance, a vibrant art form, embodies the rich tapestry of American culture, reflecting its diverse and dynamic spirit. It transcends mere movement in the USA, narrating stories of heritage, innovation, and unity. This essay delves into the multifaceted world of American dance, showcasing its evolution and the influences that have shaped it. Each style mirrors a unique aspect of American life and history, from the rhythmic footwork of tap to the expressive gestures of contemporary dance. We explore the...
4 Pages 1360 Words

How Added Sugar And Salt Have Been Affecting Obesity Rates

Obesity rates in America are skyrocketing, which is causing Americans to obtain diseases. The over consumption of added salt, sugar, and lack of exercise are the main causes to the obesity crisis. According to Marcia Clemmitt, a veteran social-policy reporter who served as editor in chief of Medicine and Health, 'some analysts say the key culprit to the nations sky high obesity rates come from excess calories from sugar in processed foods and drinks. They also may be triggering diseases...
3 Pages 1403 Words

Effects Of Postures And Lower Limbs Fatigue Induced On Volleyball Digging Accuracy In Male University Players

Introduction Motor skill relies on the function of a human's brain, bones, joints and nervous system. According to the familiarity of humans, we can perform a different degree of fine motor skills with higher agility. In volleyball, one of the basic skills is digging and it is widely used in competition. Players' skills will make an influence on the game a lot and the movements of them is having great importance. (Sozen, 2012) In a game, there is at most...
3 Pages 1358 Words

The Argument Of Evil As A Justification Of God's Existence

With the presence of omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God, the claim on evil is absurd. Even though it has been difficult to have satisfactory answers to this question, there is no way God will allow nature of evil to take its course. In the first portion of this essay, I will address the reasons given on the evil situation by the external world, and the second section, I will provide the philosophical arguments put forward in justification of the problem...
3 Pages 1351 Words

Steps And Stages Of Cellular Respiration

INTRODUCTION Cell respiration is a metabolic procedure that happens in a life form's cell to change over huge particles into tiny atoms. It is the most significant and intriguing metabolic pathways likewise one of the most confounded procedure. Cellular respiration could be a set of metabolic reactions and forms that take put within the cells of organisms to convert biochemical vitality from supplements into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and after that discharge squander products. The reactions involved in breath are catabolic...
3 Pages 1397 Words

The Commons And Differences In Views Of Freud And Augustine

The differences between Augustine and Freud on their understanding of what constituted human being's ability to make independent choices, free will, whether it is consciously or subconsciously points to their influence in psychology. While Augustine focuses on the spiritual and mythical realms that push human beings to act, Freud highlights how their conscious minds direct them to do what is right. The contradicting approaches highlight the essence of understanding why individual choices are connected to the awareness of their environment...
3 Pages 1385 Words

Child Protective and Safety Officer: Job Peculiarities

The department of child safety, youth and women is a Queensland government lead agency focusing on child safety and adoption services. The department of child safety provides statutory child protection services for young people and children. Child protection services aim to give the family the capacity to nurture and care for their children at home. Child Safety Officers use skills and knowledge to build relationships, complete assessment, implement change through intervention to support children and strengthen families. Children and young...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Are We Alone In The Universe? Essay

Introduction The question of whether or not life exists elsewhere in the universe is one that has fascinated people for decades. Countless forms of media have tackled this question, in fact the two highest grossing movies of all time, Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Avatar (2009) respectively have a strong focus on alien life. Anyhow, the realistic answer to this age-old question is most likely “yes, we just haven’t found it yet.” [1: “Top Lifetime Grosses.” Box Office Mojo, www.boxofficemojo.com/chart/top_lifetime_gross/?area=XWW.] Now,...
3 Pages 1445 Words

Using Autonomous Robots To Build Commercial Buildings And Homes On The Moon

Construction is a complex process involving many operations with each operation requires manipulation of physical objects. Before introduction of technology used in construction industries, it mainly relies on humans to operate the tools and equipment. Automation of construction industry by use of autonomous robots coordinating with each other is intensely gaining momentum. According to Kirstin, et.al., (2011) the introduction of automation in construction has the potential to improve measures like speed and efficiency, as well as enabling construction in settlings...
3 Pages 1418 Words

Importance Of Plant Breeding In Agriculture OF Pakistan

Pant breeding Plant breeding in a simple language is genetic improvement of plants for the best economic productivity. It could also be defined in terms of art and science of changing and improving the hereditary of plants. History Plant breeding was practiced first when people learned to look for superior plants to harvest for seed, thus selection became the earliest method of plant breeding. Primitive efforts in plant selection contributed much to the evolutionary development of each of the cultivated...
3 Pages 1351 Words

The Secrets Of Viruses & Bacteria: Evolution To Epidemic

The transformative history of infections speaks to an interesting, though cloudy, theme for virologists and cell scientists. Due to the extraordinary assorted variety among infections, researcher have battled with how to characterize these elements and how to relate them to the traditional tree of life. They may speak to hereditary components that picked up the capacity to move between cells. They may speak to beforehand free-living life forms that became parasites. They might be the forerunners of life as we...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Dalai Lama And True Meaning Of Happiness

What is happiness? This is often a question many of us ponder on and can’t seem to wrap our head around it. There are multiple ways of defining happiness but one way of describing it would be; the state of accomplishment that encourages us to gravitate towards higher thinking, ambitions, nonsecular values and most significantly what the true purpose of our existence is. But what corresponds to the meaning of happiness? Being wealthy, healthy, or educated? Many of us believe...
3 Pages 1362 Words

Motor Vehicle Accidents Involving Food Delivery Drivers

In many ways, the continuing revolution involving the Internet and the constant changes in the use of smartphones has changed the way a lot of people do business. It used to be that, if you wanted restaurant food delivered to your home, your choices were limited to pizza or Chinese food. Over the last few years, however, the food delivery industry has undergone a major revolution, to the point that it's possible to get food from virtually any restaurant or...
3 Pages 1442 Words

What Is A Comfort Station?

Desperate for the loo? You do not have to get down and dirty in the wild! All you need do is get into a comfort station and get relieved! It is a natural call for each and everyone to ease their body of the processed result of food intake, which could be by either urinating or defecating. Having understood that visiting the toilet is a natural call peculiar to everyone, comfortable structures where individuals can ease themselves whenever nature calls...
3 Pages 1401 Words

Protection Of Abasic Sites During DNA Replication

Apurinic and apyrimidind (abasic or AP) sites are the most common DNA lesions that have the ability to block replicative polymerases. Stem cell-specific 5-hydroxymethylcytosine-binding protein (HMCES) covalently crosslinks to the AP site and prevents genome instability. An HMCES DNA-protein crosslink (DPC) with an AP site within a 3â€Č overhang DNA is able to shield the Ap site from endonucleases and error-prone polymerases. The conserved SOS-response associated peptidase (SRAP) domain of HMCES and its Escherichia coli ortholog YedK are able to...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Epistolary: Letters As A Literary Form

For countless years, or better to say ever since the mighty pen and paper became customary in our daily lives, people who desired to get in touch with others disconnected by distance had no more than one manner to carry out it, and the way was nothing but writing letters. Letters were the lone way of long-distance communiqué, at least until the time of the discovery of the telegraph in the nineteenth century. No wonder therefore that by the eighteenth...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Sacrifices Made For The Sake Of Freedom In Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

Nothing good has ever came from the institution of slavery. Slavery was a monster that destroyed everything in its pathway. It ripped families apart, forcing people to work tirelessly all day, then if you disobeyed your masters you were lynched for your actions. Treated like cattle the life of a slave was dispensable and most White people knew this which why most of them took advantage of the slaves when given the chance. As terrible and hopeless slavery was some...
3 Pages 1370 Words

Children’s Behavior At The Dentist

A topic I am interested in is causes of children’s behavior at the dentist and management. This topic has led me to research more about it and has led me to write this paper. I will consider children’s anxiety/behavior in the dental setting and will describe the nature of dental anxiety and its implications for the child patient and the dental team. It will also describe a variety of management strategies. I will also talk about the way in which...
3 Pages 1401 Words

Factors Influencing Work-Life Balance Of Doctors

ABSTRACT In modern era, maintaining work life balance has become a more laborious task. Helping employees to attain a good work life balance will definitely increase work satisfaction. It is a tough job especially for the professionals like doctors who work 24/7 for the welfare of the people. This paper makes an attempt to measure the factors which influence work life balance of doctors. INTRODUCTION The term ‘work life balance’ refers to maintaining a healthy balance between the work and...
3 Pages 1447 Words

The Teachings Of Buddha

The Buddha realized that nothing was really permanent. He asked himself, what this life is. The Buddha taught his message to his father, wife and son in this way. He did not attach any importance to religious rituals. He tried to find out why the mind is distracted. He carried forward the spirit of tolerance and tolerance in this mission. He spoke out against unrelated scholarship for the good life. The Buddha's emphasis was on complete purity in every aspect...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Women And Men Compensation In Sports

The compensation gap between women and men spans almost every industry, and this also goes for sports (Olivia Abrams/ Forbes.com). One of the highest-paid NBA players, Lebron James, will make $37,436,858 during the 2019-2020 NBA season while one of the highest-paid WNBA players, DeWanna Bonner, will only make $127,500 during this season (spotrac.com). While some say both men and women equally play and practice as hard for their team, critics say that men average more minutes than women in sports...
3 Pages 1384 Words

The Effects Of Minerals On The Growth Of Plants

RATIONALE In this investigation I am going to be investigating how minerals affect the growth of plants and perceive the essential minerals that the vegetation requires to develop efficiently. The motive why I am going to research how minerals influence the plant increase is to be able to detect a less expensive alternative manner to make fertiliser, which can reduce the cost of plant germination and might lower the rate of crops. Also, by discovering an inexpensive alternative way of...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Bloodstone For Strength, Willpower, And Courage

Since it is closely associated with Mars, Bloodstone naturally boosts its holder’s courage and determination with an abundant amount of masculine and fighting energy. It also stimulates the ground chakra to ground those who are spiritually adrift. Bloodstone gives us the power to get through our failures. It fuels us with determination to keep moving forward despite our mistakes, and instead see them as experiences to learn from. With this mindset, we will challenge ourselves more, which then helps us...
3 Pages 1369 Words

The Aspects And History Of Nordic Skiing

Before this skiing practical I knew nothing about skiing especially Nordic skiing. I had never skied before until this practical came around and I have learned so much these last couple weeks about skiing and about myself. I never thought I would be good at skiing nor did I think I would even like it but I was proven wrong. I may not be a natural skier but I think I’ve picked up on the skills quite fast and have...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Why NASA Has Not Sent Humans To The Red Planet

NASA, also known as the National Aeronautics and Space Agency has been widely known as one of the most successful space agencies in the world. They conducted many space expeditions, projects, and breakthroughs in space travel and its history. When President Kennedy spoke to an audience at Rice University in 1962, his speech popularly entitled “We choose to go to the moon” stated that the United States of America shall reach the moon by the end of the decade, he...
3 Pages 1419 Words

The Relationship Between Pilot Fatigue And Social Hierarchy In The Korean Context

Introduction The debate over pilot fatigue has been continuously ongoing ever since the start of air traveling (Houston, S. 2019:1). Up until today, the problem is ceaseless as the majority of the aviation companies and international aviation organizations such as the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) are trying to search for a standardized solution to decrease the major risks involved with fatigue. Fatigue in aviation is a pivotal aspect as a major risk for safety and it is associated with...
3 Pages 1397 Words

Can Yoga Calm Anxiety?

INDRODUCTION Yoga refer to a scientific scheme of physiological or intellectual practices that arised in India approximately 3000 years ago. The aims of yoga are , development of the following via strong and flexible body free of pain, a balanced autonomic neural system with all physiological systems like digestion, endocrine, functioning optimally and a calm and clear mind. Studies have indicated that anxiety, depression, anger, fatigue -patients improved following at least one yoga session. Research has demonstrated that long-term yoga...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Pid Controller Tuning Method In Reverse Osmosis System Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique

Abstract This Paper describes the tuning of PID (proportional integral and derivative) by using a technique which is generally known as Particle Swarm Optimization. The technique reloves around the iterative method in terms of approach. In Reverse Osmosis System the method is used to adjust the pH level of the water in the system. The Particle Swarm Optimization is used to tune the parameters of PID controller. The purpose is to achieve an optimal solution by reaching to a stable...
3 Pages 1387 Words
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