1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Body Image Of Young People: Health Behavior Due To Modern Trends

The objective and goal of this work is to develop health promotion and address the status and behaviour of health on young people, especially focusing on the recent years and trends. This report also targets to explore the nature of protective and risk factors as well as influences on young people on the concept on body image to raise awareness of the emerging issue. Nature of the health issue: Body image refers to how an individual views themself when they...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Poverty And Food Insecurity In America: Background, Consequences And Solutions

In 2018, 11.1% of Unites States households faced food insecurity accounting for 14.3 million of the approximately 129 million households in the United States. Ohio has food insecurity above the United States average and ranks 43rd for overall health. Ohio has a 14.5% food insecurity rate with a 13.3% food insecurity rate in my residence, Lorain County. Patients who struggle with food insecurity and financial limitations often purchase lower-cost foods lacking nutritional value, are unable to follow medical diets such...
3 Pages 1407 Words

Childhood Obesity: Causes And Contributing Factors

Over the past two decades, the number of obese or overweight children has doubled in number due to a number of factors (especially with technological advances on the rise). A child is considered overweight or obese when they have accumulated weight/fat that may have a negative effect on the child’s health either soon in their teenage or adult life. Not only does it have a negative effect on their health but also on the child’s social life among his/her peers....
3 Pages 1380 Words

Privacy In Press And Internet

A discussion about privacy and its definition is as old as mankind. Everything started with the protection of individual’s body and house, which continuously evolved into controlling individual’s personal information. History proves that evolution and also makes clear evidence of an undoubtedly strong relationship between privacy and the technology development. This is the reason why I chose to discuss, analyse and compare two pretty similar, but also notably different mass media. One of which is print, the oldest and the...
3 Pages 1416 Words

The Differences And Similarities Of The Main Characters In Candide And A History Of Tom Jones

Voltaire’s work portrays a profound admiration for social and political English models. As a young man, he met an exiled Tory statesman in 1722, Viscount Bolingbroke who represented a form of cultural pre-eminence that thrilled him. This encounter and Voltaire’s desire to make a name for himself propelled him to his work that advanced English literature in France. By the 1750s, Voltaire’s youthful enthusiasm waned giving way to a more critical approach of English literature. His response to English fiction,...
3 Pages 1405 Words

Infertility: Psychological And Social Effects On Men And Women

In this research assignment, I will be discussing infertility. The definition of infertility is the inability of a person to reproduce by natural means. An infertile woman can get pregnant however they might not carry the fetus or the baby to full term. There are infertile women who may have a stillborn child. This shows that a woman being infertile does not only mean that the woman cannot get pregnant it also means that there may be a few complications...
3 Pages 1448 Words

The Color Purple By Alice Walker: Difficult And Trifling Aspects Of The Life Of African American Woman

The Color Purple, by the American novelist Alice Walker, is not only intense and insightful, but a very thought-provoking book to read. By intense and thought-provoking, I am speaking about how the book touches and analyzes incredibly difficult and trifling aspects of the life of a poverty-ridden, African American woman under oppression in the early twentieth century. The book is so highly thought of that Walker received the National Book Award for hard fiction and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction....
3 Pages 1447 Words

Time Management: Using The Less Time To Do More

Time is the only non-renewable resource we humans possess. It is valuable and limited that we individuals should protect it, we can protect our time by keeping our time on track. However, the concept of time management is harder than we think. Time management is one of the major obstacles people face, it is common for everyone; especially to us students, majority of us struggle regularly on meeting numerous deadlines, demands, and expectations of our parents, teacher, friends, co-workers, and...
3 Pages 1363 Words

Aristotle And His Influence On Literature, Philosophy And Science

Aristotle was a Greek savant during the Old style time frame in Antiquated Greece. He was the author of the Lyceum and the Peripatetic school of reasoning. Aristotle and his instructor Plato have been known as the 'Father of Western Way of thinking'. His compositions spread numerous subjects: material science, science, zoology, power, rationale, morals, style, verse, theater, music, talk, brain science, semantics, financial aspects, legislative issues and government. Aristotle gave a mind boggling union of the different ways of...
3 Pages 1378 Words

Reasons And Policies To Stop Homelessness At Different Levels

Being homeless is a state when a person does not have anything to survive. When there is no shelter to live in. According to sociology theory, it is a serious issue in the world and our society. There are various causes behind this issue. Major causes of homelessness are Family disputes, imminent eviction, poor governmental policies, bad addiction, debt, and low level of education and mental health problems in people. These glitches can occur due to unemployment, low salaries. Some...
3 Pages 1408 Words

Effects Of Alcoholism On The Addict And His Family

Alcoholism is very prevalent in today’s society. It has actually been prevalent for much longer, but now with more laws and research surrounding it, there are more reasons than ever to be concerned about alcoholism. Many people believe that alcohol should be used to have fun and be more social, but there is a large group of people that alcohol affects every aspect of their lives. I wanted to research alcohol addiction because I am concerned about how many people...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Side Effects Of Breast Cancer Treatment And Suggestions To Solve Them

Meg, age 50, currently on post-menopausal, was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), also known as one of the most common forms of breast cancer (“Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,” n.d.). The first sign of cancer was detected through a mammogram, followed by a physical examination and later confirmed by an ultrasound and biopsy. Three tumours/ lymph nodes were discovered. After surgery, Meg underwent treatments of chemotherapy followed by Taxotere, radiation therapy and hormone therapy. Side effects of treatments Chemotherapy & Radiation...
3 Pages 1380 Words

Nathaniel Hawthorne And Dark Romanticist

Today’s presentation will focus on Nathaniel Hawthorne, specifically as a Dark Romanticist writer. I’ll begin by giving relevant details to his background which I think were pertinent in shaping his style and subject of writing. Usually, we’d gloss over biographical information which you can easily look up in the Anthology, but born in Salem, Massachusetts, 1804, the context of his birthplace is very interesting. He hails from the same place as the Salem witch trials of 1692, which his ancestors...
3 Pages 1370 Words

How to End World Hunger Essay?

World hunger and poverty is such a major and ongoing issue, that you don’t see many people doing anything about it anymore. We have so many people living in poverty inside and out of the U.S., but no one is acting on it to decrease this problem. We have the resources and food to do it, but for some reason we won’t. I believe world hunger and poverty can be eliminated by acting on certain deeds that can help the...
3 Pages 1440 Words

Femvertising: Feminist Perspectives On Advertising

Feminism in branding is the portrayal of a product, service or organisation as advocating for equality between the sexes and in the process, capture consumers who share this ideology. This form of advertising, known as “advertising” is due to the increase in the change of favourable consumer behaviour, especially among women towards brands that encourage female empowerment. According to Brennan (2015) alluded to in Hunt (2017), advertising that employs pro-female talent, messages and imagery to empower women and girls has...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Native American Art: Peculiarities And Impacts

Indigenous art over the 500-year period of 992 CE to 1492 CE has differed greatly. Within this specific period, the art pieces greatly varied, due to each regional difference as well as having no European influence from colonisers, such as the Spanish. Specifically pinpointing distinctive characteristics during this period can be difficult, due to the differing styles between each region and group of indigenous people. For example, people in wooded areas tended to craft with wood, stone and clay while...
3 Pages 1403 Words

The Strategies Of Problem Solving

When faced with a problem, humans often use strategies in order to solve them. There are a number of strategies used but for the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the main ones. Each strategy is perfect to use for a specific problem but may not transfer to another in the same way it was used before, whether the strategies can be applied to the problem will depend on the problem structure, whether it is well defined or...
3 Pages 1391 Words

Double Consciousness And Conflicting Identities

In high school, my family and I moved to an upper middle-class neighborhood in Fountain Valley where some of my neighbors automatically saw me differently since most of the neighborhood is white . They looked at me like they had never seen a Mexican-American teenager and somewhat shocked seeing me living in the neighborhood. In my mind, I automatically made assumption what they could've said such as “How in the hell they came here ?” or “They must've came from...
3 Pages 1417 Words

Customer Service Team Management

There are various resources needed in an office environment to keep the customer service running in the department for work and pensions. The types of resources are, work volumes, staff members, training opportunities, working patterns, opening hours, I.t software and hardware, skillsets, premises, photocopiers, printers, telephones, legislative requirements (e.g. health and safety, Equality and Diversity). Staff work forces are important to delivering the customer service and running operations. Within the work force there are different leads that specialize in their...
3 Pages 1447 Words

The Factors For Global Urbanization And Its Effects

Urbanization is becoming prominent throughout time and is on a steady increase, where by 2030, the urban population will have increased from 3.5 billion to 5 billion which will be more than 50% of the world’s population. (M. Kovisto ,2016). Methods will eventually be put into place to combat the various effects of urbanization and the impacts that this will have on developed and developing markets. The World Health Organization has chosen the theme of “urbanization and health” for World...
3 Pages 1390 Words

The Peculiarities Of Albert Camus' Writing Style In The Novel The Stranger

The Stranger, by Albert Camus centres around the protagonist Meursault, an emotionless and indifferent individual. As a result of his nonchalant attitude, he is often viewed as psychologically detached. This is reflected in Camus’ use of succinct sentences and simple diction employed in the novel. His writing style not only reflects Meursault’s indifferent attitude but also reveals a lack of interaction with others. In the latter half of the novel, however, Camus contrasts this objective style with a more complex...
3 Pages 1406 Words

The Topics Of Fate And Choice In The Poem Iliad

When does fate and when does choice play a role our lives, or in this world? That question may always be asked but in Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad fate and choice happen often. Throughout The Iliad Homer creates numerous conflicts between not only the mortal Greeks and Trojans, but the Gods as well. Though there is a difference between what fate is and what choice is; their similarities coincide with each other. Fate causes one to act in a...
3 Pages 1434 Words

Occupational Health And Safety

Introduction In this particular paper, the scenario has been taken to discuss the management responsibilities in an organization along with Occupational Health & Safety (OHS). Occupational safety and health (OSH), also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety (OHS), occupational health, or workplace health and safety (WHS), is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work. These terms also refer to the goals of this field, so their use in the sense of...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Symbolism In The Novel The Book Thief

Literature is a voyage of discovery that illuminates the reality of our human condition. One such voyage is Markus Zusak’s (2005) novel, The Book Thief, which takes us on a journey to the many complex aspects of our unpredictable human nature; our inclinations towards violence, generosity and love. This coming of age novel, set during one of the darkest times in Nazi Germany revolves around the tormenting life of a young girl named Liesel Meminger. Despite being traumatised by her...
3 Pages 1416 Words

The Totalitarian Political And Social Institution In Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 And Julian Morrow’s The Checkout

Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 and Julian Morrow’s The Checkout both criticise oppressive social and political institutions. Whilst Heller highlights the poor bureaucracy of the American Army and condemns the oppressive social construct, Morrow elevates the oppressed, and promotes rebellion against tyrannical corporations and companies. Nonetheless, both texts are testament of scathing social commentary, promoting change and rejection of social constraints. Thus discrediting and ridicule certain aspects of our society, thus compelling the readers to reflect on the flaws and tendencies...
3 Pages 1416 Words

Different Treatment Methods To Combat Infectious Disease

Infectious diseases form by pathogenic microorganisms for example microbes infections parasites or growths; the maladies can be spread straightforwardly or by implication starting with one individual then onto the next. Effective treatment for irresistible infections involves finding the sort of germ set off the disease makes it simpler for a wellbeing expert to complete fitting treatment. in cases that these ailments are brought about by microbes, anti-infection agents are known to be the best technique for treatment as they murder...
3 Pages 1391 Words

Child Abuse And Neglect: Violence Prevention

The abuse and neglect of children is something that, I have been aware of from an early age. While I may not have been able to discern or articulate it in legal terms; I was aware of what appeared to be right and or wrong at face value. Having benefited from growing up in a stable home with responsible and loving parents, I was fortunate enough to have an appropriate example of what a safe, stable, and loving environment was....
3 Pages 1409 Words

Essay About Twitter

Twitter is an online microblogging site/social network where users can instantly compose and share messages, called “tweets”, in 280 characters or less. Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams (Skemp, 2019). On Twitter, each user has a profile that can be viewed and followed by anyone if their profile is public, users also have the option of making their profile private and only those approved can follow and view their content. One...
3 Pages 1362 Words

Physical, Cognitive, Social And Personality Child Observation (Transition Stage From 11 To 12)

Children are complex, and the way a child develops differs from individual to individual. In this paper, I will explain the physical, cognitive, social, and personality naturalistic observations of my little brother, Johnny Pascual. He is in the transition stage of middle childhood (ages 6-11) to the beginning of adolescence (ages 11 to 12). My research will come from personal observation on his physical, cognitive, social and personality attributes. Johnny recently has started his first year of middle school. Johnny’s...
3 Pages 1365 Words

The Ways To Overcome Bullying As A Type Of School Violence

Impact of bullying in schools Research found that harassing harmfully affects student's execution. (Cynthia 2014) contended that refinement in connection between scholarly execution and tormenting level contingent upon student's scholastic accomplishment. Effect of harassing on student's capacity to perform and accomplish scholastically was examined (Block 2014) that students who have been tormented experience dread for going to class as they feel undefended in schools. When tormenting proceeds and school dos not take activities, the whole school atmosphere and culture can...
3 Pages 1372 Words
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