2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Science And Society: Aspects And Effects

This essay will attempt to discuss in detail the history of certain prevalent pseudosciences currently taking place in society today: The anti-vaccination trend, the Flat-Earth theory and movement, and Astrology. It will also discuss how these pseudosciences have impacted modern society’s perceptions of the notions created by actual science, and how easy it is for these theories to turn the public against science. One of the most prominent examples of pseudoscience impacting society’s view of real science is the anti-vaccination...
4 Pages 2012 Words

The Evolution Of Religion And Secularity In Australia

Australia has a long history of religion and spirituality. Traditional owners have had a relationship with the land for thousands of years before Westerners arrived on their shores (Brunn, 2015). When Westerners arrived with the First Fleet, in 1788, they brought with them Christianity, as well as a small number of other religions (Symonds, 1898) with a high percentage of the settlers following these religions. Thompson (1994) suggests that this number could have been as much as 75%. Over the...
5 Pages 2225 Words

Religion And Culture In Wilson’s Play Joe Turner’s Come And Gone

Religion and culture are social constructs that influence each other and are very inseparable. There have been many historical attempts to prevent religion from culture in multiple different contexts. These sort of actions that have led to conflicts and hostility among the religions. Christianity is one of the religions that has greatly influenced the African identity both in the past and in the present day. August Wilson is one of the African scholars who have focused on defending African identity...
5 Pages 2106 Words

The Correlation Of Religion And Psychology

Religion has been one of the most influential forces during the records of mankind for it reaches 84% of the world’s population (Aghababaei, 409). It has helped people understand the world from a philosophical and theoretical perspective which in turn leads to impacting one’s psychological well-being. In his philosophical essay “On Virtue and Happiness,” John Stuart Mill conjures the idea of how desiring materialistic things, for example fame or money, to achieve a sense of satisfaction and happiness is only...
5 Pages 2170 Words

The Effects Of Religion On Well-being

According to the Institute for Health Metrics Evaluation (IHME) in 2017 under 300 million people suffered from anxiety globally, 160 million from major depressive disorders, and 100 million from milder forms of depression (Rice-Oxley, 2019). Additionally, according to The Well-being in the Nation Network a total of 42.6% of Americans reported that their well-being was either struggling or suffering as of 2017. Comparatively, 65% of American adults from 2018 to 2019 identified as Christians, while 26% of individuals reported as...
4 Pages 1975 Words

Forensic Science: Applied to Scientific Method

We are familiar with what is called the Scientific Method; it has been in existent for some years. It is factual that during the course of human history scientists and mathematicians because of the rudimentary basics they were able to follow the method, even though they were rarely acknowledged and hardly tracked the Method precisely. Scientific Method was initially invented by an Italian doctor know as Francesco Redi in the late 17th centuries, it was the experiments he did that...
4 Pages 2008 Words

The Crucible: Good Vs Evil Theme Examples

Introduction to Good vs. Evil in 'The Crucible' As Eric Burdon once said “Inside each of us, there is a seed of both good and evil. It’s a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot exist without the other”. The theme of the crucible is basically Good vs. Evil, because in the world of the Crucible is divided between the two camps of Good vs. Evil. But everyone is confused about what side is really the...
4 Pages 1968 Words

Special Privileges Of Student Athletes

As a college Athlete Student, I notice that it is Special privileges taking hold in colleges now. You may have seen about it on sports channels, around the media, television set, or the school they attend, and some may have received at first hand. College athletes can bear out the regulations in not being reprimanded for the action, not adapting to the lack of the striatum, such as grades and appearance, which make it unacceptable to the non-students. Colleges are...
4 Pages 1983 Words

The Importance Of Phylogenetics In Microbiology

Introduction The evolutionary relationships between organisms are explored by Phylogenetic analysis and it is the vital foundation in microbial studies. In characterizing new pathogens and developing new treatments in biomedicine, development of reliable phylogenetic trees is an important step. The universal phylogenetic tree represents the evolutionary relationships among the three domains of life— Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya. In the bacterial line of descent, the root, or origin, is placed first. .It confirms that the Archaea and Eucarya share a common...
5 Pages 2187 Words

Is Local Community More Important Than National Frames Of Reference In Shaping Public Historical Discourse?

In her book The Uses of Heritage, Laurajane Smith argues that an ‘Authorised Heritage Discourse’ or AHD exists, which prioritises national frames of reference over those of local communities. This essay will attempt to evaluate whether this is indeed the case, examining in turn the impact of local heritage practices, the idea of the AHD, and the way in which the nation-state uses public historical discourse to reinforce its own agenda. With a particular focus on heritage discourse, the essay...
5 Pages 2248 Words

Design & Implementation Of Vertical Surface Climbing Cleaner Robot

Abstract This paper presents a vertical surface climbing robot for cleaning of dust from high rise building. Usually, people clean their wall of outer surface of building by human. Often it becomes risky and costly also. A portable robot having the ability to climb on vertical surface has been expected for a long time. To protect human’s life we designed a prototype of vertical surface climbing robot for cleaning and other multipurpose operation. Some combination of technology has been shown...
4 Pages 2091 Words

IOT Based Asthma Detection With CO2 Concentration Using Arduino

Introduction Asthma is one of the most widely recognized heterogeneous respiratory infections and has become the fundamental explanation to visit the crisis office and admission to the medical clinic setting each year. It has been viewed as fourteenth most basic illness on the planet as far as span and degree of inability. The worldwide asthma report uncovered that 334 million individuals were influenced by the asthma all through the world, of 14% youngsters and 8.6% youthful grown-ups (matured 18-45). Moreover,...
4 Pages 1953 Words

Best Practices To Support The Development Of Sport And Recreation Among Youths

Youth sport has been recognised as an important practice for many generations but only recently has the development of youths in sport been seen as key way to produce better physically and mentally strong athletes. Not only does this create better performing sport teams and individual athletes but it improves the state of physical health in the world. For example in the US, little league baseball began in 1939. Then sport around the world for the youth population began to...
4 Pages 2093 Words

Management: Skills, Behavior, Conflict And Organizational Change

“On Wednesday, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg – Australia’s economy stood up relatively well in the face of a global, once-in-a century pandemic” (ABC NEWS: Matt Roberts). (Khadem, 2020) The first recession of Australia after three decades. Economy is faring better than other advanced countries and declining while fighting against coronavirus infections. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg conceded that Australia will face a recession, after GDP data is released, breaking its record of 28 years without one. First recession of Australia but not bad...
4 Pages 2095 Words

The Peculiarities Of Copper Nanofluid

Introduction Colloids are heterogenous biphasic system in which the colloidal particles are dispersed or suspended over another substance. The colloidal particles have the size ranging from 1 to 1000 nano meters, these colloidal particles are larger than solution but not large enough to settle out. Colloidal systems can be classified into 3 types namely lyophilic colloids, lyophobic colloids and association colloids.1 Lyophilic colloids are highly solvated and charge. They are known as hydrophilic colloids when water acts as their dispersing...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Economic And Social Challenges For Migrant Workers During Covid- 19 Pandemic

ABSTRACT COVID-19 pandemic collapses the health, economic and the social structure of the entire world. The government of every country is trying to control the pandemic by imposing actions like lockdown, discipline of social distancing, ensure to wear mask, etc. The lockdown affected the daily wage earners as well as migrant workers badly. During lockdown, their handful savings were exhausted and move back to their respective towns. On their way home, they faced many problems like lack of food, water,...
5 Pages 2240 Words

Self Reflection On Employability Skills In Hospitality Industry

Introduction In today's hospitality industry employability skills are key factors that an employer takes into consideration while recruiting an employee. I have also been continuously developing some of the employability skills (Conflict, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, and professionalism) by implementing those theoretical learnings into practice. Throughout this entire assessment, I would be reflecting on these four employability skills and will connect with the theories that I have learned from various subjects during campus study. some of the subjects are Delivering Guest Service,...
5 Pages 2216 Words

International Family Law And Litigation

International relationship breakdown and separation have represented critical challenges for Australian international family law. The increase in family dispute means more women fall victim, and it seem that there is very little protection or appropriate legal protection for the victims. Without a doubt Family law is different in each country, and as the number of international family cases increased, so have the disputes involving children and family violence issue. Family dispute can be very problematic for children, but deadly for...
4 Pages 2016 Words

The Protestant Reformation: The Role Of Martin Luther

Sixteenth century Europe was a time of change; it was moving forward from the Renaissance period and is commonly regarded as the rise of Western Civilisation. The economy was booming, technological advances were seen and there was a dramatic shift in religion. Catholicism was the dominant, if not the only religion in Europe, and became known as the Holy Roman Empire by the thirteenth Century when German Emperor Otto I (r. 962 – 73) won by military conquest the empire...
5 Pages 2087 Words

Criminal And Deviant Behavior

Introduction Criminal and deviant behavior is an important topic of research in psychology, including the environmental influences and genetic influences on deviant behavior. This is important to understand because if we get a better understanding of when deviant behavior starts then maybe we can give that person help to prevent them from engaging in future criminal activities. Does a person’s genes that are inherited or the environment they grew up in lead to deviant/criminal behavior? Research seems consistent in recognizing...
5 Pages 2072 Words

Sociological Perspectives And Their Application To Belief Systems In Contemporary Society

Social science is the study of societies and relationships of individuals that make up those societies (Investopedia, 2020). Social sciences investigate questions around why people act the way they do, how social, cultural and economic aspects shape our lives and our world. The different branches of social science include anthropology, economics, education, geography, law, psychology and sociology (Investopedia, 2020). In this essay I will define sociology and how it differs from common sense and psychology. I will then detail Functionalism...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Internal Migrant Children And Left-behind Children In China

This essay explained two major reasons for China's internal migration. Firstly, the immature rural infrastructure brings higher costs and inconvenience to local residents, which gives people more incentive to migrate to cities to enjoy a convenient life. From both the perspective of those who need to start a business or labor, there are higher wages and profit in the cities than in the countryside due to the more centralized talent reserve and efficient utilization of resources. CONSEQUENCES OF RURA-URBAN MIGRATION...
5 Pages 2076 Words

Abnormal Psychology: Through The Mind Of Disco Di And The World Around Her

Understanding the mind is a complex process on its own. Now add mental illnesses, chemical imbalances and more, that is a puzzle many aim to put together and unravel. With the study of Disco Di, this paper aims to understand the abnormal behaviors of a patient with mental disorders connecting it to the different diagnostic features, cultural impacts as well as social impacts, and the paradigms that can be used in the case of Disco Di. At the end of...
4 Pages 2084 Words

The Correlation Of Training And Personal Development

INTRODUCTION Training and development are considered to be an important activity that enhances the skills and knowledge of the employees with which they can perform their task efficiently and effectively. To identify the need for training and development program the managers analyze the capability and competence of the employee against the task that they have to perform that specific skills are taught to them while with development program personality and management skill of employees are enhanced. This report is based...
4 Pages 1964 Words

English Language Teaching (Regular MA)

Introduction “Syllabus” is defined by Richards (2001, p.2), cited in Raine, (2010), as a specification of the content of a course of instruction which lists what will be taught and tested”. There are several distinct types of syllabus namely structural, notional/functional, lexical, content based, skill based, and situational. This assignment paper emphasises on the notional functional syllabus. First the paper discusses the brief definitions of notional functional syllabus; and it continues to explain the background or history that the syllabus...
5 Pages 2090 Words

Perceptions Of Parents On Adolescents Utilization Of Family Planning Services

Adolescence is the transitional phase of life from childhood to adulthood during which biological and major social role transitions occur (Sawyer etal, 2018). This is a critical time of formative growth when adolescents make decisions that can affect their health now and for their life time and influence the country‘s sustainable development (Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia [CIDRZ], 2018). Risky behaviours among adolescents such as engaging in sexual activity without using contraception result in unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions...
5 Pages 2060 Words

Impacts Of Advertising On Indian Values And Culture

Introduction To understand or analyse the impacts of advertising, we must first understand what advertising essentially means for the society.The term advertising simply put can be defined or explained as a tool or means to inform and persuade the audience and/or customers of the product or service offered to meet and/or satisfy their needs.It is said with great power comes the fear of misuse, advertising is also one such power, that comes with both good and bad, thus the effects...
4 Pages 2007 Words

Managerial Skills And Roles

INTRODUCTION Before discussing about the various roles and skills required by modern day managers, lets discuss about what managers and what are the various types of management roles and skills. Who are “managers”? Managers are people who are responsible of getting organizational work completed not only timely but also effectively and efficiently through its staff. They achieve the goals and objectives laid down by the firm by four basic management functions which are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. What is...
4 Pages 2019 Words

The Impact Of Christianity On Igbo Society And Culture

Introduction to Igbo Culture and Western Influence The novel by Chinua Achebe called Things Fall Apart was first published in 1958. The story takes place in the 1890s and displays the conflict between the culture of the indigenous Igbo people and the white colonial government of Nigeria. The book tells the story of Okonkwo, the main character in the book, and his approach towards Christianity and the new Umuofia after being sent in exile. The novel shows us the effect...
4 Pages 1963 Words

Concepts And Roles Of Public Administration

INTRODUCTION This assignment seeks to critically discuss the importance of political parties and elections in South Africa. In this we will also get to know the meaning of a political party and elections. The body consists of subtopics such as, elections and youth, functions of elections on a society, the role of political parties in different spheres of government and the role of politics in the democracy of South Africa. The role of political parties will be critically discussed using...
4 Pages 2010 Words
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