1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

What Shapes History?

War’s, human right’s movements, Women’s right movements. What causes misery for millions, freedom for some? What shapes history? Are millions of lives lost because of one individual? Are people released from suffering and anguish because of the social conditions? Or perhaps, is it fate that shapes history? Many historians would argue that historical events are the result of a certain individual- take for example Martin Luther King and the Civil rights movement. Whilst others would argue it was the social...
4 Pages 1896 Words

Sex Work and its Relationship with Local Authorities

During the Late-Medieval period, London was established as a “leading commercial city in Europe” due to its dominance as a trader of wool, distributor of fine goods, and, increasingly, as a producer of luxury items. The capital also benefitted economically from a period of great military success under Henry V in the context of the Hundred Years War. Following a decisive victory at Agincourt, England exerted political control over the duchy of Normandy and entered into a considerably pro-English alliance...
4 Pages 1901 Words

The Main Problems Of The South African Education System

The South African education system has experience many changes after the 1994 democratic elections in efforts to undo and redress past imbalances that dominated the schooling system during the reign of the apartheid government. These changes had a significant impact on learners and teachers as the main goal of the new government was transformation and ensuring equal access into a system that excluded the majority of the population based on race. This essay will attempt to provide a brief definition...
4 Pages 1868 Words

Drinking Water and Sanitation Essay

Water is quintessential to lifestyles and it is of quintessential importance to all dwelling organisms. Water constitutes about 90% through weight of the human physique (Williams et al, 2002). The availability of consuming water is an fundamental characteristic for stopping epidemic illnesses and enhancing the fantastic of existence (Borchard et al, 2004). According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 1981), 80% of all ailments are attributed to risky water with about 11.4 billion people in the world struggling from vital...
4 Pages 1879 Words

Essay on Garbage Management

Nowadays our word is sadly suffering from immerse increase in the amount of wastes, which has happened due to the rapid growth in the population. From here we proposed the idea of Smart Garbage Management System. This proposed system will monitor the amount of waste in dumpsters, detect bad smell and to segregate dry from wet waste. To achieve this aim different sensors will be used which are: moisture, ultrasonic and odor (MQ136) sensors. These sensors will work together in...
4 Pages 1869 Words

To What Extent Have Nazi Human Experiments Developed Knowledge on Health? Essay

Medical experiments conducted on human beings during World War 2 are relevant to this day. From an ethical point of view are evidence of the ignorance and moral blindness of society towards jews and other minorities who were put into concentration camps. However on the other hand, they can be considered as a source of medical research and analysis. Whether or not this data is useful to us is strongly debatable. From scientific, as well as ethical perspectives it has...
4 Pages 1898 Words

Sports Management Internship: Lessons Learnt

Sports facility management is a concept in sports designed to help keep leagues, tournaments, sports complexes, and all other activities orderly and running most efficiently (American Association for Health Education). Sport facility management is not just an issue of making sure that the leisure center is organized. It also involves providing better services and ensuring all stakeholders, especially the customers (players), are familiar with the services. In this report, I will highlight an array of activities that I performed at...
4 Pages 1926 Words

Scaling-up Renewable Energy and CO2 Capture Technologies: A Review

According to Ritchie (2019), Oceania emits 1.3 billion tonnes of CO2 yearly, which is equivalent to 1.3% of the global emissions. Wang et al. (2011) argue that most of the carbon emissions are as a result of the generation of non-renewable energy. From figure 8, in 2016, Oceania generated 227.7412GW of non-renewable energy and 67.29998GW of renewable energy. But, in 2050, it is projected that the region will be able to generate 49.97507GW of non-renewable energy and 708.5722GW of renewable...
4 Pages 1904 Words

Renewable Energy in South Africa

South Africa is demonstrating its commitment to a more prosperous future growth direction by promoting clean energies and energy conservation, as well as skills development and job creation through the green economy. South Africa is one of the world's top emitters of carbon dioxide, ranking 12th in terms of top emitters per capita, since fossil fuels provide more than 75 percent of the country's primary resources. With a supportive policy and legislative structure, the country responded to the urgent need...
4 Pages 1941 Words

How Did Competing Ideologies During the Cold War Affect Guatemala? Essay

While portrayed by the Soviets as a simple trade deal, transactions such as these amount to something far more sinister. Repaying a loan in raw materials and the purchase of Soviet finished goods only cemented the dynamic between the two countries. Brazil’s position as a less developed producer nation with an agricultural focused economy was strengthened as was the USSR’s role as both its chief technological provider and distributor of manufactured goods. Brazil was not the only nation exploited by...
4 Pages 1858 Words

Earth Science Essay

The nature of biology is necessary to seek life in the early Earth and beyond the Solar System. The first step is to discover the nature of biosignature in those areas (to find remains or signs of previous or existing life). The earliest living things on Earth are assumed to be fossil microorganisms observed in warm water atmospheres where the hydrothermal vent precipitates appear (Dodd et al., 2017). Historically, biosignatures contain isotopic, chemical, and morphological proxies found inside the rocks....
4 Pages 1852 Words

Deforestation and Climate Change Essay

Urbanisation has been considered a long-standing enemy of forests. The population is growing at a rapid pace and the boundary of the cities are expanding and this is the reason why the requirement of land is increasing at a rapid pace leading to the clearing of forests. Urban population growth and industrialisation have been crucial in this regard. This discussion is very relevant as the world is standing on the brink of climate change and deforestation alongside urbanisation is leading...
4 Pages 1925 Words

Death Penalty, Is It Just? Essay

“Inmates go crazy, become clinically mentally ill, in solitary conditions there. We end up with more staff assaults and greater instances of crisis management in a harsh and hostile environment for officers,” said Lance Lowry. He is the president of the union representing the 450 guards, give or take, on death row. These quotes can be found very easily bringing to light the mistreatment of inmates in death row prisons. There are many quotes from prisoners who are obviously struggling...
4 Pages 1908 Words

Conservation of Endangered Species Essay

Humans have contributed to a higher rate of species extinction today for several reasons. Those reasons include housing limitations, overfishing, worsening climate change, pollution, and increasing the number of invasive species worldwide (Gramling, 2019). Humans have transformed 75 percent of land on Earth into urban areas, leaving the rest for all species. Over time wetlands were lost and so did 32 percent of forest areas across the planet preindustrial times. The production of food crops increased, agricultural lands expanded, palm...
4 Pages 1926 Words

Character Analysis of 12 Angry Men

The 12 angry men are a group of jurors that have come together for longer than a few minutes and interact with and influence one another, and perceive one another as “us” and are interdependent with each other. They work towards a common goal of coming to a unanimous consensus about whether the accused at hand is guilty or not. A sense of “we” feeling is ignited in the group once they realize that the fate of an eighteen year...
4 Pages 1931 Words

Benefits of Christian Online Dating Sites

Benefits of Christian online dating sites The Modern world’s hustle and bustle puzzles our search for true soul mates. Especially if we are looking for decent, reliable and spiritual persons to hold on to in sickness and in health, in joy and sorrow, through the good times and the bad, till death do us part. You dear routine is as follows: the Church, work, home and solitude, no new people around. Are you tired of it? Remember, God is a...
4 Pages 1885 Words

Air Pollution in Big Cities Essay

The essay presents the environmental injustice of the man-made air pollution in one of the world's most air polluted city in the Delhi. The scale of injustice in the populous South-Asian cities are massively different than some of the know environmental injustice, the Flint Water crisis, the disaster of 100,000 people in the city of Flint. In contrary, 600,000 people die annually in Delhi due to air pollution related health hazard. Air pollution kills more people annually in the world...
4 Pages 1900 Words

Modernism and Post-modernism in Ideas of Jacques Derrida

Introduction to Jacques Derrida In recent French intellectual history, Jacques Derrida was among the most popular, controversial but also knowledgeable figures. He pioneered a way of philosophy to which he called Deconstruction, that radically changed our comprehension of several academic disciplines, particularly literary studies. Derrida was born in El Biar, an Algiers suburb, what used to be French colonial Algeria, in 1930. At school, he was initially sluggish and harbored aspirations to become a professional football player. As all other...
4 Pages 1900 Words

Feminism Beyond the Binary

Whether it is conscious or subconscious, people often understand the fight for “gender equality” as being a fight for equality between men and women and a fight that must take place within the gender binary. Feminist discourse tends to centralize the struggle of women and, in turn, the feminist movement has sought to dismantle the barriers for inclusion of women, to elevate and empower women, and to ensure that women have access to the same opportunities that men do. Mainstream...
4 Pages 1864 Words

Wi-Fi 6 Technology for Business

Wi-Fi technology is among the greatest success stories of this new technology era, and its societal benefits are known to most of the world’s population. Wi-Fi has connected and entertained people, and has assisted in the creation of new technologies, industries, and careers around the globe. According to a recent report from the Wi-Fi Alliance (Telecom Advisory Services, LLC 2018), more than 9 billion Wi-Fi devices are currently in use worldwide, where individuals, families, governments, and global organizations depend on...
4 Pages 1944 Words

Essay on Whether the Partition of Ireland Was the Right Decision

No matter has divided Irish politics and society as vigorously in recent generations as the topic of partition. Ireland was partitioned, or divided into Northern and Southern Ireland in May 1921 after the Fourth Home Rule Act became law on that day. The question continues to dominate politics in Northern Ireland to this day as politics is still divided between supporters of partition (Unionists) and opponents of partition (Nationalists). Partition was proposed several times before it actually happened and was...
4 Pages 1861 Words

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy in Malaysia, Especially on the Food Supply Chain: An Essay

Food is a necessity and a basic human right. It plays a vital role in the promotion of health and disease prevention. However, as recorded in the 2020 Global Hunger Index the GHI score trend has increased to 13.3 by comparing to 2012 which is only 11.8 (Global Hunger Index Rank, 2021). In order to overcome the spreading of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Malaysian government released the Movement Control Order (MCO) that effective from 18 to 31 March 2020, later...
4 Pages 1884 Words

Argentina: A Developing Country Overview

Argentina is a country located in South America. It covers most of the southern portion of the continent. Argentina is ranking 8th in regard to the largest countries in the world. Argentinians are surrounded by immense deserts, tundra, forests, mountains as well as rivers and extreme lengths of shoreline. Not only does Argentina own an enormous part of America but they also claim a portion of Antarctica and several islands in the south pacific. Location Argentina is located mainly on...
4 Pages 1872 Words

US-Russia Relations and the Role of Ukraine in Them

Why Tramp indicates Russia as a main direct in National Defense Strategy 2018 after obvious flirting with Putin during the first years of administration? And what role does Ukraine play in American foreign policy toward Russia? Why does US spend on defense of peripheral country? In interview for ‘Lateline’ Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Vali Nasr, called US a country that is diminishing its influence. This conclusion was based on Barack Obama’s speech about main...
4 Pages 1866 Words

The Unsuccessful Florida Expedition

Panfilo de Narvaez, a Spanish discoverer and soldier that helped defeat Cuba, also served as a captain and leader for the Florida expedition in the early 1500’s. The purpose of this expedition was to colonize Florida. Narvaez was able to lead this expedition by being a part of the Spanish court, which was granted to him by King Charles. Although, he was granted with such an important role for this expedition, this did not mean it was an easy process...
4 Pages 1882 Words

Hong Kong Taxation System

Hong Kong has been relying on its simple and low tax system for several years to attract talent and capital in order to maintain competitiveness. Are there any flaws in our tax regime? In order to investigate the strength and weakness of our taxation system, we have explored seven key criteria of a good taxation system. The purpose is to identify critical issues confronting Hong Kong economy which is related to the weakness of our taxation system so as to...
4 Pages 1914 Words

Increased Technological Dependence and Its Danger to Public Mental Health

The proliferation of Internet-based technology has changed the state of Americans. Smartphones, tablets, and computers gain billions of dollars each year and are owned by most Americans. The smartphone was once a luxury item which costed thousands of dollars for a limited use. Today's smartphone is now in the pockets of most Americans young and old. A nationwide survey revealed that that 95% of Americans had some kind of mobile phone (Pew Research Center, 2018). Technology has integrated itself into...
4 Pages 1882 Words

Essay on Computer Game Addiction

Someone has correctly quoted that “access of anything turns out to be bad”. This essay completely relies on this quote and proves it correct. The topic of computer games and dangerous addiction is not just an essay topic, it is a widespread problem in society that needs to be curbed. Addiction to computer games is considered one of the most chronic diseases, which has been part of the culture for a very long time. This paper will center upon the...
4 Pages 1860 Words

Clinton Vs Trump: The Power of Opinion Polls

The 2016 presidential election showcased the ever-growing and increasingly hostile partisan divide within The United States of America. The highly publicized battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton catapulted controversial issues like immigration, healthcare and gun reform into the forefront. Aided by the recent explosion of social media, Donald Trump infiltrated an untouched population of lower- and middle-class white Americans who were feeling the brunt of an increasingly globalized environment and a democratic government that were not pertaining to their...
4 Pages 1873 Words

Walt Disney World Best HR Practices

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”. This quote by Walt Disney is one that he lived by. He made his dreams of opening a family friendly amusement park come true. Not many people know this but the first Disney park to open was Disneyland in Anaheim California. Disneyland was such a huge success that Walt and Roy Disney decided they wanted to open an even bigger and better park. They began to...
4 Pages 1920 Words
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