1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

What Is Self-Esteem? Definitions And Issues

Look at the mirror and describe the person you see. The outcome of that description is what we call self-esteem. The choice of words you use, the respect you give to yourself, and the value you see in your worth are the elements that shape your self-esteem. So in fact, what is self-esteem? According to many experts and psychologists, and throughout decades of studies, self –esteem has been referred to as one’s attitude toward oneself1. (Morris Rosenberg-1965). Iyanla Vanzant favorite’s...
3 Pages 1472 Words

Integrity vs. Integration

Actions and judgments are often times clouded by the basic human need for belonging and acceptance, both in society and by one’s self. The individual searches for identity fueled by the need to find the place in the world in which they find comfort. In both Abraham Rodriguez Jr.’s short story “Babies,” and Ha Jin’s “The Bridegroom,” the reader is forced to acknowledge and examine the decisive moments people face when at the crossroads between choosing to devote themselves completely...
3 Pages 1522 Words

Keeping Your Faith Strong In George Herbert’s Poem The Flower

'The Flower' by George Herbert is an enthusiastic, jubilant poem in which a special picture of the metaphysical life is broaden with peace of mind and sophistication that easily come into sight. Herbert’s poem reflects his own relationship with God that is repeatedly unsettled, many times ecstatic; not thinking of himself or his own prominence too much, in spite of never questioning God’s devotion, affection, and competence. Herbert uses a flower to correlate his belief adventure and to grant the...
3 Pages 1508 Words

LeBron James: The Kid From Akron

The city of Akron is a tough place for families in poverty. There’s crime in the streets, the houses are very small, run-down, and cheap, and it’s a tough place for kids to truly live their childhood. On December 30th, 1984, that narrative changed, as a child was born who was destined to change the narrative of the crime-infested town that was Akron, Ohio. His name was LeBron James. The son of Gloria James, Lebron had to live a challenging...
3 Pages 1458 Words

Martin Luther King’s Views Regarding Civil Disobedience

In this paper, I will argue that Martin Luther King’s views about civil disobedience makes him more reliable compared to Plato’s beliefs because Martin Luther King utilizes emotional language and concrete examples to build his credibility and gain the trust of others. Furthermore, I will discuss Plato and Martin Luther King’s viewpoints about disobeying the law and how each of them establish their own credibility. In King’s speech, “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” King discusses the prevalence of racial segregation and...
3 Pages 1518 Words

Does Humour Increase Pain Tolerance Directly?

In this essay I will discuss the relationship between pain tolerance and humour. According to Woodrow, Friedman, Sieglaub, and Collen (1972), Pain tolerance can be defined as the level at which an individual can withstand pain. I will look into whether humour has a direct influence on pain tolerance, or whether in studies on the relationship between humour and pain tolerance, there are other factors affecting pain tolerance. Elmali and Akpinar (2017) looked into the effects of humorous videos on...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Genetic Modification And Food Security

Food insecurity is the lack of access to enough nutritious food, and is an occurrence that hundreds of millions of people face daily (P. Webb, 2006). Genetically modified crops provide great opportunity to improve food quality and to improve yields of crops without increasing the need for fertilisers and pesticides (R. Goodman, 2008). This suggests that genetic modification could help improve reduce the number of people facing food insecurity. Despite this potential there are still many arguments against GM crops,...
3 Pages 1482 Words

Extrovert And Introvert Theories Of Personality

Personality is “A dynamic organisation, inside the person, of psychophysical systems that creates the person’s characteristic patterns of behaviour, thoughts and feelings” (Maltby, Day and Macaskill, 2017, page 5). This essay will explore Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the five-factor model and their contrasts and similarities. The MBTI is a personality type theory and questionnaire assessing and revealing each individual’s personality type. The MBTI’s composed of four cognitive categories with two choices for each category, resulting in sixteen different...
3 Pages 1488 Words

The Aspects Of Plant Based Teaching

Introduction Encouraging as many students to study botany is becoming a major priority for universities across our globe. The Royal Society of Biology have highlighted the lack of plant based teaching in current tertiary education [1]. Out of a total of 130 UK universities only 22 offer any sort of plant/botany based degree as of October 2018. The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University have given report upon the fact that universities are failing to develop adequate...
3 Pages 1535 Words

Why Was There So Much Anxiety Over Physical Deterioration And National Efficiency?

In the late 19th and early 20th century, Britain was seen as one of the strongest empires across the world; and was also spread with an imperialistic attitude which can be seen from the 20 year reign on the Conservatives which was the party of the empire. However, this imperialistic atmosphere within Britain was soon to be stopped by the questions caused as a consequence of the failure of the Boer War: What was Britain's position in the world? The...
3 Pages 1480 Words

The Theories On Whether Language Is Learned

Language is defined as “a system of communications which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by people from a particular country or region” (collins-dictonary, N/A). It is split into several key components including phonemes which are defined as “smallest unit of sound” (mitchell & ziegler, 2013) which when used in varying combinations form morphemes which are defined as the “smallest unit of meaning” (mitchell & ziegler, 2013). Language is characterised by being pragmatic meaning...
3 Pages 1473 Words

Microorganisms Developing On All The Agar Plates

Introduction Escherichia coli known as E. coli are microscopic organisms found in the surroundings, food, digestion tracts of individuals and animals. E. coli are a huge and assorted gathering of microscopic organisms. However, most parts of E. coli are innocuous, others can make you feel unwell. A few sorts of E. coli can cause urinary tract contaminations, diarrhoea, respiratory sickness and pneumonia, and different diseases. Aseptic techniques imply utilising methods and practices to keep pollution from pathogens. It includes applying...
3 Pages 1485 Words

The Difference Between A Union Organised Workplace Compared To A Non-union Workplace

I will be looking at whether union organised workplaces are far more efficient than that of a workplace without. There is certainly scope to this question. For instance, whilst many companies and business do have a working union actively helping to keeping workplaces safe and to the law, there are plenty that will bend and not abide by the rules. The effects of this would not just damage the company alone but essentially the worker or workforce, being put into...
3 Pages 1537 Words

Language, Literacy And Numeracy Development

There are 6 stages of language development. Firstly, the Prelinguistic stage occurs early in a child’s life when they are exploring speech and sound. They will often cry, babble and try to mimic others. Approximately, around 10-13 months is when the child reaches the holophrase or one-word sentence phase. They are not yet able to speak full sentences so they communicate by using single words to express a complex idea in order for their needs to be met. An example...
3 Pages 1545 Words

The Theories Of Constructivism And Neorealism In The Terms Of International Relations

Thinkers of international relations continue to create new views on the subject. As is typical in most fields of study, theories have gained significance in explaining the phenomenon surrounding global cooperation. While this is the case, it is imperative to highlight the fact that the opinions that these individuals hold differ depending on perspective. At the center of these dialogues, is the most critical aspect of international relations. At a time when the world is mundane, there are those that...
3 Pages 1539 Words

The Extraction Of DNA From Buccal Cells To Obtain DNA Quantification And Purity

The reuptake of dopamine within the brain is initiated by proteins referred to as “Dopamine Transporters” (DAT) found in-between neurons. DAT act on the pre-synaptic neurons nerve endings and allows them to absorb the dopamine neurotransmitter, thus terminating the transmission of a message. The reuptake and regulation of dopamine results in a steady and level headed mental state. Dopamine as a molecule is a monoamine neurotransmitter, a term that refers to its chemical structure and the fact that it derives...
3 Pages 1463 Words

Attitude Of Insuranced Residents In The Northern Republic Of Cyprus

The researcher will be researching about attitude of insurance residents in the northern republic of Cyprus in their respective pursuit of attaining quality health care. Firstly, attitude is defined as per literary virage below so as to get a vivide comprehension about on attitude, the Turkish Republic of Cyprus, health insurance , and healthcare quality. ATTITUDE Fabrigar L and Wegener D (2010) stipulated in their finding the concept of attitude is presumotively recorded as the most disctinctive and indispensible concept...
3 Pages 1528 Words

The Payload Effect Of Virus

Abstract Viruses are a very important topic among technology users, especially computer users. Viruses have many different intended functions. I will be covering virus payloads and what areas these viruses’ effect. Data files (delete or collect), spreading across multiple computers, spam email that contains different types of viruses, and viruses that enable backdoor access. Data files is where my focus will be during my research. Every computer has files stored on to them, whether that is personal information or business...
3 Pages 1488 Words

Corona Virus (COVID-19): Introduction To Biochemical Engineering

What Is Corona Viruse (COVID-19) Corona viruses are a wide group of viruses that in animals and humans may cause disease. Corona viruses are known to cause respiratory infections in humans ranging from mild colds to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Since being first identified in southern China in 2002, 26 countries continued to be affected, resulting in more than 8,000 cases and 774 deaths. The Coronavirus which was recently...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Illicit Drugs And The Normalization Of Violence

As noted previously, no simple explanation exists to define the cause and effect of illicit drugs and violence. For many centuries throughout time, certain drugs, even when prohibited or illegal, did not lead to significant violence. Only over the last half-century has there been a marked increase in violence connected to illegal drugs. Goin (2012), Reuter (2009) and Thoumi (2009) all suggest the illicit drug trade is generally nonviolent outside of certain markets. While Columbia and Mexico have experienced significant...
3 Pages 1480 Words

The Sinners In Dante's Inferno

The use of symbolic retribution, a punishment that is symbolized by the crime that was committed, is found throughout Dante’s Inferno. In Inferno, by Dante Alighieri, Dante is first found in a dark forest where he encounters three different animals. After avoiding the different animals he is led through the nine layers of hell by Virgil, a Roman poet. Each circle of hell represents a different group of sinners. Circle one is the Limbo layer, where people are punished for...
3 Pages 1461 Words

Hasna Henna As A Metonym To Rohingyas Refugees

Faizullah’s choice of using the Ghazal form to write her poem was suitable and accurate. The Ghazal form is used for describing and talking about a beloved that could be a family member, later it was used to discuss the feelings of loss and longing. Faizullah is combining both subjects to write about her dear dead aunt. The word tree appears many times and occupies the role of the radif in this poem, moreover, it is a keyword that is...
3 Pages 1500 Words

Cognitive Functions And Cultural Differences Of Older Adults

Maintaining cognitive skills is important in life when it comes to aging. Cognitive aging, a decrease in cognitive processes as you age is common in many older adults and is also a predictor of mortality (Sneed & Schulz, 2017). The research conducted by Rodlescia S. Sneed and Richard Schulz in “Grandparent Caregiving, Race, and Cognitive Functioning in a Population-Based Sample of Older Adults”, uses a populational- based and longitudinal study to assess the associations between grandparent’s caregiving and cognitive functioning...
3 Pages 1530 Words

How Different Levels Of Sodium Chloride Affect The Growth Of Harvester Green Bean

Introduction High levels of salt concentration can have detrimental effects to the plants that are growing there. Rising salinity levels is one of the biggest attributes to the lack of growth within a plant population (Qados 2011). Salt concentrations in soils worldwide create problems each year and lead to loses of crop or even single plants (Garcia, Dattamundi, Chanda, Jayachandran 2019). Salt collects in soils that are artificially watered and once evaporation takes place there is a residue left behind...
3 Pages 1482 Words

Design Architecture: A Blossoming Career For Creative Individuals

There are many jobs that shape the world around us, and one of those jobs is that of a design architect. Design Architecture may seem like a time consuming, boring, and tiresome job, but it is very far from that. Design Architects are very creative individuals who design everything from our homes to our favorite places, therefore all design architects have the responsibility for designing safe and functional buildings. Since more and more buildings are being created, a need for...
3 Pages 1495 Words

The Frivolity Of Evil in Life At The Bottom: The Worldview That Makes The Underclass

The authors main argument Theodore Dalrymple main argument range from the fact that the society is eating itself in the sense that numerous evil that is taking place emanates from our own previous actions. People are getting used to misery and problems to the extent that they take actions without preceding their consequences. For instance, the author uses a prisoner as an example that after serving their jail terms they leave with their heads high with the intention that they...
3 Pages 1489 Words

The Necessity Of Instant Blood Notification System

INTRODUCTION The last decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the field of technology. Everything is fast and instant in this modern world of smart technology. Today, there is no place for error and very much time-consuming works. Currently, we are developing a website, the website is a collection of pages on the www (World Wide Web) that contains specific information which was all provided by one person or organization. Blood notifies website provides information about the need for blood....
3 Pages 1507 Words

Failure: Setback Or A Step To The Next Level?

A time that I experienced failure was when I failed my first science test in the fourth grade. I walked into my class on a rainy Wednesday thinking that that day would be stress-free like any other day. I sat down in my seat and started to talk to my best friend Sydney when the bell rang and I heard the worst thing any teacher could say. “Okay class, put your notes away we will be having a quiz.” With...
3 Pages 1461 Words

How Does Shyness Stem Into Social Anxiety?

Shyness refers the quality or state of being shy. It's synonyms are bashful, reserved, introversion, being timid, fearfulness, nervousness, hesitation and doubt. Having social anxiety however, refers to the intense fear of being judged or rejected within a social setting. Synonyms of anxiety are worry, concern, unease, angst, nervousness, stress, suspense, disquiet and fearfulness. So how does shyness relate and stem into social anxiety disorder? Shyness, on one hand, has many causes. It could be caused from biological differences in...
3 Pages 1534 Words

Social Classes Affection On Language In Ramadan Mabrouk Movie

Introduction Language plays an important role in our lives, but people may live in a society which uses different languages to communicate with each other. As many people tend to travel across countries and continue to ask for more education as much as they are exposed to other cultures. There is variety of languages in different societies; so people tend to share a range of common languages therefore they are also more vulnerable to mix these common languages within their...
3 Pages 1479 Words
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