2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analytical Essay on Suicide Bombings: Current Research on Female Terrorist Recruitment

The purpose of this literature review is to look at the current research on female terrorist recruitment, the research on female terrorism in IS and the role of Dabiq in recruitment. Women in terrorism Although female terrorist research is indeed under-researched, there are some scholars that have appreciated its importance. Women’s participation in terrorism is as old as terrorism itself (Sjoberg, 2011), and has been researched for decades (Lines 2009; Bloom 2011), but there is still a lack of scholarship...
5 Pages 2375 Words

Hijacking, Suicide Bombings and the Actors Participating in Radical Attacks: Analytical Essay

Fearfulness has been created in the public domain around organized crime with major attention around hijacking since 9/11/2001(Strang, 2018). The definition of hijacking has been characterised as a form of hostage-taking. Silke (2019) classified hostage-taking in to three different approaches, in which is defined that removal of a person against their will is determined by the form of restrain. Kidnapping as a form of hostage-taking to an unknown location, hijacking as the seizure of public transport, such as, train, airplane,...
5 Pages 2407 Words

Comparison of Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Techniques on 2001 Mars Odyssey, MESSENGER and Dawn: Verification of the Presence of Ice Water in Mercury

Abstract: Gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques have proven to be useful in mapping the surface composition of bodies in the Solar system. This paper reviews three space missions that made use of gamma-ray spectroscopy and their contributions to space exploration and planetary science endeavours. Keywords: Gamma-ray spectroscopy, 2001 Mars Odyssey, MESSENGER, Dawn, germanium semiconductors, neutron spectroscopy 1. Introduction Gamma-ray spectroscopy has proven to be extremely valuable in space exploration efforts - particularly in the study of bodies within the Solar system. A...
5 Pages 2304 Words

Analytical Overview of Pancreatic Cancer: Pathophysiology, and Health Deviations

Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic cancer is a silent killer and “is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States” (Reynolds and Folloder, 2014, p. 356). “Pancreatic cancer will often develop without clear early signs or symptoms, and the eventual manifestations will depend on the tumor location within the gland” (Reynolds and Folloder, 2014, p. 357). Pancreatic cancer is of significant concern for nursing because the signs and symptoms are very broad and can overlap with other disease processes. Pancreaticoduodenectomy...
5 Pages 2473 Words

Study of Association between RDW and Tumour Stage in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer

Abstract Introduction Predicting the clinical outcome in pancreatic cancer is often challenging due to the lack of reliable and cost-effective prognostic parameters. Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW), an index of the variability in the size of the circulating RBCs has been reported to have prognostic significance in some malignancies. However, there is a scarcity of literature supporting its relevance in pancreatic cancer. Objective To study the association between RDW and tumour stage in patients with pancreatic cancer attending a tertiary...
5 Pages 2339 Words

Overview of Therapies for Melanoma: Analytical Essay

Abstract Cancer treatments have been advancing over the previous decade because of the urgent need to identify new therapeutics. Melanoma accounts for only 4% of all dermatologic cancers, but it accounts for almost 80% of the deaths recorded from skin cancer because of its ability of deep invasion and spreading as well as Melanoma tumor cells were able to effectively block chemotherapy which arose the need for new Recent studies has shown that kinases play a crucial role in various...
5 Pages 2517 Words

Diseases of the Skeletal, Integumentary and Nervous Systems: Analytical Overview of Osteoporosis, Melanoma, and Multiple Sclerosis

Diseases of the Skeletal, Integumentary, and Nervous Systems The human body is made up of nine systems at the organ system level. These nine systems are made up of organs that have certain structures that promote functioning together, and similar functions and the systems working together constitute an organism. Diseases that affect three of these nine systems, the skeletal system, the integumentary system, and the nervous system is the focus of this essay. Skeletal System Disease: Osteoporosis Epidemiology and Causes...
6 Pages 2700 Words

New Technologies in Women's Health: Analysis of Mobile Application for Healthcare Records for Pregnant Women

1.0 Introduction 1.1 Overview Pregnancy is one of the most important periods of a woman’s life where during this time, lots potentially worrying changes could occur in her body. Pregnant mothers need regular check-ups, regular supervision, and care once they find out they are pregnant. In Malaysia, the health ministry has created a health record book for pregnant women known as ‘Buku Pink’ or in medical terms, it is called antenatal red card, but because of its pink color, it...
5 Pages 2381 Words

Skin Lesion Classification towards Melanoma Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Network and Image Enhancement Methods

Abstract — Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin lesion which is a severe disease globally. Early detection of melanoma using medical images significantly increases the survival rate. However, the accurate recognition of melanoma is extremely challenging task. Since the joint use of image enhancement techniques and deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) has demonstrated proven success, the joint techniques could have discriminatory power on skin lesion diagnosis as well. To this hypothesis, we propose the aggregation algorithm for skin lesion...
5 Pages 2405 Words

Case Study of Business Law: Impact of Mental Breakdown on Behaviour

Business Law The sale of the Rolex and Louis Vuitton bags by Mike Merchant is a misrepresentation because he is claiming to potential customers like Suzy and Samuel that the goods are real. Intentional misrepresentation which is also known as fraud is described when the party intends to induce another person to rely on this misrepresentation(Cheeseman). Mike could argue that he did not know that the Rolexes and Louis Vuitton bags were fake and that they were just seconds. Suzy...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Psychology Report: Experiment on Stroop Effect While Naming the List of Colors

This study is focused on the Stroop effect , this was formed by John Ridley Stroop, where they asked participants a list of colours in the same colour ink and a list of colours in different colour ink. The hypothesis for the study is 'That it takes more effort to recall colours than of words'. The main study that link to this study is by James McKeen Cattell in 1886, who after doing the experiment, suggested that word reading is...
6 Pages 2527 Words

Sexuality in British Literature: Critical Analysis of Gender and Sexuality in History Boys

In both texts, gender and sexuality are presented by the authors as something which is supposed to aid the students in their learning and is a natural component of their education. Miss Brodie, for example, continuously emphasises how important being in her ‘prime’ is to her girls as it is the height of her beauty and allure as a woman. Spark portrays sexuality through this as we are made aware of Brodie’s affairs with Lowther and Lloyd and, as a...
5 Pages 2368 Words

Treatment of Conformity and Rebellion in Young Women and in Young Men: Critical Analysis of Little Women and Treasure Island

Using detailed examples from both Little Women and Treasure Island, compare and contrast the novels’ treatment of conformity and rebellion in young women and in young men. In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the treatment of conformity and rebellion in young women in the novels Treasure Island and Little Women. Both novels come under the genre of bildungsroman. I will be looking at Jo who resists the role as well as the paradoxical nature of her end,...
5 Pages 2377 Words

A Multiple Analysis of the Novels “The Little Prince” and “Animal Farm”

The Little Prince The Little Prince, a novella for children, was published in the United States in the year 1943, several years after its author Antoine de Saint-Exupery died. Today, it is one of the most promising French literary pieces ever written. Antoine de Saint-Exupery who was a skilled aviator started writing the book in the year 1940 after he fleed France during the Second World War. The story is based on his own experience and creative imagination. Indeed, he...
5 Pages 2577 Words

Sympathy for Eddie Carbone: A Picture of a Family in the 1950s in A View from the Bridge

What do you think will happen when you are hated by your family and everyone you care for? Even when you try to protect them? In A View from the bridge, Arthur Miller paints a picture of a family in the 1950s, in Red Hook of when two illegal immigrants come into this family’s house and change their lives forever. Arthur Miller skillfully creates Eddie Carbone as a character who is made to be felt sympathy for and as a...
5 Pages 2409 Words

Discursive Essay on Paradigm Shifts: Analysis of the Ways in Which Paradigms Are Formed, Maintained and Changed

1. Briefly describe your understanding of the terms, “paradigm,” “consciousness,” and “holism.” In your discussion of the term, “paradigm,” include a description of how paradigms are formed, maintained and changed. A paradigm is a method or belief in the way we conduct our daily lives. Paradigms are similar to guiding principles, or “rules” that govern our thoughts and beliefs. These “rules” are ingrained in us through our upbringing, social norms, and cultural beliefs. Paradigms are very strong and powerful in...
6 Pages 2738 Words

Essay of Foundational Psychology: Evaluation of the Operant Conditioning Theory and Reinforcement

Introduction and Thesis Various type of behaviors will be performed by the secondary school student in the classroom and these behaviors can be explained by developmental theories, such as Piaget’s cognitive development theory and Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. All this behavior can cause positive and negative impact in the classroom. Majority of the students often perform a negative behavior which lack of motivation, lose focus and lose track of the purpose being at school mainly because of the transition from...
5 Pages 2427 Words

Eddie’s Tragic Downfall: Critical Analysis of A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller

In his play A View from the Bridge, Arthur Miller tells the story of the life of italian immigrants living in new york city in the 1950s. Eddie's obsession with Catherine and his paranoia turns out to be his fatal flaw, and leads to his downfall. Eddie goes from being a kind, loving father figure to Catherine, to a mean, jealous, overprotective and possessive person towards Catherine, and finally dies when his jealousy and paranoia gets to the best of...
5 Pages 2559 Words

Memory Processes in Gambling: Analysis of Working Memory Model

Compulsive gambling is a problematic behaviour that has a widespread impact all over the world. For example, there are many cities such as Las Vegas and Macau that are designated for entertainment purposes such as gambling, and many casinos have been established in those regions to cater to patrons. From the engaging lights and sounds of slot machines to strategic moves in playing card games, gambling stimulates an extensive range of cognitive functions in the brain. In the long run,...
6 Pages 2546 Words

Spanish and Portuguese Age of Exploration: Analytical Essay

Since ancient times, humans have navigated the waters surrounding them. As centuries passed, mankind has spread farther and faster. The best example of this widespread cross-Atlantic exploration is a period from around 1450 to 1650, aptly named the Age of Exploration. In this age, the Spanish and Portuguese sailed to the New World, around the coast of Africa, and even around the planet. To accomplish this task, the various explorers used the newest technologies to find their way, be it...
5 Pages 2502 Words

Bone Disease Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques: Analytical Essay

Abstract Data mining is a practice that is performed on large databases for extracting hidden patterns by using combinational approach from statistical analysis, machine learning, and database technology. Further, the medical data mining is an extremely essential research field due to its importance in the development of various applications in flourishing healthcare domain. Diseases and injuries of bones are the major causes of abnormalities of the human skeletal system. The identification of the possibility of bone disease in a person...
5 Pages 2484 Words

Mental Health, Medicaid, and Managed Care: Building a Unified System in Massachusetts

Summary This case study depicts the revolution in the mental health care system in Massachusetts. The 90s of the last century were a turning point in the management, governance, and deliverance of publicly funded mental care. Massachusetts was the first state to introduce a statewide mental health managed care plan in Medicaid. When begun, it was the largest managed care program with capitated mental health care. Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH) had been given the trust to manage and...
6 Pages 2742 Words

Response of the Insects at Different Wavelength of Light and Photo Systems: Analytical Essay

Abstract: Advance illumination instruments have changed the scenario in distribution and intensity of lighting systems in this world. Development from fluorescent to white LED (light emitting diode) opens the door of illumination, pest control application and eco-friendly lighting. Color sensitivity in UV spectrum plays crucial role in navigation; meet selection, excitation in terrestrial invertebrate animals. This review shows the importance of each wavelength while selecting any lighting system for environmental applications. All major scientific studies are scanned as per the...
6 Pages 2588 Words

Prediction Of Cervical Cancer Using Chicken Swarm Optimization: Analytical Essay

Abstract: This paper presents the Chicken Swarm Optimization algorithm for feature selection, which can be used for the prediction of cervical cancer. Cervical Cancer is the type of cancer that occurs at the cells of the cervix – the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Various strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, play a role in causing most cervical cancer. When exposed to HPV, a woman’s immune system typically prevents the virus...
5 Pages 2571 Words

FEA on Assembled Fractured Human Femur Bone with and without Hydroxyapatite: Analytical Essay

Abstract Femur, also called thighbone or hind leg in human body supports the maximum weight of the body under loading conditions. In this present work, the fractured femur bone is reconstructed using DICOM files obtained from Computed Tomography scan images using software’s 3D slicer and blender. In accordance with the crack, prosthetic plate was modeled in Unigraphics NX 11.0 version. The plate is then assembled with the fractured femur bone using Assembly module of the Unigraphics NX 11.0 version. Then...
5 Pages 2339 Words

Black Deaf Culture: Analytical Essay

Abstract This study looks to gain a better understanding of the Black Deaf community by examining their history, culture, and social experiences. Black Deaf history has been neglected for decades and it still is to this day. While there have been a diverse number of books, research studies, films, and articles on Deaf life, hardly any have focused on the experiences of Black Deaf individuals. I think that by studying the history of the Black Deaf community, we will gain...
6 Pages 2711 Words

Medial Meniscus Injury and Medial Collateral Ligament of Knee: Analysis of Traumatic Meniscus Tears

Mr. White, a 32-year-old football player claimed that his right medial knee was painful and was unable to get off the field after being tackled during his practice 4 months ago. The next day of injury, he visited the chiropractic clinic due to pain and inability to bend or straighten his right knee fully. The aggravating factors are putting pressure over the outside of his knee and walking was increasing the pain; nature of pain was dull with occasional sharpness...
5 Pages 2327 Words

Situation at Rivers in New Zealand due to E. Coli Contamination: Analytical Essay

New Zealand rivers – not so clean after all Background Tourism plays a big part in New Zealand’s export being a crucial part of the New Zealand economy. It is important for New Zealand to maintain a “100% pure” image as the Tourism New Zealand advert suggests. This is because countries are likely to purchase NZ exports if they think that it is coming from a ‘100% pure’ country. However, this “100% pure” image that Tourism New Zealand tries to...
5 Pages 2281 Words

Electron Density Orientation and Mobility of Graphene: Analytical Essay

Abstract Our theoretical interpretation shows that the electron density is condensed at 150°orientation and perhaps the reason for the high mobility of electron in graphene. To determine the above result, the constructed monolayer of graphene contains 40 carbon atoms with 48 bonds in between them and 16 hexagonal polyhedra and the bilayer of graphene has 80 atoms with 96 bonds with 32 polyhedra. The hexagon of carbon lattice has an area of 5.24 Å2. One unit-cell has the volume of...
5 Pages 2369 Words

Viral, Bacterial, and Fungal Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Analytical Essay

Sexually transmitted diseases, or also known as STDS for short, are diseases that are passed from an infected person to an uninfected person through sexual contact. Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by a few cases such as bacteria, viruses, yeasts or parasites. Overall, there is a sum of over 20 kinds of sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, human immunodeficiency virus, genital herpes, syphilis, and gonorrhea. Syphilis is a prevalent bacterial infection that is spread during sexual intercourse and is...
5 Pages 2459 Words
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