2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Craft

What is the influence of gender and identity on crafts? Gender and craft are rooted together in the history of traditional design practices. With gender being defined as constructed social roles that fit society, this, in turn, has an effect on the ways that craft pieces are constructed. In the beginning, the decorative arts created by women were identified as lesser art and could not be held in the same category as fine art, which was a male-dominated area. This...
5 Pages 2232 Words

Essay about New York

The Cultural Melting Pot: New York City The topic of my essay is New York. I would like to present this city as best as it is considered to be the influential cultural center of the world. New York is the only city in the world so well known to people who have never been there. I think that the city plays an important role, among others in the American film industry. It was films and TV series that created...
5 Pages 2207 Words

Benefits of Being Bilingual Essay

Introduction: The Multifaceted Advantages of Bilingualism Famous psycholinguist Frank Smith once said, ā€œOne language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.ā€ In today's modern global world where it is possible to communicate with anyone anywhere on the planet at any time, there are still a few barriers to communication remaining. One of those barriers is language. In the United States, roughly 80% of people speak only one language, in comparison to this...
5 Pages 2074 Words

Autobiography Example Essay

A Sexual Autobiography An autobiography is a self-written account of the events that have taken place in oneā€™s life (Pascal 1). A sexual autobiography on the other hand would be a personal investigation of the development of oneā€™s sexual self. This composition tries to answer the question of ā€˜how did I become the sexual person I am today? According to Sidome and Watson, a sexual autobiography must consider personal development with reference to developmental theories and issues discussed in academics...
4 Pages 2000 Words

Screen Time Essay

In recent decades, digital technology has developed at an exponential speed, computers have evolved to small handheld sizes and cell phones have developed to small-sized can fit into a pocket, along with the availability and extensive usage of the Internet, both of which cause a phenomenon that children spend increasingly more time watching a screen. Screen time is not only the amount of time spent on television viewing but also means time spent on smartphones, computers as well as different...
4 Pages 2038 Words

Social Work Values and Ethics Essay

This paper will discuss the key features of domestic violence (DV), how social workers currently intervene from a critical perspective when tackling DV, the benefits and limitations of critical social work in the DV area, and the usefulness of the critical approach in alignment with social works purpose, values, and ethics. Domestic violence refers to violence experienced by a partner or family member through coercive, threatening, or controlling behavior, enabling any type of dominance and control over the victim, encompassing...
4 Pages 1968 Words

Essay on Psychological Disorders: Analysis of Bipolar Disorder Causes and Consequences

Psychology comes from the Greek words ā€œpsychā€ meaning soul and ā€œologyā€ meaning logic, it translates to ā€œthe science of the soul.ā€ It was founded by a man named Wilhelm Wundt, he founded experimental psychology which later led to others discovering more in psychology. Psychology is both a science and a profession, it is counted as a science because itā€™s about understanding people's behaviour. The topic I have chosen for this assignment is psychological disorders, more specifically bipolar disorder. I have...
5 Pages 2186 Words

Era of Good Feelings Sectionalism

The Era of Good Feelings marked a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of country wide purpose and a desire for harmony among Americans in the aftermath of the War of 1812. The technology noticed the crumple of the Federalist Party and an cease to the bitter partisan disputes between it and the dominant Democratic-Republican Party for the length of the First Party System. President James Monroe strove to downplay partisan affiliation in...
5 Pages 2229 Words

Doctrine of Separation of Powers in the USA Versus India: Comparative Analysis

Introduction It is widely held across all nations of the world that for a stable and an efficiently functioning government, the holders of power need to be balanced off against one another. And this realization gave birth to the theory of separation of powers which deals with mutual exclusiveness of the three organs of the government i.e. legislature, executive and judiciary. The rationale behind this doctrine is to prevent absolutism and guard against tyrannical and arbitrary powers of the State...
5 Pages 2063 Words

President Donald J. Trump and Richard Nixon: Comparative Analysis

President Donald J. Trump and Richard Nixon are known for setting famous ā€œfirstsā€ in history. Nixon devoted his entire life to the world of politics, whereas Trump has never held a single political office before becoming president. Then we have Trump who has been impeached twice by the House of Representatives and contrastingly, there is Nixon who resigned before the impeachment process began during the Watergate Scandal. Towards the end of the Trump presidency, after the insurrection of the United...
4 Pages 1971 Words

The Essence of Separation of Powers: Analysis of Background

Introduction As a deep understanding of the division of power, neither of the three branches can make up the size of the other, and neither should anyone be a person from these two branches. Instead, the independent work of the various foundations should create an equal management framework between them. The Constitution of the United States holds close to the separation of powers. Article I acknowledge the power of the Legislature; Article II empowers the President; and article III makes...
4 Pages 2036 Words

Subject of Structural Fire Safety: Analytical Essay

This paper will explore the information known until know about the subject of Structural Fire Safety. Not only will it consider the present solutions to its problems, but it will also examine and explain most of the details given to the public while also predicting the future and the development of this practice and practitioners. It will start its informing and summarizing part with mentioning the strategies, preventions and passive elements of a fire hazard situation. It will go in...
4 Pages 1995 Words

Fire Safety Engineering Problems: Case Studies

The fire safety engineering has been finding increased use in the recent time as with the rapid globalization and interconnectivity. FDIs have been flowing into the infra market and which has put the focus on how to improve the fire safety particularly in engineering applications. This review basically focusses on innovative solutions to fire safety problem in those cases where prescriptive building regulations are costly and there are some restrictions in building design. It basically presents case studies where the...
5 Pages 2209 Words

The Potential Impact of Intelligent Personal Assistants on Public Transport: Critical Analysis

Intelligent Personal Assistants ā€“ Intelligent Personal Assistance (IPA) is an application of Artificial Intelligence. By the term Artificial Intelligence we mean the technology used to serve software with the help making of intelligent behavior (What is Intelligent Virtual Assistant?, 2018). Intelligent Personal Assistants are the types of voice-enabled technologies used in mobile phones such as Siri in Apple iPhone and Cortana in Microsoft etc. The IPA's are basically designed to perform the specific tasks of users by using the online...
4 Pages 1983 Words

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances Essay

The separation of powers (SOP) is one of the principal doctrines in the UK and is a theory found in most modern states. This political, not legal, the doctrine was first developed by Aristotle who identified the three branches of a constitution required for a stable nation as ā€œThe Deliberative, the officials and the judicial elementā€. To prevent ā€œdespotismā€ or ā€œabsolutismā€ power should not be concentrated in one body or one person. Today, the three branches are known better as...
5 Pages 2144 Words

Barack Obama a More Perfect Union Speech Summary

The speaking abilities Of the 44th US President Barack Obama, his ability to Win the hearts of the audience and inspire listeners with a bright speech allowed many authors to describe him as the greatest speaker of his generation (Wilson 8). Namely, the skill of public speaking helped him achieve the top of the career ladder in the political hierarchy of the United States. According to Ekaterina Haskins, a professor of rhetoric at the University of Iowa, in his speeches,...
5 Pages 2188 Words

Why Michelle Obama Inspires Me Essay

Defining Leadership through Michelle Obama What makes a good leader? It may seem like a simple question yet it continues to encourage debate among many intellectuals in the field. Many of us may have our own leadership definitions based on our experiences and knowledge. To me, a good leader is one who possesses the qualities of honesty, empathy, and resilience, and is able to inspire people for generations to come. One person that I believe exhibits all these qualities and...
4 Pages 2078 Words

Liberalism vs Constructivism

International Relations Political events have always been quite complex and just one theoretical approach cannot explain why they occur their impacts or their consequences. The only way to have a better understanding is by putting together all the theories and seeing the wider picture. That is the reason why Liberalism and Constructivism are the theories that better explain contemporary global politics, as they are the ones that take into account more reasons and approaches to why political affairs are the...
4 Pages 1991 Words

One Great Man of America: Descriptive Essay on Ronald Reagan's Life

There are many great men in history such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, etcetera, but what makes them ā€œgreatā€? Could it be the grit to move forward, the ability of perseverance that keeps them going? Maybe, integrity of spirit and mind that defines themselves as a special person? Is passion the drive that continues to give man the will of action to make small things grand. All these qualities and more are involved in the construction of such men. One...
4 Pages 2038 Words

Elements of Bureaucracy

Franz Kafka was one of the most famous writers who criticized bureaucracy in his pieces. In his short story ā€œPoseidonā€, Poseidon who is the leader, is doing too much paperwork to take care of administrative problems and is unwilling to delegate his work as well. The joke of the story is that even god cannot handle the amount of paperwork bureaucracy creates (Kafka, 1992). The founder of the bureaucratic leadership theory is a German philosopher, economist, and leader of theoretical...
4 Pages 2052 Words

Hillary Clinton Strengths and Weaknesses

People always are eager to share their development expertise, to participate in and contribute to continual improvement, to work intensely towards the attainment of their common objectives. Some of them follow those they can trust and believe in that they will be led towards a timely fruition. Others try to promote a trusting relationship, to take into account changes needed for the future, to have the ability to reach higher success. Such people who lead towards impacting everyone at their...
5 Pages 2187 Words

History and Definition of Health Insurance: Analytical Essay

Abstract The cost of health insurance is on the rise because of the respective rise in the cost of treatments, doctor visits, and medications. Most business, like credit unions, choose to offer health insurance to their employees. As a result of the cost of health insurance rising, it costs the business more money to offer it to their employees. Since credit unions are not-for-profit, this deeper cut into their bottom-line effects them more heavily than it does other business who...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Investigation of the Trade-off between Wages and Health Insurance in the US Labour Market: Analytical Essay

A Critical Review of Craig Olsonā€™s Article ā€˜Do Workers Accept Lower Wages in Exchange for Health Benefits?ā€™ (2002) This essay will study the work of Craig Olson in Do Workers Accept Lower Wages in Exchange for Health Benefits? (2002). The article investigates the trade-off between wages and health insurance in the US labour market. The author analyses data on married womenā€™s wages and health insurance coverage, dependent on their husbandā€™s health insurance coverage. Olson estimates that women accept a wage...
4 Pages 2017 Words

Modern Conservatism vs Modern Liberalism

Despite the common narrative of a conservative ascendancy in the 1970s, the decade also saw continued radical activism and resistance to bring about great reform in American society. Although the 1970s saw a conservative ascendency in electoral politics, ultimately leading to the consequential election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the decade also saw expanded, intensified, and often successful protest efforts bred by broader action and the continued endeavor for civil rights and liberal objectives. Ultimately, the 1970s was encompassed by...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Effect of Online News on Teenagers: Analytical Essay

In the past few years, online news starts to become a trend for people getting information in mainland China, but how can we tell some news that appears on online are reliable? Where reliability became the major concern of news. This essay will investigate more on the impact of online news, and how does it cause. This essay is going to study the effects of online news culture to teenagers, it is valid for study, because at the modern society,...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Role of Media in Strengthen Social Movement: Analytical Essay

To have a better understanding about this topic, we need to analyze the definition of new technology. New technology can be defined as any set of productive techniques which can offer significant improvement in many aspects of life especially in a globalize era where the dependency of new technology is much more important and needed by everyone. The definition of new technology also can be define as a science applied to practical purposes which is the theoritical idea of producing...
4 Pages 2072 Words

Significant Impact of Propaganda on Conformity of Germans under the Nazi Regime: Analytical Essay

Propaganda ā€“ information posed to an audience with the intent to persuade in favour of one side of an idea, often through biased or emotionally stirring content - was one of the most powerful weapons in Hitlerā€™s artillery during 1933-1939. As part of the Nazi regime, propaganda tailored towards the public was utilised heavily by Joseph Goebbels (Minister for Enlightenment and Propaganda) in Hitlerā€™s campaign. Propaganda had a significant impact on the conformity of the German citizens at this time....
5 Pages 2116 Words

Ways the Media Distorts the Information in Everyday Life: Analysis of Media Bias

The First Amendment; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This is one of the most important amendments in the history of the world. It could be said that it is the foundation of our country and why people want to live...
5 Pages 2063 Words

The Contemporary Relevance of Gandhism: Non-Violence and Satyagraha

1. Introduction Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi popularly known as Bapu or the father of the nation was not only a great political leader but also a radical social reformer Gandhism is a set of ideas that depicts the inspiration, vision, and the life work of M.K. Gandhi. It is especially connected with his contributions to the notion of non-violent resistance. Mahatma Gandhi is one of those great and exemplary people in history whose work has not only proved to be extraordinary...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Concept of Happiness in Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle: Critical Analysis

Aristotle was one of the great thinkers of the ancient world, so much so, that he has influenced the way people think throughout time. One of the fields in which he wrote extensively about was that of ethics. His book the ā€œNicomachean Ethicsā€ outlines that happiness is the ultimate goal a human being should strive for and that it is the main purpose of oneā€™s life. In his lectures, he states that happiness can be achieved with the cultivation of...
5 Pages 2090 Words
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