2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Work Life Balance: Definition, Roles And Impact

The following section of this project reviews literature related to work-life balance (WLB) and describes why this complex topic with numerous factors and cofactors underpinning its severity calls for much care from business leaders and has captured the attention of many scholars. It also highlights the academic contributions in the interplay between WLB, organizational commitment and workers’ motivation. Definition of WLB Originally introduced in 1972 during the International Labour Relations Conferences (Hian and Einstein, 1990), a large and distinctive body...
6 Pages 2679 Words

A Study Of Employee Work Life Balance In India

Abstract The changing nature at workplace coupled with changes in socio-cultural level has led to imbalance in the work and personal lives of employees all over. Increasing demand, rising awareness among women, increasing stress levels, increasing family levels etc., have made it difficult for people to cope with their work and family lives. With increasing stress levels and demands at the workplaces, attrition rate in organization is increasing. Therefore, the present day organizations are required to create a flexible environment...
6 Pages 2654 Words

Nature Vs Nurture: Deciding Between Blind Identity And Influence

The debate of nature vs. nurture is a centuries long discussion splitting psychologist’s perspectives on human behavior and traits. The nature position of the debate focuses on how DNA and genotype influence behavior and personality. It is essentially hard-wired into your being. On the other hand, nurture leans toward outside influences and interactions shaping your mind. Nurture is founded on the belief that your mind is a blank slate, or a “tabula rasa.” Some psychologists believe in both sides, saying...
6 Pages 2687 Words

Trace And Heavy Metals In The Sediment Of The Brisbane River System

Large populations of humans tend to live near bodies of water. Because of these dense populations, water quality is an issue in these areas. Due to natural and anthropogenic changes, water quality can become poor (Duodu et. al). Contaminants negatively affect water quality from many sources such as disposal of liquid effluents, runoff carrying harmful chemicals that may be urban, industrial, or agricultural in origin, and atmospheric deposition. These contaminants will affect the sediments, which can cause an abundance of...
5 Pages 2254 Words

A Correlational Study Between Neuroticism Trait And Superstition

Abstract This study investigated the relationship between superstitions and the personality traits of an individual in the city of Mumbai, Maharashtra population. 300 individuals completed two tests, one based on common superstitions found in the city and the other Big Five Personality Test. The samples were collected between the age group of 18-50 years. Out of 300 samples collected, 232 samples showed high correlation between neuroticism and the level of superstitions. This research was conducted in order to provide support...
5 Pages 2467 Words

Definition And Levels Of Spirituality

For me, Spirituality is to grow in the love of God imbibing the qualities shown by the Lord Jesus Christ and to walk on His footsteps surrendering my whole-self in the service of humanity. Three Levels of Spirituality The article speaks of three different but related levels of spirituality. They are as follow- (1) the real or existential level of lived experience, (2) Spirituality of group and varying spiritual traditions and (3) the study of spirituality. A person’s lived experience...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Repercussions Of Covid-19 On Employment In India: The Case Of Informal Labor Market

Abstract Covid-19 has created chaos across the globe with India being no different from other nations. The repercussions have been massive on the job sector with over 11 million jobs lost in the urban sector and 8 million in the rural sector. The most affected and vulnerable are the informal labourers who have been further marginalized due to this pandemic. This paper examines the repercussions of Covid-19 on employment in India, specifically in the informal labour market. On analysis of...
5 Pages 2332 Words

Antimicrobial Peptides In Skin Health

Abstract Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are molecules involved in the defense mechanisms of a broad range of organisms that are evolutionarily conserved. Produced in bacteria, insects, plants, and vertebrate animals, AMPs protect against a wide range of infectious agents. Those peptides guard against microbes, viruses, fungi, and other parasites in mammals. Novel biological effects of AMPs such as endotoxin neutralization, chemotactic and immunomodulating processes, angiogenesis activation, and wound healing have recently been reported.Such ancestral molecules are therefore essential elements of the...
5 Pages 2453 Words

Genome Editing Approaches For Improving Abiotic Stress

Introduction Genome-editing, a recent technological advancement in the field of life sciences & is one of the techniques used to explore the understanding of the biological phenomenon. Besides having different site-directed nucleases for genome editing over a decade ago, the CRISPR/Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein) based genome editing approach has become a choice of technique due to its simplicity, ease of access, cost, and flexibility. Cells have several inherent mechanisms for the repair of double-strand DNA breaks...
5 Pages 2377 Words

Artificial Intelligence And Chess

ABSTRACT This paper is the introduction to Artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence is exhibited by artificial entity, a system is generally assumed to be a computer. AI systems are now in routine use in economics, medicine, engineering and the military, as well as being built into many common home computer software applications, traditional strategy games like computer chess and other video games. I tried to explain the brief ideas of AI and its application to various fields. It cleared the...
5 Pages 2314 Words

The Leadership Style And The Characteristic Traits Of The World’s Symbolic Leaders Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And Dr. Ernesto Guevara

Abstract This paper examines the leadership literature of two symbolic leaders. I begin by spotting the light on the early life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Ernesto Guevara, followed by the start and development of their career. I briefly examined the role they played without an official title as a leader and the influence they had on their constituents. I then analyzed their leadership style and characteristic traits of two different approaches based on leadership theories. Finally,...
5 Pages 2301 Words

Police Encounters In India

Introduction The term “Encounter Killing” is a word used in India since late 20Th century to describe alleged extra-judicial killings by police or armed forces, supposedly in self defence when they encounter suspected gangsters or terrorists. At that time, police used to attack the city’s underworld, and the practice spread to other large cities. Some cities like Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata were at a very high frequency of encounter killings by police. Some of the killings have been controversial and...
5 Pages 2262 Words

Status And Interaction In Groups: A Look Inside The King’s College Women’s Ice Hockey Team

As of February 6th, 2019, I began to look at the status and interactions in groups. The group I chose was the King’s College Women’s Ice Hockey team. I decided on this group because it was easily accessible to me, as I am a member, and we are frequently together. The key to this project was to observe and take notes without having the rest of the team know in fear they may act differently. I had to keep the...
5 Pages 2279 Words

The Effect Of Corporate Philanthropy On Customer-Based Brand Equity

Introduction Over the recent decades, the issue of the benefits and risks associated with Corporate philanthropy (CP) has been an evolving topic on shareholders and the society as they have developed stronger expectations of firms behaving in a socially responsible way. Houqe at el (2016) purport that society’s perceptions play an important raw in contributing to firm’s success in the current business environment. In addition, society’s perception over a firm act as a stimulus for the organisation to grow its...
6 Pages 2550 Words

The Peculiarities Of Roman Catholic Church

The story of mankind begins with our beliefs, our struggles, and our inspiration to make an impact on the earth that we share. Over the course of time, civilizations have come and gone but one thing is certain, religion has played an important role in shaping cultural traditions and the laws that govern societies across the globe. However, religions across the globe have fought an arduous battle between a society’s civil liberties and the divine entity that they worship. In...
6 Pages 2597 Words

The Correlation Of Art And Spirituality

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” - Pablo Picasso Spirituality has always held a place in our human experience, thus a place in art. Right from the dawn of humanity we have produced images of Gods, visions of the afterlife, and the ascendency of the soul. As a species we are in a constant search for the meaning of life and presence of spirit. And throughout history Artist have been the translators and interpreters of...
5 Pages 2310 Words

Language Preferences: Spanglish In Advertisement

Introduction The Hispanic segment is the fastest growing minority with an estimated 57.5 million living in the United States (Facts for Features, 2017). Due to a growing population and increasing purchasing power, advertisers are constantly looking at how to better appeal to this audience (Rodriguez, 2015), however Hispanics are not a homogenous group even though many advertisers take them to be (Burton & Yang, 2014). When advertisers look at challenges they face in communicating with Hispanics, one specific factor stands...
6 Pages 2495 Words

Malaria Vaccine: The Pros And Cons

Abstract Malaria is a very important parasitic illness of humans caused by infection with a parasite of the genus Plasmodium and transmitted by feminine genus Anopheles. Infection caused by P. falciparum is that the most serious of all the opposite species particularly in terms of morbidity and mortality thus the rationale why most of the analysis has been focused on this species. The illness affects up to concerning forty per cent of the world's population with around 300-500 million folks...
5 Pages 2305 Words

Single Parent Vs Nuclear Family: Children’s Behavior Comparison

Abstract There is lots of contradictions that say that whether a has two parents or one they all tend to achieve the same, behave the same. The purpose of this report was to see the differences between a child’s behavior that was brought up in a nuclear family compared to a child brought up by a single parent. Aggressiveness, assertiveness and submissiveness were the three main behavioral targets from the research that was conducted by the Children action tendency scale...
5 Pages 2360 Words

Korean-style Fashion In The Philippines

Abstract The Filipino youth were aggressively affected in the advent of the Korean craze in the Philippines. Korean Culture's rising popularity worldwide is called Korean Wave. Outside Korea, the Korean popular culture that spread mainly by the use of mass media is now enjoying high popularity and this is how the Korean Wave occurs (Yu, 2008). The rising Korean sensation is also known as Hallyu, a Korean pronunciation of the Korean Wave defined by the Korean Tourism Organization (2004) as...
6 Pages 2573 Words

Grit, Intrinsic Motivation And Conscientiousness As Predictors Of Academic Achievement In Undergraduate Sport Studies Students

Introduction A recurrent concern amongst institutions of higher learning is attracting and selecting the best and brightest students. No two learners are the same and they often differ across an array of factors including, age, gender, personality traits, family backgrounds (Hakimi, Hejazi and Lavasani, 2011), intelligence, socioeconomic status (Hakimi, Hejazi and Lavasani, 2011), pre–university education and training. Consequently, there exists no fixed approach for determining the characteristics of a good student. While previous studies that attempted to determine predictors of...
6 Pages 2554 Words

Should An Individual’s Life Depend On Rigid Societal Code Of Conduct?

Afzal Kohistani was a man on a mission, a mission that he believed in and eventually sacrificed his life for. His struggle started in 2012 when he brought the Kohistan video scandal to our attention. The scandal shows the ugly face of “honor” in our society which ironically ends in death for those accused of bringing dishonor upon their families. And it takes very little to bring “dishonor”. Something as simple as clapping or dancing is enough. And that’s exactly...
5 Pages 2263 Words

Can The Low-country Firefighter Peer Support Team Help Prevent Suicides?

Abstract According to a 2015 article published in the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, first responders attempted suicide rate is 10 times greater than that of the general population within the United States. More than 4,000 first responders or 6.6 percent had attempted suicide in 2015, and first responders attempted suicide rate has been gradually increasing over the past 10 years. Stress is an inevitable part of a first responders life. They deal with many different types of stressors on...
6 Pages 2622 Words

The Peculiarities Of Epistolary Form, Themes And Characters In Dracula

Form, Structure, and Plot The novel Dracula, written by bram stoker; it was released in the 19th century, is a deftly organized structure that is written in epistolary form{an epistle is an ancient term for letters}, which is a novel based on letters, that has the narration take place in the forms of letters. The epistolary novel is an absorbing literary technique, because it authorize a writer to include numerous narrators in his story. This means the story can be...
5 Pages 2535 Words

Reflections And Research Of An Introvert

I am considered a School Based Technology Specialist in one of the nation's largest school districts. I am much more that a Technology Specialist. I am a Testing Coordinator, who assigns and monitors district, state and national assessments to students. I interpret data and then consult with staff on the best way to reteach. I am an Information Technology Specialist who images computers, fixes printers, and problem solves software along with managing a large network in an elementary building. I...
5 Pages 2316 Words

Good Vs Evil Lord of the Flies

“Good and evil” is the most common dichotomy in studies related to ethics, religion and philosophy. There is no holy scriptures that does not talk about good and evil. It is the most prevalent topic of ethics and philosophies. Though they are the main concepts of moral studies there is no definite meaning for both good and evil, whatever things that doesn’t harm any living and non- living things are good while evil is the exact opposite of it. Good...
6 Pages 2608 Words

Cultural Exploration Of The American Hindu Female In Erickson's Developmental Stage Of Generality Vs Stagnation

Introduction Hinduism is one of the oldest major religions in the world, with approximately one billion followers. The majority of the Hindu population resides in South-Central Asia, representing 52.9% compared to only 0.5% in Northern America (ARDA, 2010). Hindus believe in dharma, which represents duties and obligations that an individual must comply with to be an active member of the community (Knott, 2016, p. 75). Dharma was especially important for a Hindu woman because often women were considered “low-caste” and...
5 Pages 2437 Words

Gratitude And Coaching

Random act of kindness After undergoing research relating to the different ways in which I could carry out a random act of kindness , I decided that personally , for me , completing the gratitude letter would prove itself more fulfilling . The way in which results are presented when a random act of kindness is completed differ for each person . The levels of happiness we feel can change over time once completing the random act of kindness or...
6 Pages 2748 Words

Skin Color On Human: Albinism

Genetic variation refers to the differences in the genes that define the physical characteristics of an individual and often may occur due to several factors such as when there are mixed racial marriages, as well as random fertilization taking place between people. It may also occur due to chemical changes in the body of parents which is seen in the children; hence, resulting in unique features such as variations in the skin color of individuals in society (United Nations, n.d.)....
6 Pages 2694 Words

Controversial Issue Of Genetic Modification

Genetic Engineering is highly controversial since some people believe that it is a form of playing God. There is a lot of opposition to the progression of the field by people who do not see the value in genetic engineering, or they fear what genetic engineering may lead to for us as people. There is a history of discovery that belongs to genetic engineering which has led to numerous products that have emerged. These have brought numerous applications to the...
5 Pages 2325 Words
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