2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on College Versus High School: Rookie of the Year Recruiting Plan

Hello, my name is SGT Connor Brave with the Illinois Army National Guard. I currently recruit out of Southern Illinois with November Company in Franklin County, White County, and the North Section of Saline County. Out of those three counties, I have control of ten high schools and one community college. The overall purpose of this paper is to explain the demographics of my area and schools, schools programs, a recruiting and sustainment plan, and to explain my efforts to...
5 Pages 2206 Words

Essay on Cerebral Palsy: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography This article discusses the issues of children with cerebral palsy and the feeding difficulties that come along with it. The study was done in Bangladesh, which is a resource-poor country, and it is a challenge to have all the proper medical equipment for children with cerebral palsy. The purpose of the study was to assess how functional a low-technology, cost-efficient approach to feeding practices for children with moderate-severe cerebral palsy and feeding difficulties can improve. Additionally, the goal...
5 Pages 2116 Words

Emergence of the New Infectious Diseases: Descriptive Essay

New Diseases Introduction A disease is a certain condition that affects an organism by weakening the body’s general functions and psyche; it is also affiliated with particular symptoms and signs. The factors that contribute to an organism having a disease may be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic factors originate within a host and could be caused by a disorder from that host, which compromises the processes of body organs or genetic features of the host. Extrinsic factors are when a host...
4 Pages 2044 Words

Effect of The Coronavirus Disease on Respiratory System

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 is a respiratory illness which has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020. Several studies including the 10 articles chosen have found that the virus may impact human organ physiology that may result to death in Covid-19 patients. As the pandemic is continuously evolving, and more data are made available every day and even every hour, this article highlights and emphasize the best evidence and...
5 Pages 2130 Words

Effect of Leadership on Organization: Essay on Elon Musk

The aim of this report implies the effect of leadership on an organization to develop the personal skill and behavior of the employees and involvement in achieving the business goal. Leadership has a solid impact on the relationship of an organization and the employees to increase the value, culture, ability of tolerance, and motivational skill of employees. The above discussion is based on the leadership style of Elon Musk, the CEO of Space and its deep impact on the business...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Double Consciousness in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Fight Club

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is the main character in 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by British writer Robert Stevenson. Jekyll used the secret medicine developed by himself to separate the evil in his human nature. However, it is unexpected that the separated evil turns into an independent personality and shows itself, and then kills people on a large scale. Fight Club is one of the works of director David Fincher. The plot of the film...
5 Pages 2152 Words

Determinants and Attitudes of Adolescents towards Sex Education

Problem statement to the conceptual framework Bartholomew, Parcel, Kok, and Gottlieb (2006), indicated that a rights-based method aids the needs of young people by involving them, thereby making policies and programs more effective and sustainable. This kind of method provides the framework for meeting the actual sexual and reproductive health needs of young people, and not just as perceived by adults. Glacier (2006) restates that beyond the provision of infrastructure and services, adolescents have yet another need, in this case,...
5 Pages 2067 Words

Descriptive Essay on YouTube as a Video-sharing Site

Introduction YouTube is a video-sharing site in the United States that allows users to upload, share, watch and comment on videos. YouTube was founded in February 2005 and acquired by Google in November 2006. YouTube is the most popular website in the world and is used by many users every day. YouTube has users all over the world, so the site's languages include English, Portuguese, German, and dozens of other sounds. There are many kinds of YouTube videos, including music,...
4 Pages 1958 Words

Descriptive Essay on the Amphora with Zeus and Dionysus

The Amphora with Zeus and Dionysus, as the title suggests, is an amphora, “a two-handled pot with a neck that is considerably narrower than the body,”[endnoteRef:1] that is suspected to have been produced by an artist known as the “Euphiletos Painter” in Athens (within the Attica region of Greece), somewhere between the years of 540 and 530 B.C.E.[endnoteRef:20283] Eventually, however, the piece has come to be housed in the antiquities section of the Philbrook Museum of Art, located in Tulsa,...
4 Pages 2083 Words

Cultural Legacy of Colonialism and Imperialism in Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe considers the general effect of post-colonization which is based on a critical study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitations of colonized people, and their lands. Therefore, from a post-colonial perspective, the value of identity and ownership tend to rely on the opinion and viewpoint of ‘Robinson Crusoe’, who like any Western man during this period, believed in white supremacy until his misfortunate arrival to...
4 Pages 2025 Words

Creating Contrast between the Self and Society in the Novel: Analysis of Oliver Twist

Howes describes the self as ‘a construct of the mind, an hypothesis of being, socially formed even as it can be quickly turned against the very social formations that have brought it into birth’. By exploring literary narrative thinking, which emphasises the structure of events in terms of a human’s feelings and thoughts, a dual landscape is created by allowing for the contrast of the self’s stream of consciousness against society’s grouping and categorizing of the individual. In Selvon’s novel...
5 Pages 2115 Words

Contemporary Strategy Analysis of Walmart

Introduction to the Company Walmart Incorporated (hereinafter “Walmart”, “Company”) founded in 1962 and incorporated 1969., is an American multinational retail corporation. It operates a vast, extensive and formidable chain of discount stores and hypermarkets, and is currently of the largest retailers on the planet. To be more specific, Walmart holds first place as the biggest company in the world by revenue and the number of employees, as well. Walmart’s headquarters is in Bentonville, Arkansans, and despite its initial efforts to...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Character of Boo Radley: Reader's Review

Ch. 1: According to Chapter 1, what main event changed Boo Radley’s early life? Predict: What kind of a man do you think he might have become because of this? According to Chapter 1, the main event that changed Boo Radley’s early life was when he was arrested and sent to court. The neighborhood legend that explains Boo Radley’s early life mistake was that “One night, in an excessive spurt of high spirits, the boys backed around the square in...
5 Pages 2054 Words

Case Study on Amalgamation of Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank with Bank of Baroda

Executive Summary Banks being the financial backbone of an economy affect the country’s monetary and fiscal policies. With the advent of globalization, more and more foreign banks coming down to India and vice versa, and banks are now exposed to a number of risks. Therefore, the entire banking system and its operations require close scrutiny and control. Banks by the very nature of their business attract several types of risks, viz., credit risk, market risk (which includes interest rate risk,...
5 Pages 2146 Words

Business Communication Skills and Conflict Management of Business Process Outsourcing

Advocacy (Based on SDG): The researchers’ main interest/focus is to determine and understand how Business Process Outsourcing Employees, particularly Call Center Agents and how they maintain proper business communication and peaceful conflict management as they associate with various co-workers and clients. They will know what it means to be in the BPO Industry as they discover the hardships and efforts of call center agents in the Philippines, specifically Quezon City which is one of the largest cities in the country....
5 Pages 2243 Words

Argumentative Essay on Prohibition of Torture

Torture has been used since the beginning of humankind dating back to the Roman Empire when people were tortured as means of punishment for crimes to the present day where torture was used on terrorists as a means of eliciting information with the goal of saving innocent lives. Furthermore, in 2004, photos of torture conducted by the United States soldiers at Abu Ghraib in Iraq were leaked and shocked the world (Einolf, 2007). Subsequent news revealed that the British soldiers...
5 Pages 2185 Words

Argumentative Essay on Necessity to Study Heart of Darkness in School

Thought-provoking, challenging, engaging, and interesting are words that could be used to describe novels read as part of grade 10 academic English curriculum. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness adopts this definition as is illustrated through the journey of Marlow, the protagonist in the novel, to eventually meet and ultimately interact with the remarkable Kurtz. Books such as Lord of the Flies demonstrate man’s inherent evil and innate desire for possessions, while novels such as To Kill A Mockingbird shows the...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Analytical Essay on Symbolisms and Themes in Great Gatsby

In the early 1900’s the American society was influenced with rapid and easy possession of wealth, as we can understand while reading the book The Great Gatsby. Money in our lives affects our behavior. F. Scott Fitzgerald has many characters in his novel; but the most important characters in this novel are Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, and Myrtle. These characters portray the most important behaviors that shown with the power of money. They are driven by a powerful desire to climb...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Analytical Essay on Factors Causing Infectious Diseases

For the vast majority of our history as a species, groups of humans have always interacted with other groups thereof. This has led to the spread of communicable diseases that have brought about illness and death. The carnage wrought by the bubonic plague in Eurasia in the 14th century and by smallpox and strains of influenza in North and South America in the 16th century are striking manifestations of this phenomenon (Cunha 2004). As our technological empowerment has increased exponentially,...
4 Pages 2001 Words

Analysis of the Theme of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice.

Pride and Prejudice has a well-knit, coherent plot where all events and characters are integrated and exemplify the same theme. The Lydia-Wickham episode is one of the subplots of the novel and contributes much to the main plot of the Elizabeth-Darcy courtship and marriage. Wickham as a Foil to Darcy Wickham's first importance is to deepen Elizabeth's prejudice against Darcy. Darcy appears proud and forbidding when he mortifies Elizabeth by refusing to dance with her for she is not sufficiently...
4 Pages 1983 Words

Analysis of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Programs

The problem Background of the Study These modern times have undeniably posed some dramatic changes in our educational system. Because of this paradigm shift, teachers across the country are working hard to equip children with the skills needed for their success in the 21st century. In addition to teaching the students to be able to readily adapt to evolving technologies, teachers must create learning environments that cultivate the children’s critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, communication and collaboration skills, global awareness and...
4 Pages 1975 Words

Analysis of Diasporic Double Consciousness in Caribbean History

Derek Alton Walcott was a famous poet and playwright from Saint Lucia who is recognized for his contribution to literature in the Caribbean.as he showcase the authenticity of the Caribbean culture. He was a trained painter but his passion for writing led him to publish his first collection of poems at the age of fourteen. Walcott achieved many awards some being Queens Gold Medal in Poetry, Common Wealth Award of Distinguished Service, Order of Merit in Jamaica and Knight or...
5 Pages 2212 Words

Analysis of Affirmative Action Policies in Public Universities: Literature Review

Overview: My research question was originally on hate crimes and domestic American policies combating it. However, after my literature review, I decided to narrow it. Specifically, I decided to focus on federal American government policies rather than examining regions or states. Moreover, I aimed to address educational government policies that target racial groups and their potential for racial discrimination and outcomes of educational equity. Specifically, I aimed to examine the analysis of affirmative action policies in public universities and public...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Allusions Research: Dover Beach, The Tyger, Tower of Babel and Others

Allusions Research Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels/Literature: Jonathan Swift, a satirical author, was born in Dublin, Ireland on the 30th of November in 1667. He advanced to Trinity College, obtaining a bachelor of arts degree, and achieved a master of arts degree at Oxford University. During his life, Swift wrote multiple literary works, including Gulliver’s Travels, his most famous novel. The plot follows Lemuel Gulliver, a sailor who shipwrecks and winds up in a mysterious place called Lilliput, which is inhabited...
5 Pages 2084 Words

‘Struggles’ between the Proletariat and the Bourgeois in Fight Club

Palahniuk uses fight club to demonstrate that although America may not be as primary industry driven as it once was. It has moved towards a more tertiary type economy which creates an American version of the working class. Palahniuk's perception of the American service worker is like that of the traditional proletariat. This put into perspective shows a clear divide between the proletariat service workers and the business-owning bourgeois who dominate society with three ideals. From a Marxist perspective, the...
4 Pages 1975 Words

When Do We Become Adults: Essay

Introduction to Adulthood and Its Traditional Markers Traditionally adulthood is associated with biological markers such as when intellectual and physical maturity has been met, as well as attaining key milestones such as finishing education, having a family, and stable employment. However today, these markers are arguably not as important, this essay will evaluate and discuss whether individualistic markers of adulthood may be more relevant for contemporary youth rather than traditional ones. The Shift in Educational and Economic Milestones Traditionally it...
4 Pages 2017 Words

Essay on Tragedy of the Commons

Essay Example #1 The tragedy of the Commons refers to a public setting such as an area of land that is being used so excessively without care, to the point where the area has no resources to offer. In the article, the author writes, “as the human population has increased, the commons has had to be abandoned in one aspect after another. First, we abandoned the commons in food gathering, enclosing farm land and restricting pastures and hunting and fishing...
3 Pages 2060 Words

Relationship between Parents and Children: Essay

The relationship between the parents and the child is amongst the most prominent relationships in the life of an individual. Young children depend on their parents to provide them with fundamental needs as well as their parents provide their children with guidance and support to build their future generations. Communication is the source of social structures and the value of the partnership or its collapse lies in it. Communication entails listening, communication, comprehension, empathy towards each other, and emotion. Communicating...
4 Pages 2179 Words

Relationship Between Faith and Reason: Essay

The present research has been writing about the Eucharist, a broad subject in theological studies, but he has focused on the renewal of Jesus' sacrifice in every Mass. As he has been writing along, he noticed the need to offer a better understanding of this specific aspect of the Christian faith by seeing the relationship between theology and philosophy. So, he turned to a document, Fides et Ratio, to look for some insights. He thinks that it is important to...
5 Pages 2078 Words

Persuasive Essay on Why Minimum Wage Should Be Raised

Everyone believes that America is the place where all your misery and issues disappear, however in America there a more people in poverty than rich people. We often describe New York as a place where many wealthy people live, due to the fact of expensive rent prices, big corporations, and outstanding education. Due to this stereotypical stereotype, people that live in poverty are often looked down upon or not even cared about. Society often talks about the wealthy but never...
4 Pages 1963 Words
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