3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Analysis of the Essence of Compromise of 1850

Franklin Pierce became the 14th President of the United States at a time of peacefulness throughout the nation, but despair when it came to his personal life. During this time, the nation was experiencing economic prosperity, as well as relative tranquility. The Compromise of 1850 appeared to help in the issues revolving around slavery laws. To try and continue with the progress the nation was heading toward, he took advice from southern advisors and many laws were administered throughout his...
6 Pages 2910 Words

Merge of Equity and Common Law: Historical Analytical Essay

To explain the evolution of Equity with regard to cases and statutes and to discuss whether the argument over the doctrine of fusion is relevant today. Introduction The law is a body of rules that applies to certain defined circumstances and situations and does not provide for changes and variations presented by unprecedented circumstances. This unpredictability of the future may at times render the law defective in dealing with new occurrences and strict legal enforcement thereof would animate injustice- this...
6 Pages 2870 Words

Analytical Essay on International Law: Recognition of New State in Case of Bangladesh

Abstract The following study intends to analyze the evolution of theories regarding the recognition of states in international law. Whereas the Montevideo Criteria contains the legal requirements for statehood, recognition is largely dependent on the political will of the other states. The question faced by the contemporary international community is whether a state is held to recognize another if it meets the said requirements. While the Constitutive Theory insists that a state could only exist as an international legal person...
6 Pages 2969 Words

Domestic Versus International Laws: Comparative Analysis

Introduction to Domestic and International Laws Laws are systems of rules which are enforced in countries and states to control behavior. Domestic law is the name given to the law or legal system within a specific country, whilst International Law is the body of law that governs the relationship between multiple nations. These systems are created, applied, and enforced in different ways, however, they have similar functions and interact to influence each other through manners such as treaties. Although, there...
6 Pages 2763 Words

Female Constraint in The Return of the Native: Analytical Essay

The authors emphasise society’s extreme expectations by presenting a female character who embodies the ideal by being domestic and submissive, contrasting against Becky and Eustacia’s defiant and rebellious behaviour. ‘The running parallel and contrast between Amelia and Becky provides the narrative backbone’, emphasising the structural unity encompassing the novel, created by the alignment of their adventures despite their opposing values. Chopin also presents two opposing female figures. Adele Ratignolle is key to unravel Edna’s identity, acting as the archetype of...
6 Pages 2896 Words

Significance of Great Expectations Title: Character Analysis of Pip and Miss Havisham

Charles Dickens's unknown Great Prospects has exquisite value to the plot. The title itself symbolizes adversity and most importantly ambition. The major personality and the supporter, Pip was once born an orphan and hand-raised by his stock Mrs. Gargery and her husband Joe Gargery. Pip was once an adolescent boy when he was overhung by using a con, Magwitch, at his parents‘ grave to assist him. Pip nervously agreed to advance him a hand and was haunted day and night...
7 Pages 3194 Words

Critical Analysis of Spirituality in Du Bois’s “The Souls of Black Folk”

In Jean-Paul Sartre's “Black Orpheus”, Sartre uses the image of the musician Orpheus in ancient Greek mythology to extoll black poets and points out that “the negro’s tireless descent into himself makes me think of Orpheus going to claim Eurydice from Pluto (Sarte 1948). To Orpheus, music is the translation or abstraction of life. He uses the music to show his deeply miss of his wife. In Hebert Marcuse’s “Eros and Civilization” (1955), Marcuse thinks further that the music represents...
6 Pages 2813 Words

Theory of Prose Final Exam Shania Santoso

Part I 1. Physical conflict. 2. Allegory. 3. Underlying 4, Time & tempo 5. Style 6. Flash forward 7. Death 8. Biblical Allusion 9. He always acted like a Romeo in front of his girlfriend 10. An irony when there is a contradiction between what a character (or characters) knows and what the readers know about things that happen in the story. Part II 1. The setting of place: The United States (more specifically, in San Fransisco) The story Two...
7 Pages 3103 Words

Prevalence of Mentally Challenged Children in Selected Urban Area: Study of Mental Retardation in Children

Statement of the problem A study to assess the prevalence of mentally challenged children and evaluate the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding stress management among parents of mentally challenged children in selected urban areas of Jabalpur Objectives Prevalence of mentally challenged children in selected urban area pre-test knowledge score parents of mentally challenged children post-test knowledge score parents of mentally challenged children Effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding stress management among parents of mentally challenged children Determine...
7 Pages 3179 Words

Discursive Essay on Issues of Psychopaths in Our Society

Part 1: Psychopathy is a personality disease, that can incorporate various attributes. This may include antisocial or disruptive behavior (PowerPoint). They have the potential to harm or manipulate others to get through life guaranteeing their demands are fitted (Hare) Psychopaths lack conscience in compassion and tend to possess selfish tendencies and take their desires (Hare). They won’t alter their actions based on community expectations. Psychopaths disrupt civilization's expectations without guilt and are unable to feel emotions (Hare). Part 2: Discuss...
6 Pages 2831 Words

Teacher's Strategy in Teaching English to Students with Intellectual Disability: Work with Mental Retardation Students

Concept of Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning are two things that cannot be separated because both of them support each other. Teaching activities cannot do without involving learning activities. Here are the definitions; a. Teaching Teaching is a process of sharing the knowledge and experience from one person to let another person know and learn. Brown states that “Teaching is showing or helping to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding the study of something, providing with knowledge,...
6 Pages 2862 Words

Estimation of Moisture Content and Density of Frozen and Unfrozen Wood Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy

1.0 Introduction Western hemlock is the single most plentiful tree species on the coast of British Columbia and makes up 18% of the volume of BC’s total growing stock. It grows along both the east and west sides of the coast range, from sea level to mid-elevations, as well as in the Interior wet belt west of the Rocky Mountains. It seldom grows in pure stands, and is usually mixed with Douglas-fir, amablis fir, sitka spruce, and western red cedar...
7 Pages 3119 Words

Success of Tobacco Use Control and Cessation Interventions Implemented in Different States of India: Literature Review

Abstract Background: Tobacco kills over 1 million people annually in India. Tobacco is consumed in various forms across all age groups, gender, and geographic area. To tackle this major public health issue various tobacco prevention and cessation policies and interventions are introduced and implemented by the government. Aim: The objective of this review is to analyze the success of different tobacco interventions implemented in different states and to assess the awareness of these policies among the population Methods: The current...
6 Pages 2972 Words

Overview of Metabolism of S. Epidermidis and E. Coli on Phenethyl Alcohol, Mannitol Salt Agar, and MacConkey’s Agar

Abstract: Escherichia coli is a gram-negative bacterium that is found in the human digestive system. Staphylococcus epidermidis is a gram-positive coccus-shaped bacterium commonly found on the human skin. In this study, we looked at the metabolism and physiology of both organisms on differential and selective media. Bacteria were grown and observed on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA), Phenylethyl Agar (PEA), Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA), and MacConkey’s Agar (MAC). E. coli was able to grow on TSA, MSA, and MAC, and was...
7 Pages 3136 Words

Cervical Cancer Prevention in the Balaka District of Malawi through a Multifaceted Intervention

Health Issue Before Malawi gained independence in 1964, it was colonized under Great Britain as a British protectorate called Nyasaland in 1907. In the 1950s, neighboring Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe and Zambia, respectively, had a much larger European population that was in favor of merging the three nations into one. Nyasaland resisted this union due to the higher proportion of Europeans in the other nations that would overshadow Nyasaland’s indigenous leadership. Despite resistance, the nations were joined in...
6 Pages 2793 Words

Effectiveness Of Giving Multivitamin To Biochemical Nutrition Status Malaria Children: Analytical Essay

Background: Children are the group age malaria which affects lymphocyte levels and decreases in hemoglobin as measured by the erythrocyte index. Objective: To find out the effectiveness of multivitamins on the biochemical nutritional status of malaria sufferers in Sanggeng Health Center, Manokwari Regency. Research Methods: The experiment with two group case-control. The population was 61 children with malaria and a sample of 15 children in the case group (giving vitamin B complex and vitamin C) and a control group that...
7 Pages 2822 Words

Discursive Essay on Metabolism: Effects of Lifelong, Moderate-intensity Exercise on Blood Metabolites

Discussion In the present study, we investigated the effects of lifelong, moderate-intensity exercise on blood metabolites through an NMR-based metabolomics approach. By comparing a lifelong exercise group, two long-term exercise groups, and a group that did not exercise, we found that moderate-intensity exercise has a strong effect on the blood metabolome up until midlife. From midlife to elderhood, the effect of aging becomes stronger than that of exercise. This unexpected finding comes in agreement with a study conducted by Falegan...
7 Pages 3069 Words

Metabolisms in A Selected Microbe: Analytical Essay

Introduction Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, has been historically accountable for greater than 200 million deaths throughout three pandemics. Zoonotic maintenance of plague occurs through the ability of it propagation and circulation amongst rodent reservoir hosts and flea vectors. Upon consumption of an infected mammalian blood meal by a naïve flea, Y. pestis proliferates in the flea midgut. Y. pestis forms a biofilm in the flea proventriculus which prevents the passage of blood during subsequent feeding attempts. Moreover,...
6 Pages 2832 Words

Influence of Vitamin C: Review of Literature and Discussion

Introduction Plants play a huge role such as supply food to nearly all terrestrial organisms in the function of the world and in everyday life. Just like humans need vitamin supplements for them to increase their productivity so many do believe that plants need the same as they are living organisms. Vitamins have many benefits in them that advance processes. I want to conduct this research as I believe that if we can find out how vitamins help plant growth...
7 Pages 3227 Words

Analytical Essay on Tobacco Use: Prevalence of Tobacco Chewing in Rural Areas of Vadodara District of Gujarat, India

Abstract: Introduction The research has been introduced on the selected research area which depicts about prevalence of chewing tobacco in the district of Vadodara, Gujarat. Here identification of the research are maintained from different literature sources. Alongside, the research will appropriately follow the method of Questionnaire and cross-sectional survey. Thus, primary data will be collected based on certain demographic trends associated with the rural population of Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Among such trends, special emphasis will remain on factors like age,...
7 Pages 3044 Words

Analytical Essay on Atherosclerosis: Causes and Risk Factors

Introduction to atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is the consequence of hyperlipidemia and lipid oxidation and has dependably been a noteworthy reason for mortality in created nations. It is an ailment of vascular intima, where all the vascular framework from aorta to coronary supply routes can be included and is described by intimal plaques. The term atherosclerosis is of Greek starting point, which means thickening of the intimal layer of veins and collection of fat. Greasy material is situated in the focal center...
6 Pages 2948 Words

Analytical Essay on Medicaid Eligibility under the Affordable Care Act

Executive Summary Problem Statement Despite improvements following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the state of Mississippi has among the high rates of uninsured along with some of the poorest maternal and infant health outcomes in the country. Under the ACA, pregnant women with incomes of 138% of the Federal Poverty Level are eligible for Medicaid coverage of basic prenatal and postpartum services. Regardless of coverage, access to skilled health care professionals, especially among rural counties, is severely...
6 Pages 2815 Words

Gender in The Wasteland: Critical Analysis of T.S. Eliot's Poetry

Introduction The Wasteland is a text attacking the division of gender. There are five couples Eliot refers to in this poem; Marie and her cousin, the hyacinth girl and hyacinth boy, the bourgeois woman and her silent counterpart, the young man carbuncular and the typist, and finally Philomel and her husband. Eliot also refers to Tiresias who is not exactly a character but more of a spectator to all the stories and his equal, Madame Sosostris who is teller of...
6 Pages 2858 Words

Issues of Support of Children with Disabilities in Schools in Australia

Investigation and Critical Analysis “To what extent is the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 being breached within primary schools nationwide? It is hard to imagine being discriminated against, harassed, and bullied due to a disability, underpinning an inherent part of the human condition (Feher, 2019). Moreover, the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 (DDA) delivers protection for everyone in Australia against discrimination established on disability (Australian Network on Disability, 2019). In all parts of the world, disability is another influential...
6 Pages 2822 Words

Problems of Elderly People: Analysis of Gerontological Issues

The term aged refers to; ‘Old,’ ‘Elderly,’ ‘Ancient,’ or ‘Antiquated.’ The Chamber’s Twentieth Century Dictionary (1964) defined aged as ‘advanced in age.’ Crandall (1980) states that the term aged is harder to define. Ten years old is likely to think of someone as aged after the age thirty. On the other hand, a 65 years old may think as aged those individuals of 75 years of age. It is, thus difficult to decide when an individual is aged. Generally the...
6 Pages 2781 Words

Cellular/Tissue Engineering Methods as a Treatment Strategy for Myocardial Infarction: Analytical Essay

In this essay, I will be discussing the different cellular/tissue engineering methods that could be implemented as a treatment strategy for the patient's many conditions, while explaining why using these treatment strategies will be beneficial to the patient. One of the patient's conditions is hypertension (high blood pressure) caused when the pumping of blood around the body and the resistance measure of blood flow in blood vessels is affected with a blood pressure reading measured above 140/90 mmHg (High blood...
6 Pages 2753 Words

The Strong Ground Motion of the 2003 Boumerdes: Analytical Essay

Abstract The 2003 Boumerdes earthquake occurred in the north of Algeria and caused significant amounts of damage in the cities of Boumerdes and Algiers. This study aims to simulate strong ground motion of the mainshock and aftershock of this earthquake by using empirical Green’s function method (EGFM). The obtained source model of the main shock called strong motion generation areas (SMGA) is nearly compatible with the asperities derived from the waveform inversion results. A good agreement is shown between the...
7 Pages 2855 Words

Analytical Essay on Impact of Mass Communication and Media on Society

Abstract Mass Communication is field through which people express their believes, attitudes, opinions, emotions, ideas, values and different sorts of behaviour. Different effects and psychological scenarios of media is what it has been aimed while the research. Another such highlighter of this research is that it gives a brief definition on deep impact of media on society. Can Mass Communication impact human behaviour in positive, negative or neutral manner? Or what methods of psychological effects could be consumed in process...
6 Pages 2841 Words

Literature Review on Maritime Piracy in Somali

The keywords, however, run the risk of disguising political interests and underlying ideologies and undoubtedly leave much of what is really going on in their name (Cornwall 2007: 472). Basic modern international political terms, such as peace building or human security (Barnett et al., 2007, Graspers 2005), have such properties. Exploiting the safety of navigation as a bulldog allows us to understand the semantics as well as the disagreements about the concept. Keywords, as the literature shows, allow for international...
7 Pages 2886 Words

The Black Phone Analysis

“The Black Phone” by Joe Hill is a short horror story that was released in 2005 in the United Kingdom and was later released in the United States in October of 2007. Through the use of southern gothic, fantastic horror, and surreal horror, Joe Hill’s short story “The Black Phone,” warns young and fearless teens to be mindful that situations can turn out bad if they are not careful. “The Black Phone” represents art horror and pinpoints the issue of...
6 Pages 2761 Words
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