1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Relationship of Localism to Interior Design: Analytical Essay

In this essay we will be looking at how localism relates to interior design looking at its pros and cons within communities and how and why localism is important in the sustainability of creative interior design, giving examples where appropriate and relating this back to why as interior designers we should be aware of the issue within today’s current ethos. To understand why localism is a critical issue within interior design it is paramount to understand what is localism as...
4 Pages 1633 Words

Pros and Cons of Homeland Security

Is the Department of Homeland Security fulfilling its main purpose? Filomena, 5, has been crying frequently and has occasionally even vomited out of sorrow since Border Patrol authorities separated her from her father on May 16. Numerous young immigrants have horrifying incidents like the one described above. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was specifically instructed by the Trump Administration to prevent illegal immigration, which resulted in these horrible occurrences. But the real question is: What direct threat is currently...
4 Pages 1645 Words

Professional Goals in Nursing Essay

Motivated to care: Holistic Nursing Nurses are an important part of nursing care and more intricate than is perceived. Understanding what motivates and drives most nursing careers will open a new world of understanding of the core values that drive the profession. Nurses draw inspiration from mentors such as family members, friends, educators and those great people such as Florence Nightingale whose passion for nursing care has made nursing the revered career it is today. Building off these values as...
4 Pages 1623 Words

My Perspective on Moral Relativism: Reflective Essay

‘Conscience Hath a Thousand Several Tongues’ ‘Morality – like velocity – is relative. The determination of it depends on what the objects around you are doing. All one can do is measure one’s position in relation to them; never can one measure one’s velocity or morality in terms of absolutes.’ This quotation by novelist David Gerrold highlights the inherent nature of morality as being relative. Moral relativism – the notion that morality persists with respect to cultural circumstances, societal paradigms...
3 Pages 1609 Words

Issues of Creativity Enhancement: Critical Analysis

To initiate any scientific investigation, a researcher needs to collect factual information. Based on that factual knowledge; the researcher can understand where there is a gap in knowledge. This process gives birth to the problem, which needs to be solved. A problem is engendered on the ground of the existing gap in knowledge about the concept or contradiction in existing concepts. It leads to several investigations for a better understanding of the concept. The roots of the word 'problem’ lie...
4 Pages 1582 Words

History of Architecture Essay

Pre-historic “It has been truly said that protection from the inclemency of the seasons was the mother of architecture and according to Vitruvius, a man in his primitive savage state began to imitate the nests of birds and the lairs of beasts.” – Banister F. Fletcher, (Fletcher, 1905: 1). Materials such as arbors of twigs covered with mud and branches of trees covered with turf were used to form huts and dwellings such as shielings, beehive huts and dome-like structures...
4 Pages 1627 Words

Emersonian Essay on Frida Kahlo

Emersonian Essay Imagine if no one followed the rules. Everyone would not care and people would speak up to what they truly believe in. This world would be completely different. We wouldn't have to walk around with a fake mask just to fit in. Although that would be great, I think it would be awhile until that happens. With not all of us being like that, there are a few people that are; and one of those people is Frida...
3 Pages 1572 Words

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Relationship

This exhibition is all about the experience; yours and Frida’s. From the ‘selfie’ opportunities at the entry and exit to the manifestation of her pain. For fifty years Frida Kahlo’s personal possessions were locked away following her death in 1954. In Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving, the Brooklyn Museum has put together the largest U.S. exhibition featuring the iconic artist and the first in the United States to display her clothing and personal effects. The exhibition is based on...
3 Pages 1575 Words

Descriptive Essay on Relations between Michelangelo and Pope Paul III

There is no art without the artist. Additionally, there is no art without the sponsor. The consequence of a cooperative effort between the artist and the client is beautiful humanist graves, devout frescoes, and towering buildings. The Last Judgment, a fresco by Michelangelo Buonarroti, is located on the wall behind the altar in the Sistine Chapel and shows the event of Christ's second coming to render judgment during the end of the world as taught in the Christian religion. Formerly...
3 Pages 1604 Words

Critical Analysis of Eating Disorders in Women

Eating Disorders The researcher had the opportunity on collecting and gathering critical information on eating disorders. What is an eating disorder you my ask? As defined in the oxford school dictionary it is defined as “any range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits (such as anorexia nervosa). This article summary is going to be a detailed outline of the information of eating disorders in women. There are a large number of persons who suffer from eating...
4 Pages 1617 Words

British Imperial Policy

The late 19th century marked a new wave of global competition. Although the British empire still enjoyed its global dominance with extensive colonial control, its colonies in the New World gradually gained self-governance from the central government and experienced rapid economic development. Meanwhile, emerging industrial countries, especially Germany and United States, created arising threats and challenged the global dominant status. The emerging international conflicts mark the eve of worldly wars. Under such context, the British empire’s voluntary grant of self-governance...
4 Pages 1648 Words

Argumentative Essay on Whether Thatcherism Was a Failed Revolution

The fall of the labour government ended the era of post-war consensus that reigned Britain for over 30 years. Prior to the election of Margaret Thatcher in 1979, Britain gained high levels of unemployment, industrial unrest and inflation which led to the desperate need of radical change. Indeed, the election in 1979 covered fundamental reforms in all areas of society which was referred to by historians as the ‘Thatcher revolution’. It can clearly be said that Thatcher did represent a...
4 Pages 1598 Words

Analytical Essay on the Murder of John F. Kennedy

Introduction The assassination of the US President John F. Kennedy is a major event for the United States. The murder shocked people all over the world. There were many conspiracy theories about how the murder went down. Area of research I have chosen to work on the murder of John F. Kennedy because I did not know anything about him and after I got some more information I wanted to write about it. I want to know how he was...
3 Pages 1602 Words

The Visit by Fredrich Dürrenmatt: Critical Analysis

The Visit, written by Fredrich Dürrenmatt shortly after World War II, in 1956, depicts the life and death of the protagonist, Alfred Ill. Ill is Güllen's most respected citizen and is soon to be given the title of major. However, Ill's future is quickly altered by Claire Zachanassian's Visit to the impoverished town. Claire used to be a citizen of the town, however, she was exiled after a man named Ill denied fathering her child and paid off two men...
4 Pages 1629 Words

The American Struggle with Fast Food: Essay on Fast Food Nation

Critical Analysis Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. HarperCollins, 2002, 288 pages We all love fast food. It is a guilty pleasure. Almost forty percent of Americans consume fast food on any given day. Most of them know that junk food is bad for them, and in that same way, some of them do not care. Eric Schlosser in the book Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal exposes the inconvenient...
4 Pages 1627 Words

Social Needs in Adolescence: Analytical Essay

Time and time again, research has shown adolescence to be a time of great and dynamic change (Cripps and Zyromski, 2009; Blakemore and Mills, 2014), driven in part by changes in adolescent social relationships. Social interaction has been likened to food or water as a basic human need (Baumeister and Leary, 1995; Tomova, Tye, and, Saxe, 2019), but the growing influence of the peer group and a particularly strong vulnerability to social exclusion (Sebastian et al., 2010) suggests that learning...
4 Pages 1555 Words

Representation of Holocaust and World War II in The Book Thief

Zusak’s novel ‘The Book Thief’, based on real events, represents the Holocaust by having details that accurately depict the events of that time, the emotions that were forced upon people and reasons for the decisions they made. Having an accurate novel gives the feeling of a genuine representation that feels true to events that occurred. The authenticity and emotion of the Holocaust has been shown effectively through Zusak’s narrative character of Death. Zusak has also made his book have great...
3 Pages 1578 Words

Religious Symbolism in Crime and Punishment

Fyodor Dostoevsky is considered not only one of the most influential writers in Russian history but one of the most respected authors in all of contemporary literature. His most successful novel, Crime and Punishment, is heralded as a masterpiece and its literary influence is still felt to this day. Dostoevsky himself became very religious following his release from jail, and his influence from this can be seen in the many references, religious symbols and themes throughout Crime and Punishment. In...
3 Pages 1560 Words

Reflective Reader's Essay on Voltaire’s Candide

Voltaire’s Candide My research paper today will cover Voltaire Candide. Some may not know who Voltaire may be or anything about any of his stories. So today I will be informing you about Voltaire and some of the purposes behind writing his stories for his wonderful books. Followed by why I chose Candide and what I learned from reading the story as well, hopefully, it is something everyone would be interested in reading and learning a life lesson as well....
3 Pages 1622 Words

Portrayal of Medieval Society in The Canterbury Tales: Analytical Essay

In the western medieval space, peoples and texts are transmitted, crossing the borders of kingdoms and language barriers. The contributions gathered here are concerned with the perception of the boundaries between territories, languages, or cultures and with the awareness of their lack in the texts of the Middle Ages. In 1386, when he began to write his Canterbury Tales, Chaucer was about forty-six years old. Looking back, the son of the London wine merchant could see an already long and...
4 Pages 1614 Words

Portrayal of Industrial Revolution in Oliver Twist

In the late eighteenth and mid nineteenth century oversaw the birth and fast-paced growth of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. (Baker, 2019) Factories overtook the role of previously played by agriculture in the economy and the working-class citizen quickly made his way out of the village and into the workhouse. (Barrow, 2013) Though the economy was thriving, there was a sense of mourning noted amongst the general public which witnessed the increasing mechanisation of the world. The clash between the...
3 Pages 1557 Words

Portrayal of Fighters in David Malouf's Novel 'Ransom'

Set during the last year of the Trojan war, David Malouf's novel, Ransom, focuses on the brave wings of fighters. Even though the battle story dominates the line, Malouf exposes a world where men follow alternative paths to violence and aggression. In the attempt to regain his son's body, pity takes risks. The biggest danger is towards royal duty and choosing a common carter. Somax introduced the premises of the human world of feelings and his relationship with beauty is...
3 Pages 1606 Words

Poetry Analysis: The Chimney Sweeper, Mending Wall and Channel Firing

Poems by William Blake Primarily, Blake intends to expose the cruelty of life and society as well as the consequences of the Christians' beliefs regarding suffering and hardship. The Chimney Sweeper begins by informing readers that the speaker was quite young when a tragic event occurred by stating, “ When my mother died I was very young” (Blake Songs of Innocence). Even though the poem does not reveal what killed the boy's mother, it alludes that her death somehow influenced...
3 Pages 1558 Words

Multiculturalism in Australia: Analytical Essay

Abstract Multiculturalism is a big reality in Australian society. People live it daily either in cities, suburbs, schools, workplaces, buses or even trains. While in each of these places, Australians tend to mix up with others from different backgrounds. This acknowledgment of multiculturalism has attracted a debate though. The self-declared multiculturalism friends sometimes have become the real source of concern. In essence, this should not be the case. It is very significant that civil debates are conducted to discuss the...
4 Pages 1627 Words

Fundamental Aspects of the Solar System: Essay on Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Earth, Venus

The Planets Jupiter Jupiter is a gaseous planet made up of about 75% hydrogen and 24%helium. The largest planet in the solar system at 69,911 km radius, a diameter of 139,820 km, and a mass of 1.898 x 10^27kg Jupiter orbits the barycentre and not the sun as the sun lacks a gravitational effect on Jupiter. Jupiter is the only planet to not orbit around the sun Takes 11.8 years to complete its orbit Has the shortest day in the...
4 Pages 1626 Words

Essay on Vision Therapy: Literature Review

Over the past century, there have been many developments in Optometry that have transformed the way in which practitioners conduct examinations and diagnose patients. Although such transformations have been introduced with the objective of enhancing the practitioner’s ability to identify and rectify vision-related conditions and to provide the patient with the best possible eye care, developments such as Behavioural Optometry, also known as Vision Therapy, have become debatable amongst Optometrists and scientists with regards to its validity and effectiveness in...
4 Pages 1630 Words

Essay on Obesity: Bibliographic Review

The study of obesity is a relatively new interdisciplinary academic field. The community college library shelves should contain two types of resources. First, several kinds of reference materials, and second, a host of broader materials that place the discussion of obesity within a cultural framework. This overview is divided into two major sections, the first is reference materials, and the second is a list of useful and current monographs that discuss the societal implications of obesity. Keywords obesity, eating disorders,...
3 Pages 1582 Words

Essay on Family History and Sociological Experience of Steve Jobs

Introduction The social experience of a person shapes his life from a very early age. The impact of sociological theories such as structure and agent theory is also prominent in the person's overall experience in very sectors such as family, race, ethnicity and social inequalities. As a person grows his learning and experience from an early age also becomes mature (PANAGIOTOU, 2019). Steve Jobs is known as one of the most successful entrepreneurs, industrial designers,s and media investors of all...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Essay on Child Development: Researching Cerebral Palsy in Children

Researching Cerebral Palsy and looking at the name it explains itself, Cerebral meaning “of the brain” (The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 2011) and Palsy meaning “lack of muscle control” (The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 2011). Cerebral Palsy, also known as CP for short, is a neurological condition that affects body movement and muscle coordination (The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 2011). Getting Cerebral Palsy can happen from many issues like premature birth, a child not receiving enough nutrients...
3 Pages 1555 Words

Effect of Poverty on a Child’s Opportunity for a Good Education: Analysis of The Other Wes Moore

The world’s economic turbulences have vastly affected the lives of many people, perhaps to the tune of billions. Across generations, education has always been a priority due to its eventual benefits in life. In today’s world, described by the global competitive nature for survival, especially in the job market, education comes in handy in determining a person’s skillset and the prosperity of their future. Nevertheless, some children from the said poor families have been able to fight their way out...
3 Pages 1554 Words
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