1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Problem of the Development of Gun Culture in the American Society

Today’s media highlights current news events that are controversial while also imposing their personal bias of the event. This influences the audience's behavior by significantly increasing the rate of public conversation on these topics. Public conversation and controversy can initiate social movements like protests, activism groups, and incite the continuous division between political parties. The general public is usually quick to adhere to one of two sides, based on information solely presented through biased media. This may give rise to...
3 Pages 1562 Words

The Impact of Industrialization on the Food Systems

This essay will highlight the impact of the industrialization on the food system and how it has worked wonders for the developed countries in terms of feeding their population. Food is the basic need of humans for their survival and it becomes important for the policymakers and the government to develop an effective food system will ensure continuous production and supply of the food to the people. The food system is an important mechanism that needs to be oiled well...
3 Pages 1612 Words

Expression of Interest in Pursuing a Master of Arts in Communication

I am writing to express my interest in pursuing the Master of Arts in Communication. I am excited by the prospect of performing research and broadening my knowledge of communication theory, political economy, policy, the study of culture and media, and technology, communication systems, media and practices, and data studies. I believe I would make an excellent master’s candidate. I decided to pursue my Master’s in Communication because during the course of my studies, I have had the opportunity to...
3 Pages 1551 Words

Causes of Low Voter Turnout Among America's Youth

A victory for democracy, the 26th amendment, passed in 1971, lowered the minimum voting age from 21 to 18 and extended the right to vote to approximately 11 million Americans. The 1972 election the following year saw a 55% turnout of 18-24 years old, a stark contrast to the mere 38% that voted in 2012. In both cases and every election year in between, voter turnout was significantly lower - a difference of “typically 20-30 percentage points” - between 18-24...
4 Pages 1586 Words

Capitalism as a Good or Bad System in the Context of Milton Friedman’s Ideology

The question of whether or not capitalism is a good or bad system requires that we first define our terms. We will use Milton Friedman’s basic definition of capitalism as an economic system, where private citizens engage in voluntary exchange and cooperation without compulsion from the state, and where the means of production are primarily owned and operated privately for a profit. Friedman attaches a condition to the nature of the exchange, “the essential notion is that both parties to...
3 Pages 1571 Words

Google's Main Management Functions

Google Company were officially launched in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin as the founders of Google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin were the student at Stanford University in California and it is founded by both of them at September 4, 1998 in Menlo Park, California, United State. The first search algorithm that had been developed in 1996 is known as ‘BackRub’. After that, in 2003 the search engine were soon proved successful and finally settling in Mountain View,...
3 Pages 1551 Words

OCD: General Neurological Abnormalities and Possible Treatment Options

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neuropsychiatric disorder. As the name provides, it has two components: obsessiveness or repeated thoughts and compulsiveness or repeated behavior. These two components seem to work together to form this disorder; obsessiveness may stem from high anxiety levels and to reduce this type of stress, repetitive behavior or action is done to reduce the anxiety and reduce the obsessiveness (Sun, et al., 2019). This disorder is known to possibly be genetic, as some evidence shows that...
3 Pages 1581 Words

We See the World in Terms of Our Theories

Why are the theories we believe called facts and the facts we disbelieve called theories? Theory has always been the utmost important aspect of the introduction of tentative knowledge. Arguably, the system of provisional knowledge intended to explain and describe the existence of possible phenomena, thus aiding our understanding of the world through relationships, concepts and logic. Firstly, it is vital that we recognize that scientific theory is established by repeated observations and it seeks to diagnose why something occurs....
3 Pages 1598 Words

Analysis of Supply and Demand in the Global OSV Market

The demand for OSVs is strongly connected to the number of rigs employed by the exploration and production companies. The demand for certain specialized OSVs may be driven by factors other than the oil prices, but those are the exception rather than the rule. According to Clarksons Research, since the oil price slump, rates for rig have fallen more than 50% furthermore 300 rigs are laid up in June 2016 (Clarksons Research, 2016, pg. 9). As a result, this affected...
3 Pages 1607 Words

Analysis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Mental disorders affect the health and well-being of individuals. They alter their behavior so that individuals have difficulty in performing mundane tasks. It is made worse by the stigma attached to people who seek medical attention regarding mental health and its associated disorders. Studies have shown that it is essential for people to have more in-depth knowledge and understanding of mental disorders. This paper draws attention to obsessive-compulsive behavior and highlights its symptoms and treatment. The findings from the literature...
4 Pages 1647 Words

The Evolution of Cell Phones: An Essay

Introduction In the last 40 years, technology has progressed in ways no one could have imagined. The cell phone is conceivably one of the most optimal inventions known to man. Continuously integrated with technological advancements, the cell phone has had a major influence on the lives of people from numerous lifestyles. Even in the last few years, there have been changes to the hand-held device that have unlocked a myriad of windows to events happening all around the world. Cell...
3 Pages 1554 Words

The Extravagance of the Baroque Era and Its Reflection in the Works of Caravaggio and Antonio Vivaldi

The Baroque era was defined by extravagance. As with the acronym we learned in class, it was big, bold, and dramatic. It was also full of action, tension and emotion. Two artists who encompassed what it meant to be a part of the Baroque era are Caravaggio and Antonio Vivaldi. Both were influential artists of their time whose legacies have carried on through generations. Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio was born on September 29, 1571. He was born to father Fermo...
3 Pages 1581 Words

Elizabeth And Darcy Relationship

During the 19th century and earlier, the practice of entering a marriage solely for the purpose of moving up in social standing and choosing someone based on their financial status was a customary behavior. Women of that time sought a wealthy family to marry into, in order to secure a safe lifestyle after marriage. However, in the 19th century, a conflict arose as many people started to question the basis and purpose of authentic and successful marriages. Women like Jane...
3 Pages 1555 Words

Review of Western Art

Since their inception, Monks have played a vital role in monasteries with regards to how they are able to afford supporting the monasteries both financially and spiritually. There are various methods in which these structures are able to operate so efficiently throughout varying sects of belief. Monatstaries accomplish this feat being open to everyone and incorporating unique architecture designs, sculptures and paintings. This ensures that everyone, regardless of language or ability to read fluently, is able to understand the teachings...
3 Pages 1561 Words

The American Institute of Architecture Students Community

The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is a student run architecture organization whose goal is to give leadership skills, additional architecture education, training, and to encourage the youth of the 21st century to pursue a career in architecture. The AIAS can be considered a discourse community based on John Swale’s ‘The Concept of a Discourse Community’. This community uses different mechanisms for communication among its members (Swales 221). They have what they call ‘chapters’, which are mini AIAS groups...
4 Pages 1632 Words

The Problem of Resistance and Personal Obsession in Charles Dickens' 'Bleak House'

Obsession is something that everyone goes through at some point but destroys those who take it to the extreme. Richard Carstone is an example of how obsession can consume an individual. In ‘Bleak House’, Richard is an orphan who comes into contact with the Jarndyce case. The Jarndyce case is the major plot point that goes on throughout the entire novel and affects every character. The Chancery Court System, the court that houses the Jarndyce case, deals with noncriminal cases,...
4 Pages 1628 Words

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Existing Methods of Its Treatment

Muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease that currently has no cure. There are medical treatments and medications that can help ease symptoms and manage the disease. We will discuss further later what these treatments and medications are and how they can help the patient. Let's first briefly discuss the history of muscular dystrophy and how the disease propagates. Muscular dystrophy comes in various types, one being Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), and will be the focus of this discussion. According to...
3 Pages 1555 Words

Metabolism and Ways to Increase Its Rate

Metabolism is what sustains life, it is the sum of chemical processes happening inside your body to keep you well and functioning at your fullest. From breathing to digestion and even the nervous network which is helping you to coordinate with the outside environment is a part of your metabolism. It is an autonomic process (which means you get to control any part of it) and is controlled by our brain. In short metabolism is the basis for all forms...
3 Pages 1605 Words

Capitalism Vs Democracy: An Essay on Whether Capitalism Poses a Threat to Democratic Governance

The assertion here is that capitalism poses a threat to democratic governance, however, not only do I disagree with this statement, but I feel that democracy and capitalism go hand in hand. We just have to look to history to find the compatibility between the two, where we can see that democracies thrive with a capitalist economy, taking the example of contemporary Switzerland among others. Throughout the essay I will explain my view that capitalism leads not only to stability,...
4 Pages 1602 Words

The Gap in Educational Attainment and Its Widening Forces

If there’s something we’ve learnt from the ever so long chronicles of human history, it’s that that we can’t set boundaries to the benefits of knowledge/ education. And how far humanity has come in light of this realization is irrefutable. In the UK, for example there are currently 32,418 schools; among which 3,714 are nurseries, 20,832 are primary schools, 19 are middle schools, 4,188 are secondary schools, 2,408 are independent schools and 1,257 are special schools. These schools accommodate about...
3 Pages 1576 Words

An Overview of the Evolution of Typography

The industrialization and mechanization of the process of making goods during the latter half of the Industrial Revolution created an immense malcontent within society. During a time of socialist ideology and labor union formations for workers, came a sense of malcontent towards the mass production of items, with apparent quality deficiencies. Whilst the new industrial age was enabling mass production of goods for consumers, it also dehumanized the process and divorced the artist from the manufacturer. William Morris (1834-1896), was...
4 Pages 1646 Words

Clinical Affects of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection that causes the tissue in either 1 or both lungs to become inflamed, this can be caused by different types of organisms, but is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract. When pneumonia affects both of the lungs this is known as bilateral lobular pneumonia. This in turn causes a build-up of fluid within the alveoli and the bronchiole of the lungs. This causes a pneumococcal infection which is caused by...
3 Pages 1560 Words

Reflections on Whether Computers Can Replace the Law

Legal reasoning is an old concept, capable of being found way back in the Roman times. Decisions were justified by reference to exemplar factual situations and reasoning of other jurists, often seemingly guided by own views. The current age decision-making contains slight differences. To understand why a judge argues a case in a certain way, it is necessary to consider the reasons used to justify his reasoning. As Hunh suggests, a judicial decision is capable of being reduced into a...
4 Pages 1645 Words

The Problem of Veterans' Homelessness

There are so many situations happening in the world. One of the biggest problems we have in our community would be veterans/ people being homeless. I believe that just because someone is homeless it does not mean they are different from anyone else. We are all equal and no one is better than another. I assure that homeless people should be helped and heard instead of people making fun of them or not caring just because they are fine. I...
4 Pages 1625 Words

The Role of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialists Within the Prison System

Substance abuse and addiction is a major problem across the United States and in almost all juvenile correctional systems, jails, and prisons. Substance abuse is such a serious problem because it can lead to both significant mental health problems and physical health problems. Just over forty percent of inmates in state prisons and forty-seven percent of inmates in jails are dependent on drugs while over fifty-five percent of inmates in state prisons and over sixty percent of inmates in jails...
4 Pages 1606 Words

The Socio-Emotional Impact of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that causes a difficulty reading, this is caused by problems identifying speech sounds and the way that they relate to letters and words. Dyslexia is also classified as a reading disability, as it affects the areas of the brain that are responsible for processing language. The cause of dyslexia is still not completely clear but anatomical and brain imagery thinks about appear differences within the way the brain of a dyslexic person develops and functions....
3 Pages 1596 Words

Wealth Gap Between Whites and Blacks

In the United States (US), the household wealth of a median white family in 2019 was $147,000, while the median black family owns $3,600 – just over 2% of what the median white family owns (Collins, Asante-Muhammad, Hoxie, & Terry, 2019). The wealth gap between whites and blacks not only suggests that there is an inequality of outcomes, but also an inequality of opportunities. The economic opportunities provided by wealth range from security against disruptions in income to the ability...
4 Pages 1550 Words

Huntington's Disease: Causes, Typical Symptoms and Signs, Treatment

Huntington’s disease is a genetic disease that causes progressive damage to cells in the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex which are both found in the brain. These areas control movement and the way one thinks, understands and remembers. The disease was characterized by George Huntington in 1872. People with Huntington’s disease generally develop symptoms between the ages of 30 and 50. These symptoms include: Cognitive: amnesia, delusion, lack of concentration, memory loss, mental confusion, difficulty thinking and understanding. Muscular: abnormality...
3 Pages 1597 Words

Social Networking Impact on Relationships

Social networking has had a predominant impact on society in the 21st century, enabling residents to engage with each other in radically new and one of a kind ways. According to Brown (2011), we can fall in love online, create friendships, attend parties in other countries – all without leaving the alleviation (and anonymity) of our armchair. And while the Generation Ys and Xs in our society are main the adoption of the emerging social networking websites, it has been...
4 Pages 1614 Words

SMEs Cyber Security Awareness

SMEs face a severe issue when it comes to cyber security, the issue faces all kinds of organizations, from big companies to small and medium enterprises. SMEs are usually targeted because of the less secure security protocols which makes them vulnerable to attacks that might lead them to close business or damage the business reputation. In the following research we shall cover how to improve the SMEs security and the importance of investing finance to purchase proper tools to protect...
3 Pages 1647 Words
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