2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Indus River: from the Past to the Present

The Indus river flows and start from the Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Himalayan mountains and a winding curve through the productive lands in the southern plains. Delta river boundary is one of the largest cross boundary rivers in the world with a hydrographic area of about 1km2. Pakistan, India, China, Afghanistan are four countries linked with Indus river delta (IRB). However, the part of Indus river delta present or flow about 61% in Pakistan, 29% in India and approximately 8%...
5 Pages 2276 Words

Microeconomics and Its Main Functions

Microeconomics is the study of how individuals and firms make themselves as well off as possible in a world of scarcity, and the consequences of those individual decisions for markets and the entire economy (David A., 2004). In studying microeconomics, we examine how individual consumers and firms make decisions and how the interaction of many individual decisions that affects markets. Microeconomics is often called price theory to emphasize the important role that prices play in determining market outcomes. Microeconomics explains...
5 Pages 2278 Words

What Does It Mean to Be a Professional Soldier?

Introduction to the Army Profession Established in 1775, June 14, the army profession is recognized as the first military branch to protect the United States Constitution against foreign and domestic. The profession of the army is an important task; not everyone in the world can do. It represents being part of something bigger than themselves. The occupation of the army means changing the world by protecting the country. When soldiers wear that uniform, it represents pride, patriotism, and selfless service....
5 Pages 2493 Words

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Future? Essay

Introduction When you hear the word ‘artificial intelligence’ the first thing that comes to mind is robotics, but what truly is artificial intelligence and what does the future hold for it? According to Wikipedia, artificial intelligence also referred to as machine intelligence, is any device or machine that mimics cognitive functions humans associate with the human mind such as learning and problem solving. Examples of artificial intelligence in our day to day lives include: Siri, Google, drones, advertising and so...
2 Pages 2593 Words

The Dirty Tricks of Richard Nixon

The campaign against Hubert Humphrey, and the campaign against Kennedy, who by the time of the time piece had already been assassinated, further represent an important turning point in Nixon’s life and political career. Before the 1960 election, making use of petty, quasi-illegal dirty tricks was a means of victory for Nixon – he had scarcely lost an election before then and was seen as a powerful, young, up-and-coming politician. However, following the losses to Kennedy and Brown, Nixon’s use...
5 Pages 2345 Words

Features of Cognition in Autism

Cognition is an exceptionally complex, essential feature of human consciousness, yet not all aspects of cognition are consciously experienced. Cognition is sometimes defined as the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. In simple terms, cognition means thinking. Cognitive psychology is the field of psychology dedicated to examining how people think. It attempts to explain how and why we think the way we do by studying the interactions among human thinking, emotion, creativity, language,...
6 Pages 2708 Words

Penicillin Allergy and Its Diagnosis

Apparently, when I was little I was given tennis Ilyn and had terrible hives. And the pediatricians told my parents that, if I was ever given it again I would die. So my entire life I was told that if I ever took penicillin it would kill me. Over 95% of people labeled as penicillin or allergic or not despite the fears expressed by this patient. And those like her for most people penicillin antibiotics are safe. And effective there...
6 Pages 2564 Words

Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? Essay

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Is artificial intelligence really helpful to humanity or is it a threat, that we just don’t see? Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that are normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision making and translation between languages. It truly has lots of advantages in the advancement of our daily living. However, contradicting the advantages, disadvantages also outgrow through it. The Evolution of Technology and...
5 Pages 2540 Words

The Death Penalty in the 21st century: Archaism or Necessity

The existence of the death penalty has been existing throughout age of mankind as far as history can remember. It is not a new phenomenon that the 21st century scholars attempt to tackle and understand its place in a world of Human rights and the value of life; however, it has been existing throughout in different forms. In ancient cultures, most notably those from African tribes such as the Mandinka under Samoure Toure or the Zulu Kingdom under Shaka Zulu,...
5 Pages 2360 Words

The Significance of Symbolic Play in Child Development

Symbolic play is a tool used by children to try and communicate with the world in a different way. As a society or even practitioners we follow this to try and have a greater understanding of how this helps a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development, and in this essay I am going to be discussing the importance of it with regards to children’s development. Symbolic play or pretend play is defined by Weisberg (2015, pp 249) by saying “Pretend...
5 Pages 2416 Words

The Significant Role of Physical Education in the Curriculum

Physical Education (PE) is described by the Association for Physical Education (AfPE, 2015) as being a subject within the school curriculum which provides all pupils with planned, progressive learning. The purpose of PE as a subject has adapted and changed over the years. Although, there has always been one underlining outcome which is to provide the learners with the knowledge and understanding of the importance of physical activity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle (Green, 2008). The subject has statutory status...
6 Pages 2660 Words

Various Forms of Social Prejudice in Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' and Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

‘Prejudice presents itself in multiple different forms in society'. In light of this view, compare and contrast the ways in which the novels of ‘Frankenstein’ (1818) by Mary Shelley, and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ (1960) by Harper Lee present prejudice. Both ‘Frankenstein’ (1818) and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ (1960) are examples of gothic novels, with ‘Frankenstein’ being a classic gothic novel produced at the height of romantic literature, and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ is a Southern Gothic narrative. Both authors...
6 Pages 2595 Words

Socio-Literary Contexts of Oscar Wilde's ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and Virginia Woolf’s ‘A Room of One's Own’

Wilde’s claim that ‘life imitates art more than art imitates life’ may well suggest that reading literature as a historically objective view of reality is fundamentally flawed. One may suggest that Wilde wishes to convey that art, rather than being a medium by which to convey realism or create true interpretations of the world, should be a medium for the exaggeration and romanisation of a dull or harsh reality. Indeed, within the first pages of Wilde’s ‘A Picture of Dorian...
6 Pages 2560 Words

Understanding and Managing Risks with the Cardiff Women's Aid Domestic Violence Charity

The aim of risk management is to keep the organization and its employees safe as it is the duty of care of the employer; to provide financial security with regards to money spent on things such as legal fees, payouts to insured parties etc.; and it needs to comply with the national legal and statutory advice set for businesses/organizations alike. Risk Management within a Domestic Violence Charity will need to ensure that all vulnerable clients and employees are managed effectively....
6 Pages 2615 Words

The Human Muscular and Skeletal Systems

The musculoskeletal system relies on its framework of connective tissue and muscle cells to work correctly so the human body can move and exercise. It is important to have a healthy musculoskeletal system to ensure that when an individual matures, their bones are healthy and not at risk of developing diseases such as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. The Muscular System Connective Tissue Connective tissue forms a framework wherein epithelial tissue rests, and is the most abundant of the primary tissues, derived...
5 Pages 2274 Words

The Effects of Cambridge Analytical Scandal on Facebook’s Leadership: Leadership Coursework

In March 2018 Christopher Wylie told The New York Times and The Guardian that Cambridge Analytica had gained access to the Facebook data of 50 million users across America, without permission, to build a psychological welfare tool (Granville, 2018). The crisis stems from Facebook policies that allowed third-party app developers to extract users’ and their friends’ personal data 2007-2014 without consent (Wong C, 2018). They used their ‘likes’ to create personality profiles for the 2016 US election and created advertisements...
5 Pages 2412 Words

Cheese Consumption and Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a class of heart- or blood-vessel diseases (Mendis, Puska, and Norrving, 2011). CVDs include coronary heart disease (CHD) known as Ischemic heart disease (IHD), myocardial infarction (MI), generally known as heart attack, stroke, rheumatic heart disease (RHD), cardiomyopathy, and other heart disease (Mendis et al., 2011; Celermajer, Chow, Marijon, Anstey & Woo, 2012). CVD cause nearly 34% of deaths in the UK (Nichols et al., 2012) and is still the foremost cause of deaths in...
6 Pages 2416 Words

Role of Iron in the Development of Atherosclerosis

It is often presented that people need to increase their iron intake by consuming more red meat or green vegetables to prevent anaemia and other diseases linked to low iron. Anaemia is a condition where the body does not make enough healthy red blood cells preventing the body’s tissues from getting sufficient oxygen. There is no doubt that iron is a vital element needed for various processes within our body; however, it is important to know that too much iron...
6 Pages 2570 Words

Katherine Mansfield's “The Garden Party” and “The Singing Lesson': Analytical Essay

Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp, more commonly known as Katherine Mansfield may not be a familiar author to many readers today, but has made a great impact to the literature as one of the most talented writers. She is a modernist writer from New Zealand who was born on October 4, 1888. She has always had a passion for writing. In her younger years, she wrote for school newspapers, poems, and plays. In 1903, she continued her passion for writing and playing...
5 Pages 2506 Words

Analysis of Researches Focused on Parent Education, Birth Order Impact, Inferiority, Mental Health, and Personality

Conceived in 1870, Alfred Adler was an esteemed psychiatrist and philosopher responsible for developments in individual psychology. Adler had a difficult childhood mainly due to witnessing his brother’s death and experiencing health issues that motivated his interest to become a physician. His research focused on aspects of human existence including parent education, birth order impact, inferiority, mental health, and personality. After receiving his degree in 1985, Adler specialized in psychiatry and rallied behind Sigmund Freud and his ideologies on the...
5 Pages 2296 Words

Protests in Professional Sports against National Anthem in the USA: Analytical Essay

Introduction Protests in professional sports has been occurring for decades and had started with professional athletes using their platform to bring more attention towards the injustices going on towards Black people. Protests from professional athletes range from Jesse Owens protesting in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, to Tommie Smith and John Carlos protesting in the 1968 Olympics in Mexico, to Colin Kaepernick protesting against the National Anthem in 2016. Due to the Kaepernick protest, other professional athletes had come out...
6 Pages 2582 Words

Critical Analysis of the Essence and Applicability of Sociological Imagination

Introduction to Sociology Norms can be simply defined as behaviours, thoughts or values that most people share within the same society. They are unwritten rules or standards that provide us with an expected idea on how people should and should not behave in various social situations (Shah, n.d). Typical social norms in society consist of, saying hello or shaking someone’s hand when greeting or meeting someone for the first time. Saying ‘bless you’ when somebody sneezes. Social order refers to...
5 Pages 2524 Words

Concept of Real Freedom in The Metamorphosis and The Bell Jar: Comparative Analysis

Freedom is always an interesting and important topic. In the United State, every citizen is supposed to be free. According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, citizens have many rights such as freedom to express yourself, right to vote in elections for public officials, and freedom to pursue 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. In this analytical paper, my topic is describing what freedom means in The Metamorphosis and The Bell Jar. I argue that Kafka and Plath...
6 Pages 2580 Words

Health Care Policy and Health Care System in the Soviet Kazakhstan: Historical Essay

Abstract: On the exit of Tsars Central Asia including Kazakhstan was plagued with malaria, leprosy, polio, diphtheria, and tuberculosis.[footnoteRef:2] The general mortality rate was 30.2 per 1000 inhabitants and infant mortality rate was 272.0 per 1000 births. In 1913, average life expectancy was under 32.0 years, and 0.4 doctors were available per 10,000 inhabitants in Kazakhstan.[footnoteRef:3] The condition in Russia was not far better and as such soon after October 1917, Communist regime in Moscow established, in June 1918, the...
6 Pages 2728 Words

Analytical Essay on the Functions of International and Local Police to Control Transnational Organized Crime

Introduction This paper is an article review analysis with local and international police functions to control transnational organized crime’ articulated by different authors. In this review objective of the each author on the cases, the central idea that was discussed and issue raised and the drawback of the authors and, review of the article will end with the conclusions and recommendations. The review of the article has four articles reviewed with the author of the article. The first article is...
5 Pages 2264 Words

Organization of Local, International and Transnational Organized Crime Policing and Research Issue

Introduction This review is try to assess the Organization of Local, international and transnational organized crime policing and research issue. Policing is always necessary in all societies for the protection of order, safety and social relations. Approaches to policing vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, organization to organization (Interpol, UNPOL, and AUPOL (AfriPol) and country to country (Reiner, 2002). Police officers share a distinctive attitude in the world. There is no single culture, norms, values, structures, and ethical standard in any...
5 Pages 2420 Words

Analysis of Factors Involved in Shaping a Child’s Personality: Effects of Birth Order and Parental Behaviour

Abstract The debate over the relative contributions of nature versus nurture on personality development in children has always been an ongoing discussion. The purpose of this article was to explore the various factors that post an influential effect on shaping a child’s personality. The present study examined the direct associations between a child’s personality with social and environmental factors. In particular on birth order effects, parental behaviour and modelling. Direct association between a child’s personality and genetic factors was also...
6 Pages 2467 Words

Response Journals on Modernism and Imagism: Song of Myself, Cause, The Pool, This is Just to Say, Nothing Gold Can Stay, Gray Room

Response Journals on Modernism and Imagism: 7 Different Modern Poems 1. Walt Whitman- Song of Myself Walt Whitman is one of the most popular American poets. He wrote a poem called 'Song of Myself' and it is the longest poem in his 'Leaves of Grass'. As all other modernist poets, in his poem, he broke out the traditional style or shape of the poem, which makes it modern poetry and different from all other old poems that followed a certain...
6 Pages 2635 Words

Chivalry As a System of Moral and Social Virtues: Review of Literature

Chivalry as a system of moral and social virtues has developed during the medieval period and has been popularized in its literature. It serves to establish a notion of knighthood, but also nobility and honour. Chivalry is one of the most explored themes of the medieval literature and the fact that there are many points of views on it, makes this concept attractive as a subject of research. The Knight’s Tale and Lanval are about chivalry and are quite similar...
5 Pages 2382 Words

Influence of Hip-Hop And Gun Violence in the United States: Analytical Essay

Background To The Study Gun violence is a extensive issue not only in the United States but around the world. The gun violence epidemic has been on the rise for the last decade. In the United States, gun laws are not heavily enforced in numerous states making it easy to get your hands on a gun. The Hip Hop community has heavily impacted gun violence, in ways which they promote gun violence and use their lyrics to glorify the use...
6 Pages 2708 Words
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