2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Informative Essay on Drug Addiction

Say No To Drugs Few people deny the dangers of drug use, while many teens are curious about drugs. They should fail to abstain from drugs because drugs affect our health, and lead to academic failure. Drugs have been used for a long time in many countries. The concentration of drugs has increased since the late 1960s and 1970s. Drugs can quickly take over our lives. Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person’s body and mind work. On...
4 Pages 2027 Words

Essay on Negative Effects of Peer Pressure

Social Persuasion: Telling a primary school pupil that they can achieve anything that they desire often has positive outcomes on how the pupil thinks about themselves and believe that they can achieve anything. This is an example of social persuasion where positive feedback encourages positive outcomes. Social persuasion can be used to persuade others that they have the capabilities to succeed and will therefore try harder to succeed in tasks (Bandura, 1994), through a promotion of their perception of their...
5 Pages 2073 Words

Essay on How Did the Salem Witch Trials Affect America

The witch, as the Puritans saw her/him, was ultimately a man-made creation synonymous with the supernatural, sorcerers, and ghosts. Salem was a quarrelsome village and less prosperous than Salem Town. The inhabitants were divided over almost everything -- the church, politics, where to divide the land, deaths, and an immense and irrational fear of the dense forest. This ultimately led to hysteria which manifested in the tragedy that would become the Salem Witch Trials. When discussing the question “What is...
5 Pages 2169 Words

Essay of Pro Prescription Drug Addiction

It is a known fact that drug overdose deaths are on the rise. Based on research I have read, most addicts say they start with pills, turn to heroin, and die from the synthetic opioid painkiller fentanyl. Opioids are too accessible; other effective alternative pain management is rarely discussed as a treatment option. Other medications like Ibuprofen (Motrin), Acetaminophen (Tylenol), and Naproxen (Advil) are good effective options. Discussing these options and implementing them would drop the rate of drug addiction...
5 Pages 2085 Words

Federalism Argumentative Essay

The issue of emergency powers has come into recent discussion with the Federal Government having the belief that they should be responsible and have the ability to declare a national emergency to deal with disasters to combat the problem in a streamlined manner. Legislative Authority over Emergency Powers Currently, the States have legislative authority and power to enact State of Emergencies to deal with crises that affect their state. In NSW for example, under The State Emergency and Rescue Management...
5 Pages 2137 Words

GMO Reflection Essay

The characteristics of all living organisms are determined by their genetic makeup and their interaction with the environment. The genetic makeup of an organism is its genome, which in all plants and animals is made of DNA. The genome contains genes, which are regions of DNA that usually carry the instructions for making proteins. It is these proteins that give the plant its characteristics. Genetic modification of plants involves adding a specific strand of DNA into the plant’s genome, giving...
4 Pages 2005 Words

Essay on Negative Impact of Technology on Fashion Industry

Fast fashion is one of the fastest ways we can destroy our environment and maintain the American implementation that price is what ultimately matters. Consumers can become more aware of their carbon footprint and start to practice ways to minimize their consumption, such as knowing where they are buying from and how it impacts the planet. Sustainable brands such as Pact, Boden, and Tentree promote healthy styles of living fashionably conscious. But what does it mean to be fashion-conscious? Being...
5 Pages 2080 Words

Bauhaus Tower Architecture Essay

Several novel structural solutions have distinguished the history of Western architecture from 1850 to 1950. This is the period of architecture and there are several periods associated with it, including the first fifty years from 1850 to 1900(iron-frame age), the second fifty years from 1900 to 1950 (steel-frame age and reinforced concrete), art nouveau, and art deco. The modern aesthetic is a distinguishing aspect of modernist architecture (also known as the 'modern look'). The materials appearing in this age are...
4 Pages 1984 Words

The Loneliness of 'The Long Distance Runner' Essay

Literature and Sports Essay: “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” (Wayne Gretzky). Sports can be seen as an important aspect of people’s culture in life. This is seen in all the novels that we have looked at throughout the course. Two books that have sports as an important part of culture are The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner and Fever Pitch. The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner shows running as a culture in Smiths' life as...
5 Pages 2064 Words

Essay Chinese Wedding

Chinese weddings are opulent festivities that are as an awful lot about the joyful couple as they are about their respective families. They are energetic and colorful ceremonies that are as a lot about the completely satisfied couple as they are about their respective families. Many symbolic components of this ceremony, which are described with the aid of rituals and customs, center attention on the benefits of wealth, plenty, and happiness for the marriage of each pal and household member....
5 Pages 2104 Words

Military Veterans Mentally Ill Essay

Because Saddam Hussein did not withdraw his troops from Kuwait as demanded by the United Nations Security Council, the Gulf War began in 1990/1991 (Khan Academy, 2019). A tremendous airstrike coalition led by the United States of America forced Hussein to call a ceasefire and give up Kuwait in February 1991 (History, 2019). The Gulf War is also known as the Persian Gulf War and/or Operation Desert Storm (History, 2019). The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2014) webpage explains that...
4 Pages 2044 Words

Synthesis Essay on Volunteering

Volunteering refers to a wide range of activities, such as traditional assistance, the delivery of social services, and different ways of civic participation. Volunteering is an activity that is carried out with free will for the benefit of the general society and in which material interest is not the main mobilizing factor. Most importantly, being the expression of a volunteer citizen, and is an integral part of human relationships: solidarity, commitment, and contributes to the welfare of societies and individuals...
5 Pages 2218 Words

Essay on What Is the Theme of 'Harlem' by Langston Hughes

To Langston Hughes, Harlem was much more than just a geographical location, for the author the city was an entity in itself. During the rebirth of Harlem, there was electricity, a resonance that was clear to those residing there. Harlem was the center of black life in New York City. It was alive with jazz and importantly the mood was one of progress, hope, and possibility. Harlem was its music, and its place, and Hughes and others were well aware...
5 Pages 2207 Words

Essay on Why Do Girls Face More Peer Pressure Than Boys

Is the beauty of a female determined by her weight? How much is self-worth, worth? How much is shared on social media? Is it too much? Young women today can not handle peer pressure in the right ways, which leads to making bad decisions. Females are more likely to be addicted to, and also negatively affected by, social media than males. Females, especially young teens, will question their looks and self-worth, they will put a lot of information on social...
5 Pages 2125 Words

How a Culture Define Architecture Space Essay

Globalization heavily impacted architectural styles universally by allowing the start of cultural appropriation as well as its growth. Globalization leads to the substantial manifestation of (eras, factors, and styles) of architecture through culture appropriation. Within this essay, I will highlight cultural appropriation as an effect of globalization. Consequently, declaring that cultural appropriation of architecture was an effect of thereof. The timeline of globalization will be explored within the architectural context of styles and eras- that which involved culture appropriation. Furthermore,...
4 Pages 2001 Words

Essay on How Does Cooperative Federalism Work in the United States

In our system of government, we are bound to have collective action problems. Firstly, a collective action problem is where individuals can succeed in a situation if they work together on a common goal. But ultimately fails because of conflict or disagreement between other individuals in the group that discourages how they want to work the situation out, resulting in an even worse outcome for their common goal. Some examples of the different types of collective action problems we have...
4 Pages 1971 Words

Taxation within the Estates System in French Revolution Essay

The name of the Paris metro is a reflection of French history and how leaders (Kings, emperors), Scientists during the Enlightenment, writers, revolutionaries, heroes, and other events impacted France's representation. This essay highlights certain heroes of France and analyses the question, how has gender and class inequality evolved from the period of the French Revolution until date? Social inequalities in the 18th century before and after the French Revolution Class inequalities before and after the French Revolution In the 18th...
5 Pages 2197 Words

Should Hate Crime Be Punished Severely: Essay

Gender plays in multiculturalism as part of the questions discussed in the class. Sexual discrimination is a serious problem that exists in American society. I interviewed my roommate Samantha (she wanted to remain anonymous so I will use an alias) to discuss this topic, and she is half-Hispanic and half-Native American. Samantha’s parents are both from Mexico, and they moved to the States and became citizens before Samantha was born. First of all, she talks about what certain conditions have...
5 Pages 2240 Words

Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins at School: Essay

Introduction Culture exists as people’s spiritual support, and has a non-negligible impact on people’s lifestyle, behavior, and values. It is not something fixed, instead, it is always changing with the expansion of social interaction and cognitive development (Schaeffer, 2011). Multicultural education is becoming a trend in education, as it promotes the concepts of freedom, tolerance, equality, and harmony. With the process of globalization, modernization, and informatization, the coexistence and development of diverse cultures will unavoidably lead to a plurality of...
5 Pages 2123 Words

Opinion Essay on the Declaration of Independence

Research assignment Claim: On the authority of the Declaration of Independence, it is a self-evident truth “that all men are created equal.” Yet we hear that biology has demonstrated conclusively that men are unequal. Does biology contradict what the Declaration of Independence holds to be a self-evident truth? (Source: Dobzhansky T. (1966) Biological Evolution and Human Equality. In: Steinhardt J. (eds) Science and the Modern World. Springer, Boston, MA) Research question: How are the Bajau people genetically disparate from the...
5 Pages 2202 Words

Ethical Dilemma in Accounting Essay

Ethics has been an integral part of the accounting profession since its inception and often has been viewed as the cornerstone of the profession. The accounting profession is continuously evolving and giving rise to complex ethical dilemmas for accountants. This essay will identify two ethical dilemmas based on research performed and analyze the impact on stakeholders as well as provide suggestions to address the dilemmas. Dilemma 1: The modern accounting profession has undergone a rapid shift, especially in public practice...
4 Pages 1981 Words

Ethical Dilemma Essay in Counselling

Life is a journey that reflects an individual’s experiences, choices, decisions, and mistakes. However, the past is not what defines a person, it is the personality that an individual has developed and the lessons that life taught to become what they are today. Humans, unlike other creatures, are intelligent with a gift of metacognition, if used righteously can make wonders in overcoming daily hitches in life. We must find ways and strategies to overcome them healthily with the consideration of...
4 Pages 2048 Words

Essay on Social Effects of the French Revolution

Source A is highly valuable when discussing how economic factors helped lead to the French Revolution as it portrays the unfair distribution of money among the French population. The source is a cartoon created by Isaac Cruikshank, a British artist known for his use of social and political satire in his works. Cruikshank produced the source on 12th November 1788, shortly after payments from the treasury were suspended in France. This meant that France was in great financial difficulty and...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Essay on Role of Community

This essay will discuss the capacity of communities to provide much-needed support to people with various disabilities in the United Kingdom communities. The task of this essay is to identify the role of the community’s involvement in health and social care policy, including a brief history concerning community care and its related legislation and its related impacts. Herein, potential and problems for effective support for the community in the provision of health and social care for disabled people will be...
4 Pages 2000 Words

Essay on Military Goals

Introduction: What is an insurgency? An insurgency is essentially the refusal to carry out a higher authorities’ orders, and so, opposing the law. Counter-insurgency is so, the terminology that comprises the activities to secure an insurgency and stabilize an uncertain environment. Counterinsurgency (COIN) can be defined as both a civilian and military effort taken against the insurgent force, to overcome rebellions with a controlled and proportionate amount of force of protecting the population. Successes in counter-insurgency operations depend on certain...
5 Pages 2118 Words

Essay on Dominican Culture Vs American Culture

The Garcia sisters experience severe moments of conflict between the two different cultural systems of America and the Dominican Republic and a subsequent alienation from both. The movement away from their roots and the inability to accept fully the culture of their host country results in confusion and the inability to develop a sense of self. The connection between trauma and development in the narrative is evident in the novel “How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents” by Julia Alvarez....
5 Pages 2124 Words

Cultural Poverty in America: Essay

Discuss reasons why some social groups are more likely to find themselves in poverty An essay by George Gill Poverty is an issue that has permeated every society since civilization began. The ancient Greeks and Stoics had their theories about how to mitigate its effects and proceeding societies have attempted to do the same, however, poverty still exists, and it seems ironic that in a world where somebody can die through obesity, others die through starvation. Poverty not only substantially...
5 Pages 2116 Words

The Things They Carried' Essay about Family

“Live. Laugh. Love.” The classic wall decoration that over half of suburban mothers hang up somewhere in their house in hopes that their 16-year-old daughter will stop texting her friends and spend some time with the family. This horribly cliché sign is not just indicative of the poor taste of the masses, it also points to a solution to a problem that is a staple of life for everyone ever, stress. Stress is an inevitability in life, and along with...
5 Pages 2150 Words

Pride and Prejudice' Literary Essay on Change

Pride and Prejudice is written in the form of a generic Shakespearean comedy as with a fair few of Austin's novels. Most of these archaic comedies begin with mistaken identity, followed by a sudden revelation, and then, most commonly conclude with marriage or multiple marriages. Pride and Prejudice is a novel that fulfills all of these criteria. The contemporary idea of marriage also has a large presence in the novel and reflects strongly the ideas of Austin on the theme...
5 Pages 2111 Words

Essay on Accountability Vs Responsibility in Nursing

In this current era, nurses are encountering an ample amount of ethical and legal issues in their professional lives. These profuse legal and ethical concerns in nursing practice need to be highlighted as prominent issues that require special attention by healthcare professionals. Nurses are responsible for providing the best quality care, ensuring safe ethical, and legal approaches towards decision making and dealing with the best interest of patients. As a result, a few portions of healthcare professionals pose a serious...
5 Pages 2086 Words
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