2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Impact of Obesity of Health Care Costs

About thirty-three years ago obesity was recognized as the most nutritional disease in all prosperous countries. Studies have shown that approximately two out of three Americans are either overweight or obese. Obesity has become an epidemic and the Federal Government states parents, schools, advertisers and genetics have produced this epidemic. Obesity is known to be cause by excessive amount of body fat and is a complicated condition. Additional health issues have been known to be caused by obesity, health issues,...
5 Pages 2248 Words

The Downfall Of Oedipus And Beowulf

King Oedipus was written by Sophocles and translated by Paul Roche, and Beowulf translated by Ethelbert Donaldson are two epics that narrate the tragic lives of two heroes who existed in the pre-Christian era. King Oedipus derived from the Greek mythical stories where goddesses and gods played an essential role in human life saw, the noble King undergoes the saddest moments a man can experience in life. However, Beowulf is based on the oral of an Old English poem where...
5 Pages 2115 Words

Infectious Disease: Biological And Drug Defences

Microorganisms are small living organisms that you are unable to see without a microscope. They live inside of the host (endoparasites). There are five main types of microorganism’s; bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and parasites. Microorganisms are also known as pathogens and are around us daily, in every environment. There are different shapes and sizes and can survive in various habitats. They can cause disease by attacking and invading the body of their host. Reproducing and causing damage, allows our body...
4 Pages 2019 Words

Writing Style of Heart of Darkness

What has come to be known as the sublime is an awe inspiring experience, caused by an equilibrium between aesthetic gratification and negative pleasure that one receives from witnessing raw power. What causes this awe is not solely a mere sense of beauty, but a much more magnitudinal force. Using the ocean as an example, one may relish in the allure of its reflective surface or even the methodicality of the waves seeming to endlessly rush onto the beach. However,...
5 Pages 2145 Words

Women Roles in the Novel Pride and Prejudice

When Pride and Prejudice was being written by Jane Austen in 1811, Europe was amidst the Victorian Era. England was encountering a Pax Britannica, which permitted their economy, government, and populace to increment and extend. The populace increment was expected to a limited extent to the enslavement of women, as women had nothing to do with what number of young people they had. After some time, the sex balance moved, and there were more women than men, enabling men to...
5 Pages 2093 Words

The Effects of Society’s Influence in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird

Society has an influence on everyone, whether they realize it or not. This fact isn’t any less true in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird. This book tells a story from the perspective of a young girl named Scout in 1930s Alabama, right in the middle of the Great Depression. In this book, Scout learns several important lessons from her father and witnesses the terrible issues of racism and violence, which were very prevalent in the deep south at this...
4 Pages 2086 Words

Capital Punishment: on the State’s Right to Kill

While delivering his final judgement as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India, Justice Kurian Joseph recently chose to disagree with his fellow judges and speak against the purpose and practice of capital punishment. He observed that death penalty has failed to achieve any constitutionally valid penological goals and that it was being arbitrarily and freakishly imposed. Though the majority of the bench, while delivering judgment in Chhannu Lal Verma vs the State of Chhattisgarh, reiterated the 40 years...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Right to Freedom of Expression is Absolute

With rights come obligations and there is acknowledgment of constraints on the privilege to free expression. The UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) states 'acknowledgment and regard for the rights and opportunities of others… meeting the only necessities of profound quality, open request and general welfare in a popularity based society”. The ICCPR(– International Convention on Civil and Political Rights) expresses that freedom of Expression 'might be liable to specific limitations… . for regard for the rights and reputations of...
5 Pages 2071 Words

Is Artificial Intelligence Threat or an Aid to the Future of Humanity?

As many of you know a new subject in our day by day is artificial intelligence. Many of us would like to know if this is a threat or an aid to the future of the humanity. There is a lot debate about the intrinsic proper or badness of AI. Yet perhaps the higher hazard in the brief to medium time period is our human dispositions to malicious intent. In any case we need to increase the governance that permits...
4 Pages 2004 Words

The Similarities And Differences Of Protagonists In H.G. Wells’ The Island Of Dr. Moreau And Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

“To the place where my heart takes me, I start my journey that way. I look for my next destination. A delightful excitement” (FTISLAND). These lyrics express the writer’s willingness to go wherever he considers suitable at any given moment. To the writer, an adventure to an unknown place is a fun experience which burdens him not. In contrast to this notion, some classic literary characters experience life-changing events on such trips. Specifically, the protagonists of H.G. Wells’ The Island...
5 Pages 2122 Words

The Headscarf and its Relation to Cultural Identity

The headscarf has become a normalised object in our society and is seen every day. However, there are many controversies about whether the headscarf is an object of cultural identity or an act of the repression of women. There have been many discussions globally about this debate. Many political parties have discussed the possible legislation of the prohibition of headscarves in public locations, especially in primary schools. This discussion has brought up quite some controversy. Many people argue this legislation...
4 Pages 1981 Words

Men’s View Point about Women’s Freedom in Modern Society

I chose this title ‘Men’s view point about women’s freedom in modern society’ because it deals with universality. Especially in third world countries like Pakistan women are humiliated and restricted to live within four walls of home. They are bound to follow rules abide by men and become puppet in the hands of so called custodian men. ABSTRACT Before writing this research work I want to tell about women condition in modern society. In past, we know that men1 thought...
4 Pages 2056 Words

How Does Euripides Explore The Concept Of The Other In Medea?

In this Greek tragedy, Euripides crafts a tale that centres around the complexities of Medea’s character: her cleverness, sorcery, murderous tendencies, and her status as a foreigner. Euripides takes these traits and elevates them to new heights in his play. The playwright puts Medea’s otherness on full display in his text, granting complexity to this characteristic of Medea; she is not only a foreigner because of her birthplace, but also because she destroyed said home, leaving her untethered to the...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Neglect of Girls During Childhood

Women play a vital role in moulding the destiny of our civilization. But the girl child, very often, not only faces neglect and inequality but sometimes the gravest forms of violence. In India, in many places, traditions challenge the very existence of girl child. In spite of remarkable hue and cry about gender equality and the enforcement of laws for achieving the same, a large number of new-born girls are still being abandoned in the garbage, while the unborn female...
4 Pages 2079 Words

The Handmaid's Tale And Animal Farm: Defamiliarizing Reproduction And Totalitarian Regimes

In his book, Dystopian Literature: A Theory and Research Guide, Professor M. Keith Booker argues that the principle literary strategy that dystopian literature utilizes is defamiliarization. He states that 'by focusing their critiques of society on imaginatively distant settings, dystopian fictions provide fresh perspectives on problematic social and political practices that might otherwise be taken for granted or considered natural and inevitable' (3-4). My opinion concerning this idea of using defamiliarization as a tactic in dystopian literature does not differ...
5 Pages 2207 Words

The Effects Of Online Video Games Among The Students Of AMA Computer College

Playing is important because it is how people nowadays specially youths of todays’ generation to find leisure. According to the Anthropological studies done by Gosso, playing is a way for human to learn their world and culture. Through playing, youths do not learn only future adult skill but also gender identification courage, trust among friend and cooperation (Gosso 2005). Groos and Piaget say that humans use play to prepare their adult life (Groos 1908; Piaget & Inhelder 1969). Hall also...
5 Pages 2165 Words

Reintegration Of Ex-prisoners Using The Human Rights Approach

Overview The preceding chapter presented the findings of the study using a thematic approach. This chapter discusses the findings presented in chapter four. This chapter is arranged based on subtitles arising from the major findings of each objective in chapter four. The subtitles in this chapter are arranged as follows; the international and national legal framework in relation to prisoner’s rights to remunerable employment, the extent to which the Zambia Correctional Service complies with international instruments in relation to prisoner’s...
4 Pages 1970 Words

Domestic Violence And Intersectionality: How Race And Community Influences Outcomes

Community Systems In the week two case study involving Jane (2019), one could see that one community system that influenced the outcome of her and her children’s case was religious. Jane, who met her husband through a Christian talk radio show, was a victim of coercive control, which involves using psychological techniques to subordinate women into second-class status (Stark, p. 26, 2017). Her husband used their Christian belief system as an excuse for his use of coercive control, domestic and...
5 Pages 2079 Words

Civic Engagement And Juvenile Justice Section

Macro/systemic factors that disempower young people in these systems A discussion about civic engagement for juvenile justice involved youth begins with an understanding of the experiences and systemic barriers that contribute to civic disengagement. One such example is characterized as the “School-to-Prison Pipeline” (Nussbaum, 2018) which traces the disparate impact of zero tolerance school discipline policies (automatic school expulsion for pre-determined codes of conduct) on youth and families of color. Under these policies and practices, schools as civic communities foster...
5 Pages 2230 Words

The Seeds of Discord: Antecedents of Conflict

Introduction To understand and manage conflict well, we first must understand what conflict is and its sources or causes. Conflict[footnoteRef:1] can be defined as a serious disagreement or argument, to be incompatible or at a variance, a clash. Everyone experiences conflict at some point in their lives. Conflict is especially prevalent on and among teams. In this context, conflict happens when there is the “perception of incompatible interests between workplace participants” (Donais, 2006). [1: It is important to note that...
5 Pages 2208 Words

Several Moral Issues that are Faced by Teenager Nowadays

The definition of drug and alcohol is the most of drugs and alcohols are very useful. Unhappily, the drugs and alcohols as a result of aging population is an increasingly serious problem and also teenagers tend to try the drug and alcohol abuse. For example, after the observation close friends they may want to try drinking or smoking and they will think alcohol and drug consumption make them calm and maintain a popular with friends. This situation parents and teachers...
5 Pages 2131 Words

Can Mumps Cause Infertility of Men?

What is mumps? Among many viral infections’ mumps can cause many types of conditions. It is mainly affecting Parotid glands. Earlier children were the target of this contagious diseases. But after the introduction of MMR vaccine this condition had been controlled. When the children are attacked by the mumps virus they are getting a swollen area just below the ears at the side of their faces. It can be really painful. This face with swollen sides are called hamster faces....
4 Pages 1993 Words

The Correlation of Obesity and Economy

Arguably there are a number of social issues affecting contemporary society. Some of these issues, though personal, likely affect the entire population in the long run. Obesity is one of these issues. Obesity is becoming more prevalent with each passing day and this qualifies it to a health issue (Premmel, et al., 2017). Obesity is explained as a physical condition, which involves excess fat accumulation in the body. Nonetheless, the current state of the world in terms of feeding habits...
4 Pages 1993 Words

The Effects of Marijuana Industry on Canada’s Economy

Introduction Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world. They have an experienced labourforce, good political stability and high standard of living for its citizens. Also, the nation possesses a well-developed transportation network and an abundance of natural materials. The nation’s GDP is about 1.7 trillion in 2017 and their inflation rate is about 2% in 2019, while the unemployment rate of the country is 5.7% in 2018, which is a very small percentage considering that Canada is such...
4 Pages 2046 Words

The Features Of Surrogacy Systems in Australia

Surrogacy is an intrinsic, complex subject that encompasses many issues - the lack of enforcement in domestic arrangements, illegal arrangements, human trafficking and exploitation, and the legal consequences of leaving children stateless or without guardians. The Australian surrogacy system does not effectively protect the interests of Australian stakeholders nor provide the opportunity for safe surrogacy arrangements. Due to the lack of regulation and legislative protection for enforcement surrounding surrogacy, and Australia’s complex adoption system, Australians are turning to international surrogacy...
4 Pages 2017 Words

Trauma and Tragedy in the Kite Runner

Traumatic events and tragedies can heavily affect people and change the course of their lives. These traumatic events can be a result of a person’s fate or their lack of action taken to make it avoidable. Trauma can be experienced at any age, from childhood to adulthood. Some people handle trauma very well and come to terms with what happened, which helps them redeem themselves, resist failure, and keep themselves motivated to move on with their lives. On the other...
5 Pages 2143 Words

Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: The Dehumanizing Effect Of Racism And Slavery In The Antebellum South

The name Mark Twain is widely associated with being a very courageous writer, not fearing to go where many other authors will not go. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain does an excellent job of showing the important historical issue of racial discrimination and the poor treatment of slaves in the Antebellum South by using two men of the opposite colour to tell his story. In Huck and Jim’s story of their escape to freedom, Mark Twain shows the depth...
5 Pages 2154 Words

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

The company that I have chosen to analyze the code of ethics practices is Lowes. They are one of the top leaders of home improvement needs. They have over 1,800 stores in the United States, 300 in Canada and 10 in Mexico. Lowe’s employees over 265,000 employees. The code of conduct and business ethics applies to everyone that works for Lowe’s as well as third parties who act on behalf of the company. The primary focus of the code of...
4 Pages 1973 Words

Types and Aspects of Surrogacy

Surrogacy literally means substitute or ‘taking the place of someone else'. In the case of a surrogate mother, she carries a fetus and bears a child on behalf of another person or couple, having agreed to surrender that child to them at birth or shortly afterward. The act of one woman bearing a child for another is almost as old as childbirth itself, and it was mentioned in the bible. However, in the 1980s surrogacy became one of the most...
4 Pages 2023 Words

Gatsby and Hamlet VS Human Condition

Throughout literature and history included in this world there are various examples to answer the questions of who are we and why are we here. This coming from many people of whom are struggling in today’s world. The readers explore the appearance vs the reality of expectations followed through the pieces “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald and “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare. In these selections the readers analyze how both Hamlet and Gatsby explore the aspect of our humanity...
5 Pages 2175 Words
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