2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Political Science: Multiculturalism Vs. Assimilation

Immigration is a common occurrence in all countries across the world and it is the foundation of many countries, such as the United States. Without immigration, the world would seem stagnant and unable to understand other cultures in the correct fashion. How easy it is for an immigrant to join a community when they immigrate to another country is based on multiple societal and institutional measures in that country. A country that embraces other cultures is a Multicultural society (Song,...
5 Pages 2426 Words

Essay on Planned Parenthood Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life Debate

Planned Parenthood, established in 1916, was built on the belief that every woman should have access to the information and reproductive healthcare required to live a healthy life without limitations. In the present day, this non-profit organization is not only a healthcare provider, but also an educator, passionate advocate, and a global partner to similar organizations. Planned Parenthood has existed as an organization in Texas for over 80 years; the first location to open in Texas was the Waco clinic...
5 Pages 2282 Words

Essay on Non-Communicable Diseases of Respiratory System: Asthma

Asthma Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are long-term chronic illnesses that often develop as a result of genetic, physiological, behavioral or environmental factors (World Health Organisation 2019). Asthma—a Chronic Respiratory Disease—is one such NCD that affects the Respiratory System. Asthma can be defined as a chronic disease wherein resistant flow in the airways incites breathlessness and chest tightening as a result of narrowed and inflamed airways (Australian Institute of Health and Wellness 2019; Godfrey 1985). In 2018, 339 million people globally suffered...
6 Pages 2462 Words

Essay on Neo-colonialism in The God of Small Things, A Small Place, and This Earth of Mankind

Neo-colonialism: A Comparative Essay We live in a neocolonial era. US military involvement in the Gulf and the Horn of Africa, structural dependency in the Caribbean and Latin America, racial discrimination of Africans, and most of Asia, the Pacific, and the Middle East, multinational corporations' worldwide hegemonies, information industries favored country treaties and trade blocs that exacerbate economic differences, a range of internecine conflicts tacitly backed by former colonial powers, widespread corruption in sponsored authoritarian governments across the so-called Third...
5 Pages 2398 Words

Essay on My Reaction to Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

​To start off this reaction paper, I am going to list the books I have read and the YouTube video I have watched to form this reaction paper. The first part of this paper will be about my reaction to Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. The second part of this paper will be about my reaction to the YouTube video titled, “Letting Go of God” by Julia Sweeney. The final part of this paper will be about my reaction to Black...
5 Pages 2452 Words

Essay on Legacy of Travel Industry

1. Introduction: The National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States characterizes the legacy the travel industry as 'heading out to encounter the spots, ancient rarities and exercises that legitimately speak to the tales and individuals of the past', and 'legacy the travel industry can incorporate social, memorable and common assets. Culture has consistently been a significant piece of movement, as the advancement of the Grand Tour from the sixteenth century onwards bears witness to. In the twentieth century,...
5 Pages 2510 Words

Essay on Human Anatomy: Applications of Mixed Reality in Medical Education

I. Abstract With the click of a button or a tap on the screen, we could have the entire world at our hands but now it is possible to have it in front of our eyes. Technology is gradually advancing to change hand-held devices to wearable devices. Medical Education has been in dire need of technologies that can replace the old school and expensive cadaver dissection but at the same time keep the precision intact. In this paper, we aim...
5 Pages 2270 Words

Essay on Healthy Cities for Young People

There is a strong relationship connecting all the dimensions of health with each other. For instance, mental wellness and physical well-being are connected, which means issues in a single region can affect the other, improving your physical well-being can likewise profit your psychological well-being and vice versa. This shows us the significance of dealing with our health and well-being for a better quality of life Current Facilities Planet fitness (Charlestown) [image: ]https://www.planetfitness.com.au Planet Fitness is an exercise center club with...
6 Pages 2626 Words

Essay on Digital Transformational Change in Metro Bank

Paper view This report covers the digital transformational change that Metro Bank has launched as a part of the five core strategic initiatives to enable customers to provide a better customer experience and reduce operational cost and time by providing a digital self-serve means for Process Improvements. This is part of one of the strategic changes and five key focus areas which the Bank has set as core principles to become the UK's best community bank and to overcome the...
6 Pages 2718 Words

Essay on Customer Service: Case Study of Amazon and Tesco

Introduction In this report, I will be writing a report based on two different large businesses, Amazon, and Tesco. The purpose of this report is to examine the customer service approaches and processes in Amazon and Tesco, who are two contrasting businesses, and show how both of these businesses meet their customer expectation levels. I will also be examining the ways that customer service in both businesses can meet the and satisfaction of customers and adhere to relevant current legislation...
5 Pages 2318 Words

Essay on Culture Shock: Phases and Ways of Overcoming

Introduction Students are usually exposed to cultural, social and intellectual experiences when they move from their home country to a foreign country. Culture shock is therefore the anxiety and emotional disturbance experienced by people when two sets of realities meet. The term was first named by Kalervo Oberg in 1960 who described culture shock as,” precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse” (1960:177). The discussion below will broadly offer a theoretical...
5 Pages 2414 Words

Essay on Community Assessment of Elderly People of a Lower Socioeconomic Status

I decided to write a community assessment paper regarding the elderly population with a lower socioeconomic status. Elders desire a life with good health, dignity, economic independence and finally a peaceful death. They long for care, love and affection. Understanding their needs and concerns will ensure their good health. It is important to research beneficial services for older people because they are a vulnerable age group. According to World Health Organization, “Senior citizens are considered a vulnerable population, even if...
5 Pages 2379 Words

Essay on Citizenship ‘Tests’ and Multicultural Approaches to Integration

Varying methods of naturalization persist in contemporary international society. Many states employ citizenship tests in order to fashion their own requirements for citizenship. However, with the rise of multiculturalism, citizenship tests have been sometimes viewed as contentious methods of integration. Those who oppose citizenship tests assert that these trajectories solely serve to assimilate migrants and do not do enough to maintain and embrace their original cultural roots. In order to determine whether or not citizenship tests can coexist with multicultural...
5 Pages 2260 Words

Essay on Body System Changes in the Older Adult and Nursing Implications

Body System Changes Throughout our lives, our bodies begin to change in ways that result in a decline. The elderly population may think these changes are not normal, but in most cases, the changes that occur are typical with aging. Our bodies most often undergo similar stress, but some of these changes depend on lifestyle and genetics. When the human body ages, the cardiovascular, respiratory, and integumentary systems decrease in functioning. Nurses must be able to diagnose and assess, implement...
6 Pages 2609 Words

Essay on a Successful Businessman Elon Musk

Elon Reeve Musk I would like to choose a topic on a successful businessman who is no other than Elon Reeve Musk and he is from South Africa. What did Elon Musk do? Elon Musk was the founder and CEO of SpaceX, which is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company. He is the founder of THE BORING COMPANY, which is an American infrastructure and tunnel construction services company. He is the co-founder of Neuralink Corporation, which is...
5 Pages 2566 Words

Enron’s Monstrous Failure: Critical Analysis

Enron was one of the biggest companies in the United States, but it fell apart almost immediately due to one of the most notorious business failures in history. The former CEO of Enron, Jeffrey Skilling, described Enron as pursuing an “asset-light” business strategy according to “Making Sense of the Enron Nonsense.” Within this strategy, Enron’s main focus was to make profits off their employees’ ability to comprehend and anticipate what organizations that produced and used electricity and natural gases may...
5 Pages 2524 Words

Elon Musk as an Associate Exemplary Leader

Elon Musk is an associate exemplary leader, even as Father Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta was. In but thirty years of existing on earth, Elon Musk went from being cowed, what others thought about as being smarty pants to attaining degrees in economic science and physics at the same time and beginning many undefeated businesses. One of which might be Zip2, which was sold out to Compaq for $307 million followed by X.com which then became PayPal, which was conjointly sold-out and...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Drug Related Factors Affecting Medication Adherence among Egyptian Asthma Patients

Background: Optimal asthma management has been found largely due to patients’ medication adherence and correct inhaler technique. This study aimed to examine drug-related factors affecting medication adherence among Egyptian asthma patients Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 110 clinically diagnosed asthma patients attending at a university hospital, in Sohag, Egypt. Inhaler criteria and adherence were evaluated by a standardized tool “Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, 2008'. Results: Findings of the study revealed that out of 110 patients 22.9%...
5 Pages 2442 Words

Discussion on Poverty, Religion, and the Pursuit of Identity in The Bluest Eye

The Bluest Eye is a book ahead of its time. Published in 1970, The Bluest Eye tells the story of an 11-year-old girl, Pecola who fervently wishes for beautiful blue eyes, in the hope that happiness love and acceptance would follow. Though many of the characters in the bluest eye possess dark and gloomy lives their stories shine a light on many of the problems modern society has today. Furthermore, Morrison uses this book as a vehicle to drive discussions...
5 Pages 2255 Words

Discursive Essay on Machiavelli’s The Prince as a Handbook for Would-be Dictators

Is Machiavelli’s The Prince anything more than a handbook for would-be dictators? Niccolo Machiavelli was one of the most controversial political theorists in history, most known for his works, the Prince and the Discourses of Livy. He had a questionable political career, going from being a civil servant of Florence to organising a civil militia before eventually being removed by Medici forces. The Prince, the most famous of his two books was written in 1513 during Machiavelli’s 15-year hiatus from...
5 Pages 2332 Words

Determination of Factors Influencing High Dropout Rate of Primary School Girl Student among Maasai Community

The main purpose of the study is to examine the factor that influences high dropout rate of primary girl pupils among the Maasai community which seem to be high specifically at Arusha in Tanzania. The study will involve only three districts which are Longido, Meru and Ngorongoro found in the Arusha region, in which the Stratified probability sampling method will be used and data will be collected by using questionnaires and interviews. The study will look on different factors such...
6 Pages 2557 Words

Descriptive Essay on the Essence of Astrology

There are many places today where you can check the daily horoscopes in newspapers, magazines, and online websites. The astrologers carefully research horoscopes by analyzing and interpreting the position of the planets and the stars during a specific day. The study of constellations has contributed to the growth and resulting knowledge in the astrology field. Astrology has evolved over the years and analyzing the relationship between constellations and horoscopes shows that they share the same history and future. Have you...
5 Pages 2312 Words

Descriptive Essay on Punishment as Social Phenomenon

Punishment is a legal process and complex phenomenon, shaped by social and historical forces which has a range of effects that reach beyond the population of offenders. Punishment ensures that we are protected from criminals and they pay for their consequences, as Garland states, punishment is a ‘process whereby violators of the criminal law are condemned and sanctioned in accordance with specific legal categories and procedures’ (1990:17). The main purpose of punishment is to prevent crime, however, principles of distribution...
6 Pages 2672 Words

Descriptive Essay on Nuer People

Introduction The Nuer people are an Indigenous people from Sudan now known as South Sudan. Their livelihood is based on the many uses of the cattle. With the environment changing through cycles of droughts and floods, the Nuer people have been able to adapt to the severe changes that come with living in Sudan (Peters-Golden, 2012). Pastoralism is favored over horticulture, although their way of life is a mix of both. The Nuer people live a unique lifestyle from the...
5 Pages 2341 Words

Defining Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies: Analytical Essay

Creating global citizens: a case for interdisciplinary studies Informed citizens can make informed decisions, making education the bread and butter of democracy. Higher education should foster this attitude, build off of students’ foundational knowledge and push them to think critically. It is liberal art’s claim to do this, however, the General Education structure is in need of reform and the separation of disciplines distracts the student from gaining a larger perspective or world view. With the inclusion of interdisciplinary studies,...
6 Pages 2594 Words

Current International Trends in the Outsourcing Process

Introduction This research ought to identify the current International trends in the outsourcing process along with its various subsets. The reason why the BPO industry is progressing and expanding is due to Innovation, technological advancement, and competition internationally. Increasing competitiveness from new outsourcing destinations along with the pressure on businesses to operate cost-efficiently is the driving force that this sector is accelerating. The work of the service providers of Business Outsourcing is to utilize new technological advances to face challenges...
6 Pages 2690 Words

Critical Review of Obesity, Physical Activity and Exercise: Literature Review

Introduction Obesity is now being recognized by the world obesity federation as chronic relapsing, and progressive disease. The emphasis on the need for immediate intervention to prevent and manage this global epidemic has been widely recognized across the literature. The recognition of obesity as a disease encourages practitioners to research and review approaches with the most effective strategies. Thus, highlighting the urgent need to appeal to the public and government to allocate such resources, awareness, education, policies, and research to...
6 Pages 2719 Words

Critical Evaluation of the Functions of and Concerns around Prisons

The image most individuals have of prison comes from how they are depicted in the media and reports. Prisons are often presented as violent institutions that are dangerous for the staff and inmates (Coyle, 2005). It is important to consider the origins and history behind prisons in order to understand what the prison's key purpose was and how that has developed through the years. Prison after the nineteenth century had a more rehabilitative approach to the inmates that were incarcerated....
6 Pages 2495 Words

Critical Analysis of the Effectiveness of the War on Drugs

The War on Drugs, which is a term that was coined by the media, began on June 18, 1971 after President Nixon gave a speech about domestic and international drug reform to Congress. Which was once considered to be a drug reform movement went on to become a segway to mass incarceration that ultimately increased incarceration rates in black and brown communities of America. From the day that War on Drugs was created until present day, incarceration rates have rose...
5 Pages 2411 Words

Controversies in Application of Plastic Surgery

Across the world, the practice of plastic surgery has surpassed its primary function: to alleviate any prominent physical impairments, whether the result of an accident or birth deformity. Instead, plastic surgery has largely become a means to modify the appearance of an individual to their personal preference. These predilections originate from society's dynamic definition of beauty, which is contingent on the influence of social media. However, the pervasiveness of social media greatly affects those who obsessively focus on their self-perceived...
5 Pages 2255 Words
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