1800 Word Essay Examples

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Black Panther Hero's Journey

We are in an era in which the ways we consume media has changed, yet the presence of digital storytelling has not changed our dependence on good stories being told. Narratives are universal and appeals to audiences as the central function of the human mind, in which resonates the need for storytelling. In films the narrative techniques provide the scaffolding for film in terms of the structure, representation, narrative discourse, story and the plot. To explore the theories and concepts...
4 Pages 1796 Words

Louis XIV and Construction of Versailles: Historical Essay

France is a magnificent place that holds the world's most beautiful art pieces and landmarks. Last summer I had the opportunity to travel within Europe and I decide to go to the fashion capital of the world Paris. My top destination was to visit a landmark located outside of Paris which was the Palace of Versailles. “It is located in the city of Versailles, Yvelines département, Île-de-France region, northern France, 10 miles (16 km) west-southwest of Paris.”. Before this became...
4 Pages 1787 Words

Symbolism of Aphrodite in Western Culture: Opinion Essay

Aphrodite Aphrodite, the Greek goddess is the epitome of sexual love, beauty, pleasure, and passion. These female qualities are as relevant today as they were in Ancient Greece, and we see her as a symbol of female beauty which is to be appreciated. Her symbolism figures in western culture; in literature, we use the word aphrodisiac as something which arouses or intensifies sexual des. There are clear links between the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman equivalent Venus, both influence...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Historical Essay on Greek Unification: The Peloponnesian Wars - Athens Versus Sparta

The Peloponnesian Wars (431 – 404BC), also known as the fall of Athens, demonstrated the power and capacity of the two of the strongest rival poleis in Ancient Greece, Athens, and Sparta, who were both competing for dominance. The two city-states varied across multiple aspects. Although the Athenians were well cultured and educated, had naval forces, and led the Delian League, the Spartan’s militaristic practices, values, army, alliances, and battle strategies significantly contributed to their cultural identity that helped secure...
4 Pages 1784 Words

Theory of the Monomyth Introduced by Joseph Campbell: Critical Analysis

The Monomyth in Video Games There have been tales about heroes for as long as there have been tales. Some of the earliest recorded works remaining today, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and King Arthur in History of the Kings of Britain, are extensive stories of legendary leaders and heroes. Modern day stories have much to draw on, and though the medium is ever changing, the common template of an adventuring hero remains prevalent in society today. In the...
4 Pages 1820 Words

Views on Religion and Faith in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Novel ‘The Canterbury Tales’

The middle ages or Medieval times can be best described as the [footnoteRef:1]‘Age of Faith’ through the eyes of the church. Its stature and placement at the time, provides a clear understanding to its reputation of power and influence on society as a whole. [footnoteRef:2]For example, in a period of hardship, invasions and unpredictable political structure, the Catholic Church took control and began to amalgamate society, eliminating discrimination of wealth or social class, ultimately providing society with a sense of...
4 Pages 1836 Words

History of Economic Thought: Criticism and Relevance of Communist Manifesto

Historical Essay Karl Heinrich Marx (1818-1883) Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818- March 14, 1883) was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist; born in Trier, Germany. Marx began studying Law and Philosophy at the University of Bonn then left and later studied at the University of Berlin where he took an interest in the German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel as well as a group of Young Hegelians including Bruno Bauer and Ludwig Feuerbach....
4 Pages 1841 Words

‘The Bishop Orders His Tomb’ by Robert Browning and Top Girls: Critical Analysis

Studying Poetry and Drama Section 1) Robert Browning, Extract from ‘The Bishop Orders His Tomb’ Section 2) ‘What’s it going to do to him working for a woman?’ (Top Girls). Analyse the presentation of patriarchal authority andor challenges to patriarchal authority in texts studied on the module. 1. Robert Browning, Extract from ‘The Bishop Orders His Tomb’ ‘The Bishop Orders His Tomb’ by Robert Browning focuses on the deep-seated fears and lack of faith one of the church leaders has....
4 Pages 1798 Words

Analytical Essay on Cuban Revolution: Initial Literature Review

Research Hypothesis To a small extent. He, in fact, didn’t benefit the people of Cuba at all. He restricted them and controlled every aspect of Cuban life. Initial Literature Review Context My question is to establish to what extent, if so, Castro’s benefited the people of Cuba socially. Sections which will be explored in this Mini literature review are: To discover the economic and social state of Cuba before, during, and after Castro’s rule, beginning in 1959. To understand the...
4 Pages 1787 Words

The Manly Hostess and the Womanly Mad Man: Critical Analysis of Mrs. Dalloway

'Love between man and woman was repulsive to Shakespeare”(Woolf 97). Virginia Woolf published Mrs. Dalloway in 1925. The Modernist monumental work was written in the wake of the atrocities that happened during the first world war. The story presents the reader with Clarissa Dalloway, a member of London’s high society, who spends a day in 1923 preparing for a party later that evening. While doing so, she is preoccupied with her past and questioning her decision of marrying her husband,...
4 Pages 1778 Words

Psychopaths Versus Sociopaths: Comparative Analysis

Psychopaths vs. Sociopaths Every person behaves differently, the way they were affected by their environment or the way they think it's best. People judge others by their behavior and often call them psychopaths or sociopaths without knowing what those two words truly mean. Psychopathy and sociopathy are both dissocial personality disorders. “Main characteristics of psychopathy: emotional dysfunction, lack of empathy and guilt, pathological lying; and abandoning relationships.” (1 Tassy, Sebastien) Signs and symptoms of psychopathy are mostly: callousness, manipulation, low...
4 Pages 1773 Words

New Wave Movement in 1950s: Analytical Essay

Headed by Lindsay Anderson, Karel Reisz, John Schlesinger, and Tony Richardson. The New Wave movement was a range of feature films, during the 1950s and 60s (1959-1963). That focus on drawing attention to the frustrations of a better-educated young society. Whilst emphasizing the reality of day-to-day life for the working class. Coming at the end of a decade most would describe as “a doldrums era,” (The Open University, 2005) the New Wave films were seen as a total breath of...
4 Pages 1787 Words

Influence of Apollo 11 Program on American Society: Analytical Essay

July 16th, 1969. After spending four days in the vacuum of space, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin begin their nerve-wracking descent to the lunar surface. Slowly and carefully, they maneuver down to the Moon. Exhausted and tired, they take a break to rest, then suit up to head out onto the cold barren lunar surface. All the while, millions of viewers across the world crowd around radios, families huddle around the living room television, and everyone hangs on Walter...
4 Pages 1789 Words

Argumentative Essay on The Necessity to Provide Smoking Ban on the Production and Sale of Cigarettes

Abstract With the development of global economy, citizens' life condition has significant improvement in various countries. in case of this, these countries contribute to control the air pollution and improve the environment in order to offer a better surrounding for its people to live. Then, they try to limit the sales and production of cigarettes, even totally banning it; which some people disagree with this. Based on a journalist, Bill Wirtz’s article that five reasons why the government should stop...
4 Pages 1841 Words

A Judge’s Role: Common Law Versus Civil Law Research Essay

It is an inaccurate belief by abiders of the common law system that ‘judges play the central role in all legal systems.’ Religious, customary, and socialist legal systems and traditions, for example, do not revolve around judge-made law as common law does. This essay, however, will only deliberate the essential differences between common law and civil law systems. Comparisons will be made of the People’s Republic of China to the Australian legal system, assisting with the analysis of the statement....
4 Pages 1820 Words

Isolation, Depersonalization and Corruption of Society in ‘Prelude’s’, ‘The Hollow Men’ and ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Through the exploration of T.S Eliot’s ‘Prelude’s’ (1911), ‘The Hollow Men’ (1925) and ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ (‘Prufrock’ 1915), the audience is exposed to the isolation, depersonalisation and corruption of society that Eliot endures by his ‘single voice’ of apprehension, engaging with our own uncertainties. Eliot’s poems endure the hardship of people being hungry for any form of spiritual experience in which through the exploration of the five poems, becomes increasingly obvious. His poetry is set in...
4 Pages 1787 Words

Use of Figurative Language in The Little Prince: Analytical Essay

The story starts with conversation on the idea of adults and their failure to see particularly significant things. As a test to decide whether an adult is illuminated and like a kid. He shows them an image that he drew at 6 years old portraying a boa (snake) which has eaten an elephant. The adults consistently answer that the image portrays a hat, thus he knows to discuss 'sensible' things to them, as opposed to whimsical. Then the narrator, a...
4 Pages 1847 Words

Classification of Skin Diseases Using Image Processing and SVM: Analysis of Melanoma

Abstract— Skin diseases such as Melanoma and Carcinoma are often quite hard to detect at an early stage and it is even harder to classify them separately. Recently, it is well known that the most dangerous form of skin cancer among the other types of skin cancer is melanoma because it is much more likely to spread to other parts of the body if not diagnosed and treated early. In order to classify these skin diseases, “Support Vector Machine (SVM)”...
4 Pages 1779 Words

Voyages of Explorers to the North Pole: Descriptive Essay

The interest concerning the exploration and search for the North Pole has been discussed and debated throughout history due to a variety of reasons. This interest has continued to current times where there are constant debates about the North Pole regarding who was the first to reach it and what were the motives for the explorations. The explorations and expeditions of Constantine Phipps, Heratio Nelson, William Edward Parry and the Polaris Expedition, Frederick Cook, and Robert Peary are all examples...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Knowledge and Practices of Nurses about Streptokinase Injection Administration and Monitoring among Myocardial Infarction in Emergency Room

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the number one cause of death globally. An estimated 17.9 million people died from cardiovascular diseases in 2016, representing 31% of all global deaths. Pakistan is there in the list of developing countries of the world and the contribution cardiovascular disease (CVD) of developing countries to the global weight of CVD is more than 80 %. Myocardial infarction (MI) is the most prominent cause behind all these mortalities (World Health Organization, 2018). Myocardial infarction is caused...
4 Pages 1824 Words

General Overview of Occurrence of Pathogenic E. Coli: Descriptive Essay

Escherichia coli is a gram-negative facultative bacteria belongs to family Enterobacteriaceae. E. coli is a cunning species encompassing the common vegetation in the intestinal tracts of the warm-blooded creatures (Afset et al., 2003). The main territory of E. coli has long been believed as the vertebrate gut since first termed as Bacterium coli community by a German pediatrician, Dr. Theodor Escherich, which he secluded from the waste material of a newborn patient (Escherich, 1885). E. coli is equally well-known as...
4 Pages 1753 Words

Non-communicable Diseases as a Global Threat to Public Health: Analysis of Cervical Cancer

Introduction to public health assignment Background According to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO), the world is facing many global threats or challenges which range from the outbreak of diseases, environmental effects like global warming which lead to climate change as well as non-communicable diseases like obesity and cancer. Our group will focus on one of this threats namely cervical cancer which is a non-communicable disease (NCD). Non-communicable diseases are chronic conditions that progress slowly and share common behavioral risk factors...
4 Pages 1842 Words

Living with Food Allergy: Descriptive Essay

The human body has an intricate system of mechanisms that protect and defend the body from germs and disease. As a whole, this system is known as the immune system. Although the whole body is involved in this intricate system, the white blood cells play an extremely important role. There are many different types of white blood cells and they each play a critical role in the case of an allergic reaction. The first time a person eats a food...
4 Pages 1792 Words

The Theme of Martyrdom in T.S. Eliot's The Cocktail Party: Critical Analysis

The American-English poet, playwright and literary critic, Thomas Stearns Eliot, was a leader of the Modernist Movement in Poetry. Though his fame rests with poetry, his influence in the field of Drama in the first half of the Twentieth Century is predominant. He brought “Poetic Drama” back to the popular stage which is in fact a continuation of his poetry. It was his attempt to carry out his themes of Poetry to a larger and wider audience. Eliot came from...
4 Pages 1752 Words

Biomechanics of Hip Joint in a Squat Movement: Study of External Forces

Introduction The purpose of this scientific report was to look at the movement of the hip joint in the eccentric phase of a squat and the external forces that act on it and to further investigate the role that biomechanics has had in the research and the development of a squat. Key Terms Biomechanics can be defined as the study of forces and how those forces act on living organisms mechanically (Hall, 2018). A system of interest (SoI) is derived...
4 Pages 1772 Words

Newton's Laws of Motion: Effect of Masses on Acceleration

Lab Report 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Information: Newton’s second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object depends on two variables: the net force acting on the object and mass. The acceleration of an object is dependent directly upon the net force acting on the object, and inversely to the mass of the object. Acceleration is the total rate at which an object changes its velocity. However net force is the vector total of forces acting on a...
4 Pages 1763 Words

Synthesis Essay on Dubliners: Analysis of Araby

“Araby”, a short story apart of Joyce’s, Dubliners, is rich with culture and symbolism, dripped in a veiled jab at the drab culture of Ireland. The interaction of light and dark are mostly addressed in Araby to support the setting and narrator alike, helping to set the tone and give a realistic aspect to the story. The use of imagery is vital to the plot and growth of Araby, particularly so for the narrator because the play between light and...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Critical Analysis of Chaucer’s Legends of Good Women

Many of the criticisms of Chaucer’s Legends of Good Women stem from his style of writing – he presents himself as a reader and wonders if he should trust the authority of the text over his own experience. In the Prologue, The God of Love is presented as a literary critic who judges Chaucer’s previous work, condemns it, and assigns the poet a new task of writing. There is a sense of authorial irony through his construction of the narrative...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Critical Analysis of Gerard Jones’ “Violent Media is Good for Kids”

One does not often think of whether a piece of writing is considered a real essay or a “fake” one, as Cynthia Ozick describes in “SHE: Portrait of the Essay as a Warm Body”. There are certain characteristics that help distinguish between these genuine essays and the fakes that Ozick claims are abound. She describes how genuine essays are like poetry, with the different ways writers use them to express their true minds and inner selves. A popular example of...
4 Pages 1800 Words

Educate America Act and No Child Left Behind Act: Analytical Essay

Unit 1 Individual Project Abstract Similarly, as in budgetary and economic policies, the two political parties have altogether different approaches to reforming education for the up and coming age of American learners. The main education policy difference among the parties is the role that the federal government plays in educating the children. Both political parties outline the policy stances of each party that clearly show two different visions of what directions that each party would like to take the country....
4 Pages 1781 Words
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