1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Importance of Responsibility, the Nature of Morality, and the Characteristics of Humanity: Analysis of Survival in Auschwitz

I was taught the structure of an “if...then” hypothesis in my high school chemistry class. Then, I used the “IF() { then }” function in JavaScript to code an app. The repeated appearance of this phrase in this format furthered my expectation that the introduction of the “if” suggested a “then” would be found soon after. The title, If this is a man, threw this heuristics for a loop before I turned the first page. Upon knowing of this original...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Laws of Physics Involved in the Designing and Working of a Rollercoaster: Newton's Laws of Motion

Introduction Since its first opening in Paris on July 8, 1817, the rollercoaster remains to be the prime attraction of every modern theme park. The rollercoaster ride focuses on exposing the riders to a variety of magnitudes of forces, at different times, without compromising on the health and safety of the riders. To give maximum enjoyment whilst ensuring safety, manufacturers have to study and understand the different forces and conditions riders are exposed to while in the ride. This paper...
3 Pages 1615 Words

Intelligent Street Light System: Analytical Essay

Abstract – Active street lighting has emerged as an essential factor in strategies for a resource-efficient economy and realization of sustainable growth. In the outdoor area, lights represent approximately 40 % of the total energy consumption at night and have much energy saving potential. If passers-by or vehicles, summarized as traffic elements, are not located near street lamps, it is not energy-efficient to turn them on. The idea is to activate street lights only when they will be used to...
3 Pages 1560 Words

Representation of Destruction of Mankind by the Gods in Metamorphoses: Analytical Essay

Mythology Final Paper Some themes or scenarios portrayed in myths are similar due to the fact that writers create their own spin to the myths that inspired them. This can be seen in the different instances of the destruction of mankind by the gods, the types of generations that are described by the narrators, the kidnapping of Persephone into the underworld, the deception of the Muses/the gods/Clytemnestra versus the truth by Cassandra, the origin of the lyre, plots made by...
3 Pages 1555 Words

What Is Nursing: Case Study of Myocardial Infarction

What is nursing Myocardial Infarction (MI) is a medical condition also referred to as a heart attack that occurs when the blood flow stops or decreases to a part of the heart resulting in damage to the heart muscle. As a nursing practitioner, it is important to be alert to some of the symptoms and conditions that are likely to lead to MI as they are easily misinterpreted causing patients not to seek the appropriate care when they should. Treatment...
3 Pages 1566 Words

Sound Absorbing Capability of Dried Alfalfa Hay: Analytical Essay

Noise pollution is an undesirable sound which can interfere with our lifestyle and wildlife, such as sleeping, communication, or disrupt or restrict the best quality lifestyle for us. An environment exposed to noise pollution can be a cause of heart related problems. Studies have shown that high intensity sound cause a substantial rise in blood pressure as noise levels constrict the arteries, interfering the blood flow. The heart rate (the number of heartbeats per minute) also increase. This was evident...
4 Pages 1632 Words

Intra Nasal Drug Delivery to Reduce Chronic Pain: A Critical Review

Abstract: Chronic pain is a severe disorder which includes fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer-related pains, etc. Pains are very severe in the age above 60 like arthritis pains. The prevalence of chronic pain is high in developed and developing countries. There is a significant increase in chronic pain prevalence studies in the world. Chronic pain is a severe condition were treatments are offered with NSAIDs, topical formulations, sprays, etc. these medications can offer only a temporary relief. There is no permanent...
4 Pages 1636 Words

Fundamentals of Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics: Effect of Force Generated in a Push and Pull Pattern

Introduction The reason for this lab report is to inform how Newton’s laws of motion can detail human movement. Analysing and understanding movement is important for sports science movement is the effect of force generated in a push and pull pattern between two objects. Forces can change speed or direction of an object. Within this report I will evaluate the findings of counter movement jumps while applying Newtons laws. Newton’s first law, Inertia uses no uses of units therefore this...
4 Pages 1615 Words

Analysis of Certification of Primary Care Practitioners in Adult-Gerontology, Pediatrics, Neonatal, and Women’s Health

The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation (2008) states the scope of practice is not setting specific but rather based on the needs of the patient. Advanced nursing programs are designed to prepare individuals specifically for their declared practice. Seeking practice outside of one’s specialty must require formal preparation and certification. APRNs are educated in one of the four roles and in at least one of six population foci: family/individual across the lifespan, adult-gerontology, pediatrics, neonatal, women’s health/gender-related, or psych/mental health...
4 Pages 1587 Words

Comparative Analysis of the Purity and Price Level of Different Aspirin Tablets

Background information One of the most common drug used in our society is aspirin which was one of the first drugs to come into common usage. What is aspirin? Aspirin is a white crystalline powder with a melting point of 135 C. The common chemical name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. Its systematic name is 2-(acetyloxy) benzoic acid. The chemical buy Cialis no prescription formula of aspirin is C9H8O4 and the atoms are arranged according to the following diagram How...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Effective Use of Scientific Management and McDonaldization in Providing High Quality Care: Analytical Essay

Executive Summary This report focuses on the innovative approaches adopted by one of the largest eye care services in the world which ultimately defeated barriers of distance, poverty and ignorance to create a self-sustaining system. In order to achieve this, the report outlines its effective use of scientific management and McDonaldization in providing high quality care available to masses at lowest possible cost. It finds that the all 4 elements of McDonaldization put forward by Ritzer were fundamental in the...
3 Pages 1599 Words

Critical Analysis of Billy Collins “Sonnet”

I'm not a big fan of poetry. I can enjoy reading poetry of Latvian writers from time to time and, but I’ve never been in to poetry. Of course, I have not read much poetry. But I got interested in Billy Collins poetry and in his style of writing. That’s why I chose to analyze exactly this poem. Moreover, I got interested in reading more. Collins poetry seems contemporary, accessible, easy to read and surprisingly pleasant. You feel kind an...
3 Pages 1590 Words

Ethics and Academic Integrity: Analysis of Academic Life in the Light of Academic Freedom

The ethics of collaborative research: co-authoring, disseminating of research outcomes, the ethics of research teams. I strongly believe that the ethics of collaborative research in regards to co-authoring, disseminating of research outcomes, and ethics of research teams should be carefully explored and scrutinized in the context in which research in the field of sociology is mostly done in teams of experts of different background. A good ethical collaboration among the team members is thus of upmost importance for the purpose...
3 Pages 1554 Words

Representation of Narcissistic Personality Disorder in The Picture of Dorian Gray

Introduction to Narcissism in 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' The Picture of Dorian Gray follows the protagonist, Dorian Gray, as he lives his life youthfully. Throughout the novel, Dorian leads an obsessive and reckless life in an effort to maintain his youth and beauty. As a result, a painting done by Basil Hallward takes on Dorian Gray’s aging. Dorian becomes obsessed with his eternal youth and displays a narcissistic personality. This aspect of Dorian’s personality is prominent throughout the novel....
3 Pages 1601 Words

Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ethical Issues Essay

From the 1930s to 1972, the United States Public Health Services carried out a study on the natural history of untreated syphilis in Tuskegee, Alabama (LaMorte, 2016). About 399 men with syphilis and 201 men without syphilis were recruited for the study without letting them know the real purpose of recruiting. All of the men involved in the research were African-American. They were incorrectly informed that they would receive special free treatment. All of the men who were part of...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Should Students Have Homework Essay

Introduction Homework is a set of given tasks or activities by professors that shall be done during non-school hours by students. Homework is proposed to serve improvement on understanding of students on their academic path and so they can have an overview of the following lessons that will be deliberated by the teacher. Homework is also a big help in extending the knowledge of students on some things they haven’t experienced yet, like applying what they learn by themselves and...
3 Pages 1585 Words

Kimberle Crenshaw Intersectionality Essay

Lisa Kemmerer once said, 'The reproductive abilities of women and their other female animals are controlled and exploited by those in power (usually men) and both are devalued as they age and wear out when they no longer reproduce. Cows, hens, and women are routinely treated as if they objected to being manipulated in order to satisfy the desires of powerful men, without regard to female's wishes or feelings.' Intersectionality is a term that was brought up by the theorist...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice Essay

When the topic of abortion is mentioned in a conversation people often that something absurd is about to be said. Either an experience someone has had, a story to share about a friend of a friend or an unfortunate tragedy. For many abortions is a very controversial topic. This conversation can be dated back to the famously known landmark decision by the US supreme court called the Roe v. Wade case. The court ruled that abortions were banned unless the...
3 Pages 1584 Words

How Did Slavery Cause The Civil War Essay

Civil War & Reconstruction, 1861–1877 In 1861, a historical time that America faced a great crisis. The southern and northern states of the nation had become divergent politically, economically, and socially. The southern states remained to be agricultural lands, whereas the states of the north had developed rampantly in industries and commercially. Of more essence to this uniqueness, the demon of slavery, African - American slavery, was growing, and of these vast differences, the two states were separating with time....
3 Pages 1577 Words

Educational and Career Goals Essay Example

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” was a question that was often asked when I was little. My answer would always be different when asked because I never really knew what I wanted to be, or what I wanted to do. I was asked a similar question when I was entering college such as “What do you want to study?” or “What career do you want to pursue?” It took me a while to figure out...
3 Pages 1580 Words

Obama’s Campaign to Shut Down Guantanamo Bay: Discursive Essay

Despite that, it makes it a lot more difficult to successfully pass necessary bills due to the checks and balances in United States and the weak presidency. Neustadt's theory implies that the president’s success relies on not only persuading and bargaining with other branches, especially congress but to influence the executive branch itself. it prevents the president from abusing power or acting like a king. The government of the united states is composed of legislative, executive, and judicial branch. All...
4 Pages 1629 Words

Analysis of Advertising Campaign of Intel

Intel Inside Intel has turned out to be one of the world's most unmistakable PC brands following its long-running Intel Inside battle. The thought for 'Intel Inside' left a gathering among Intel and one of the significant PC affiliates, MicroAge.[215] In the late 1980s, Intel's piece of the pie was in effect genuinely disintegrated by upstart contenders, for example, Progressed Smaller scale Gadgets (presently AMD), Zilog, and other people who had begun to pitch their more affordable chip to PC...
4 Pages 1575 Words

Intel Versus AMD: Comparative Analysis

Background The American company ‘Intel Corporation’ (Intel) derived from ‘integrated electronics’ founded in 1968, is now one of the biggest known computer processing unit (CPU) brands in today’s market. Intel is my chosen favoured product, as it is the more ‘premium’ product in this critical reflection and can achieve greater performance against its competitors. Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) the biggest competitor to Intel was shortly founded a year after Intel. A company similar to Intel also specialized in manufacturing semiconductor...
3 Pages 1552 Words

Evaluation of the Gap Inc.’s Working Conditions in Terms of Social Responsibility: Argumentative Essay

In this commentary, I will examine The Gap Inc.’s working conditions and will eventually come to a conclusion whether or not they can be considered as socially responsible in terms of the manual labour process The Gap, Inc, is an American multinational corporation which operates as an apparel and accessories retailer with international associations. Over the past 50 years, the company branched out, and grew to own six retailing companies: Athleta, Banana Republic, Hill City, Intermix, Gap, and Old Navy....
3 Pages 1583 Words

The Multidimensional Question of 3 Dimensional Trademarks: Analytical Essay

Introduction The product market today is highly competitive. If a brand does not constantly evolve itself, it is at the danger of failing to satisfy its customers. To keep reinventing itself, it must ensure protection to the assets that bring value to the company. For this reason, it is important to give recognition to non-conventional trademarks, such as shape of goods, 3D marks, sound marks, smell marks, etc., through which we can identify various products and services provided by companies....
3 Pages 1637 Words

Analytical Essay on IBM: Doorman's Five Forces

Doorman's Five Forces – Universal Business Machines Corporation (IBM) applies techniques to address a wide assortment of issues in the data advancement industry condition, for example, the outer fragments appeared in this Five Forces evaluation of the business. Five forces assessment are proposed to show the outside segments that add to an organization's accomplishment. The powers outlined in the evaluation are; threat of new competitors, managing force of buyers, danger of substitutes, forceful challenge, and managing power of suppliers. An...
3 Pages 1592 Words

Analytical Essay on IBM: Porter’s Five Forces

Porter’s Five Forces – International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) applies procedures to address a wide variety of issues in the information development industry condition, for instance, the external segments showed up in this Five Forces assessment of the business. Five powers examination are proposed to show the outside components that add to a company’s achievement. The forces delineated in the assessment are; danger of new contestants, dealing intensity of purchasers, risk of substitutes, aggressive competition, and dealing intensity of providers....
3 Pages 1571 Words

Product Placement in Movie's Influence on Young Adults in the US: Literature Review

Theory in Review The purpose of this literature review is to research how product placement can affect the consumer habits of young adults. The inductive research process will help identify if young adults are more inclined to change their purchasing habits due to product placements that they see in movies. This literature review will be organized with 9 articles, opening with the background of product placement, following up with influences from celebrities, and concluding with the culture of today’s young...
3 Pages 1597 Words

Electronic Customer Relationship Management: Critical Analysis

Introduction Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) is perceived as a major paradigm shift from the traditional customer relationship management approach to the application of internet-based technologies in achieving customer relationship management objectives. The use of E-CRM system enables traditional physical customer proximity to be substituted by digital proximity. E-CRM has become the latest paradigm in the world of customer relationship management. It is becoming more and more necessary as businesses take to the web. No longer can web-enabled companies rely...
3 Pages 1605 Words

An In-depth Analysis of Financial Position: Firm Overview and Analysis of Cash Flows

Part 1: Firm Overview PART A: Texas Instruments is a manufacturer of semiconductors which it sells across the globe; generating total revenue of $15.784 billion in fiscal 2018 alone. Semiconductor products are used for a variety of purposes such as “converting and amplifying signals, interfacing with other devices, managing and distributing power, processing data, cancelling noise and improving signal resolution.” The company has two major product types: Analog and Embedded Processing. The first type, Analog, produced $10.80 billion in revenue...
4 Pages 1557 Words
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