1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Restrictions on Freedom of Public Speech

The question of public speech and its regulation presents itself as an enduring question for philosophical thinkers. To understand the nature of speech, and the extent to which it should be limited, this essay will take numerous steps. First, examining the reasons that freedom of speech is defended by philosopher John Stuart Mill in his work ‘On Liberty’. Second, analyzing the implications of Mill basing his theory in certain assumptions about reason and developing a new theory of speech immune...
3 Pages 1572 Words

Potential for Blockchain Inclusion in Voting System

Voting and ensuring a secure election system for candidates in the government or any society is essential and undoubtedly one of the most important processes that needs to be managed with high precision so that a fair representation of the votes can be reflected when making the decision. However, with the advancement of technology and hacking tools available for exploitation, malicious methods are being put to test to infiltrate the database as well as voting machines to distort and create...
3 Pages 1570 Words

Impact of Covid-19 on India's Education System

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has disrupted significantly in human life. The purpose of study is to investigate the impact of coronavirus on Indian education system. As coronavirus spread across the whole world, due to this pandemic situation and lockdown, has forced education sector to close temporarily. The education system in India has shut down, due to spreading of coronavirus among students and restricting moment of students and social distancing. All over the world, in many countries closing of school, colleges, universities and...
3 Pages 1630 Words

Federalism as the Cause of Conflicts in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is renowned as Africa’s earliest independent nation that being the case Ethiopia is still amongst the poorest nations in the continent. In history Emperor Tewodros was the forerunner in bringing modernization and politics by uniting the Ethiopian people under ordered governance. Soon after Emperor Menelik also continued in the path set out for him in consolidating the imperial rule, sustaining the process that directed to the growth of modernization along with fighting for the independence of Ethiopia (Bahru, 2002)....
3 Pages 1557 Words

Credit Card Fraud and Its Impact on Consumer Perception: An Essay

The fraudulent use of a card account by the theft of the account holder's card number, card details and personal information, through a plethora of methods in order to perform unauthorized transactions from the compromised account is called a card fraud. Causes of Credit Card Fraud Reasons for massive online card fraud are that it is easy enough to buy stolen credit card information, moreover, legal action is rare, and online fraud may be a low priority for law enforcement,...
3 Pages 1558 Words

Journey to the Moon

The United States and other parts of the world went through hardships during the 1950s and the 1960s. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union caused tensions throughout the world. After the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, by the United States at the end of World War II in 1945, the Soviet Union began to develop its own atomic weapons after realizing the military capability of nuclear weapons. This competition between the United States and...
4 Pages 1606 Words

Representing Violence in Roderick Ford's 'Giuseppe' and Vicki Feaver's 'The Gun'

The juxtaposition between the surface presentation of violence in ‘Giuseppe’ by Roderick Ford and ‘The Gun’ by Vicki Feaver is immense, the writers explore the varying effects that violence brings within the individual poems. ‘The Gun’ creates an excited and admiring approach towards violence whereas ‘Giuseppe’ shows utter loathing and regret into events that unfolded in the past regarding violence. The presentation of violence in ‘The Gun’ is subtle, ominous and almost inferred whereas in ‘Giuseppe’ the blatant, rough description...
4 Pages 1630 Words

Analysis of the Effect of Compensation and Reward System in Enhancing Employee's Productivity

Management is primarily motivating employees at work to carry out their work effectively and efficiently through recognition. As salary is fixed, it culpably fails to motivate employees at work. Hence providing compensation based on their performance and productivity will encourage them to perform better. Compensation and reward system are meant to encourage and boost the employees’ performance in the organization. This paper attempts to understand that how improved compensation would enhance the level of job satisfaction among employees. The research...
3 Pages 1592 Words

Freedom of Speech Controversy

The debate between our country trying to protect our freedom of speech and when it goes too far and crosses the line into hate speech, is not a new debate. However, it seems more recently that the debate has been more heated as we have seen a more divisive and polarized nation. It has even gone as far as some states wanting to enact legislation to criminalize speech that is considered hateful, which is a move comparable to what other...
3 Pages 1586 Words

An Examination of Women's Restrictions in Virginia Woolf's 'A Room of One's Own' and Jane Miller's 'Seductions'

“Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman”, wrote Virginia Woolf in ‘A Room of One’s Own’. Based on an analysis of misogynist prohibitions, solid ramparts of male superiority whose reality seems seriously shaken, Woolf defines the conditions of existence and the specificities of artistic creation for women. However, from the very first page Woolf already explains that she will not be able to fulfil the objective of every lecture to “deliver a pure nugget...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Comparative Analysis of DSM and ICD Classifications of Mental Disorders

Mood disorder is an umbrella term used by both DSM and ICD classification. A mood disorder is any type of psychiatric illness that affects your mood. These disorders could be depressive disorders, manic or major, bipolar disorders, seasonal affective disorder, along with new modern terms such as Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. All these disorders can be categorised by the symptomatic mood changes someone who suffers with them may experience. Most of these disorders will make the patient feel low in...
4 Pages 1602 Words

An Analysis of Contemporary Art Forms Influenced by the Art of Nature

Contemporary art is pieces of work that is created in the second half of the 20th century or in the 21st century. Contemporary artists work in a globally influenced form and their work is based around things, people or places surrounding themselves as artists, through my current research I’m looking into the contemporary art forms and how they’re used to promote ocean conservation and the damage humans are causing to our species, such as, coral reefs, plants and animals that...
3 Pages 1628 Words

Jane Austen's Belief System Transformation

This paper argues that there is a Romantic change in the related to feeling that women and men must be treated equally and believing that people should be themselves without trying to be like others. Belief systems of Jane Austen's work as her career goes forward, and Austen begins to like and respect different thinking-related qualities in her female heroes. At the end of 'Pride and Prejudice', Elizabeth's confessed love for Darcy is a well-thought-out one - Darcy has righted...
4 Pages 1632 Words

representation of Ghosts in the Novel of Maxine Hong Kingston; Analytical Essay

Maxine Hong Kingston, born to chinese immigrants, was born and raised in Stockton, California. In The Woman Warrior we get to see up close the experiences she had growing up as a first generation Chinese-American girl and how both cultures shaped her. Kingston uses ghost throughout her novel to tie both supernatural elements and reality together .Ghost that are depicted through Kingston’s novel stray far away from the typical gothic ghost depicted in horror movies. Kingston’s ghost are depicted as...
3 Pages 1586 Words

Analytical Essay on Chinese Traditional Architectures

In this semester, I went to Lo Pan Temple in Sai Wan. It is the only temple in Hong Kong dedicated to Lo Pan, or we called Master Lu Ban. Lo Pan was an ancient woodworker, engineer, savant, innovator, politician, lived during the Spring & Autumn period of China. On account of his extraordinary commitment to development, he was characterized as the patron saint of Chinese manufacturers and construction workers. Many inventions of him are beneficial to modern, such as...
4 Pages 1644 Words

Importance of Marketing Research and Benefits of Digital Data Collection for the Company

Introduction: Oman air is one of the most famous and well-companies in Oman and it has already won the hearts of its clients (Allen Jr, 2016). It came into being in 1993 and is a four-star air-line. It is among those airlines who are pioneers to start the air services in Oman. Since its beginning, it has played a significant role in the development of Muscat and helped a lot to improve its economy by making it suitable for business...
3 Pages 1580 Words

Henry David Thoreau Versus Karl Marx: Critical Analysis of the Chapter Titled “Economy” in the Book Walden

When one thinks of the economy one doesn’t usual think about the human aspect to it, yet the human aspect is the most important element of the economy itself. The economy is the very foundation of how we build character and is ideally central to any moral life. One of the most well known economies in the world is the capitalist economy that is predominantly practiced in the United States. Many writers and scholars had their own reasons for disliking...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Critical Analysis of the Licit Status of Alcohol in Relation to the Social Harm It Causes

Alcohol is branded with a licit status meaning it is legal although a major issue with this status is that misuse of this substance can cause harm to other individuals and has many negative consequences for society including increased physical violence, car incidents and work-related problems (Klingemann & Gmel, 2001). World Health Organisation suggests that around 2 billion people in the world consume alcohol with around 76.3 million of them being diagnosed with alcohol disorders (WHO, 2011b). These effects when...
4 Pages 1555 Words

Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression: Analytical Essay

The 1930s was dominated by the Great Depression. The crash of the stock market caused mass panic. It was cataclysmic and exposed deeper economic issues that caused the long term crisis. As the nation faced an incredibly high loss of assets and saw unemployment rates rise exponentially, ways meant to protect from further loss only proved to be destructive. Hoover did not seem to do enough for the nation, often encouraging self-reliance and local communities to care for the other....
4 Pages 1611 Words

The Art of Persuasion: Reflective Essay

Persuasion is a general term of influence. Every person requires the art of persuasion at some point in his life, and this is the only method a person can follow to achieve what he wants. A persuasion is a form of influence, a process that directs people to accept an idea, attitude or action. Persuasion requires technology because no one will believe what the other one said until he is convinced of this. Thus, we can conclude that persuasion is...
4 Pages 1646 Words

Rise of Organized Crime in the 1920s: Case Study of Al Capone

In 1920s America, a rise of consumerism had emerged, as well as many new rebellious sentiments. As a younger generation began to rebel against societal norms, different aspects of society would also experience changes that would eventually transform American into a modern society. In an attempt to uphold the morality of society, the government passed the Prohibition Act in 1920 to ban alcohol altogether. Although the concept of Prohibition was initially meant to eliminate crimes or even society’s downfall, it...
3 Pages 1591 Words

Analytical Essay on Superhero Characters: Hercules Myth

“Superhero characters are a form of modern mythology. Argue for or against this view.” Mythologies are often defined as “stories or historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon”.[footnoteRef:1] This is the definition that many of us are used to and common examples are Greek and Roman mythologies. As such, it may seem absurd to think of Superhero characters as a form of modern mythology. After...
3 Pages 1608 Words

Social Network Analysis Methodology Paper: Case Study of Black Lives Matter Movement

Short history & key studies where it is used The social network analysis method for research began as an analytical tool to describe relationships within a community by structural anthropologists and sociologists, but is now an extremely useful tool for so many other social (and even nonsocial) sciences due to its versatile and relatively accessible nature. Social network analysis has become increasingly popular in studying social movements, where the collective mobilization of the group quite literally depends on/grows out of...
3 Pages 1557 Words

Analysis of Constitutional Interpretation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment

Ultimately, the SCOTUS held in this case that the minimum wage law was constitutional because it sensibly controlled contracts to protect both the health and well being of the workers. Justices Hughes, McReynolds, Stone, Brandeis, and Cardozo held the majority opinion. These SCOTUS justices arrived at this decision with agreement as delivered by Justice Hughes by the main reasoning that the freedom of contract is not directly mentioned in the Constitution. However, the Constitution does directly specify the right of...
3 Pages 1561 Words

The Symbolism of the Metamorphosis: Analytical Essay

Abstract In this essay, I will talk about how the main symbolism in The Metamorphosis is shown through the protagonist, Gregor, and his family. In that, we'll explore how his family is symbolic for capitalism, using him one moment, and then disregarding him once he is unable to help them anymore, to him himself, being unable to go out and about, being stuck in his room, ostracized by his work and his own family because of his newly found bug...
3 Pages 1580 Words

The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR): Argumentative Essay

The Environmental Bill of Rights Project The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) is one of the most significant environmental laws of our time that protect and conserve the environment. The EBR recognizes that while the government has the primary responsibility for protecting, conserving and restoring the natural environment, the people of any country has the right to participate in government decisions about the environment and the right to hold the government accountable for those decisions. Each student will summarize the...
3 Pages 1596 Words

Most Unforgettable Christmas Vacation: Reflective Essay

Ever since I could remember, I have spent Christmas at my grandmother’s house, a house which is full of comfort, warmth, and happiness. At Christmas, I have always been able to escape the cold and dark real world allowing myself to truly enjoy just several moments in time. These moments have left impressionable memories from my childhood making Christmas a holiday that is special to me and my family. It is a time for my family to get together, share...
3 Pages 1568 Words

Description of Historical Events That Mark Canadian History: Woman Suffrage movement, Vimy Ridge, and insulin

Canada is a great place to live, it is multicultural and has many proud Canadians. Canada has come very far over the last 150 years and has many historical events that mark Canadian history. When people ask what makes Canada so great, there are many responses but, the knowledge of defining moments in Canadian history support why it is so great. Firstly, Canada has accomplished a lot but, the Woman Suffrage Movement marks how great Canada really is. Secondly, Canada...
4 Pages 1639 Words

Nursing Care Plan: Case Study of Cerebrovascular Accident

Case Study: CVA A Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is a rapid-onset medical emergency than can cause neurological damage and disabilities. Many people know of or heard of someone having a stroke before; it is very common in the United States. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stroke kills about 140,000 Americans each year- that’s 1 out of every 20 deaths, also about 87% of all strokes are ischemic strokes, in which blood flow to the brain is blocked. This...
3 Pages 1633 Words

Achilles As One of the Best Warriors from the Greeks: Character Analysis

ILiad isn’t something that can give out an amount of things in some facts and some places that a person are able to protagonists by its own behaviors and values. Achilles is someone who values the behaviors and values loyalty, plus honor. It can be able to be motivated with some situations throughout life in the story. Achilles is someone who suffers from some scrutiny for his role in Homer's the ILiad. Achilles is one of the best warriors from...
4 Pages 1630 Words
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