1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why Summer Is My Favourite Season: Reflection Essay

Why do I like summer? Summer in Korea is damp. You can feel the dampness on your skin. When I close my eyes and breathe in, the humidity brings me an olfactory memory of mine linked to my mother’s mother. Just thinking of it stirs my mind up and makes me feel kind of dizzy as if there are a thousand butterflies inside my body. It was when I was still a little girl. My grandmother lived right near us,...
3 Pages 1585 Words

Effect of Victim Impact Statements

The overall impact that crime can have on a victim may differ by its severity, some may have a subtle effect, while others may have a more harmful effect. We can often detect when someone has been harmed in some type of manner, whether it is specifically linked to crime or something different. Coping with the impact of a crime that remains with the victim, can be rather difficult and even hard to express to others. An important factor to...
4 Pages 1606 Words

Peer Presence Effect on Speeding: Essay on Risk Taking

Research Question How different types of pressure can affect peer risk-taking on a fictional young male driver’s estimated speeding behavior and estimated intention to speed? Hypotheses Passive peer pressure would lead to a greater estimated speeding behavior of the scenario driver (ESBSD) and estimated intention to speed of the scenario driver (ESISD) than active pressure. High-risk-taking peers would have a higher estimated ESBSD and ESISD. Passive peer pressure with high risk-taking peers would have the highest ESBSD and ESISD than...
3 Pages 1592 Words

Impact of Covid-19 on Employment in Various Industries

Abstract: The Covid-19 coronavirus is a new virus. Although there are no specific vaccines or treatments available now, medication and vaccine research are underway. Impact of Covid-19 on employment in various industries, e.g.: media and culture sector, public service, public emergency services, automotive, textile, clothing, civilization, health sector, education, shipping, fishing, tourism, agriculture, food security, etc. in various ways. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, people are forced to do ‘Work from home’. Covid-19 has forced almost all employees of all...
3 Pages 1557 Words

Kindness: A Pillar of American Values

Kindness, a virtue often described as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate, transcends borders, cultures, and languages. The universal dialect of compassion, understanding, and empathy binds humanity together. While seemingly simple, the essence of kindness is profound and potent enough to inspire change and foster unity. Kindness forms an integral part of the American ethos, intertwining with the nation's ideals of liberty, justice, and unity. This essay explores kindness's historical and contemporary role in our society, its impact...
4 Pages 1556 Words

Why Was the Civil War Inevitable: Essay

What did the slaves do during the civil war? Every time someone says “the civil war” most people think of a divided country that fought for the slaves’ freedom. What we don’t know as well is the slaves’ side of the war. Did they silently rebel, or were they obedient and helped their masters? Thanks to historians interviewing former slaves and finding letters and diaries, we now have some answers. The civil war seemed inevitable. The debate over slavery started...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Tornado Research Paper

Introduction: The Joplin tornado, rated EF–5 on the Enhanced Fujita scale, hit the state of Missouri on May 22, 2011. It is considered one of the deadliest tornadoes in US history. Tornadoes routinely occur all over the world and cause various levels of damage to life and property. I chose this topic because I have always been fascinated with tornadoes and other severe weather and climate events, the precautions or warnings associated with them, and how the latter helped reduce...
3 Pages 1575 Words

Sonnet 130 Rhyme Scheme: Analysis Essay

Romantic or platonic, lifelong or fleeting, love surrounds and shapes our meaningful relationships every day, teaching us lessons, presenting us with new experiences, and changing our lives forever. Good morning, I am Maddison Clark and today, as my role as literary expert, I will be analyzing how the theme of love, within two poems from different time periods, differ and compare. Love is an important and common theme addressed within poetry, as audiences, no matter age or era, are able...
4 Pages 1632 Words

Rise of Hip Hop as the Most Popular Genre of Music in America

Rock has held the award for the most popular music genre in the U.S. for years. American rock groups like Guns N’ Roses, Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boys, Green Day, Nirvana, Aerosmith, etc. are just some of the historic names that we acknowledge as huge musical influences of our society. As time progresses we are starting to recognize the increase in popularity of hip-hop/rap music. The year 2017 is noted as the year that hip hop/rap has become...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Research Paper on Recycling

Market Analysis of Recycling Kiosks Waste management has been proven to be a real challenge among populations and societies. With the increasing populations and the expanding consumption rates, waste volumes continue to threaten the sustainability efforts of waste management. The state of the environment has continued to degrade to poor waste disposal, and there are significant health impacts that have emerged as a result. Government agencies and private entities have continued to join efforts to enhance waste management efforts over...
3 Pages 1630 Words

Informativeness of ‘Hesperus = Phosphorus’ as a Problem for the Referential Approach to Meaning

Explain why the informativeness of ‘Hesperus = Phosphorus’ is a problem for the referential approach to meaning. Critically compare Frege’s response to this problem with Russell’s. The referential approach to meaning is the idea that the meaning of every expression is its referent. A referent is an object referred to by the utterance of a word. For example, “the capital of England” refers to London. There are a number of issues one can highlight with this approach, and due to...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Informative Essay on Archaeology

What is archaeology? Archaeology is defined as the study of artifacts or material culture and other physical remains left on the earth by different societies of humans and other related species in the past. Particularly, the term archaeology derived its meaning from the Greek word “Archaia” which means ancient things, and “logos” which commonly refers to science or theory. The human artifacts range from past stone tools to the artificial items that are thrown or even buried today. Potsherds, texts,...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Importance of Expertise in Forensic Psychology

Juries are made up of a variety of people from various backgrounds with differing beliefs. This in turn allows for a range of opinions to be expressed, which generally reflect community values and standards on the issues in any given case. An influential factor of jury decision-making examined closely in forensic psychology is expertise. Expertise, which typically takes the form of an expert witness or testimony in this context, has the benefit of either helping a jury better understand the...
3 Pages 1561 Words

Impact of Self Esteem in Meg and Marjane Characters in 'A Wrinkle in Time' and 'Persepolis'

“The magic of a story is when the characters come to life and defy our expectations.” ― H.S. Crow There are many ways an author can tell a story. No matter what way they choose, having a well-developed character will make the story more appealing. The ability to make your character really can make a reader more invested in your story because the readers can understand what they are going through. The change in self-esteem in Meg from A Wrinkle...
3 Pages 1612 Words

How to Describe Yourself as a Writer

Statement of purpose ‘Kinney the cupboard’ is a story about England's finest cupboard who was born on 16th April 1973. A famous carpenter named John Makaly`s last Masterpiece was a story cooked in the middle of 9th grade English class. This was highly inspired by ‘Beauty and the Beast’ the cupboard which was sort of Bella's best friend. The writer in me then felt like the cupboard character was not given enough storyline and screen time, and also because I...
3 Pages 1568 Words

How Could Chernobyl Have Been Prevented: Argumentative Essay

About 30 km of land, the government, people's homes, and the nuclear power plant were all destroyed in a matter of seconds. The majority of people believe Chornobyl was only a mistake since nuclear power is relatively safe, and its effects were not severe, whereas it was much more than that. The explosion was a major factor in the future development of nuclear power plants, the safety precautions regarding the power plants, and even the Soviet Union's downfall. The Chornobyl...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Ford & Edison’s Role in the History of the Electric Car in America 1890-1914

At the turn of the 20th century, though often looked at through a teleological view, ¬¬¬¬¬¬the future of the automobile industry was yet to be decided. About a decade prior, the electric automobile had its first development in America by William Morrison and was successfully commercialized in 1895 by the Riker Electric Vehicle Company. While steam and gasoline-powered cars were also being engineered, the electric car was ahead in public consumption by the 1900s. This paper will look at the...
4 Pages 1590 Words

Essay on Wilderness and Rider’s Impact on the Environment

Mountain biking has become a very popular sport over the last decade. New biking trails are opening up everywhere allowing for quick access to nature and everything that it has to offer. Many people enjoy biking as it allows them to spend quality time with loved ones, exercise in a fun way and explore the great outdoors. That being said, mountain biking has attracted a negative side. This can be seen in Palm Springs California. Doug Scott, the author of...
4 Pages 1592 Words

Essay on the Vietnamese and Laotian Communities in the United States

Thesis: Vietnamese and Laotian refugees were able to acculturate, but socio-economic factors in the United States caused difficulties with the process of acculturation From the 1960s to the present-day United States, various Southeast Asian communities such as Vietnamese and Laotians have greatly increased in population size. With the withdrawal of American troops in the cessation of the Vietnam War, countless individuals were left with only their broken communities. In a humanitarian effort, the United States allowed Southeast Asian refugees to...
3 Pages 1578 Words

Essay on Social Causes of the Civil War

Slavery is the most element to create the Civil War in the Freedom of the United States. The most important encouragement to withdraw eleven southern states from the US Alliance in 1860, which leads to the civil war, is slavery. The resistance of the leader of South Policy leaders to try through the northern anti-police forces to prevent the expansion of slavery in Western regions. After the US Civil War of 1861 to 1865 as well as the formation of...
4 Pages 1574 Words

Essay on School Shooting

Introduction School shootings in the United States and a few other countries such as Canada and Germany have continued to elicit debates among stakeholders. While there is considerable optimism about the possibility of eliminating institutional violence such as school shootings, the diversity of the assumed causes of school shootings complicates the positivity. In response to a series of school shootings in the years the 1990s to 2002, sociologist Catherine Newman presented a unique perspective on the dynamics of social formations...
4 Pages 1598 Words

Essay on Police Brutality

There are many contemporary social justice issues that we are experiencing on a day-to-day basis amongst communities across the globe. These issues include poverty, racism, immigration, ecological destruction, incarceration, socioeconomic relations, and more. One social justice issue that truly grabs my attention anytime it is brought up is the uprising of police brutality across the United States. Police brutality lies under the scope of understanding in which police officers are unwarranted or use excessive and often illegal use of force...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Essay on Philosophical Approach to Meaning

The informativeness of ‘Hesperus=Phosphorus’, commonly referred to as the ‘identity problem’, is an issue for the referential approach to meaning, which both Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell subscribe to. This essay will outline what the identity problem is, and why it is a problem for the referential approach to meaning. Generally speaking, a theory of reference is a theory that pairs expressions with the contribution those expressions make to the determination of the truth values of sentences in which they...
3 Pages 1583 Words

Essay on My Relationship with Grandfather

For 11 years of my life, I woke up to the permeating smell of cinnamon tea and the vigorous flipping of comic book pages. Stumbling distraught into the living room, I would find my grandfather in his favorite armchair at the same time each morning, tea and countless editions of comic books in hand. Despite my family’s annoyance at his obsession with “childish” literature and witty morning remarks, there was never a time when anyone imagined it would all disappear....
3 Pages 1569 Words

Essay on My Grandfather: The Exclusive and Memorable Clues for Life from A Rare Person

Here stands the man who is full of rich knowledge that is worth spreading as family history. I am so proud to have this man with me today. This man is named Saad Ghanem Al – Saraf. He is my grandfather. I am about to know more about his golden knowledge. My Grandfather had three incredible and unbelievable highlights in life which made all the difference. This was all about my grandfather’s childhood. Let’s start this adventure. These were the...
3 Pages 1551 Words

Essay on Lincoln’s Successor Andrew Johnson

1. What are the problems that existed after the Civil War? How did the North and South try to alleviate them? The South still tried to do its own thing and the violence continued. The biggest problem was racism and the power struggle. The South made Black Codes to continue having power over African Americans and Johnson did nothing to intervene or stop them. Johnson, a staunch defender of states’ rights, believed that citizens of every state should be free...
4 Pages 1610 Words

Essay on Importance of Vaccines Invention

Vaccines are considered one of the most distinguished inventions in history. From a health standpoint, some of the revolutionary achievements of vaccines are the eradication of smallpox and polio. Millions of people die of smallpox during 1980-90, however, the 1979 vaccination program started by the WHO completely wiped it out. Another, striking accomplishment of vaccination is eradicating polio. After the introduction of a worldwide end polio campaign, the number of polio cases has reduced to 407 in 2013 from 350,000...
4 Pages 1589 Words

Essay on Immigration

Immigration is embedded in our country's roots, and the history of immigration in our country is long. In today’s society, immigration has become an ethical dilemma and it has developed decades of debate. It is easy for some people to have an issue with immigrants in America, but there’s a part that a lot of people forget about in this world America was formed by immigrants. Immigrants come from every part of the world, there are four types of immigration...
3 Pages 1551 Words

Essay on Iliad: Aphrodite Promise in Marriage to Paris

In a broader discussion of men's status and glory (kleos) in The Iliad, Homer describes women's societal roles in their connection to men and the gods. While the male characters are fixated primarily on war and the gods' prophecies, Helen is left to ponder the dreary emotions her circumstances evince. Although Homer initially portrays her as a spoil of war, Helen's relationships with Menelaus, Paris, Aphrodite, and Hektor shed a unique light on her subjugated position, and heighten her humanity...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Essay on Health Care

1.0 Background of the Study The need for a linked environment for achieving organizational objectives is peculiar to nearly all establishments. An environment is anything that surrounds and affects a system. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2008), an environment is the conditions in a place that affect the behavior and development of an entity. Health and Social Care is a term that describes services that are available from health and social care providers in the United Kingdom (U.K.). Health...
4 Pages 1622 Words
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