2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Education and Religion in Thomas More’s Utopia: Analytical Essay

Introduction Thomas More’s Utopia is one of the important elements in Europe society, especially in England. Sir Thomas More was an English lawyer, writer, and statesman. He wrote the famous first formal Utopia. He imagined a complex, self-contained world set on an island, in which communities shared a common culture and way of life. Thomas More was a noted Renaissance humanist. In Thomas More’s Utopia, education and religion are consists in Utopian social life. The ideas of Thomas More have...
5 Pages 2471 Words

Analytical Overview of Hispanic/Latino Ethnic Group

Introduction The Hispanic/Latino population is the largest minority group in the United States, accounting for 18.1% of the total population as of July 1, 2017 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018). A person of Hispanic/Latino origin is described as any person originating from a Spanish or Latin American country, including Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and countries in South America or Central America. Within these countries, there are myriad of cultures, languages, and ideals that are unique to each country. The subgroup with...
6 Pages 2657 Words

Discursive Essay on Hispanic Unemployment

The phrase income inequality is commonly used in modern-day English around the world; however, do people really know the true meaning of this phrase? Income inequality is something that can harm many upcoming generations and can set standards for different ethnicities within America. Income inequality has many different properties that cause the problem it does. One of the leading factors as to why income inequality is a problem is the lack of education. With a lack of education can produce...
6 Pages 2731 Words

Building a Community and an Understanding of Asian American Identity: Analytical Essay

In 1979, Wong and Houn—the very women who were excluded just three years prior—co-chaired this “third world” orientation program themselves. Beyond reforming the original minority orientation program, Asian American students also advocated for changes in admissions recruitment initiatives to reflect their full minority status. Prior to 1977, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare only required that the Harvard Undergraduate Admissions Office provide statistical breakdowns of the numbers of applications it received from minority groups. While the classification at Harvard...
5 Pages 2370 Words

Social Media Influencer: Case Study

1.1. Biodata Name: Mohd Najib Bin Asaddok Originated: Benut Pontian, Johor Age: 36 years old Profession: Ceo and Founder of Momentum Internet Sdn Bhd Since 2009, he has started this internet company starting with the sale of physical products in local & international markets by testing and sharing experiences and the effectiveness of the product to sell it to his friends and relatives. At first, it was really tough for him to sell the product since he have no experience....
5 Pages 2515 Words

The Essence of Just War Theory: Critical Analysis

According to the US Department of Defence, “irregular warfare (IW) is defined as a violent struggle among state and non- state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations” (“Irregular Warfare” 5). Irregular warfare is waged by irregular fighters such as terrorists or guerrillas and what constitutes irregular warfare is determined by the tactics of war deemed unjust by just war theory and thus excluded from International Humanitarian Law. However, the just reasons for going to war and the...
6 Pages 2555 Words

The Landscape of Hero and Leander in Courtly Love: Analytical Essay

Write about landscape and/or architecture. The landscape of Hero and Leander is integral to driving the action of the story; without the vast expanse of sea, there would be no illusion of courtly love, no heroic bravery of the tumultuous sea, and no reason for this narrative to exist. This essay aims to examine the significance of the Hellespontine expanse as a driving force of the poem, and its importance in establishing classic tropes of courtly love, as well as...
6 Pages 2573 Words

Alexander Pope's Criticism of Upper Class Women in 'The Rape of the Lock'

Alexander Pope's 'The Head Thief' has a satirical and often despicable view of the role of women in 17th-century English society, where the Pope enjoys the superficial nature of aristocratic society, but with a particular focus on women's rituals. His humor is often uncomfortable and shows broader views and interpretations than the values of women in society Not so serious by many standards Concentrating on certain negative events the Pope should make young women feel right dispels the rage and...
5 Pages 2388 Words

Critical Analysis of Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock

Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock is a satirical and regularly demeaning appear at the roles of girl in 17th century English society. While Pope pokes interesting at the superficial personality of aristocratic society, he looks to in unique core of attention on the rituals of womanhood and is mainly condescending toward women. His humor is often offensive and factors to a greater huge view and interpretation of the cost of women in society. By focusing on a particular...
5 Pages 2424 Words

Comparative Essay on the British Industrial Revolution and China's Opening Up

There are a lot of differences between the British industrial revolution and China's opening up. However, there are also some similarities between the two reformations. This essay will compare the similarities between the industrial revolution and China's recently opening up. Revolutions play a large part in history as change happens inevitably, the longer a system stays in action, the more disorganized it becomes; without changes to improve, the system will eventually collapse. That’s why reformations of our governing systems are...
5 Pages 2465 Words

Unorthodox Love between Parents and Children in A View from the Bridge: Analytical Essay

Although Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge is not a love story, various types of love are shown in the play as the motivation of the characters’ actions. Unfortunately, most of their love does not lead to a happy ending, but only pain and tragedy. This essay examines the unorthodox love between parents and children in A View from the Bridge, love between couples, family, brothers, places, and the issue of homophobia. Firstly, the obsessive love between parents and...
5 Pages 2470 Words

Heroes of Ancient Civilizations: Rule of Chinese Dynasties over Vietnam

Contrary to popular belief, there have been an abundance of heroines throughout Ancient civilisation that have accompanied heroes in altering history, however, they are often forgotten in the history books. In most known Ancient civilisations, women led a traditional lifestyle that was expected of them by their society (History Hit, 10 Great Warrior Women of the Ancient World, 2018). However, there were numerous significant female figures that broke tradition in their respective cultures to become invaluable heroines in Ancient History....
5 Pages 2344 Words

The Call of the Wild by Jack London: Critical Analysis

How does the author begin the novel? The Call of the Wild, by Jack London, tells the story of a dog named Buck who goes through a challenging journey after being forced to work as a sled dog. The novel takes place in Yukon Canada during the Klondike Gold Rush in the 1890’s. At the beginning of the book, the author introduces the main character, Buck, who is a mix between a sheep dog and a St. Bernard. Buck was...
6 Pages 2696 Words

Importance of Ottoman Empire for Turkey: Analytical Essay

Why did they decline? What are their major legacies? 1. Ottomans (1335-1920) – Istanbul, Turkey The Ottoman Empire first began as the Turks Tribe under the Rum Seljuk Sultanate in Anatolia after the Mongolian invasion in 1243. They were pushed to Western Anatolia and started to create small states, called be like, under loose Mongol overlordship. Osman, I was the leader of one of those beyliks which then led to the creation of the Ottoman Empire (Streusand, 2011, p.34-6). In...
6 Pages 2565 Words

Representation of Stereotypes in Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market: Analytical Essay

Explore how one of the stereotypes we have studied on this course (e.g. the fallen woman, or the self-made man) is represented in one or more texts. Fallen Women is a Victorian concept to address women who had sex outside of marriage. It was considered an immoral act because women were taught that giving in for their sexual desires was a sign of weakness, and only those who were strong enough to repress them could create a good morally influenced...
6 Pages 2716 Words

Expectations of Women in the Samurai Class: Analytical Essay

Introduction The Edo period was crucial in the shaping of Japanese gender roles and expectations, creating norms that continue to influence modern-day views of femininity and masculinity. Japan was once a matriarchal society where women were head of social organizations, families, and clans, however, the influx of Chinese philosophy and Confucian ideas in the modern period led to a decrease in female power (xx). The Confucian ideology emphasized hierarchy and male dominance, and as a result, women became subservient (xx)....
5 Pages 2372 Words

Impact of Han Dynasty on the Development of Chinese Society: Analytical Essay

Imperial China lasted two millennia, and many differing thoughts and religions stemmed from this passage of time. During this time, massive amounts of information was collected. This along with the multitude of ideas give a startling view into this long span of time. During the time of the dynasty, each generation of Chinese history brought different changes to the public with major influences from philosophy helping them to evolve their society. Many emperors used their experiences with philosophers in order...
6 Pages 2521 Words

The Five Constant Relationships: Descriptive Essay on Chinese Dynasties

The Five Constant Relationships The term Li (禮) was used in Confucian and post-Confucian philosophy to describe 'the way things should be done' In Li, one has to be mindful of how to behave and work within a society. You can cultivate your character in Li best by understanding what it entails. Li encompasses most importantly the Doctrine of the Mean and the Five Constant Relationships. The Doctrine of the Mean is the way in which one should make decisions...
6 Pages 2634 Words

The History of the Oracle of Apollo: Analytical Essay

The priestesses of Ancient Greece It is my belief that since the beginning of times from Adam and Eve to our modern civilized and innovative technological society, women appear to have risen from the brut tyranny of men to the force of nature that is praised by many. While it could be considered that many women are still considered the property of men, it could be argued that women have achieved the goal of equality set by their ancestors. Furthermore,...
5 Pages 2250 Words

Critical Analysis of the Protagonist Eddie Carbone in ‘A View from the Bridge’

Coursework English literature Miller constructs protagonists who are destroyed by their obsessive need to defend their masculine self-image. How far do you agree this applies to both Willy Loman and Eddie Carbone? The 1950s, in the USA, was a period of radical change for men in the workplace, as academic attributes became increasingly appreciated and the white collar and corporate worker become a common position in society for men. But social critics of that era saw this rise as terrible...
6 Pages 2651 Words

Analysis of the Article ‘The Autocratic Legacy of Early Statehood’: Role of The Neolithic Revolution

1)What is the author attempting to study in the article? This section of the essay will focus on what the author, Jacob Garner Hariri is focusing his article ‘The Autocratic Legacy of Early Statehood’ on, what his theory is, and based on what evidence (Jacob Hariri; The Autocratic Legacy of Early Statehood). The author expresses that due to countries attempting to colonize other states, it restricted those states to develop their own idea of democracy, whereas countries that were stronger...
6 Pages 2516 Words

Behind the Failure of the First Opium War: Analysis of the Smoking Ban in China

In the 18th year of Daoguang, the Daoguang Emperor sent Lin Zexu to Guangdong to bring the opium use to an end. After Lin Zexu had arrived, more than 20,000 boxes of opium were confiscated and destroyed in Humen, Haikou. This move completely annoyed the British merchants, considering it as an invasion against Britain which destroyed the Sino-British trade and threatened the safety of British merchants in China, leading to the First Opium War against the Qing government. This paper...
5 Pages 2423 Words

Eurocentrism in International Law: Analytical Essay

Eurocentrism is under challenge in international law today.[footnoteRef:1] One may ponder what is eurocentrism. The term ‘Eurocentrism’ denotes a world-view that posits European history and values as “normal” and superior to others, thereby helping to produce and justify Europe’s dominant position within the global capitalist world system.[footnoteRef:2] In order to understand how eurocentrism had continuously affected the making of international law, we shall have a glance on the history of international law and its relationship with euro centricity. [1: A.A....
5 Pages 2417 Words

Public Smoking Bans on Cigarettes and Electric Cigarettes: Critical Analysis

Smoking is known for its health risks and toxicity. Many people across the united states and further are being diagnosed with diseases caused by tobacco smoke even if they have never smoked a cigarette. The leading culprit is secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke (SHS) poses major health risks, especially the risk of lung cancer. A person could die from lung cancer caused by constant exposure to smokers, without ever smoking a cigarette. With the effects of secondhand smoke into account, more...
5 Pages 2413 Words

Psychopathology and the Possible Path of Violence: Analytical Essay

Psychopathology is one of the most glorified types of personality disorders in the modern world. There is a curiosity in the idea of social differences between individuals. Psychopathology was one of the first types of personality disorders to be discovered. (Millan et al, 1998) This finding of psychopathology allowed for an explanation of individuals with emotional tendencies that were different from societal norms. This new founding explanation has allowed the idea of psychopathology to be analyzed in depth by the...
5 Pages 2452 Words

Comparative Law and Comparative Legal History: Analytical Essay on Common Law

Introduction Common law as we know it, also known as case law, can be defined as the system of law that is based on judges' decisions and on customs rather than on laws that are written. In other words, it is comprised of a set of unwritten laws based on precedents recognized by the courts. It is also important to note that it remains a source of the UK’s unwritten constitution. Its purpose is to create order for constant principles...
6 Pages 2584 Words

Tension between Equity and Common Law as Legal Systems: Analytical Essay

Question 1 – Compulsory Northumberland County Council’s main concern is their entitlement to the money that was entrusted to Aleena, their employee, and any remedies that will enable them in the repossession of the expended money. In order for the Council to retrieve the monetary sum, the trusted money can be traced through Aleena’s own account and her distribution of the money in question. Tracing is possible in this case but there are certain conditions that have to be met....
5 Pages 2523 Words

English Literature and Composition: Critical Analysis of Henry V by Shakespeare

AP English Literature and Composition Name: __Carmen Cerrito____________ Major Works Data Sheet Title: ___Henry V__________________________ Author: __William Shakespeare_________________________ Date of Publication: __1600_______________ Genre: __Historical__________________________ Biographical information about the author: (Provide information that gives insight into the author’s historical experiences.) William Shakespeare was born roughly around April 23rd, 1564, and he later became a renowned English poet, playwright, and actor. He was the third child of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. John was an alderman, and bailiff, and held a mayor-type...
5 Pages 2437 Words

Brief History about Taiwan: Analytical Essay on Ming Dynasty’s Famous Explorer Zheng He

A brief history about Taiwan During the Yuan dynasty (1206–1368), when the Mongols ruled China, the P’eng-hu (Penghu) Islands within the Taiwan Strait were brought under China’s control. In 1430 the Ming dynasty’s famous explorer Zheng He (Cheng Ho) landed on Taiwan and obtained from the aboriginal people herbal medicines that were said to possess “miracle powers.” Meanwhile, perhaps as early as the 7th century, Chinese fishermen visited the P’eng-hu Islands, and doubtless, some farmers settled there and on Taiwan...
5 Pages 2307 Words

The Aristocracy on the Romanticism in the William Faulkner’s Three Stories: A Rose For Emily, Absalom, Absalom, As I Lay Dying

Abstract: Romanticism was an artistic literary musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century and in most areas was at its peak in the approximate period. From 1800 to 1850 romanticism was characterized by its emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature, preferring the medieval rather than the classical. It was partly a reaction to the industrial revolution, the aristocratic social and political norms of...
6 Pages 2616 Words
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