1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Aspects Of The Current Rcuk Guidance In The United Kingdom

In the UK in 2018, 30,829 patients were treated during an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA), with 29.4% admitted to hospital with a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and 9.3% surviving to discharge (Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes Registry Epidemiology Report, 2018 p.18). The current RCUK guidance state ‘Provide artificial ventilation as soon as possible in any patient in whom spontaneous ventilation is inadequate or absent’(Resuscitation Council UK ,2015 p.7) but it has been said that the standard ‘Airway Breathing...
4 Pages 1895 Words

Supply Chain Management: Opportunities And Challenges

Introduction Background Nestle is a company that was founded in 1867 by Henri Nestle in Switzerland. In 1905, Nestlé & Anglo-Swiss have more than 20 factories and have started using overseas subsidiaries to establish a sales network that spans towards Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia (Nestle, n.d.). In today’s modern society, Nestle is known as the world's largest food processing company with a total sales of 88,785 million Swiss F in 2015 with a total of 435 production factories...
4 Pages 1897 Words

High Mobility, Vivid Content And Convenience As The Benefits Of News

News happens every day everywhere, from continents to regions, from states to people, which has proximity to our everyday life. As the era evolves, news has combined with the developed technology, transform itself from the old printed newspaper to the convenience online newspaper, which alters the way people engage with it through media convergence. The following will explain the topic in several aspects. To commence with, with the developed technology, information nowadays can be accessed easily. In other words, news...
4 Pages 1938 Words

Policies And Media Impact On Disability As A Social Problem

This essay will aim to examine disability as a social problem within society. Disability, defined by the Equality Act 2010, is when a person has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities (Gov UK, 2010). This essay will also discuss the changing ways in which the state has responded to disability as a problem and how policies and laws have been implemented in the 19th...
4 Pages 1921 Words

Archimedes, Euclid And Pythagoras As Ancient Greek Mathematicians

Ancient Greek Mathematicians “Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent,” (“Sacred Mathematics”). This quotation by Plato, an Ancient Greek philosopher, demonstrates the importance of geometry to the foundations of the universe. Geometry encompasses every aspect of life including architecture, physics, and biology. Teachers around the globe instruct the basics of geometry to teen-aged students every day, yet these self-evident ideas were not always simple. It took the collaboration of many great minds to formulate the mathematical conclusions so easily comprehensible...
4 Pages 1895 Words

Apple Executive Summary Essay

Executive Summary Apple is an American global innovation organization, headquartered in Cupertino, California, which designs, builds and markets mobile phones, hardware, computer programming, and online administration. They are the leading mobile phone manufacturer in the world and generated sales of $ 229.234 billion in 2017. According to Haslam et al. (2013) On the extraordinary initiative of the late Steve Jobs, the Apple brand has been effectively restored and is clearly the most inventive organization in the world with a trusted...
4 Pages 1855 Words

Refugees Effects On Economy, Employment And Social Infrastructure In Host Countries

INTRODUCTION A refugee crisis refers to the movement of people from one country to another at a massive scale. Historically, we can see that from the migration of the French Huguenots during the reign of Louis XIV in 1685 to World War II from 1939 to 1945 till today, people have been displaced from their homeland as a result of war and persecution. According to a report produced by the statisticians of the UNHCR in 2016, 65.6 million people have...
4 Pages 1937 Words

What You Should Know To Get Prepared For Parenthood

When a family welcomes a new life, they were excited, but they feel perplexed because they are not only taking care of the new baby, they are also adjusting themselves. Both mental and physical health suffer great changes. When couples experience changes in their roles, they will find that the new demands of the infant are difficult to keep balance with other responsibilities. In this essay, it will be divided into five parts, which are 'definition', 'the impact of new...
4 Pages 1861 Words

Strategies And Activities For Reducing Racism

In this essay I will be assessing how youth work organisations such as Your Story - a youth work organisation used to support youth such as NEET (not in employment education or training) youths, the organisation in which I’m doing my placement with and how this and many other youth work service use strategies to address racism and I will also be analysing the effectiveness and how they break down the barriers of racism in services or work places. I...
4 Pages 1902 Words

The Peculiarities Of Universal Healthcare In The World

One study in the American Journal of Public Health estimated in 2009 that as many as 45,000 people died every year because of the lack of health insurance. “Uninsured, working-age Americans have 40 percent higher death risk than privately insured counterparts”(The Harvard Gazette). With universal healthcare, this number would decrease significantly because everyone would be insured without financial stress on individuals. Take this story from The Huffington Post to validate these claims; “Georgeanne Koehler has devoted dozens of hours to...
4 Pages 1949 Words

Factors That Promote Childhood Obesity: Lifestyle Preferences And Socioeconomic Status

How to Scale Down Childhood Obesity Declared by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a worldwide chronic health threat, linked to children with copious amounts of body fat and a body mass index (BMI) in the 95th percentile, is childhood obesity. Universally accepted and endorsed by the CDC, BMI is a weight mechanism that calculates body fat by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. With that said, the primary...
4 Pages 1942 Words

The Topic Of Women Oppression In Alice Walker's Major Novels

Women throughout the ages have always been a part of literature. Unfortunately, they often portrayed themselves as a weaker, inferior, were unable to survive on their own, and were unable to do their work on their own. Women are beautiful and obedient, they couldn't think on their own, according to the guy.According to the novel of Alice Walker, most ladies were inherently indifferent to love, having never been allowed to share their feelings. In addition, they don't know how to...
4 Pages 1944 Words

The Role Of Androgen Receptor Therapy In Advanced Prostate Cancer

Introduction This essay will seek to discuss the role of androgen receptor therapy in advanced prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and the androgen receptor (AR) will be discussed, namely the origins of androgen receptor targeted therapy, its development and role in treatment of advanced prostate cancer today, and the future of targeted therapy. Androgen receptor targeted therapy is utilised in advanced prostate cancer to improve morbidity and mortality. The role of AR targeted therapies have evolved over the past 80 years...
4 Pages 1910 Words

Modernism Within Late American Literature In The Texts The Mending Wall, The Road Not Taken, Babylon Revisited, Barn Burning And Mowing

Humanism and Modernism are two completely different stances that American writers have used within their writings. Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance that affirms that all human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. This ultimately means that humanism embodies that fact of building a more human society through a set of ethics based on human values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. Humanism does...
4 Pages 1923 Words

Science Fiction Essay Example

ABSTRACT In recent years, science fiction has become a favorite spotlight among other genres, from Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit to hi-tech world of Wakanda. In fact, science fiction has been a fellow of human evolution since the primitive of the science and technology era. By analyzing in depth the typical sub-genres with examples and comparisons between sci-fi creations, this research paper aims to point out the actual influences of science fiction to the human society and technology evolvement in...
4 Pages 1868 Words

Syrian Female Refugees At Risk For Mental Health Issues In Canada

Syrian refugee women are more likely to experience mental illness due to various obstacles and barriers. Some of these barriers are from past physical and mental trauma, feelings of isolation from lost family support, language and culture difficulties, and the social stigma associated with mental illness. Imagine you’re a pregnant, female Syrian refugee, being forced to relocate from the war-torn country in which you were born and raised. Leaving all your family and friends behind or experiencing the horrific death...
4 Pages 1924 Words

What Makes Antigone And Creon The Tragic Heroes?

What exactly makes someone a “hero” or a “tragic hero” if you will? Aristotle defined a tragic hero as a man of noble birth with heroic qualities whose fortunes change due to a tragic flaw or mistake that ultimately brings the hero’s downfall. Their tragic flaws makes them more relatable or/and get pity from the audience. However a hero is understood to be different to everyone. Anyone who influences anyone else by saving or even helping save his or her...
4 Pages 1915 Words

Plot, Characters, Conflicts And Themes In The Film The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Early impressions Setting The film is set in the 1990’s in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. The setting is established through Charlie reading aloud his letters. The setting of the film is integral to the storyline as it helps to establish one of the films major conflicts. During the 1990’s homosexuality was not as accepted by society as it is today. This is why Brad struggles with his feelings and somewhat hates himself for his sexuality. He hides his true feelings from his...
4 Pages 1870 Words

The Forms Of Individualism in Fahrenheit 451 And Divergent

Introduction: The Concept of Individualism in Dystopian Worlds Individualism is defined as “a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control” (Google). There are two major forms of individualism that are prevalent throughout writings. The first form is individual vs. society, and it occurs when the individual must change his or her ideals in order to fight their government. The second is individual vs. self, which is an internal fight between good and evil. In...
4 Pages 1934 Words

Is Euthanasia Everybody’s Right?

INTRODUCTION Numerous discussions over euthanasia have been going since ages among wellbeing experts. Euthanasia word originates from Greek and also widely known as willful extermination which means great passing or makes a finish of life effortless, shorting life in remarkable condition. Person's perspective toward euthanasia is relied upon numerous conditions, for example, religious background, race, and so on. Euthanasia can be delegated active and passive. Active methods acquainting something with cause demise and passive methods retaining treatment or strong measures...
4 Pages 1874 Words

Descartes's History Of The Concept Of Mind In The Novel The Meditations On First Philosophy

Throughout the novel, “The Meditations on First Philosophy” by Rene Descartes goes through a spitital journey of discovering what he believes to be his conception of the mind. The reader is able to see this through all of his meditations and the exploration he takes himself on to reach his final conclusion of the mind and body in meditation six. Each meditation that DescartesN writes touches somewhat on his conception of the mind and his beliefs that follow. In order...
4 Pages 1927 Words

The Formation Of Singapore Girl

Pierre Balmain inadvertently created a national icon when he designed a kebaya in batik print to accompany a snug wrap skirt meant to be the sarong. The sartorial splendour of the sarong kebaya uniform, further accentuated by its hourglass shape and three-quarter sleeves, was an instant hit with the public, thanks to its femininity and fulfilment for the previous lack of ‘national identity’. My paper will explore the discursive construction of the Singapore girl in the light of a changing...
4 Pages 1853 Words

Ideal Leadership Lessons In Beowulf

Beowulf shows many examples of generosity, hospitality, envy, revenge, and loyalty. Although a righteous leader, Beowulf is riddled with flaws and stuck in his ways. The loyalty Beowulf shows throughout the poem is unmatched by any other. Loyalty is a great part of Beowulf because it proves that he can be a great leader. Beowulf expresses his virtue through being a leader and having loyal followers behind him. Becoming a leader as great as Beowulf, everyone needs to follow in...
4 Pages 1935 Words

Society, Culture, Social Change And Religious Movement Theories

Religion impedes progressive social change in modern Australia. Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber sociological theories have a difference of opinion in the substantive area of religion, social inequality and social change. Contemporary religious movements in Australia have organised social groups such as The Right To Life group, which have strong conservative approaches. Contemporary organised social religious groups in Australia are welcoming for people who are isolated and suffering from inequality. Sociological imagination for people living in anomie conditions...
4 Pages 1886 Words

Subalternity And Scale In The God Of Small Things By Arundhati Roy

Roy has investigated the inconveniences of divorced and widows in The God of Small Things. The destiny of divorced women also is brought to the fore in The God of Small Things. Comrade Pillai's way to express the word as 'Di- divorced, presents mortality to Rahel. Divorced Margaret is close to a prostitute in Mammachi's eyes. Baby Kochamma's frame of mind towards isolated Ammu is typically Indian. Indian culture occasionally acknowledges widowhood sympathetically, however not a divorced woman. A widow...
4 Pages 1850 Words

Sleep Deprivation Effect On Mental And Physical Health

Sleep deprivation alters our brain chemistry, making us feel isolated and irritable. We know that by our own experience by finding it hard to stay focus, to communicate, and to stay positive throughout the day when we have to wake up early in the morning. Most people, nonetheless, do not appreciate and value sleep time due to not knowing that there will be consequences that follow for people who do not sleep enough hours a day. In other words, insufficient...
4 Pages 1914 Words

The Hate U Give: Main Characters And Connection To The G.R.O.V.E.S. Way

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas is a realistic fiction novel that provides a perspective on the two contrasting worlds of Starr Carter’s life: the poor, black neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep schools that she attends. She believes that she has these two worlds perfectly balanced, but that is proven false after Starr becomes the witness to the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend, Khalil, at the hands of a white police officer. Starr...
4 Pages 1879 Words

Women And Their Role In The Civil Rights Movement

The movie that plays in our minds when we think of the Civil Rights movement is one starring Martin Luther King Jr giving powerful speeches and inspiring both the Black and White populations to carry the banner for social freedom. Although Martin Luthger King Jr was a driving force in the movement, there were so many others who bore the weight of the cause who did not draw as much attention to themselves. There were countless groups dedicated to fighting...
4 Pages 1941 Words

Current Management Of Stroke

Introduction Stroke is a major public health problem globally and surviving patients have very high risks of recurrence (Wolfe et al, 2010). It is the third-largest cause of death in England(Raithatha et al, 2013). The World Health Organization defines stroke as “a rapidly developing clinical signs of focal (at times global) disturbance of cerebral function, lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death with no apparent cause other than that of vascular origin” (Coupland et al, 2017). However, the...
4 Pages 1890 Words

Psychological And Sociological Effects Of Down Syndrome For The Individual And The Family

Abstract This paper explores seven published articles that report on the psychological and sociological impact of Down syndrome for the individual and their family. Parents discuss the many familial effects of having a child born with Down syndrome. Most parents report having a child with Down syndrome as a positive experience while other parents report having a negative experience. Included in this paper are two studies, one conducted by Janet Carr of St George’s Hospital in London, UK, and the...
4 Pages 1902 Words
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