2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Implications of Piracy on Business Profitability: Analytical Essay

Abstract Piracy is one of the biggest threats that is currently faced by the business in this digital era where everything is available online. It is not very hard for anyone to get almost anything as everything is very easily accessible. In this time of digital world, businesses are losing billions of dollars due to piracy only and with each year passing, losses are increasing with increase in piracy. Due to piracy, not only businesses are facing huge losses but...
6 Pages 2584 Words

The Impact of Globalization on the Portuguese Industry: Analytical Essay

For this reason, there is a need for continuous research in this field, across different cultures, industries and situations. COO needs to be examined on a product-by-product basis, once an overall generalizable theory for all products and all countries may not be feasible. Furthermore, it is critical to acknowledge that COO image is volatile, and a newly liberalized society might exert different results compared to past research. (Insch & McBride, 2002). All these motives unleashed the need to address the...
5 Pages 2406 Words

Importance of Marketing Research in Digital Era: Analytical Essay

Research is generally about finding or searching out something that can aid in the solution of any problem. It is a systematic inquiry aimed at providing information to solve managerial problems (Anyanwu, 2016). The primary purpose of research is to inform action, to prove a theory, and contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study. It remains a tool for building knowledge and for facilitating learning. Other significance of research according to Anyanwu (2016) portrays research as a means...
6 Pages 2636 Words

Research on Understanding the Impact of Covid 19 on Women before and during the Lockdown

Introduction Since March 2020 my life has changed completely. Before the lockdown I was a very energetic and positive person. I was just completing my degree in Criminology, having time to see friends and family. However, during the lockdown and its restriction my life has changed dramatically. I had to finish all my assignments at home, while home-schooling three children and looking after the house. My husband is a critical key work and was away from home six days a...
6 Pages 2580 Words

Role of The Harlem Renaissance in Provision of African American Artists with an Unprecedented Moment

The Harlem Renaissance provided African American artists with an unprecedented moment. Discuss The Harlem Renaissance began as a movement for young African American creatives to reclaim their lineage and history, taking away from the white paternalistic views that romanticized yet also criticised their culture. They were able to change the exploitative use of primitivism and fetishization of ancient African artworks (that were being displayed in places like Stieglitz’s gallery 291 alongside modern works)[footnoteRef:1] into something that equated for them their...
5 Pages 2287 Words

Analytical Essay on Habits of Successful Students: Goal-Setting and Study Plan

Habits of successful people that will transform your life. Set goals Take responsibility for their action Great self discipline Observe with Self-development Risk takers Questions: Choose three of the habits and discuss why they are important for student success. Identify additional habits that students need and explain why they are important. 1. Three important habits for successful students. To be successful in university students need to have some habits . The most important thing to be successful student is to...
5 Pages 2285 Words

LEGO Games Company Case Analysis

1. Introduction: In Denmark, the company LEGO started in 1916 with the focus on housing and farming furniture. When the first wooden building blocks were created in 1932, LEGO sought its niche, which was the first time the business saw an interest in making children's toys. The play line was more improved and eventually the wooden blocks for plastic parts were slowly withdrawn. Through designing numerous product ranges and engaging in the creation and manufacturing cycle for specific age groups,...
6 Pages 2516 Words

Basics of Social Work Research: Analytical Essay

Social Work research is distinct from the more scientific community as a result of its positioning as emancipatory with a focus on challenging inequality and oppression in all aspects of the research process Alston and Bowles (2018) suggest that social work research supports the analysis of often complicated interventions that are required to respond to society’s most vulnerable populations. Social work research can assist practitioners assess and evaluate the effectiveness of social work intervention whilst understanding the effect of legislation...
6 Pages 2641 Words

Analytical Essay on the Administration of Business Risk

The administration of business risk is the progression of identifying threats, risk assessments and prevention, and controlling/minimizing the threat of these risks and having action plans in place should these events happen. Developing approaches to manage risks helps maintain a business continuity plan. Reference BS 31100:2011 Code of Practice and Guidance; This book offers guidance to help management’s strategic understanding of risk and support decision making that ensures best practice. It provides practical and specific recommendations on how to implement...
5 Pages 2301 Words

Analytical Review of Main Strain Theories to Explain the Youth Violence

Lim Jeong-yeo (2017) reported there was serious school violence in Busan, the Republic of Korea, in 2017 called Busan Teen Girl Attack. Four assailants, who aged 14 to 15 years old girls, hit a 14 years girl with steel pipe, chair, and glass bottles for one and a half hours. The victim was bloody over her body and had two deep cuts on her head. They testified to the police for what they have done as the perpetrators already knew...
5 Pages 2351 Words

Use of Structural MRI in Investigating Huntington’s Disease: Analytical Essay

Introduction of Huntington’s disease Huntington’s disease (HD) is a severe neurodegenerative disorder that is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. HD progresses in mid-life showing motor and cognitive function impairments, and psychiatric deficiencies. It is caused by a mutation of the Huntingtin gene creating a CAG-elongation at the amino-terminus of the Huntingtin protein (HTT)1. Having more repeats has been previously associated with the earlier onset of the disease2. The mutated protein forms toxic aggregates in the brain, causing neural death...
5 Pages 2458 Words

Analysis of the Research into The Subject of Mental Wellbeing Strategies in Workplaces across Northern Ireland

Introduction Mental health (MH) parity of esteem, an investigation into MH and wellbeing strategies in workplaces across Northern Ireland. Good MH can be described as ‘a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community’ (World Health Organization, 2001). There has been increasing research into the subject of mental wellbeing...
5 Pages 2331 Words

The Morality of Drug Legalization

Abstract Ethical and moral theories aim to evaluate and explain the complexities of one’s life. Decisions that individuals face on a daily basis, or once in a lifetime are affected by the morality behind the making of the decision as well as the repercussions that come as a result. Controversial decisions such as drug legalization must extend beyond financial and legal obligations and reach to moral theories for a much more vivid understanding of the real world applications of these...
5 Pages 2271 Words

Genetic Components of Human Behavior (Huntington Disease, Schizophrenia, Autism)

Introduction Behavior is commonly characterized as a response to stimuli, regardless of whether internal or external, that changes an organism’s response to its habitat. Animals run, stay still, or counterstrike to predators; in response to external and internal stimuli birds construct complex and distinguished nests; plants show positive phototropism; and humans behave in both simple and complex ways depending on their keenness and culture. Behavior depends on the expression of the genotype of an organism, which takes happens inside a...
5 Pages 2420 Words

The Factors of Costumer Behavior Motivation in IKEA

INTORDUCTION The main purpose of marketing is to meet the needs of the customer and to make the customer feel good during shopping and to ensure that the experience gives positive results for the customer and the seller. There is no easy and specific way to improve the motivation of the customer to purchase the product or service since the motivation to buy the product or service may differ for all customers. If the customer's motivation to buy the product...
5 Pages 2313 Words

Oryx and Crake: Love, Lust, and the Pursuit of Perfection

Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood is a complex novel that rips open many core human issues and offers them to the audience for scrutiny. Corporations, art, animals vs humans, the structure and usage of language, and, as we will be discussing, the battle between scientific advancement and intimate relationships. There are many more that could be named as the novel is packed full of hypothetical scenarios, what-if’s, and apocalyptic situations that ask the reader what they would do if...
5 Pages 2489 Words

Factors that Influence Consumer Behavior tn the Purchase of Durable Household Products

Overview The consumer conduct or purchaser conduct has increased expanded significance in a consumer oriented promoting arranging and the executives. Consumer behavior is the training utilized when individuals, groups, or associations select, use or discard the item, facility, thoughts or experience to satisfy customer’s necessities and wants. The main reason for doing this press conference is to identify the main factors which affect consumer purchasing behavior of durable household goods in South Africa. Durable goods are a group of customer...
6 Pages 2614 Words

Starbucks: Addressing Challenges in Declining Retail Traffic

Introduction Firms operating in today’s business contexts have to address various challenges and respond to emerging opportunities often in highly competitive markets. As a result, effective change management becomes a pertinent undertaking for the leadership in such firms, enabling them to navigate prevailing and developing market conditions. For Starbucks, the challenges faced range from heightened competition and decline in retail traffic related to changing consumer preferences among various other issues (Cheng, 2018). Focusing on the issue of decline in retail...
5 Pages 2296 Words

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing

Introduction Ethical considerations are crucial values in nursing practice where honesty, integrity and advocating for patients, families and communities are upheld. Nurses are required by law to provide safe and quality healthcare by using their knowledge and skills as well as ethically protecting the public. Many ethical issues arise from work and can be considered ethical if safe, affordable and quality care is delivered through appropriately informed decision making (Monroe, Herr, Mion, & Cowan, 2013). The case scenario provided shows...
5 Pages 2299 Words

Ethical Dilemmas At Kentucky Fried Chicken

Introduction Colonel Harlan Sanders is the organizer of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). He was born on September 9, 1890. When his mother needs to go to work, he needs to do a lot of home cooking. After his father kicked the ball, he dealt with three relatives. Since then, he has figured out how to cook and increase the value of various neighborhood foods at the age of seven. In the 1930s, Colonel Sanders, who was only 40 years old,...
5 Pages 2335 Words

Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Accounting And Finance Industries

ABSTRACT Artificial intelligence has been in place since the year 1956, but considering the recent momentous acceleration in the accounting and finance industry it has become the vital topic in business. It plays a foremost role in the way the functions are performed in an organisation. Recently, Artificial Intelligence has revolutionised the efficiency, quality and time taken to accomplish these functions in contrary to manual performance. In fact, the very same difference has sparked controversial debates. There is no doubt...
5 Pages 2517 Words

Activism: Hear The People’s Cry For Help

“Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself” (King, 1963). Few words in Letter from a Birmingham Jail from Martin Luther King Jr., an activist of civil rights and champion of human rights, equality and justice. In the society we live in, activism is like a coin. It can be seen with two sides. Some individuals would only view activism as an act of pure violence owing the fact that activists groups do rallies, sit-ins,...
5 Pages 2464 Words

The Principle of Non-refoulement under International Refugee Law

ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the major problem of refugees and analyses the Principle of Non-refoulement in this regard. The paper focuses on the nature, scope and history of this principle. It also indulges into whether non-refoulement can be treated as a jus cogens norm by going through the criteria that have been laid down by the International Law Commission’s Report on Jus Cogens. The paper also deals with whether the principle casts a strenuous obligation upon states by looking...
5 Pages 2338 Words

The Issue of Childhood Obesity in Mexico

Introduction Obesity is a complicated contemporary disease that can be simply defined as having an excessive amount of body fat to the point it starts to cause health problems. Therefore, obesity is not only a superficial or beauty concern as one may contemplate, but it also encompasses hidden dangerous health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain types of cancers. In fact, obesity has become a huge problem to the point it is considered a global...
6 Pages 2522 Words

The Features of Starbucks in South Africa

Upon closer investigation of the Starbucks dilemma in South Africa, it can be concluded that there are a multitude of reasons as to why they are not as successful as they would like to be. The following is a brief summarization of the current situation for Starbucks in South Africa. Taste Holdings, the local license holder for Starbucks in South Africa, has withdrawn from their dealings with Starbucks and their other food companies, and they have sold their 13 Starbucks...
6 Pages 2512 Words

Violation of Child Rights during COVID-19 and Child Labour in India

Abstract Does the violation of Child Rights lead to Child Labour problem? Violation of Child Rights is a topic of great concern in every country of the world since the Industrial Revolution, Globalization, and Privatization etc. Under these entire situations, Child Rights are denied and these factors have led to the creation of such circumstances where millions of children worldwide are denied of their basic rights irrespective of their age, gender, birthplace, race, religion etc. Out of total population, in...
6 Pages 2535 Words

Underrepresentation Of Women In Leadership Positions In Higher Education

This paper will utilize an empirical lens to examine the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions in higher education. In most of India’s higher education policy documents, it has been observed that gender was a negligent category of analysis. Realizing the significance of the issue, Sustainable Development Goals have included the issue of gender parity as one among seventeen goals by the policymakers (United Nations Development Programme, 2017). This paper will argue that while women in higher education leadership in...
6 Pages 2635 Words

Dr. Ambedkar’s Thoughts on Women’s Reservation for Establishing Gender Justice

Abstract The relevance of Dr. Ambedkar at present day India is due to the Inequalities rise in the status of women and men. Discriminatory in all sphere of Indian Society through its Traditions more equal than the Rule of Law. Dr. Ambedkar saw women as the victims of the oppressive, caste- based and rigid hierarchical social system. The issues of class, caste and gender in the contemporary socio-economic and political set up Gender Justice is Derailed in Indian Society. The...
5 Pages 2251 Words

Rural VS Urban Marketing And Advertising

Abstract From the exacting promoting viewpoint, the business division structure in India is dichotomous having natural and urban markets. Anyway various don't concur with this point of view as they battle that purchaser all around is a client and thus their requirements, desires, feelings moreover attitude will similarly be the equivalent. However, the condition is with the end goal that, there must be independent elevating techniques to be especially made to suit the nation's provincial and urban business direct. Presently,...
6 Pages 2717 Words

Public Health: Promoting Health and Wellbeing

Public health as a whole is focused on ensuring a population stays healthy and is protected from any potential threats to their health (National Health Service (NHS), 2015). This was summarised by Acheson (1988) when he defined public health as the ‘art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts of society’. The importance of this is highlighted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) who explain that public health helps increase the effectiveness of...
5 Pages 2393 Words
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