2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ways for Nurses to Deal with Patients with Malaria without Contracting the Disease

How Nurses Should Deal with Patients with Malaria Without Contracting the Disease Abstract Malaria is one of the major health issues faced on a global level and must be dealt with utmost care. Malaria can progress at a very fast rate, and patients can subsequently become too sick to even take medication by mouth. But if certain precautionary measures are taken, it is possible to stop to at least stop the direct transfer of parasites. The nursing staff is important...
6 Pages 2611 Words

Vital Need of Sex Education in Indian Youth and Adolescents

Abstract: Sex education is a major contributing factor toward a stable society. Regardless, sex, sexuality and anything related to them is a huge taboo in India. The year 2007 witnessed a huge controversy over sex education for adolescents in India1. The Ministry of Human Resource Development took initiative to include it in the educational curriculum. The initiative faced widespread protests. Several states including Maharashtra, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan to name a few, banned sex education. The present study was...
5 Pages 2301 Words

Virginia’s Northern Neck Yearly Recruiting Plan: College Versus High School

Successful recruiting for the Army National Guard can be achieved by knowing your territory, taking a “team” approach with the area schools and their leadership, and utilizing the skills and software shared through mentorship. Being persistent in reaching out to those prime candidates will exemplify the ideals of an Army National Guardsman. The purpose of this paper is to formulate a recruiting plan for the Northern Neck of Virginia. This area is the northernmost peninsula that separates Maryland and Virginia...
6 Pages 2596 Words

Use of Animated Short Movies to Enhance the Speaking Skill of the Students at Elementary Level

Abstract The aim of this research is to investigate the student's weaker areas in spoken English and improve the speaking skills of the students through the short animated films at the elementary school level. ESL learners face many difficulties in expressing the ideas and thoughts. They lose their confidence when they are supposed to speak in the target language. Sometimes students remain silent in fear of making mistakes, and this job leads them away from learning. Animated films are great...
5 Pages 2272 Words

Upon the Absurd Drama and Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot”

The absurd theatre refers to a specific kind of plays that were famous for the first time in the year 1950 and 1960s. The Absurd theatre is based on the advanced works of the 1920 and 1930s. The absurd elements firstly appeared in the wild comedies, the old comedy and wild humour, and shortly after the need of Ancient dramas. Medieval morality plays can be seen as the man of the theatre of absurd, which are the type of characters...
5 Pages 2497 Words

Types of Identity Theft and Issues of Social Engineering

Introduction “Everything that you have access to, short of your own family, the identity thief masquerading as you has access to.” In his book, Stealing your life, Frank W. Abagnale precisely sums up the danger of identity theft in mentioned quote. What would you do if you woke up and find that you are being impersonated and that person committed a crime? In a day and age where connectivity is key, data is extremely easy to access. The new currency...
6 Pages 2632 Words

Twitter Business Model: Analytical Essay

Twitter, a microblogging service that allows subscribers to send “tweets” of 140 characters or less to their followers is a giant technology company that started in 2007 by founder Evan Williams. Twitter can be accessed through its website, SMS, or mobile device and has multiple features such as pinning tweets, advanced search, tags, and alerts, that made Twitter a widely regarded company to have social and political influence as it enables its users to access and spread news faster than...
6 Pages 2713 Words

Transference of Satire from Literature to Pop Culture in Contemporary Society

Introduction One of the functions of literature, from thousands of years ago, has been to instruct and reform. Holy books of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are evidence of this. One can find many instances of direct orders to mankind on how to be a better person, lead a better life and find a desirable place in the afterlife in such books. Of course, history has proven that direct, strict orders have not always been a suitable method for educating people...
5 Pages 2343 Words

Toughness of Two Pioneers: Daphne Oram and Mary Shelley

Introduction In this essay, I am going to discuss how two true pioneering women managed to stand out in a men’s world. Despite the situation at their time, they were able to be key figures in Music and Literature. Firstly, I will cover how Daphne Oram, with her Oramics Machine, was the first full-time Electronic Music composer in Britain, despite not having the support she needed from BBC and being a woman in the 50s and 60’s of the 20th...
6 Pages 2749 Words

Thucydides’ Melian Dialogue as a Compelling Case for Realism

Introduction Thucydides might be one of the most influential figures not only as a historian but also the founding father of realism through his writing, the ‘Peloponnesian War’ (Viotti and Kauppi, 1987). His book would suggest significant paradigms about realism (Keohane and Nye, 1977:42), and this has been considered as the core textbook penetrating all the time (Welch, 2003:303). Among his stories, it could be suggested that the three stages of the Melian dialogue – before the dialogue, during the...
5 Pages 2266 Words

Theme of Realism in Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton: Analytical Essay

In this essay, I will be discussing how the theme of realism is present in Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, and how Lost in the Funhouse by John Barth represents the conventions of postmodernism. I will then explain how realism and postmodernism both depict what life was like during the period they originated despite the century-old age gap between the two. This essay will demonstrate how realism attempts to create scenarios that are similar to real-life and communicate elements of...
5 Pages 2441 Words

The Way Women Fight for Their Rights: Discursive Essay

A. Background Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to differentiating between masculinity and femininity. Depending on the context, these characteristics may include biological sex is the state of being male, female, or an intersex variation, sex-based social structures is gender roles or gender identity. So, gender is a difference between the two sides, namely masculine and feminine. The emergence of this classification is a culture from the past that is shared by a group of people in an environment....
6 Pages 2585 Words

Summary and Critical Analysis of Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe is an 18-year-old German who lives in England- Hull. Crusoe dreams of going on cruises, despite his father's opposition to his dream because his two older brothers are gone because of the adventures. When his parents refuse to go to any cruise even if one, he escapes with a friend and plans to pass to London in a safe way. But the disaster begins immediately, the weather was rough, then the ship was forced to land in Yarmouth....
6 Pages 2625 Words

Study of Successful Malaria Eliminate Program at Teluk Bintuni District

Indonesia targets malaria elimination in 2030 and in the Ministry of Health's Strategic Plan In 2015-2019 malaria elimination is one of the targeted diseases to reduce the illness rate from 2 per thousand population to 1 per 1,000 population. The target of malaria elimination in Indonesia in 2019 from the 2012 results of 212 increased to 300 Regencies / Cities (RI Ministry of Health, 2015). Malaria morbidity in an area is determined by Annual Parasite Incidence (API) per year. API...
5 Pages 2369 Words

Street-based Prostitution and Public Health Concerns: Analytical Essay

Prostitution is known to be one of the oldest professions, and today remains an active professional in countries all over the world. Despite its prevalence, prostitution is an ongoing source of public, academic, and moral debate (Benoit, Jansson, Smith & Flagg, 2018). Prostitution can be defined as “the trade of sexual services for items, money or a place to stay” (Williamson & Baker, 2009 P.28), with street-based prostitution involving a prostitute soliciting from a public place. Street-based prostitution is one...
5 Pages 2373 Words

Standards of Modern Architecture and Their Contribution in Preserving Architectural Legacy

Abstract The aim of this research is to find out how modernity standards contribute to the preservation of architectural heritage. I have researched, studied and analyzed 12 articles, compared them with different views and concluded that some societies do not accept architectural modernity. This may damage the architectural heritage and the best ways to preserve architectural heritage. It is through its maintenance and increases its use that I recommend researching the reasons why the community does not accept architectural modernity...
6 Pages 2597 Words

Situation with Tortures in Uganda: Analytical Essay

In this study, the researchers will analyze how the institutional framework has a direct influence on the implementation of the Convention considering their roles and responsibility in eliminating torture in Uganda. The institutional framework will mean existing mechanisms or bodies that have been tasked with taking on the functions of preventing and prohibiting torture in Uganda. They will include Uganda Human Rights Commission, Parliament, Judiciary, Police, Prisons, and the Uganda Peoples’ Defense Force (UPDF) among others. Each body has been...
5 Pages 2335 Words

Sex Education and Its Importance on Youth

Abstract Sex education has only truly been a topic of study for roughly the last 100 years. In its lifetime, thus far, it has morphed and changed into what we know today as information regarding intercourse, reproductive systems, and the consequences of having intercourse-positive or negative. What started after World War I when soldiers were suffering from diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea, became a government-funded nightmare for educators and sexual health advocates. With the many changes and mandates from...
5 Pages 2483 Words

Serial Killers in the USA: Descriptive Essay

A serial killer is typically somebody who kills multiple people in separate events. They are usually gaps in between the first set of killing and the next set of killings which can range from a couple of days to a couple of months or even a couple of years. Different agencies have different criteria on defining a serial killer. While most agencies believe a serial killer becomes a serial killer once he commits his second straight, murder agencies such as...
6 Pages 2652 Words

Role of Viktor Frankl in Psychology: Analysis of Man's Search for Meaning

“Mankind is engaged in an eternal quest for that ‘something else’ he hopes will bring him happiness, complete and unending” (Yogananda, 2014). For millennia, religious and non-religious thinkers alike have sought to answer the ultimate questions of life, such as ‘what happens in the afterlife?’, ‘why does suffering exist in the world?’, and ‘what is the meaning and purpose of life?’. In particular, the search for the meaning of one’s life is a passionately discussed topic between thinkers from many...
6 Pages 2636 Words

Research Project on Challenges for Girl Children

1.1 Introduction The problem and its setting. Child abuse has taken different forms and manifests it's ugly head in sexual, physical, substance, kidnapping, verbal and neglect among other common various forms. Rituals that involve the disappearance and killings of young and adolescents and killings of young and adolescents children are rife in Zimbabwe and as such parents and to a larger extent, communication are on the alert regarding the perpetrators of the various forms of abuse, either by strangers or...
5 Pages 2400 Words

Representation of Ethnicity Groups in the Criminal Justice System: Discursive Essay

The official crime statistics monitor crime and provides information on the ethnic distribution in the criminal justice system. These statistics are then used to identify whether fair treatment is displayed across the whole system. The concept of different ethnic groups being overrepresented in the criminal justice system is a commonly debated issue. The aim of this essay is to discuss this ongoing debate as to whether there is an over-representation of BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity) groups across the...
6 Pages 2554 Words

Reflective Essay on Health Promotion Scenario Involved in during Practice

During my second student nurse community placement, I was caring for a 63-year elderly of Caribbean descent with a history of smoking addiction. For confidentiality to be upheld in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council ‘The Code’ (NMC 2018), the patient has been given the pseudonym of Mr. Smith. He lived in a very cluttered terrace house in a poor condition which left him vulnerable, as he disclosed that the amount of money, he received from his pension could...
6 Pages 2529 Words

Real-time Event Detection Using Twitter Analysis

Abstract The prodigiously generated data by users on social networking and microblogging sites such as Facebook and Twitter is colossal. These user-contributed data are basically short messages that tend to reflect a variety of events in real time, making Twitter particularly well-suited as a source of real-time event content. Utilizing this feature of Twitter, we present Twitter-Detector, a system that performs event detection over the Twitter stream. The system monitors and identifies emerging events (i.e. ‘topics’) on Twitter in real-time...
6 Pages 2537 Words

Psychological Risks in Adolescent Obesity: Analytical Essay

Background of the study Obesity is said as the excess amount of fat accumulated in the body that causes an impact on health which is negative (WHO 2014), which is the result of an imbalance between the amount of energy intake and expenditure. Obesity is generally measured by Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is obtained by dividing the weight in Kg by height in m2. Adolescents whose BMI is greater than 95 percentile for age are regarded as obese. There...
6 Pages 2655 Words

Presidents Paper: Barack Obama 's Achievements and Reforms (Obamacare)

Early life and Early Political career Barack Obama was the son of Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. His father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas. He lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather from age six to ten. His mother sent him to Hawaii to get a better education because she felt the Catholic and Muslim schools in Indonesia were not enough. His mother did not go back with him to Hawaii with him, instead,...
6 Pages 2662 Words

Portrayal of Diasporic Double Consciousness in 'Derek Walcott' by Edward Baugh

Derek Alton Walcott was a Saint Lucian poet and playwright who is well known for his contribution to literature in the Caribbean as he explored Caribbean culture. He was trained to become a painter but turned to write when he was young. He published his first collection of poems when he was fourteen (14). During his time alive, Walcott achieved many things two of which being the Order of Merit in Jamaica and Knight or Dame Commander of Saint Lucia....
5 Pages 2423 Words

Population of the World: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Introduction This assignment attempts to discuss the evolution and assess the effects of the current population of the world on our natural resources and the environment in general. These effects would be further dug deep to uncover the underlying spectrum of root causes - ranging from technology to education - that directly or indirectly led to the present observable situation. A range of plausible solutions would be outlined to counter and mitigate the causes and make this world a better...
6 Pages 2716 Words

Plan and Implementation of a Mentoring Program

A. Executive Summary This is the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Learning Strategy for 2019-2018. This is based on the skills assessment needs of Bake Sweets bakery to maintain the high-quality standards of the production of goods and enhancement the capabilities of the employees in the production line. The goal of the strategy is to uphold the competitiveness of the company through the appropriate knowledge and expertise of the team. Peer-to-peer learning is defined in the institution as the workforce educating each other...
5 Pages 2471 Words

Perception of Society on Differently Abled People

Abstract Differently able means a state where a person might be physically or mentally challenged but can do a task in a different way than a normal person. The term “Disabled” was substituted with the new word “Differently able” focusing the fact that though they are challenged in a way they still are capable of performing tasks in a different manner. This report tries to find out the status of differently-abled people, society perceptions towards them and explain the challenges...
6 Pages 2576 Words
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