2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Impact Of Discrimination On Organizational Productivity

Abstract Demographic changes have led to an increase in occupational and geographical mobility in the labor markets making it a basis for the increase in discrimination at the workplace. The main reason being individual prejudice as attached to the way different individuals perceive things in different aspects of life as regards to the race, skin shading, national root, sexual orientation, handicap, religion, and age due to the different cultural diversities. This paper focuses on the literature that relates to discrimination...
5 Pages 2491 Words

The Features of Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety refers to heightened distress and withdrawal from perceived threats (Pine, 2007). There is a sense of fear and helplessness that is coupled with a somatically aroused central nervous system, which leads the danger detection system to be maladaptively engaged, making it difficult to regulate emotional responses to potentially threatening stimuli (Chua and Dolan, 2000). This brain response is a basic emotion already present in infancy and childhood, with expressions falling on a continuum from mild to severe (Beesdo, Knappe...
5 Pages 2366 Words

Artificial Intelligence: A Dabbler’s Approach

Introduction Artificial intelligence or commonly called as AI has been a buzzword which can be heard and seen across various media platforms, technical reports, news, technical sites etc. Even smart phones have AI in form of voice recognition and programs such as Watson, Siri etc which have been addressed by general public and luminaries alike of the advancement that artificial intelligence has made in recent year. But what actually is artificial intelligence, what does it means to be intelligent ,...
6 Pages 2607 Words

Does White America Have A Negative Impact On African Americans Health?

The United States of America is described as the land of the free, this is because the country promises its citizens a fair chance to pursue their dreams and goals without discrimination. This is the picture painted to those outside the country but those that reside in the country know that we have a long way to go before we can live up to that standard. Although, America was built upon this foundation history shows otherwise. This is proven with...
6 Pages 2671 Words

Content Marketing In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence Assistants

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assistants are redefining the field of marketing and impacting content marketers in an unprecedented manner. As Artificial Intelligence becomes more prevalent in the marketing field, it is vital for marketers to acquire necessary skills needed to implement and manage AI technology. The rise of AI assistants accompanies fundamental changes in the way marketers comprehend customers. Thus, content marketers ought to adopt certain skills required in the workplace to capture value from customers using modern tactics and tools....
5 Pages 2262 Words

The Usage Of Artificial Intelligence In Banking

Artificial Intelligence and Banking As global technology has evolved over the years, we have moved from Landline phone to Mobile, Television to Internet and Branch Banking to Mobile Banking and today we are smoothly and gradually adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI). It was John McCarthy who introduced the word AI to the world in 1956. It involves process automation of robotics to the actual process of robotics. AI is very popular today among large companies owing to the data handled by...
5 Pages 2309 Words

Fad Diets and Obesity: Problem or Cure?

Introduction Before we discuss whether fad diets cause problems or serve as the cure for obesity, we must clarify what fad diets and obesity are. According to Daniels (2014:4), a diet refers to the type of foods that you eat. However, a diet seems to mean something different to each individual. To some, a diet is just simply eating healthy food choices while keeping unhealthy choices to a minimum. This does not fall into what a lot would call dieting,...
5 Pages 2498 Words

The Evolution of Freedom Throughout American History

Introduction to the Concept of Freedom in American History Freedom, the foundation of American democracy, functions in various ways throughout American history in terms of its definition. The extent to which there has been an evolution in the concept of American freedom has been debated by historians with a variety of opinions. Some argue that the term’s definition has radically evolved while others believe there has only been a slight change since the founding period. This question induces the debate...
5 Pages 2365 Words

The Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency has evolved overtime, leading to new found crimes and punishments within the system. Delinquency is primarily dominate in young adolescents transitioning into their adult life. It is the act of unlawful behavior that is specifically fulfilled by minors- mostly individuals start under the legally issued age in America. Surprisingly, “A significant proportion of U.S. national crime rate trends over time can be explained by fluctuations in the proportion of the population in the crime-prone age group of 15-...
6 Pages 2474 Words

Trading of Marijuana Plant should Not be Legalized in Bhutan

Scientific revolution and rapid increase knowledge in the field of researches, it has led to rise in economic needs of people in various aspects. Today with the advancement in medical sciences, the trend of legalizing of marijuana has started in many developed states across the globe. Marijuana was first legalized by the state legislature in Vermont in January 2018. Marijuana use is allowed in Colorado, Alaska, California, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, Nevada, for recreational and medical uses (Huestis, 2002) . But...
6 Pages 2655 Words

The Scarlet Letter and Sin

Sin is as old as Adam and Eve, moreover there is no world without sin. “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned” (Genesis 3:1-24 ) The Puritans adopt that theory and believe that every person is born as a sinner but God has chosen to save the elected few. This essay deals with the topic of sin in the life of Hester...
6 Pages 2701 Words

Literature Review: How Technology can Help Humanity and its Future

The Problem and Its Investigation Software development is becoming more and more important in our everyday lives. With the spread of technology to banking, public transportation, and even entire university classrooms, software is required to make money, get places, and get an education. However, this ubiquitous requirement for technology would not be satisfied without the technology that exists in space. The discourse community this essay addresses is software developers, and more specifically, software that will be used in space. The...
5 Pages 2250 Words

Obesity: The Scary Truth

Abstract The amount of deaths that obesity and the diseases that come from being obese or overweight is increasing every year. It is getting out of hand and the people of America should know the truth. I see on the internet that individuals praise overweight/obese people because it has become a trend. What they do not know is what being overweight can do to you, as in give you diabetes, heart problems, and can lead to death. This paper explains...
6 Pages 2505 Words

Gender Peculiarities And Differences In Serial Killers

Introduction A serial killer is a person who “kills on at least three occasions, with what can be called an emotional cooling-off period between the incidents” (Alvarez & Bachman, 2017, p129). I have always been interested in criminal justice as a whole from both points of view: the criminal and the system. There are a few specific topics that I am particularly intrigued by and serial killers is one of them. The mind of a serial killer, the motive, the...
5 Pages 2260 Words

The Peculiarities of Walmart as a Corporation

History Sam Walton started Walmart 57 years ago and now it’s one of the biggest companies in the world. Walmart has been a very successful company because they care about the customer. The organizational effectiveness is that their best to have the lowest prices out of all the retail companies. Walmart wants its costumer to save money as much as possible. Sam Walton came up with the acronym EDLP and this company thieves on this, EDLP means everyday low price...
5 Pages 2289 Words

A Network Structural Analysis of the Chinese Authority Performance in the Coronavirus Outbreak

No matter how effective conventional safety devices are, there is a form of accident that is inevitable’,(Perrow, 1999) Perrow warned in his book against high-risk technologies which raised many arguments against it. However, there are forms of accident which the society cannot avoid and must face together, for example earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfire and epidemic outbreak. There are plenty of such disasters throughout the global history, different governments or authorities respond these disasters in different ways, thus lead to different outcomes....
6 Pages 2606 Words

The Right to Refugee Asylum and Eventual Repatriation

Introduction Background In the recent decades the subsistence of refugee crisis has been on the rise. The problem of asylum seekers has become a major global humanitarian issue. This in turn has led to the issue of refugee asylum and repatriation becoming an issue of public interest and also of major political significance. This has led to major criticism made against local laws, international laws and conventions with regards to the upholding of refugee asylum rights and repatriation. This in...
6 Pages 2679 Words

Obesity and Cancer: Linked Molecular Mechanisms

Although the available limited evidence suggested a protective role of APN on ovarian carcinogenesis, additional studies are necessary to elucidate its function in ovarian tumor onset and progression. Low APN blood levels were also associated with an increased risk and a worse prognosis of endometrial cancer. Additionally, a low expression of AdipoR1 in endometrial cancer cells is associated with advanced tumor stage [Tumminia et al., 2019]. The mechanism by which APN inhibits the growth of endometrial cancer cells is unknown....
5 Pages 2359 Words

To Kill a Mockingbird: Historical Aspects

There is strong evidence that racism has existed since the beginning of human civilization. Throughout history, the balance between human races has been unequal, proven by the countless cases of human enslavement and mistreatment through countless human civilizations. Including that of African Americans through the history of the United States. The waters of racial prejudice run deep through generations, and the only way human civilization has been able to put more emphasis on the importance of civil and human rights,...
5 Pages 2359 Words

Transcendentalism and The Value of Nature

Origins and Core Concepts of Transcendentalism During the 19th century, a new movement known as Transcendentalism emerged that greatly impacted world philosophy and literature. Transcendentalism is made up of many different, yet connected concepts, such as individualism, nonconformity, and the divinity of nature. Transcendentalists believed in the inherent goodness of humanity and nature and argued that people reach their full potential when free of society's corrupt institutions. Believers of the movement emphasized the idea that a person can improve himself...
5 Pages 2429 Words

Ethics and Ethical Dilemma

Identification of Dilemma According to Meijaard & Sheil (2012), any business person finds himself or herself in routine arguments. The argument calls for thought decision on the ways to hand the situation. The overall ethical dilemma has confronted George, the manager of the Beech-Nut company, who is in a situation of making a difficult choice for the sake of the company's operations. The passion that George has developed towards the organization is too big to be under-rate by anyone. George...
5 Pages 2397 Words

Role of Social Media in Enhancing the Social Movements

ABSTRACT In today’s digital world, one just have to get connected with internet to get a bunch of information in their hands. With the developments of new communication technologies, people have experienced a big transformation in communicating and sharing the information in their daily and social life. This sharing of information over social media platforms such as facebook, twitter, instagram, etc leaves a big impact on people’s mind. Content shared in social media can be spread quickly to a large...
5 Pages 2401 Words

Bronte Sisters: Initial Consciousness of Female Independence

Introduction In the nineteenth century, male dominated the world of literature. Even so, it is often referred to as the age of the female novelist (Showalter 3). The reason being, that it is characterized by great women writers such as Jane Austen, George Eliot, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Shelley and the Brontë sisters. These women are just some examples of women writers that were able to contribute to the literary scene in the nineteenth century, which had previously...
6 Pages 2551 Words

Will AI be a Threat to Humanity?

The Evolution of Technology and the Rise of Artificial Intelligence In a world where technology plays a significant role in individual lives, technology focuses on the latest inventions and devices designed to make people daily activities easier, faster and more convenient. Technology have 4 ages, first is the electromechanical age which is designed in 183’s which mainly focus on the beginning of telecommunications. Second is the pre mechanical age in 3bc to 145 ad which focus on the age of...
6 Pages 2570 Words

Tradition In William Faulkner’s A Rose For Emily And Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery

Throughout the world People do things for various reasons. Belief, survival, religion, peer pressure, culture or tradition, are some of the reasons the people carry out things. People have various traditions such as Christmas, Easter Day and so forth. Some people have strange or out of the ordinary traditions. The two short stories The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner? Both depict the theme of tradition. By exploring violence, brutality, and death within these...
5 Pages 2474 Words

Interpreting Irony in Harrison Bergeron and The Lottery

Elizabeth Holmes, the former CEO of Theranos, was once valued at ten billion dollars for her idea of a revolutionary machine that could detect diseases including cancer, diabetes, and tumors from a single drop of blood. However she was a fraud, and her Silicon-Valley startup was a hoax. Even worse, some people knew, but never could speak up due to Elizabeth’s meticulous organization of the company. Employees were never allowed to talk to each other about their tasks, and if...
6 Pages 2629 Words

The Peculiarities Of Rape Culture In India

ABSTRACT This paper aims at analyzing the problem of rape culture in India from various perspectives and discussing the reforms needed to curb it. Though many legislative amendments have been made with the intention of giving justice to rape victims, there has been limited effort to study the cause of the crime or to eradicate it from its roots. There is a desperate need to gain a fresh perspective, especially after the disturbing events that occurred in the city of...
5 Pages 2317 Words

Smoking during Pregnancy and Childbirth and the Effect it Has on the Individual and the Population

Introduction This report aims to discuss the purpose of Public Health England (PHE) and the short- and long-term implications of smoking during pregnancy and childhood. Besides, it will explore the role of the midwife in health promotion, the parent-infant attachment in correlation to local and national guidelines and communication strategies that influences behavioural changes. Government Agenda Public Health England (PHE) is a government agency within the UK; the main purpose of PHE is to protect and improve the nation’s health...
6 Pages 2500 Words

LGBTQ+: Beyond A Patriarchal Understanding Of Domestic Violence

Focus of Report This report will be focusing on providing insight into some of the experiences of domestic violence (DV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) within the LGBTQ+ community with the aim of expanding on explanations that go beyond a patriarchal understanding of the topic. Recent statistics, as of March 2019, 4.2% of men and 8.4% had experienced domestic abuse (ONS, 2019), with 25% of lesbian and bi-sexual women ,49% of gay and bi-sexual men (Stonewall,2018) and 80% of transgender...
5 Pages 2502 Words

Starbucks Evicted from The Forbidden City: Public Debates Analysis with Kantian Ethics Theory

Culture is the spiritual entrustment of human beings. It is not only a heritage of tradition, but also a symbol of a country. With the rapid development of globalisation, more and more brands choose to develop in countries around the world, especially China, which is developing rapidly. In 2007, a controversy over the issue of Starbucks in the Forbidden City caught the public attention. The case started with Rui Chenggang, a CCTV anchor-man accused Starbucks of opening its branch to...
6 Pages 2590 Words
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