1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Reflective Essay on Professionalism in the Workplace

Professionalism is widely regarded as a key concept in all aspects of working society not only in the dental sector. Its meaning is well known but broad, each individual will have their own interpretation of what they see as a professional person. Most will agree with the attributes described by Mason (2016) that will qualify someone to be considered professional; neat appearance, confident demeanor, be reliable, ethics, and organization amongst other attributes. Professional integrity on the other hand is a...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Professionalism: Reflective Essay

Reflective learning is associated with looking back on experiences and understanding what actions could be taken in the future (Schon, 1983). Atwal & Jones, (2009) states that ‘reflective practice is a fundamental component of continuing professional development and is required by all regulatory bodies, in order to revalidate registration’; erasing complacency within healthcare. Reflection enables health professionals to share knowledge with others, to make sense of challenging situations (Chapman et al, 2009). Gibbs' reflective cycle (1988) encourages a description of...
3 Pages 1482 Words

How Did the Inuit Adapt to Their Climate: Analytical Essay

The Inuits of the Arctic have been able to adapt to the extreme cold as well as the seafood diet. The Inuit people enjoy the benefit of a range of genetic adaptations to their climatic conditions and diet that help them to survive in harsh environments. The region has been considered to play a key role in the climatic adjustments of the Inuits by generating heat from the various forms of body fats. The scientists have been able to follow...
3 Pages 1450 Words

Silence of The Lambs': Critical Analysis Essay

The silence of the lambs I have read the horror book 'The Silence of the Lambs'. The author, Thomas Harries started his career reviewing crime novels while working as a reporter in New York. He made his debut in 1975 and has since become a best-selling author worldwide, primarily through the books on the refined psychopath Hannibal Lecter. Silence of the Lambs is the second, and most famous book in the series, not the least thanks to the acclaimed 1991...
3 Pages 1542 Words

Using the Humanistic Approach to Learning

There are different theories that explore the different ways in which we learn. However, there is not a set way that anyone learns. Moreover, there is a mix of different theories in which everyone learns. In this essay, using the humanistic approach to learning, I will explain how being motivated through grades, feedback, and pay has helped me and how it can be used in educational practice today. Humanism is “a paradigm that developed in the 1960s and it focuses...
3 Pages 1530 Words

European Reformation in World History

The European Reformation of the 16th century was a massive part of European history, it spread through everywhere in Europe and everybody got involved in it. It rooted back to the 1400’s when there was a huge struggle between the empire and the papacy. There were also huge problems and deep-rooted envy between the German king and the Roman Pope. “German Humanists of the 1470’s and 1480’s identified themselves as nationalists, opposed to Italy and the Pope. This was because...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Destructive Power of Jealousy in the Films ‘Al Shak Al Qatel’ and ‘Othello’

‘Al Shak Al Qatel’ and ‘Othello’ are two films depicted from William Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’. ‘Al Shak Al Qatel’ is an Egyptian television film that was released in 1954, directed by Ezz El-Dine Zulficar. While ‘Othello’ is a British television film, released in 2001 and directed by Geoffrey Sax. Both films touch upon themes, such as suspicion, jealousy, loyalty betrayal and racism. There are some similarities and differences in the way the two films represent the destructive power of jealousy...
3 Pages 1464 Words

Tea and Its Cultivation

The origins of tea are shrouded in legend and tradition. Tea's history is varied, ranging from Chinese emperors to Portuguese queens who got tea from China. In China, a leaf is supposed to have been dropped into boiling water for Emperor Shen Nung, who appreciates the taste. He had no idea he was the one who had produced the first cup of tea. In Chinese legend, Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea when leaves from a wild tree drifted into his...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Media Influence on Young Adults and Their Identity

We live in a society where people, especially young adults, are constantly striving to be original. Many go so far as to denounce the original, classifying it as ‘mainstream’, while those perpetrating unoriginal acts are deemed as ‘posers’. Whether we like to admit it or not, we live in a society where almost every aspect of our lives is somehow influenced by mass media. One area that is particularly affected by media is self-image. Many people form their own standard...
3 Pages 1463 Words

Key Concepts of Feminist Literary Criticism in Arundhati Roy's Novel 'The God of Small Things'

Feminist literary criticism is described as the interpretation of composing literature from a female’s angle. Feminist writers often refuse the norms of typical literature, and they rebel against the patriarchal point of view. Feminist writers approach their literature in an empowering way to represent females. It criticizes and analyses the restraints and oppression of women throughout the years, and it portrays how women are viewed in literature. Feminist writers found themselves forbidden from composing literature in the era of the...
3 Pages 1452 Words

How Can Migration Become a National Security Problem?

Migration is when people move from one place to another to work or live. International migration involves moving from one's country to another. The world of today many people migrate due to different reasons: some migrate seeking better opportunities and education, while others flee their countries because of the crisis imposed by disasters or poverty. There is an excellent correlation between migration and security of any country, and this has led to the securitization of immigration and border policies by...
3 Pages 1517 Words

Data Analytics for Insurance Fraud Prevention

The insurance industry in general has been on an expansion mode with various players cropping up and transformations in regulatory framework and evolving technology pursuits. With the rise of big data and analytics, there has been immense cross-churning of information in both the life and non-life insurance sector. This has led to immense potential of positive opportunities in the insurance industry. However, like two sides to a coin, there are also possibilities of misuse of data and chances of fraudulent...
3 Pages 1510 Words

African American Challenges and Aspirations Depicted in 'Sympathy', 'Harlem' and 'The Lesson'

During the Great Migration, thousands of African Americans poured into industrial cities to find work and fill labor shortages created by World War I. Blacks faced exclusion and discrimination in employment, as well as some segregation in schools and public accommodations. However, the war and migration bolstered a heightened self-confidence in African Americans that manifested in the New Negro Movement, also known as the Harlem Renaissance. Authors Paul Laurence Dunbar, Langston Hughes, and Toni Cade Bambara write about how people...
3 Pages 1480 Words

Women's Rights Are Human Rights: Argumentative Essay

Introduction The fight for women's rights has been a long and rough one that has spanned ages and continents. There are many problems in this fight, such as the right to vote, work, go to school, and live without fear of violence. Even though women's rights are basic human rights, they have been ignored or rejected in many places around the world for a long time. The start of the women's suffrage movement in the late 1800s and early 1900s...
5 Pages 1503 Words

Why Do Students Dropout of School: Cause and Effect Essay

School dropout is described as an act where students leave school before the completion of the program for which they are enrolled for unforeseen reasons Douglas & Garbe (2014). School dropout is one of the most disturbing acts which affect students academically, parents, schools, and the nation as a whole. Most researchers defined the phenomenon of dropout differently, according to Jamil et al (2010). School dropout is a term used for children who for any reason other than death, discontinued...
3 Pages 1518 Words

Shakespeare as a Renaissance Man: Argumentative Essay

To be, or not to be, that is the question. A simple question, yet hard to answer. This line comes from one of the many works of poetry written by the infamous William Shakespeare. He is one of the most popular people from the Renaissance era. And as we can see, he chose to be the most influential person during the Renaissance. Shakespeare was the most influential person during the Renaissance because he created thousands of words, built the first...
3 Pages 1450 Words

Physical, Psychological and Emotional Changes in Adults: Analytical Essay

Physical changes To start with, we should take a gander at the physical changes that happen during adulthood. In light of the emotional and physical improvements that occur prior, it might appear that less consideration is put on physical advancement in the grown-up years. Allow's to find out if this supposition that is valid as we take a gander at three principal stages of physical advancement in adulthood: early adulthood, center adulthood, and late adulthood. Early adulthood happens generally between...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Personal Narrative on Death That Changed My Life

They covered your precious oak coffin with handfuls of a brown amalgam of rocks, decomposed organisms, and weeds. Yet I refused to take the shovel. I asked myself why I should send you off so dutifully when I hadn't even had the chance to say my final goodbye. I refused to let go of you. I refused to accept your death. I didn't see your death coming and now I was supposed to understand that an illness would take the...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Personal History Narrative Essay

My Story 23rd October 2019 along with 9.10 p.m as the time was written at the top right corner of the first page of the book titled “My Story”. My life took a 360-degree turn this evening. It’s like a huge load weighing a tonne was placed on my shoulders. Before my life seemed like a deck of cards in which you could play however and whenever you want. But today I realized the true meaning of my existence. It’s...
3 Pages 1472 Words

Opinion Essay on Appropriate Age for Social Media

When I was younger, I believed that social media was something that everyone needed to be able to fit in with others, most especially through my transition to middle school. As I progressively grew and was more informed on how social media worked and the people who used the platforms, I decided to not get social media until I got my cellphone. Now, it has been almost two years since I have owned my cellphone and at this point, I...
3 Pages 1504 Words

Oceanic Waves and Coastal Effects on Beach Materials: Analytical Essay

Introduction In the South Pacific, Papua New Guinea’s Carteret islands are being drowned by rising sea levels. This didn't happen overnight but over the past 20 years, the inhabitants of these islands have watched their homes being washed away by waves and their fruit trees die as the water supply became increasingly saline, contaminated by rising sea levels. The islands were eventually drowned by the sea in the year 2000 and the inhabitants were relocated to the sister island. This...
3 Pages 1450 Words

Narrative Essay on What Does Home Mean to You

Sometimes life can be draining, and the days seem to drag on forever. Life can hit you hard and leave you feeling lost and confused. Change can be scary, especially if your heart's not ready for it. There's something about feeling lonely and then being refreshed by the company of someone that feels at home. Some people may define “home” as a place where one life, but it can also be much more than that. When I think of the...
3 Pages 1468 Words

My High School Life: Memoir Essay

The most reliable way to predict your future is to create it. I am 17, a junior in high school doing full-time running start. Last quarter I took FYE, Psychology 200, Sociology, and Walking 1 and 2. This winter quarter I am taking Psychology 100, English 101, and Art Appreciation. Along with being a full-time college student, I work at Hot Shots. I work four days a week and make minimum wage, it is better than nothing though. During the...
3 Pages 1479 Words

Literature of the English Renaissance: Analytical Essay

When talking about English literature and its importance, we take a step towards its history and its significance along with that we get to see a glimpse of different writers, and poets who influenced us through their writings and the way they made their fame in the history of English literature. Some of the famous writers we have William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson, Edmund Spencer, Milton, and Christopher Marlowe, etc. literature being a reflection of society depicts certain important historical eras,...
3 Pages 1502 Words

Importance of Ambition in Our Life: Persuasive Essay

Intro Ambition drives individuals towards achieving their dreams and goals. It's a powerful force, fueling progress and inspiring personal and societal advancements. In the context of the United States, a nation built on the principles of freedom, opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness, ambition takes on a unique significance. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of ambition, exploring its various dimensions through increasingly detailed perspectives. Each section, ranging from a concise 100 words to an expansive 500 words, offers...
5 Pages 1487 Words

Essay about Lost Lenore

Introduction The perusal of poetry permits one to investigate the ideas and emotions of another person and to see their stowed away, suppressed sentiments in a unique, creative instance. The numerous, picturesque emotional perspective of grief is profoundly accentuated through my chosen poems The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe and Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden. Good afternoon, teacher and school peers, today I will stress the idiosyncratic distinctions between viewpoints of grief, how the context of their era and personal...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Four Justifications of Punishment: Persuasive Essay

There are two different forms of human behavior, the first being conformity and lastly deviance. Conformity is behavior that is considered good behavior as it meets and complies with standards set by members of the society, for instance, If it is considered that greeting elders are a good way to behave, people who do it will not face any criticism. Deviance is behavior that is considered bad, it does not meet the requirements/ standards of the society. They depart from...
3 Pages 1484 Words

Was The Internment of Japanese Justified: Critical Essay

During the era of world war II many Asian communities, especially the Japanese, were unfairly treated and placed into camps, in large part of their ancestry. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Navy spiked an already negative view of Asian Americans and immigrants. This led the U.S. Government to force a mass relocation of the Asian population into internment camps that were along the Pacific coast. The rationale that was used to implement the relocation of thousands of...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Illnesses Essay

Illnesses Essay 1 (100 words) Physical and mental illnesses are important components of human life. They can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including hereditary predisposition, environmental situations, or bad lifestyle choices. Physical disorders may entail organ or bodily system malfunction, whereas mental illnesses impair emotional, psychological, or social well-being. Health conditions may be crippling, interfering with one's everyday life and overall satisfaction.  Many ailments are now manageable, if not curable, thanks to advances in modern medicine and healthcare...
4 Pages 1524 Words

Acceptance Essay

Acceptance Essay 1 (100 words) The journey of acceptance is a deeply personal, often introspective, unraveling within the caverns of our hearts and minds. Acceptance is more than a simple notion - it's a transformation, a process of recognizing and embracing the many facets of our individuality and the diversity of others around us. This essay delves into acceptance's significance as a vital cornerstone of human relationships, personal growth, and social cohesiveness. When we foster a culture of acceptance, we...
4 Pages 1529 Words
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