1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Terror As An Instrument Of The French Revolution

The Reign of terror, a period of the french revolution lasted from september of 1793 to July of 1794. The terror was a time when france was is complete distress and numerous executions took place. During this time France was also in complete economic disaray. The enlightenment that preceded the Revolution was a time period where many freedoms were valued but disappeared once the terror struck. Led by the comittee of public safety, of which Maximilien de Robespierre was the...
4 Pages 1744 Words

Flowers For Algernon: Intelligence Vs. Happiness

Introduction Many people associate people with high IQ as people who are successful in life. This is because the mass media tell us that. In real life having a high IQ does not mean anything about the happiness in the person’s life. There have been numerous examples of highly educated people suffering from depression. On the other hand, there have been numerous people who the society calls mentally challenged who lived a better and happier life than an average person....
4 Pages 1724 Words

Death Penalty: Catholic Church And Islamic Teachings

In this essay I am going to write about an issue that I believe affects the sanctity of life and that is Capital Punishment. Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal trial. This issue can only be used by a state which means any groups or organisations that aren’t at government level can not practice this and it is murder if they do so. This form of punishment is...
4 Pages 1733 Words

The History And Significance Of Planned Parenthood

Introduction Planned Parenthood was founded on the idea “that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams - no ceilings, no limits”, thanks to Margaret Sanger (Parenthood P., n.d.-b, para.1). After the death of her mother, Sanger began her interest and studies of birth control, something that had been illegal in the United States at the time. On October 16, 1916 in Brownsville, Brooklyn, Sanger along with two other women,...
4 Pages 1732 Words

The Picture And Issues Of British Empire In The Novel Christmas Carol

The infamous novel, A Christmas Carol is a widely read book that was set during the Victorian era and sold about 6,000 copies; this novel shows the jubilance and warmth of Christmas time but additionally brings attention to the upsetting reality that people faced during the Victorian era. This novel is about an affluent and nescient man named Ebenezer Scrooge, who with the avail of three spirits, learns the reality and hardships of society. Not only does this book send...
4 Pages 1731 Words

The Effectiveness Of School Discipline

School Disciplinary policies are not used fairly or consistently. Studies have shown that children of minority/ African American descent typically receive harsher/more punishment than those of any other descent. The rate is astronomical, at three times more often than whites. Most teachers in upper class communities or rural areas are predominantly caucasian in nature. There is not a lot of diversity in those communities. Schools could use more teachers and diversity regardless of where the school is located. It would...
4 Pages 1737 Words

The Example Of Courage And Conviction Of The Main Character In The Diary Of Anne Frank

In 1942, during World War II, Anne Frank’s older sister Margot Frank was told to report to a ‘labor camp’ by the Nazis. Her parents, Otto and Edith Frank sensed that this was not about work and immediately went into hiding to protect her. They hid in an annex of Otto Frank’s company building and requested for his colleagues to help. One of these people was Miep Gies, who had worked with Otto Frank for a few years. Miep Gies...
4 Pages 1657 Words

Cooperative Problem Solving And Mathematics Performance

The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the cooperative problem-solving strategy and the conventional technique and study their effects on mathematics performance. Various investigations have indicated that students experience mathematics anxiety which is an inclination of pressure and dread that meddles with mathematics learning. This might be ascribed to the encouraging strategies applied in the classrooms. Through the cooperative problem-solving learning strategy, every student in the gathering is dependable to impart insights and work together to take...
4 Pages 1713 Words

Racism Line In The Ways Of The White Folks By Langston Hughes

Focusing on the stories “Cora Unashamed”, “Berry” and “Passing” from Langton Hughes’s book “The ways of the white folks” this esse will firstly discuss how race and racism emerges in the text and how I use these narratives to not only critique racism, but to also contextualise them in South African. Post World-War II, Race shifted from the prerogative of the natural science, (where it became biologically inclined in ways of measuring a negro’s head shape amongst other things to...
4 Pages 1657 Words

The Conditions And Means Of Terrorists Torture

After establishing when torture is justified, it is easier to answer who exactly should be tortured. Firstly, no innocent person should be tortured. As stated above, intelligence officers should not go “fishing” for information. Obviously, an innocent person does not have possession of information pertaining to an imminent threat, which does not pass the criteria listed above that justifies using torture. Further, if an individual is torturing an innocent person, it is reasonable to believe that the torturer is solely...
4 Pages 1729 Words

Steve Jobs And Tim Cook Impact On The Apple Company Formation

The company that I have chosen to research is Apple, Apple incorporation; an American multinational corporation was established in 1976 in California by two pioneer personalities Steven Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Both of the founders having a unique skill set and both highly interested in electronics (Researchomatic, 2012). The company’s background goes back to when Steve Jobs started in his garage innovating new technologies that would be used everywhere around the world today. Eventually Jobs turned his invention of the...
4 Pages 1739 Words

Women in the Odyssey

The Odyssey is an ancient Greek epic poem of Homer. It is the continuation of the Iliad, the other Homeric epic poem. In the Odyssey, we can see the journey of the heroes and the literary representation of the ideal woman. It can be said that women in ancient times were not considered equals to men. In Homer's Odyssey, there are war stories describing the adventures of the soldiers. However, there are not many female characters in the Odyssey that...
4 Pages 1680 Words

Lying Is An Unavoidable Part Of Human Nature

Lying is probably one of the most common wrong deeds that we do as humans. Some have said that lying is an unavoidable part of human nature and that sometimes there is good reason for it, but I do not believe that it is a necessary thing to do, and it can cause massive amounts of damage to both the liar, the person being lied to, and society in general. Lying is a form of deception and manipulation. It is...
4 Pages 1673 Words

Prison Reform Essay: The Reasons And Significance

Introduction to Prison Reform It is a proven fact that once someone from a family is imprisoned, family connections and relations become weaker. This means that every time someone is imprisoned, their family will not necessarily disperse, but grow apart. Prison systems in the United States should be reformed because medical care is lacking, guards are not getting the proper training, and prison programs (for drug rehabilitation, GED/college, and reintegration) are not available or need funding. Historical Initiatives in Prison...
4 Pages 1744 Words

The Peculiarities Of Business Ethics In Modern World

Business ethics is the study of suitable business policies and practices that influence behaviour. Business ethics, if adhered to, ensures a certain level of trust between consumers and corporations, guaranteeing the public fair and equal treatment (see Alexandra Twin, 2019). The concept of business ethics began in the 1960s as corporations became more aware of a rising consumer-based society that showed concerns regarding the environment, social causes, and corporate responsibility. Business ethics goes beyond just a moral code of right...
4 Pages 1680 Words

The Concept Of Free Higher Education

Abstract Concerning the growing issue surrounding the financial stability of college graduates in the United States, the concept of a free higher education system has been examined as a possible solution. By eradicating tuition costs of public and private universities, the citizens of the country will carry less of a burden affording the surging cost of living post-degree. I will contend this position by examining the historical reasoning behind free public education, the issue of educational inequality, and the ability...
4 Pages 1684 Words

Psychological, Economic And Emotional Factors Allowing Temptation On The Example Of The Pearl

Abstract This research paper goes in depth of the factor(s) they may allow temptation to alter one’s character. The research that was compiled for this paper was pulled from mainly primary sources such as documentation of experiments conducted by scientists and neurologists, and also reports by scientists that go into detail about their findings on the brain as well as the findings of their colleagues. The research is also backed by two stories of John Steinbeck, which shows how this...
4 Pages 1728 Words

The Ways Disruption In Cellular Functioning Can Impair Homeostatic Balance In The Body

Homeostasis, derived from the Greek words ‘home’ meaning similar and ‘stasis’ meaning stable (1), is a dynamic state of equilibrium in which the internal and external environments of the body are maintained (2). The maintenance of homeostasis is the most important aspect of the human body. The roots of homeostatic control lay with cellular functions which provide vital products and outcomes directly influencing homeostasis. Following on from the cellular level, there are a multitude of key physiological processes and biochemical...
4 Pages 1656 Words

Is There A Strong Evidence For The Use Of Psychological Therapies For Treating Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety refers to a state of worry and fear over an unwanted event, situation or stimulus. It is diagnosed as a disorder when the fear is out of proportion to the stimuli, which inevitably disrupts the individual’s life. If left untreated, anxiety disorders can have a detrimental impact on the individual’s life, such as inability to work, form normal social relationships or develop comorbid disorders, which results in further difficulty to treat the disorder effectively. Anxiety disorders are one of...
4 Pages 1665 Words

Homicide: First Degree Murder

The most serious and punishable crime someone can commit is first degree murder. The importance of first-degree murder is deciding whether someone deserves the death penalty, or life in prison for the crime that was committed. When a person chooses to commit murder, the deciding factors that make it first degree are if the person deliberately planned, premeditated and willingly acted out the killing of another person. Sometimes first-degree murder is argued to fit justified murder because the defendant can...
4 Pages 1734 Words

Humanity And Life In The Fictional Stories The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas And The Library Of Babel

Fictional stories play an important role in our lives, they allow the audience to experience things that are thought to be impossible as well as provide a deeper understanding of many life questions which non-fictional stories can’t seem to cover. Throughout this term, we have covered multiple fictional stories with many forcing the audience to think outside what we know to be true, think outside our own personal experiences and imagine a world, unlike anything we are familiar with. This...
4 Pages 1691 Words

The Value And Significance Of Mindfulness

Imagine being able to heal for free, with no help from medications. It sounds crazy but it’s possible. It can be accomplished by incorporating the practice of mindfulness into our everyday lives. Mindfulness is essentially the practice of consciously focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment (Harvard Health Publishing, 2019). The practice of mindfulness in everyday life can stimulate the healing process. Every individual has the natural capacity to heal on their own. Mindfulness healing...
4 Pages 1712 Words

Causes Of Ovarian Pathology And Diseases That May Be Diagnosed

Common facts about the organ and symptoms Ovaries are an integral organ in the female reproductive system in which ultrasound plays an outstanding role in diagnosing and differentiating many ovarian pathologies. The main function of the ovary is to release a mature oocyte every 28 days and to secrete oestrogen and progesterone for maintaining the reproductive cycle and to support pregnancy. The importance of differentiation between functional to non-functional pathologies can provide significant implications in terms of management to relieving...
4 Pages 1685 Words

Healthy Immune System And Consequences Of Its Imbalances

Immunity is vital in defending the body against infections. This role is taken by the immune system comprising of a complex cell, tissues, organs, and protein networks. According to Stephenson, (2017), the immune system keeps a record of each and every microbe it has ever encountered and defeated as a way of controlling a future encounter. Important the body keeps a healthy immune system which can ideally create barriers to stop infections from entering the body above fighting them once...
4 Pages 1680 Words

Crucial Factors On Child Development

Genie spent the first thirteen years of her life isolated in a room and binded to a potty chair in a homemade straitjacket. She had neglectful parents, in particular, her father that beat her with a baseball bat when she made any type of noise. Nobody in the home was allowed to speak to Genie and she was never spoken to. When Child protective services came in to talk to her she was malnutritious and couldn’t talk. Susan Curtisis, psycholinguistics,...
4 Pages 1712 Words

How Malnutrition Affects The Digestive System

A healthy diet according to the National Health Service (2019) Eatwell guide that comes from each food group to achieve a healthy balanced diet. The recommended daily calorie intake per day for women is 2000kcal and for men 2500kcal this includes food and drink. The eat well guide suggests five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, a good source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins that come from these food groups. The British Nutrition Foundation (2018) recommends 30grams of fiber...
4 Pages 1671 Words
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