2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Cognitive Benefits Of Bilingualism Across The Lifespan

Moving forward in the lifespan, it has been found that bilingual toddlers may develop theory of mind earlier than their monolingual peers (Goetz, 2013). This study gave monolingual and bilingual toddlers in two age groups false belief and level two perspective taking tasks in order to examine if bilingual children develop theory of mind at a younger age than monolingual children. The researchers hypothesized that linguistic knowledge might foster a greater understanding of the mind in young children. Bilingual children...
5 Pages 2209 Words

The Obstacles To Overcome On Mars For Habitat

Mars can be considered the future of Earth. Humans have been slowly destroying the Earth with bad habits created over time like trash pollution and global warming. Pollution is accumulating all around the world and many things like global warming is worsening, as a result, Earth may become uninhabitable. Earth will not survive if treated so horribly. People need to start living on Mars so humans can have a new start once Earth is destroyed. Humans can make Mars similar...
5 Pages 2223 Words

Should Genetic Editing Of Humans Be Allowed?

Genetic modification can be quite a controversial topic when one considers its possibilities and drawbacks. It can involve ā€œgermlineā€ editing, which means modifying DNA in such a way to influence descendants. Other very popular forms of developing gene-editing technology is CRISPR and Cas9, which involves the targeting of specific sequences of base pairs of DNA. Many proponents argue for the plethora of possible health benefits that human genetic engineering could provide, while opponents often see technology as too limited for...
5 Pages 2206 Words

How Do People Who Eat Meat Feel About Vegans, According to the Essay?

Introduction Over the past few years veganism has risen in numbers and the debate between which lifestyle is better being a vegan or being a meat eater has also increased. When looking at both side it is clear that each side has their advantages and disadvantages and some do outweigh each other, but with critical analysis I aim to unpack which lifestyle is overall healthier, economically viable and environmentally sustainable and why so many people are so reluctant to go...
4 Pages 2052 Words

The Features Of Scientology as A Religion

Before I conducted my research, I knew a little about the cult-like behavior that Scientology involved. I had watched a few episodes of Leah Reminiā€™s documentary and had known the basics of Scientology. I thought that Scientology was very suspicious and that their beliefs seemed strict and punishments for crimes/sins were harsh. This topic interests me because I think that the lifestyle of a Scientologist is very distinct and I was curious as to why someone would willingly put themselves...
4 Pages 2000 Words

Critical Theory In Education

Introduction to Critical Educational Science The work Critical Educational Science is in reference to Critical theory with regard to the empirical educational science and the humanist pedagogy. Apart from these two paradigms it is closely related to the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School. The main function would be to analyse the social conditions of production and application that dominate its field of intervention. Critical educational Science emerged in the aftermath of the Critical Theory of Frankfurt School. It emphasizes...
4 Pages 1990 Words

The Peculiarities If Brand Semiotics

Introduction A brand is often related as a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of these which is reflective of the goods or services offered by a seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate between them from their competitors. This essay helps to gain insight on the topic of Brand Semiotics. It explores the various facets involved in the process of semiotics and symbolism. The essay helps one to understand brand semiotics through three different...
5 Pages 2202 Words

The Significance Of Stem Cell

Introduction Stem cells are formatively crude, undifferentiated cells that have the ability to make new duplicates of themselves (self-reestablish) and to practice (separate) into different other cell types, for example, blood, muscle, and nerve cells. Customarily foundational microorganisms have been classified into two primary gatherings: embryonic immature microorganisms and grown-up undifferentiated cells. HESCs (Human embryonic stem cell) are separated from three-to five-day-old ripeness center incipient organisms amid the blastocyst phase of early advancement, before implantation in the belly. These crude...
4 Pages 2017 Words

The Impact Of Scope For Creativity At The Workplace On Family: Life And Work Life Balance Of Employees

Abstract Increased job responsibilities due to an increased demands at the workplace to achieve the objectives set at the workplace, together with family responsibilities at the home-front, have created a need to balance both the domains.To overcome this problem, employer and employees can introduce creative methods at the workplace innovate new methods and strategies at their home-front and at their workplace and entrepreneurial activities can also be considered. Employees should have the support of the management in use of creativity...
5 Pages 2185 Words

The Impact Of Physical Preparation On Golf

Introduction This research will investigate fitness levels on tour professionals and amateur golfers, trying to show that the old big belly golfer is starting to stay in the past, along with his knee, back and other injuries that avid golf players tend to suffer. Along with helping the game of elite and pro players around the globe, amateurs and the ones that just play for fun casually, can also benefit from having golf specific workouts that may be implemented on...
4 Pages 2009 Words

How Did Martin Luther King Jr. Successfully Achieve The Aims Of The Civil Rights Movement?

Identification and evaluation of sources The aim of this investigation is to answer the research question ā€œto what extent did Martin Luther King Jr successfully achieve the civil rights movement between the years 1963-1968?ā€, and I will be assessing how far he accomplished his aims, where he hoped to achieve three things: an improvement of the African American economic system, African American right to vote freely, and racial desegregation. Source A is a primary source as it originates from Martin...
5 Pages 2111 Words

Detection Of pH Value And PEST Control For Eco-friendly Agriculture

Abstract The paper represents a smart gadget to avert the calamitous effects of pest bugs in the farming land and pH level in the water bodies. This device is able to generate different frequencies of ultrasonic waves which are very helpful to repel different types of insects. To reduce the cost spent on pesticides. The implementation of this device in farmland will show a great reduction of bugs attack compared to the other land which doesn't have one. Introduction Pest...
5 Pages 2120 Words

Gender, Wage And Racial Discrimination In The Workforce Today

Discrimination in 2019; this cannot be real. With the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 continuously being revised, how is it honestly possible. Unbelievably discrimination happen more often than people think. When the Title VII was created so was the EEOC to investigate the discrimination claims. The Title VII states that managers well preserve an environment without discrimination based on national origin, color, religion, race, and sex. In 2017, over 84,000 claims were made to the Equal Employment...
5 Pages 2047 Words

Who Killed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

When you ask someone who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr? They will more than likely say James Earl Ray. However, if you looked from an unbiased stand point and open you mind to the other possibilities you could end up with the same conclusion as I did. I picked the conspiracy theory over MLKā€™s death because itā€™s shocking how unaware we are of it. One of my learning take-aways was that the US government wanted MLK to be killed because...
5 Pages 2116 Words

How Internet And Social Media Affect The Written And Spoken Language

Introduction The internet originates from the early 1980s when it initially served as a backbone for interconnection of regional academic and military networks. The linking of commercial networks and enterprises by the early 1990s marks the beginning of the transition to the modern Internet. Where writing was once a solitary activity, it has now become a very social way to communicate. Before the Internet, most people wrote to communicate with one other person. Now we reach hundreds or thousands of...
5 Pages 2246 Words

What Is An Altar, Its Significance And Location In The Church Building?

The Central Significance of the Altar The altar symbolized Christ. An altar is a table or structure used for offering sacrifice. For Catholics, it is the place for the central sacrifice where the Eucharistic enacted. The altar is central to the liturgical celebration and should be the cynosure of all eyes during Eucharistic celebrations. The altar too should clearly take its place above everything else in the sanctuary. This is so clearly explained in the rubrics that it is a...
5 Pages 2095 Words

Sign Language Interpretation Using Deep Learning

Abstract Sign language is a language that Deaf people use to communicate with other normal people in the community. Although the sign language is known to hearing-impaired people due to its widespread use among them, it is not known much by other normal people. In this project, we have developed a real-time sign language recognition system for people who do not know sign language to communicate easily with hearing-impaired people. The sign language used in this project is American Sign...
4 Pages 2023 Words

Effects Of Heavy Metals On Seed Germination And Early Seedling Growth Of Marigold Plants Species

Abstract Rapid industrialization , urbanization processes and poor management of industrial effluent has led to the incorporation of pollutants such as pesticides, petroleum products, acids and heavy metals in the natural resources like soil, water and air thus degrading not only the quality of the environment, but also affecting both plants and animals. Seed is a developmental stage that is highly protective against external stresses in the plant life cycle. Seed germination, seedling development and its growth rate play a...
5 Pages 2104 Words

The Meaning Of The Super Bowl For American Society

The 52nd Super Bowl game will be played in Minneapolis. To decide the championship of American professional football, the New England Patriots will play the Philadelphia Eagles. As in the past, this year the game will hold the attention of much of the nation, commanding a television audience larger than for any other event in 2018. The five most-watched American television programs in history have all been Super Bowl broadcasts. For that reason, commercial time for this telecast will cost...
5 Pages 2156 Words

Factors And Approaches That Influence Second Language Acquisition

Introduction Some students learn faster and easily a new language than others. Clearly, some language learners are successful by virtue of their sheer determination, hard work and persistence. Nevertheless, there are other crucial factors influencing success that canā€™t be controlled by the learner. These factors can be broadly categorized as internal and external. Complex interaction of these factors determines the speed and facility with which the new language is acquired. This essay describes the factors and approaches that influence second...
4 Pages 2015 Words

Preserving Endangered Languages In Andorra

Background Information on the Topics Principality of Andorra is the only country being governed by a co-monarchy, called the co-princes who are the president of France and the Bishop of Urgell. As its second inimitableness, the main language can be shown since Andorra is again the only country to have Catalan as the sole official language. Spanish, French and Portuguese are also publicly spoken, popular auxiliary languages. Catalan, a Romance language, is used by the government and the media of...
4 Pages 2029 Words

Eveā€™s Culpability And The Question Of Free Will In Paradise Lost

At the heart of Paradise Lost lies Miltonā€™s attempt to wrestle between two key ideals of the poem: the all-powerful Eternal Father and the notion of Free Will. In setting out to ā€˜justify the ways of God to menā€™ (I. 26) whilst maintaining his own anti-deterministic beliefs, Milton must ensure neither is compromised throughout his epic poem. Whilst the form of anti-Calvinism Milton chooses to extol appears to exonerate God from responsibility for the fall, there are still issues surrounding...
5 Pages 2249 Words

Audit Quality Crisis And Solutions

Introduction Developments in auditing have always been driven by corporate scandals (Economist, 2018). Huge scandals such as Enron and WorldCom, that left the world without confidence for the audit sector, led the FRC to tighten regulations. Most recently, the collapse of Carillion and BHS and the almost failure of Patisserie Valerie have come to light. The FRC along with other major regulators and boards have had to start proposing further solutions to cracking down on the disaster that is Audit...
5 Pages 2112 Words

Team And Team Performance Evaluation

Team and Types of team According to the corporate perspective, Team is nothing much itā€™s a group of people work together to achieve a common Target. According to our discussion, we found out that, there are multiple kind of team in an organization. And it based on the purpose, time, category and the work culture. Some of the common Types of teams are mentioned below: Functional Team: this kind of teams are very common in most of the organizations. As...
4 Pages 1994 Words

A Pilot Study On Sign Language Detection

ABSTRACT People having physical limitations such as speech and hearing impairment are often unable to convey their message properly, which leads to them being left out in many aspects of life. To help those people express themselves in a better and easier way we have developed the sign language detection application. We have developed a translator that takes hand gestures and input and give the equivalent alphabet as output, which will help those people to communicate. Convolutional neural network was...
5 Pages 2081 Words

What Is Critical About Critical Theory?

Critical Theory was born in between the two world wars in the light of the Frankfurt School (1923) but it became influential during mid-1980s when Marxism fell out of favor due to its economic and structuralist bigotries. It was a period which the dominance of positivism existed and the scholars of the Frankfurt School developed these ideas to overcome this dominance of positivism and its related theories. There were so many important scholars who wrote about Critical Theory and they...
5 Pages 2239 Words

Role Of Aptamers In Plant Defense Mechanism Against Viral Diseases

Abstract The diseases of plants caused by viruses are always in main concern for researchers because they reduced the yield and quality of food grains or horticultural products like fruits, vegetables and flowers which will leads a major economic loss of agricultural stakeholders. Presently there is no direct control strategy for viral infection in plants. Advancement in technology leads a novel approach which uses peptide aptamers for controlling plant virus. This technology is effective because the peptide aptamers are specific...
4 Pages 2002 Words

Biography Of Immanuel Kant: Life And Contributions

Kant was a philosopher who lived in Prussia as a university professor. Dedicated his life to contribute to the world with his thoughts. Kant experimented most of the significant changes of the eighteenth century and his thoughts were an expression of the new modernity conception of that times. He was a representative of the criticism and promoted the German idealism, and is well known as an influent figure of modern Europe. Kants life was uniform and methodic, without adventures or...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Observing C. Elegans Chemotaxis Response To Sodium Chloride

General Background Caenorhabditis elegans, or C. elegans are a common worm-like organism that live in the soil of temperate climates. They are eukaryotic, and are often used in biological research as they are very easily characterized and are able to be bred inexpensively and easily. They have two sexes: hermaphrodites which have 956 somatic cells, and males, which have 1031 somatic cells (Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences, 2018). Like humans, nematodes have complex systems and specialized cells including...
5 Pages 2144 Words

Influence Of Brand Equity On Brand Performance: Role Of Brand Reputation And Social Media

Pakistanā€™s fast food industry ranked 8th world largest market for food and related businesses [1]. While ranked 2nd largest in the country, and accounted for 27% of value-added production and 16% of total employment in the manufacturing sector [2]. [3], affirmed that almost 70 global franchises are operating in the country, and most projected franchises are from Canada, Australia, China. To date, Pizza Hut is considered the first fast-food chain in the country to go public and operating with 74...
5 Pages 2131 Words
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