1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analytical Essay on The German People: Role of Fascism and Authoritarianism

How successfully did Europe emerge from fascism and authoritarianism since 1945? Fascism has been defined as a radical form of authoritarian nationalism (Turner, 1975, p. 162). Fascism first emerged in Italy during the 1920s, followed by Germany in the 1930s and quickly spread to other neighbouring countries not long after. Fascism promoted a strong government, it is categorized as extreme nationalism, racist and militarism, it is where the government takes control over every decision and people. Fascism grew in the...
3 Pages 1579 Words

Diversity within the UK Construction Industry: Literature Review

This research examines the literature on diversity within the UK construction industry. This research has been prepared for Birmingham City University individual master's project, as my proposal and literature review. This proposal consists of literature on aspects of diversity in the Construction Industry. Focusing on four main aspects of diversity pertaining to the industry, ethnicity, disability, gender and age. The information acquired from anthropological and sociological research shows that the implementation of positive diversity practice pushes creative boundaries, (Mark Thompson,...
4 Pages 1628 Words

Analysis of the Results of Research on Causes of Criminal Activity

Introduction The purpose of this study is to understand the perspective that young people have on the causes of crime. Living in a world where we now just accept that crime exists and anyone who commits a crime is simply sentenced, we tend to ignore the main factors of a committed crime. I have used a multi-method technique to examine the causes of crime and its importance on criminal activity as I believe that the government forces often avoid the...
4 Pages 1637 Words

Necessity of Education System to Raise School Accountability and School Autonomy: Argumentative Essay

“An education system needs both school accountability and school autonomy to raise attainment.” Do you agree? Explain your reasons. The state of the school system has increasingly become a concern for societies. The questioning on which systems work more efficiently to advance the cognitive and non-cognitive skills of students has installed the endeavour to seek reforms that increase attainment. Thus, Institutional measures have taken a centre stage: accountability and autonomy. The tenor of findings of the impact of autonomy has...
4 Pages 1624 Words

Critical Analysis of Promotion of Racial, Class or Gender Diversity

Diversity in today’s world is one of the most exhausted words which has a relatively simple meaning yet it can be a world of a difference to implement it. The diversity of the legal profession has been the subject of debate for a while. Guardian (2015) states that ‘Despite recent initiatives, the legal profession remains a bastion of white, middle-class, privately educated males.’ This remains true even today, although they have been changes, compared to a decade ago when it...
4 Pages 1637 Words

Ethical Principles in Nursing Home: Case Study of Dora

Introduction In regard of culture, society and ethics is to respond by analyzing the issues, by seeking ways to solve the issues presented by following the Laws of human right also implying the “FREDA principles” which is a involves of Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity, and Autonomy. The ETHICAL principles (by doing or putting in practice what is morally right) it is suitable in the human constitution & foundation applied. The general issues which is to be dealt is that the...
3 Pages 1576 Words

Homeschooling Vs Public Schooling Essay

To homeschool your child or children or send them to public school? That is a question that perplexes numerous parents nowadays. Homeschooling is an allowable option for parents in every state. “Homeschooling provides an alternative form of education that allows parents to bypass the public school system by teaching their children at home”(The learning economy 74). Homeschooling has many pros and cons but so does public school. The decision of course is up to the parents but in my opinion,...
3 Pages 1595 Words

Robinson Crusoe: Gaining Success And Prosperity

Abstract A journey in literary criticism may have several connotations. A journey may be a physical one, such a thing happens when Robinson Crusoe, the main protagonist of the novel, leaves his family estate and goes out on a journey that finally brings him to the isolated island off the coast of Venezuela. A journey can be a psychological one like when the literal journey becomes Crusoe’s journey for self-definition. The protagonist develops into a cult hero depicting capitalistic individualism....
4 Pages 1642 Words

Facebook and Its Socioeconomic Impact

Introduction A range of computing applications has been evolved in the past decades but nothing as popular as Facebook. Facebook is one of the most globally popular social media platforms in today's world. According to a report by statista.com, there were 2.7 billion active monthly users during the second quarter of 2020 and 1.82 billion daily active users during the third quarter of 2020. Facebooks impact on the global economy is also tremendous. According to a report by Deloitte Facebook...
3 Pages 1579 Words

The Importance of Organized Story-Telling in Things Fall Apart

Whether a reader notices it or not, every form of literature has some form of organization. The elements that are organized that make a story great are, but not limited to, plot, setting, and characters. But of course, authors don’t have to have these elements in sequential order all of the time, nor do they have to use all of them. Because of this organization, the reader can be left either feeling satisfied or unsatisfied with the piece of work....
3 Pages 1608 Words

Positive and Natural Law in Antigone

Introduction St Thomas Aquinas has undoubtedly been known for his principle work, the Summa Theologiae. Thomas Aquinas worked steadily on this writing for many years between the years of 1265 and 1273, and the writing was intended to be a guide for beginners in theology to organise a collection and assist with Christian doctrine and philosophy. The Summa eventually became ‘one of the most influential works of Western literature’ and this established Aquinas as a leading theorist of the natural...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Importance of Education Main Points

ducation is key to development and growth. The human mind makes attainable all development achievements, from health advances and agricultural innovations to economical public administration and personal sector growth. For countries to reap these edges absolutely, they have to unleash the potential of the human mind and there's no higher tool for doing this than education. Education is developing the capacities and potential of the individual thus on prepare that individual to achieve success in a very specific society or...
3 Pages 1611 Words

Impact of Coronavirus on Child Education

Abstract Online learning often means that the parents themselves are well educated to assist with the lessons and have enough time. Moreover, it will make it more burdensome for parents who are also affected by COVID-19 to provide equipment for online learning. Face-to-face learning will resume on 8 March 2021. All primary school students will resume the school term on 20 January 2021 with face-to-face learning. Impact on Child Education The education of nearly 1.6 billion pupils in 190 countries...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Self Regulation And Academic Procrastination

ACADEMIC PROCRASTINATION According to researchers Procrastination or suspending may be a inherent tendency of human bieng.This habit is ascertained in many of us.According to Milgram(1998) procrastination may be a activity feature,or defect that is nominative as delaying a task or call.It is our tendency to procrastinate in several cases and it's expressed in an exceedingly style of conditions influenced by the culture.Academic procrastination is one in all the common style of procrastination.Academic procrastination may be outlined because the tendency prevailed...
3 Pages 1564 Words

Sharing Economy and the Coronavirus

Introduction The sharing economy becomes more relevant in the present context as the covid-19 pandemic triggers the factor to the full bloom. The idea behind the sharing economy differs from traditional business models. It is built around the sharing of resources. It involves mutual development, processing, delivery, trade, and usage by various individuals and organizations of goods and services. New business models supported by new technologies have been the backbone of the rise of the sharing economy worldwide. There is...
4 Pages 1611 Words

Discrimination And Produced Stigma: Between Institutions And Individuals Around Covid-19

Stigma is defined as a collection of attitude, belief, and cognition (A B C), associated with labeling, stereotyping, separation, status loss, and discrimination in a context in which power is exercised (Hatzenbuehler et al. 2013). Stigma can stem from multiple sources and span an umbrella such as sexual orientation, disability, HIV status, obesity, racism, ethnicity, etc. On the contrary, discrimination is understood as the behavioral component; physical expression of the stigma. According to Goffman (2017), 'the stigma theory is an...
3 Pages 1575 Words

Theme of Dystopia in Post-War Period: Drowned Giant and At the Auction of the Ruby Slippers

In the post-war period, dystopian elements become more visible in literature. The Drowned Giant by Ballard and At the Auction of the Ruby Slippers by Rushdie are examples of post-war literature where dystopian elements play an important role. As the works of Rushdie and Ballard center their plots on dystopia theme some similarities can be found between these two short stories. In this essay, I will be exploring the similarities while taking into account their distinct differences. I will also...
4 Pages 1619 Words

Government Censorship and the Modern World

Imagine a world, in which all of the media is filtered and treated to the point that one can only receive information the government controls. Sounds like something out of an Orwell novel right? This is happening in some countries around the globe, and it is more scary than one may think. Government censorship has taken the center stage in countries like Russia, China, North Korea, and some scattered middle eastern countries. Leaders like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un...
3 Pages 1558 Words

The Effects Of Racial Profiling In Schools

Racial Profiling in America has become more common in schools and places where people hold a lot of power even your place of work or in the government, places you would never expect racial profiling to happen is most likely where it happens and it needs to be stopped.February 26th,2012 marked the day African Americans and people of color of both genders realized we were under attack and also the day that all eyes were opened to this problem that...
3 Pages 1598 Words

Why is to Kill a Mockingbird Banned Essay

Banning books has been a controversial issue in high schools across the United States. Everyone has their own unique beliefs and opinions. It is not ethical to forbid everyone from reading a book that makes one person feel uncomfortable. No one should have the right to ban everyone from reading a book. It is up to the reader to decide what book they want to read. Some people like to ban books for everyone because of the words used toward...
3 Pages 1599 Words

Impact Of Social Media And Internet On Higher Education

Abstract The “Virtual World” the perfect connotation for today’s scenario. In the age of 21st century, we all are so much attached or dependent upon internet, social media sites that no one can image a single day without them. It looks like these are being injected in our blood like serum. With the evolution of internet world, the traditional ways of imparting education and teaching practices are witnessing a transformation. In today scenario learning is not limited to four walls...
3 Pages 1608 Words

Enron Scandal: The Lessons To Be Learnt

The main perpetrators in Enron’s fraud scheme were Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, Andy Fastow, Louis Borget, Thomas Mastroeni, Lou Pai, and Tim Belden. In addition, the accounting firm Arthur Anderson, the law firm Vinson and Elkins, and various banks were also involved. Kenneth Lay was the founder, chairman, and CEO of Enron. He convinced shareholders to invest in the company by making false public statements about the company’s performance. When he realized that the company was failing, he sold his...
3 Pages 1597 Words

Female Sexuality and Surrogacy

In this essay, I will be exploring Satz’s egalitarian argument for why we should limit markets in female reproductive labour. I will argue that Satz’s thesis is compelling, with regards to the assertion that contract pregnancy promotes the control of women’s bodies and behaviour. I will also argue that contract pregnancy exploits certain women with intersecting identities, specifically within the sphere of international surrogacy arrangements. Although I agree with Satz’s argument that contract pregnancy is counter to women’s liberation, I...
4 Pages 1647 Words

Equality of Opportunity vs Equality of Outcome

«I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character » by Martin Luther King Two concepts have become part of the common-sense in current thinking about equality, they are considered to be opposite concepts by a various of sociologist, the first one is the foundational principle of meritocratic societies, and defines equality in terms...
3 Pages 1610 Words

Factors Contributing To Juvenile Delinquency In Malta

Summary The main aim of the current research is to identify the main factors of juvenile delinquency among the youths in Malta. Statistics show that the Juvenile delinquency rate in Malta is continuously increasing and it is important to know from where it is originating. If the factors will be known, then it will be easier for authorities and professionals to find strategies to help the youth to not get introduced to delinquency at a very young age. Furthermore, consequently...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Childhood Poverty and its Effects on Adulthood

Childhood poverty is an unfortunate pandemic that is difficult to get a handle on. Impoverished communities are evident in every city or town, even the seemingly wealthy ones. While poverty certainly takes a toll on adults, it can hit children harder as they are more vulnerable. Childhood poverty is an unfortunate pandemic that is difficult to get a handle on. Poverty affects children’s physical health, mental health, and keeps them trapped in a cycle that leads into adulthood. Before assessing...
4 Pages 1620 Words

A Religious Approach of Evangelical Christianity in Jane Eyre

In Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre encounters three different figures in her life: Mr. Brocklehurst, Helen Burns, and St. John. They represent their own established versions of religion that builds upon the foundation of her faith to God. These versions are presented in order to contrast the opinions of Jane which play a central part in her personal character development. It is through these interactions in which she rejects the traditional Christian religion and creates her own personal connection...
4 Pages 1631 Words

How does Crime and the Media Lead to Young Male Knife Crime Victimisation?

Knife crime is a crime taken place using a sharp object such as a blade or a knife as a weapon. I will be discussing how crime and the media leads to young male knife crime victimisation by discussing the effects of the media. This will include the news, online social media’s such as YouTube, television programs and video games. I will also be touching upon arguments against. The media is today’s main way of communicating and to be a...
4 Pages 1625 Words

The Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Would you prefer marijuana for medical use? Does your country support or allow marijuana? What diseases can this plant cure? Can this medication be the answer? Marijuana is also known as Cannabis. It is a psychoactive medication from the Cannabis plant. This plant is utilized for therapeutic or recreational purposes. The primary psychoactive piece of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of 483 known mixes in the plant, including something like 65 different cannabinoids. It can be utilized by smoking, vaporizing,...
3 Pages 1595 Words

Marijuana for Future Alternative Medicine to Treat Certain Medical Conditions

Strong opinions of this drug called Marijuana will never be extinct for both parties of pros and cons. Cannabis and often called as Marijuana has two purposes either for medication or recreation. Thousands of decades ago, this plant was medically used around the world mainly because the innovation of medicine has not yet discovered by that time. The usage of this drug was passed from generation to generation up until the current year for it is believed to cure several...
3 Pages 1561 Words
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