1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Gender Stereotypes And Gender Identity In The Books I'm Glad I'm A Boy! I'm Glad I'm A Girl! And Pearl Fairweather Private Captain

Young children are surrounded with language and pictures that constantly impact their development and idea of gender stereotypes. Children’s literature has been one of the primary avenues exposing gender stereotypes which is either challenged or reinforced through children’s books. Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men (Kari, 2019) and differs from the biological category of sex as sex involves genetic differences. Identity is defined as being our deeply held, internal sense of self as masculine, feminine,...
3 Pages 1445 Words

Racism In The Mark Twain’s Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Despite all the progress society has made, racism is still a prevalent issue. Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was a novel that, even in its own time, was already controversial due to the lack of censorship and the brutal comparisons between races. Shelley Fishkin’s idea that Mark Twain’s work was a call to action against racism is accurate because, in many occurrences, it puts black men on a better spotlight than white men, and because it uses the demonstration...
3 Pages 1352 Words

Violent Video Games And Their Effects

The sounds of gunfire and screams fill your room, your screen is filled with blood and gore, and just like that, you end the day and go to sleep. Violent video games have been a very controversial topic since 1976. There have been studies that supposedly prove that video games cause violence. But in recent studies, it has been proven that violent video games have hardly any effect on someone. The following analysis will focus on how violent video games...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Sales Tax On Newspaper In India

Introduction We all have a slight idea about sales tax. Whenever we purchase an item, the amout to be paid in the bill is higher than the price tag mentioned on the product. This additional amount of money that we pay while purchasing any goods is sales tax. Sales tax can be defined as an indirect tax which is charged while purchasing or exchanging of certain taxable goods, and is charged as a percentage of the value of the product....
3 Pages 1417 Words

The Topic Of Enslaved Black Women In Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

During the early centuries, black Americans did face enslavement. The enslaved people were deprived of their fundamental rights and freedom. The African Americans did not enjoy their lives, from birth till death and even beyond to some. They were forced to work on large plantations and under brutal conditions. The laborers were both minor and older adults, no matter their health conditions. The lives of enslaved people from birth to death was full of subjects to strict racial discrimination and...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Locke And Hobbes: The Political Theory Of Society

English philosophers Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and John Locke (1632-1704) have both made large contributions to develop the political thoughts of society. Before we dive into each of their ideas, we need to be aware of the contexts from which they arose. Their vastly different individual circumstances have helped define striking distinctions in personal outlook. As such, this essay will first explore the historical context in which the different philosophers’ works were constructed and move on to consider the differences in...
3 Pages 1414 Words

The Features Of New Journalistic Novel In The Book In Cold Blood

The novel In Cold Blood, written by Truman Capote introduced a journalistic style of creative writing using antirealism. This experimental approach to factual reporting required years of gathering research through first hand interviews, analyzing court records, and personal evaluation. The novel was intended to convey the case of the Clutter family, by honing in on the murderer’s mental states and thought processes, and highlighting the themes of nurture vs. nature and criminality, while staying true to the events that took...
3 Pages 1386 Words

How To Make Up A Friendship Based On Netflix Series Stranger Things And Stephen King Book It

A friendship is thought to represent the mutual bond between two individuals or a group of people who are friends. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, friend means, “one attached to another by affection or esteem” (Merriam-Webster). Being a friend means that you are connected to that individual or group of people by a common interest or mutual hobby. A friendship is made up of many different characteristics. However, there are three main ones that hold these bonds together. The three...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Dissociative Identity Personality Alters & Counseling Treatments

The area of interest I chose to base my research project on is dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder. It is recognized as a complex psychological disorder, characterized by possessing two or more distinct and separate personalities, which are termed alter types or states that appear outside ones conscious control. Each “state” has its specific knowledge of the way it perceives and identifies with the self and acquires varied roles to serve the purpose of assisting...
3 Pages 1396 Words

The Concepts Of Falsifiability And Enlightenment And Greta Thunberg

In the eyes of a casual citizen, philosophical notions stay unrelated to the events happening in real life. However, all philosophical concepts have been designed for the description of the events in the real world, the main scenarios of which become unchanged for thousands of years. Thus, each of them is likely to find its references in the events happening in the lives of casual people. This paper will review the concept of falsifiability, which is a part of the...
3 Pages 1359 Words

Blood Donation And Transfusion

People around the world are in need of help and as a community or nation united, are the ones for the job. About two centuries ago, life expectancy was between 30 to 40 years of age and many human beings would not live for long because medicine was not truly practiced. The technology and advancements that the world has now makes the life expectancy to increase in years. The information given will be about the history of blood transfusions, procedures...
3 Pages 1355 Words

The Role Of Public Administration In Social Change

Public administration is “centrally involved with the organization of presidency policies and programmes furthermore because of the behavior of officers (usually non-elected) formally to blame for their conduct.' Many unelected public servants is thought of to be public directors, as well as heads of town, county, regional, state and federal departments like municipal budget administrators, human resources (H. R) directors, town managers, census managers, state [mental health] administrators, and cupboard secretaries. Public directors are public servants operating publically departments and...
3 Pages 1422 Words

The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare: Battle Between Ethics And Politics

William Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ is clearly a play concerning the tragedy of lost morality in the political sphere but contrary to the plays title the focus is not on Caesar himself but instead on the individuals left behind after his murder. The political tragedy primarily centres around the character Brutus and his inner turmoil as he tries to cope with the circumstances after overthrowing his leader to whom he was exceedingly loyal. Shakespeare explores the blurred line between the political...
3 Pages 1350 Words

Why The Native Americans Should Have Been More Aggressive

I believe being aggressive would have allowed the Native Americans to keep their culture, land, and freedom longer. Native Americans were forced into treaties and agreements that went against their beliefs. Americans then unfairly broke the agreements that were made and didn’t follow through on the promises made to the Native Americans. The Native Americans were too soft, and it didn’t end well for them. It resulted in them losing a lot of land and even worse, a lot of...
3 Pages 1445 Words

ISIS Recruitment Process

ISIS: The Violent Organization The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known and ISIS, is an organization that is run by groups of violent extremists who wish to change the world. This terrorist organization is led by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. In addition, this organization has tried to convince the world to accept the Islamic law as their life guidance because they believe that this is the right way to live (Daveed). Those who oppose the Islamic law are considered...
3 Pages 1359 Words

A Psychological Portrait Of The Main Character In The Novel A Separate Peace By John Knowles

Author John Knowles uses the narrator’s point of view to describe the way he feels about his friend. The novel by John Knowles A Separate Peace shows the readers a complicated relationship between two friends and how their relationship is affected due to envy. By applying psychological criticism to A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the reader can understand the theme of jealousy that is faced between friends and how it can lead to bad decisions in life. It tells...
3 Pages 1445 Words

Environmental Degradation And Economic Collapse In Parable Of The Sower By Octavia Butler

The novel, Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, takes place in a post-apocalyptic society where there is little to no hope left for the remaining survivors on Earth. Many people have given up on saving the world and now result to taking what’s left of it. However, the few people who do believe in a better life, including protagonist Lauren Olamina, all share one common ideology, religion. Illustrating religion as the last hope against the looming darkness of the...
3 Pages 1439 Words

The Role Of Religion In The Genocide Of Native Californians

What is Religion? it is explained as one's belief in supernatural power. This power comes from creators and rulers of the universe. It is a personal or institutionalized system based on a set of beliefs, values, and practices that is based on teachings of a specific spiritual leader. This definition of religion is presented in major religions in the world. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are also known as the Abrahamic religions because they can be traced to their history of...
3 Pages 1383 Words

The Relationship Between Philosophical Concept Of Determinism And Free Will

Throughout history, free will and determinism have been a longstanding debate. The question arises because, as in many other issues in philosophy, two of our basic beliefs about ourselves and the world seem to conflict. While some believe that we do choose our own paths and have free will to choose, others believe our lives are chosen for us based on past events, or determinism. In this essay, I intend to argue that humans are free and have complete control...
3 Pages 1397 Words

Child Poverty In New Zealand: Causes And Solutions

The idea of child poverty and its effect on New Zealand emerged after seeing the documentary on YouTube. This thought arose from my curiosity regarding the effectiveness of attempts to eradicate and reduce child poverty in New Zealand. My hypothesis was that the child poverty rate in New Zealand was not so bad as compared to other countries. Nevertheless, I also feel that to conduct my research; I decided to ask three questions; 'What are the causes of child poverty...
3 Pages 1408 Words

Multimedia As The Method Of Effective Communication

ABSTRACT We are a digital savvy generation and information plays a vital role today. The latest digital tools and techniques of communication have bought many pleasing changes and developments in our lives. Digital communication has bridged the distance between languages which has given various ways of success for many others. It has blurred the lines between urban-rural, rich-poor, educated-uneducated etc. and has built opportunities for everyone in a democratic way. This paper gives a broad overview of the existential communication...
3 Pages 1426 Words

Addictive Lying And Its Consequences

Lying is something that should be decreased in society. “Speak the truth. People will forgive an honest mistake; they won’t forgive you if you lie” (Mark Goulston). Lying has been interpreted in many ways in society but there is one true meaning. There are many people who lie numerously over and over, but it is not a device that should be used. Why do people lie? This is a very common question discussed every day by many people. Lying is...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Father And Son Relationship In The Novel Maus

More people in Auschwitz died than in any other Nazi concentration camp. Could you live bearing the fact that your life was at stake for just being yourself? Faith is required to keep hope, when we also see people's vulnerabilities, we grow closer. Night by Elie Weisel is a strong example of this belief. In this book, a father and son are required to sustain by only having faith in each other. They are trapped like many Jewish people in...
3 Pages 1383 Words

William Blake's Poems As Social Protest And Anger At The Increased Industrialisation Of Society

Blake’s biggest fear is the city or industry engulfing everything. Most of his poetry revolves around politics, philosophy and religion. Blake’s works show that terms like Innocence and Experience are antithetical terms and contain within themselves their own opposites. He unsettles established oppositions and makes us see the world in new, imaginative and liberated ways; innocence to experience, good to evil, God to devil, white to black, pure to impure, child to adult, nature to city and human to God....
3 Pages 1406 Words

Factors Of Big Five Personality Traits And Job Performance

Introduction The relationship between personality and job performance has been a frequently studied topic in industrial psychology in the past century (Barrick, Mount & Judge, 2001). Understanding its people is as important to a company as understanding its operations and processes. Behaviors can come from different influences like environmental factors or personality traits. Many different theories and models on personality traits exist, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator that separates people out into 16 different personalities. Another model is the Big...
3 Pages 1394 Words

Hand Washing: Preventing Spread Of Disease In The Clinical Setting

In this essay, I will talk about my experience with the skill of hand hygiene in clinical practice. First I will explain how I perform the technique and my reasons for doing so using official guidelines such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), and research into hand hygiene to explain and support my method for hand hygiene. As well as supporting my own practice, I will use research to show the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of...
3 Pages 1442 Words

Supply Chain Management: Integration And Globalization In The Age Of E-Business

Abstract It is the 21st century and business is booming. Over the past 10 years, there have been quite a few revelations and introduction of a number of concepts in the field of business and its functioning. One major concept is of Supply Chain Management. For the longest of time, the concept was just in theory and barely in practice. However, the previously unnoticed concept has now found its way into majority of the existing businesses in the world and...
3 Pages 1428 Words

Introduction To Effective Negotiation Process

Negotiation refers to the process where two or more parties with different goals and needs discuss an issue to arrive at a compromise or a mutually acceptable solution. In the business world, negotiation skills are critical in both formal transactions and day to day information interactions. Chebet, Rotich and Kurgat (2015) explained that the term ‘negotiate’ is derived from the Latin infinitive ‘negotiaari’ that means ‘to trade or do business’; this verb itself was derived from another word, ‘negare’, which...
3 Pages 1379 Words

The Phenomenon Of Social Psychology

Introduction Social Psychology, a division of Psychology that handles the backgrounds and the social interaction of someone and how it makes impact on the person thus forming the personality or character of the person. In Social Psychology, people would study on certain phenomena that effects the approach, feelings, behavior, and thoughts of a person on a matter. From a series of Social Psychological Phenomena, there are two phenomena that demonstrates beneficial studies towards the Social Psychology public. One of them...
3 Pages 1410 Words

Conflict Management In Hospital Setting

The purpose of this essay is to depict the management of resolving a conflict in a typical hospital ward setting between two nurses. The aim is to resolve a conflict which strengthens the relationship of a team and create a harmony working environment which ensures patient care is delivered. There’s a post Cholecystectomy patient who is due for his wound dressing and it was his Day 2 in the ward. A moment later, the post-operative patient rang the bell and...
3 Pages 1414 Words
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