2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy is the strategy or approach chosen by the national government to achieve its goals in its international relations with the external entities, “foreign policy is both the broad trends of behavior and the particular actions taken by a state. A country’s foreign policy is described in two environments. They are the domestic and external environment. The domestic environment determines the role a nation plays in the international system. The domestic source plays a crucial role in the way...
5 Pages 2480 Words

The Environmental History The National Flood Insurance Program: A Malignant Growth of Risk

The Environmental History The National Flood Insurance Program (1968-2019): A Malignant Growth of Risk Hurricane Harvey caused the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to fall into debt around the amount of $20 billion. Although the NFIP managed to remain sustainable through the new age of superstorms like Sandy and Katrina, neoliberals rallied around this federal debt as an excuse for proposing improvements. A victim of nothing but their own success, the NFIP and its advantageous policy in prompt relief along...
6 Pages 2675 Words

Explore the Causes of the Protests and the Forms Protest in Algeria

It is essential to point out that Algeria is the largest country in the African continent after the nation of South Sudan obtained its independence. Therefore, in terms of population size, Algeria is the most populated country in the African continent. The state also serves as the most significant supplier of gas to the European Union. However, it is remarkable to acknowledge that this country could take a more substantial role, only if its political stability was in order. The...
5 Pages 2329 Words

Transforming the Renaissance: A Look at Raphael's Last Altarpiece

People travel all over the world to see the paintings of Raphael. Even for those less familiar with art, his name is a recognizable one. He makes up the third person of the beloved trinity of the Renaissance, along with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. His creative output is unique from the other two in its immensity, spanning from detailed sketches and life-like portraits to exquisite altarpieces. One of his most outstanding works is his painting the Transfiguration. To best...
5 Pages 2257 Words

Life in Desert Essay

In Egypt, the Israelites were held as slaves by the Egyptians. After many years of being mistreated the Lord answered their prayers and sent Moses to lead them out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. While the Israelites were wandering in the desert they were tested five times by the Lord. These tests were the Bitter Water Test, Manna and Quail Test, Water from The Rock Test, Mount Sinai Test and the Remember Test. In Exodus 15:22-27 the Israelites...
6 Pages 2675 Words

Environmental Studies: The Chernobyl Disaster

The Chernobyl disaster, affecting all of Europe to some extent, was a tragic but perhaps inevitable result of decades of government policies that affected plant design, regulation, transparency, governance, training, operating procedures, and the value placed on human safety, and which all permitted inadequate practices to persist without being challenged. The impact of the 1986 release of radiation created health problems that are still being investigated. The government’s response to the disaster created social and economic problems that persist to...
5 Pages 2273 Words

Impact of Foreign Investment in a Country

This chapter forms our bases of our study which is on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in Kenya. Literature that relates to the study is viewed to identify the gaps in the knowledge. Theoretical and empirical literature is viewed through assessment of the various theories on foreign direct investment on the economic growth in Kenya. Besides, it outlines some of the gaps that have been identified from the review of historic as well as current state...
5 Pages 2283 Words

The White Tiger': A Critical Review

This novel is an attempt to capture Indianness in a most profound manner, covering substantial as well as the basic flaws that drive the Indian Social and cultural system. It, through the frivolous and trivial attitude of the protagonist, Balram Halwai who is later revealed as The White Tiger, tries to bring home the disparities and differences that drives the very so called equally opportunity provided Indian socio-political system, that in itself turns out to be a miserable contradiction when...
5 Pages 2473 Words

Colonialism and its Aftermath

Colonialism and its aftermath in twentieth-century British literature constructs a genre of literary analysis that is important in interpreting its impact. Literary theorists, Edward Said, Homi Bhabha, and others respond with observations and analysis, focusing on relations between the colonizers and the colonized. In reading for colonialism and its aftermath in twentieth-century British literature, evidence of a hierarchy appears that establishes a usurper-usurped relationship in which the usurper becomes the governing culture. As the authoritative culture, the usurper secures a...
5 Pages 2407 Words

Industrial Internet of Things as The Most Popular Industrial Technical Paradigm

In recent years, industrial internet of things (Industrial IoT) has become the most popular industrial technical paradigms and business concepts. With the continuous integration of emerging information and communication technologies (ICT), the industry is envisaged to experience a revolution in its way of operating toward autonomous (Meng Z. et al, 2017). The envisioned industrial systems can potentially empower collaborative Practices, which promises greater production flexibility and product variability with minimized human interventions. As an example, new services such as real-time...
5 Pages 2302 Words

Nuclear Disasters: Fukushima and Chernobyl

Both Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters were nuclear crises that occurred accidentally in Japan and Ukraine respectively. The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant while the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Both disasters were rated seven, which is the highest in the scale due to its severity. The Chernobyl disaster occurred in 1986 while Fukushima disaster occurred on March 2011. The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast both nuclear...
5 Pages 2374 Words

Sex Work, Indigeneity, and the Right Kind of Victim

In Canada, as stated by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, “Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.” These rights are considered to be universal and inalienable, but when examining the rates of violence that have been allowed to be perpetrated so disproportionally against certain groups of people in Canada, it seems that society treats some citizens as more worthy than others of having their right to safety protected. As the...
5 Pages 2410 Words

Philanthropy: Recycling Programs in Los Angeles

Introduction The current increasing use of the earth’s natural resources put a raising pressure on our planet’s ecosystem. This ecosystem which supplies vital resources is one of the key factors that human life depends on, along with waste absorption. What happens if human life using all of the available natural resources, what if the waste that man produces is no longer has a way to be disposed of. Such questions arise in the modern world today and the hope for...
5 Pages 2254 Words

Role of Leadership in Conservation Biology: a Review

Leadership is a process of community influence where there it is maximizes the efforts of others peoples towards the achievement of objectives in the organization or institutions or anywhere. It is defined as a process by which a person influences others to carry out an objective and directs the association in a way that makes it more coherent and cohesive. In this review paper, I have discussed about the role of leadership in the field of conservation biology. The main...
6 Pages 2503 Words

Aeschylus’s Portrayal of Gender Roles and Social Status in Classical Greece

Throughout the course of our respected world history, there have been characterizations, depictions, and stereotypes of the two commonly accepted genders, male and female. These clichĂ©s have ultimately been mirrored in plays and other forms of artwork, often coinciding with specific eras of time. This lends today’s viewers or readers insight about gender roles and social rankings in past societies. Aeschylus, the great ancient Greek tragedian who wrote The Oresteia in 5th century BC, successfully constructs a realistic view of...
5 Pages 2531 Words

Modification of Mango Wood through Reactive Reinforcement of Polyacrylonitrile

Present article demonstrates a viable method of modification of mango wood (MW) through reactive reinforcement of polyacrylonitrile (PAN). Reactive reinforcement of PAN was conducted through sewlling of MW planks (moisture content: 12.5%) into methanolic solution of acrylonitrile (AN, 20-60%,v/v) supplemented with 2,2-azobisisobutyronitrile (1.0% w/v) at 30 ± 10C over 48h followed by curing of planks at 80 ± 10C over subsequent 3h.This has afforded a series of wood polymer composites (WPCs) with PAN loading (%) in the range of 5.5...
5 Pages 2320 Words

Advanced Nuclear Energy Options

Background The need to cut carbon emissions has become a global priority to mitigate climate change effects. Unstable global oil prices, unreliable supply due to political instability in oil-exporting countries, and more importantly, the growing fossil fuel-related carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint are the factors driving the shift to renewable energy (Said and Omri 2). As a result, concerted efforts to promote innovation and technology development in low-carbon emission systems (wind, solar, and nuclear power) have increased to meet global carbon...
5 Pages 2454 Words

The Social Identity Theory and Reality

Love and Vertigo is a contemporary autobiographical novel that maps the lineage of the speaker Grace and her parents’ imminent immigration to Australia. The novel moves through three pertinent spaces of Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia and intriguingly all these three spaces are interlocked with cultural and political myths and trauma. Hsu-Ming Teo in her text intricately engages with moments of transformation from Birth to Social influx, Traditional Chinese culture to Westernised English Culture, and in relationship dynamics within family. Love...
5 Pages 2327 Words

To What Extent Free Trade is Fair and Benefits The World Economy

Adam Smith, coined rightfully as the Father of Modern Economics, in 1776 in his book ‘The Wealth of Nations’ laid the foundation of the concept of free trade. Though by no means a novel concept, it had been informally practiced throughout British colonies as well the Ottomon Empire, he formalised this economic concept. Famously opposing the mercantilist approach, he is quoted as saying ‘It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at...
5 Pages 2473 Words

Foreign Policy and Contending Powers

At any time in history, various countries take a reflection at their policies and see if they are out of touch or are on track with their behaviors over a particular period of time (Duedney, Daniel, &Jeffrey, 2008, p, 21). According to Rosenau, Smith, & Smith, (2019, p,138, & p, 142) what actually consist of his work on foreign policy analysis in the 1960s and early 1970s the trend of his work is far less easy to determine. Rosenau goes...
5 Pages 2483 Words

The Psychological Consequences of Trapping Young Boys on an Island

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies follows the narrative of an airplane crashing into an uncharted, uninhabited island, of which the impact quashes the lives of all adults on board and leaves behind a young group of English boys to fend for their survival. Ralph and Piggy are the first two characters to interact, and per Piggy’s input, Ralph blows on a conch shell as a method to signal all the boys from the island; the first show of power....
5 Pages 2465 Words

Understanding National Socialism Through Totalitarianism and Fascism

20th Century was a new era in the world history and it was an era that differs in many aspects from other centuries by including two major wars (WW1 and WW2) and Great Depression. The modernization movement and industrialization which came with the Enlightenment Era in the 18th century stressed the concepts of human rights, freedoms, democracy and independence. However, also this modernity created a negative atmosphere with wars in the 20th century. The living conditions of individuals were developed...
6 Pages 2553 Words

The Known World': Juxtaposition of Two Worlds Perspectives

The novel, The Known World, by Edward Jones is imbued with literal and metaphoric representations of the known world during the period of nineteenth century America. Life in Manchester revolves around slavery where both master and slaves coexist.’The Known World’ is the title of a map of Earth which lies in Skiffington’s office and shows the geography of the then known world in miniature. Because the known world exists, we can confidently deduce that there lies an unknown world. The...
5 Pages 2356 Words

Australian Politics and Active Citizenship

Liberal democracy can be considered a form of the government's systems where the rights of individuals and the freedoms are highly recognisable. Liberal democracy also means that the rule of law restricts political power—nations such as Australia, the United States, Canada, and Britain. Follow the system of Liberal Democracy. Liberal democracy attempts to defend civil rights and liberties against the enrichment of authoritative sources in society (Governments and institutions). The public sphere was introduced in the 1700s. It is understood...
5 Pages 2432 Words

Barriers Preventing Solar and Wind Energy to Scaling Up in India

Solar energy is the energy which comes directly from the sun in the form of light and heat that is converted in the useful form with the help of a variety of technologies, such as solar heating, photovoltaic, molten salt power plants, solar thermal energy, etc. The wind is the form of solar energy. Power generators are used to convert the kinetic energy of the air passing through wind turbine into electric energy (Sumathi, 2015). However, 95% of the world...
5 Pages 2329 Words

Marxism with Human Rights

The human rights (HR) discourse is one bound up with questions of law, justice, and morality, and state. What we know today as human rights is made up of different philosophical ideas, geography and historical events. Right have moved from natural law, the monotony of the church, to that enjoyed by the head of the family, and further enjoyed by being membership to a group in the feudal era. Law generated rights but also customs and traditions also had a...
6 Pages 2630 Words

Coriolanus': The Gendering of Tragedy and Honor

Vengeance, chaos, uncertain honor and untimely death-whether describing the fall from grace of a noble king, impassioned General, or valiant warrior, each arises in the historically based tragedies of William Shakespeare. Coriolanus, Shakespeare’s account of the societal and self destruction of a Roman warrior paragon, proves no exception, depicting the demise that results from any character trait excess, even honor. This particular play introduces a further element of gender to fatal excess, providing, through the characters of Coriolanus and Volumnia,...
6 Pages 2599 Words

Cultural Relativism in Connection to Everyday Values

American author Mark Twain once stated, “Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other.” While they may not appear to be so at first, morals are very questionable grounds, with different viewpoints. Two view of this are cultural relativism and universalism. In this essay, I will be pointing out the flaws of cultural relativism, and why it is philosophically more defensible to be objective towards certain moral values. Cultural relativism is defined as...
5 Pages 2434 Words

Arthur Miller's Path to American Theater

Arthur Miller was born on October 17, 1915, in Harlem, New York. The early years of Miller’s life did not go smoothly. Still, while having many problems with his grades, Miller was very athletic playing many sports including football, at which he excelled; he also ran track. Miller portrays this in one of his shorter works, Danger: Memory!. The two main characters in this play look back on their lives and regret much of what they did. They wonder if...
5 Pages 2339 Words

International Relations and Strategy: Oil Cartels

What is a ‘Cartel?’ A cartel is an organization created from a formal agreement between a group of producers of a good or service to regulate supply in an effort to regulate or manipulate prices. In other words, a cartel is a collection of otherwise independent businesses or countries that act together as if they were a single producer and thus are able to fix prices for the goods they produce and the services they render without competition. A cartel...
5 Pages 2486 Words
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