3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Effects Of Warm-up Durations On Want And Physical Performance Of Elite Athletes

Introduction In sports science, it is widely acknowledged that warming up before vigorous activity is important(Caliskan et al., 2019). As it helps to increase the body temperature and facilitates increased blood flow to the working muscles to supply oxygen and nutrients. The overall goal of any pre-activity routine is to prevent muscle injuries and to prepare athletes for practice or competition ahead (Caliskan et al., 2019). It has been suggested that coaches and physical trainers should consider the warm-up in...
6 Pages 2783 Words

The Meaning Of Names Of Muhammad Ali

Identifying changes in Ali’s public persona is one thing historians have significantly argued throughout history. Previous historians have argued that many athletes and entertainers before Muhammad Ali adopted new names, often to make themselves more relatable or more exciting to audiences. The argument with Ali’s change resides as though he had a different effect as the magnitude of his cultural presence changed a cultural viewpoint due to him being arguably the most socially significant athlete in American history. The argument...
6 Pages 2834 Words

Labor Economics: How Does It Work?

Abstract The labor market is the market in which workers are assigned to jobs and employment decisions are organized. For about 150 million employees in the United States and about 8 million employers, thousands of career choices, recruiting, firing, benefits, and innovation decisions have to be made and planned every day. This paper offers a description of what the labor market is doing and how it operates. After seeing how labor market procurement and sales sides are structured at a...
6 Pages 2868 Words

The Development And Peculiarities Of Standard English

The history of Standard English is as old as the history of London English.' (Albert C. Baugh and Thomas Cable, A History of the English Language, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, 2002). The factor that played an important role in the making of Standard English was London becoming the capital of England. English is the world’s most widely used language. It is useful to distinguish three primary categories of use: as a native language, as a second language, and as a...
6 Pages 2922 Words

The Factors And Origin Of Evil

The dictionary definition of evil is “morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant”. But in psychological terms what is evil? Why is this idea of being evil so feared and why are people deemed evil? Is evil just a concept that has been made up to put a label on other peoples’ actions to bring comfort to others as then then know these so-called evil people are abnormal or is it a deeper issue. Can our own minds make us turn...
7 Pages 2974 Words

Marshmallow Test: The Effects Of Encouragement And Forgiveness On Delayed-Gratification In Children

Introduction The so-called “Marshmallow Test,” or “Attention in Delay of Gratification” (Mischel et al., 1970) has taken on iconic status in popular culture, purportedly demonstrating the struggle that children encounter with the concept of delayed gratification. In truth, there were multiple conditions in Mischel’s experiment, and it was only in one particular condition that all of the children “failed” the test. To summarize Mischel’s original experiment, children were told that they could immediately enjoy a treat; however, if they waited...
6 Pages 2827 Words

The Controversy Of Crusades: Fight For God By Self-Motivated Desire

Introduction In every generation, the struggle for power has been a controversial issue. Our generation has no escape to this. International territorial claims between Philippines and the super power China have been a concern for decades. Even in the realm Christian church faces such struggle. All of these, if we will connect the dots, will lead us to one thing: The sin of self-motivated desire. This desire crawls into the hearts and mind of every believer including Pastors. Many Christians...
7 Pages 2998 Words

The Effectiveness Of International Criminal Court

INTRODUCTION In our society, are we safe? Do we have anyone to hear us, or do us justice? I'm afraid we never talked about it, but it seems like a key concern for everybody. The present world is pounded with demonstrations of fear-based oppression like those of viciousness, fatalities, atrocious crimes, corruption and bribery, individuals misusing their authority, and so forth., which poses a question for us if we still live in an impartial society (Sahai,2015). In order to protect...
6 Pages 2759 Words

The Increase Of Personal Economic Growth And Development

Introduction Throughout recent years legalization of marijuana became well-discussed topic. However, this prompted a question of whether or not it is beneficial from economic point of view, since previously illegal drug freely entered the market for recreational use on January 1, 2014. In 2012 residents of Colorado approved Amendment 64, which legalized retail marijuana, with 55.5% vote. Colorado is one of the four states which legalized marijuana and was the first to do it. Although legalization is still controversial topic,...
6 Pages 2757 Words

Questions On Rhetoric And Style In Letter From Birmingham Jail

Analyzing King's Sarcastic yet Respectful Tone King’s tone in the opening paragraph can be described as sarcastic, yet respectful and understanding. He directly addresses the points made by the clergymen in a lighthearted way to express how he understands their urge to send such a letter. For example, by stating “But since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely srt forth,” King is being sarcastic because he knows that their letter...
7 Pages 3053 Words

Through The Occidental Lens: Representation Of Indian Society In The English Classic In The Novel A Passage To India

Rudyard Kipling in his poem The White Man’s Burden(1899) says, “Take up the White Man’s burden-- Send forth the best ye breed— “Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives’ need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild— Your new-caught, sullen people, Half-devil and half-child” (1-6). Kipling, here hails imperialism by proposing the idea of a moral burden that have been destined upon the Whites to refine and civilize the uncouth and brutish oriental world....
6 Pages 2910 Words

The Unreachable Ideal As The Theme In Shakespeare’s Romeo And Juliet

What if we change the ending of Romeo and Juliet into a happy ending, that Romeo and Juliet successfully end up with each other? It is ideal that we can change the ending of the tragedy into comedy and that we believe that every story in the world ends happily, every effort we paid will result in our success. But in reality, both Romeo and Juliet died for their love, and nothing can change their fate. One of the features...
6 Pages 3010 Words

Spot Fixing In Cricket: Events, Impacts And Assumptions

Introduction Cricket was originated in England and it has always been termed as “Gentleman’s game”. Apart from all other sports this is one sport where playing in true spirit of the game is considered to be of highest regards. In the modern era the game has been plagued by various spot fixing scandals. This has hampered the image of the game. Spot fixing most commonly has its roots in the illegal sports betting business. Bettors pay huge amount to the...
6 Pages 2981 Words

Gesture, Semiotics And Physiognomy In Visual Narrative

Introduction Storytelling and narrative have always been at the core of the human conscience that is full of curiosity about the world around us (The science of storytelling. Will Storr) Storr 2019). Narrative explains the world in a way that we can digest it, and visuals in the form of paintings, illustrations and various other images is yet another way to elaborate and shine light to the narrative. These images are often subject to the contemporary culture and moral standing...
7 Pages 2996 Words

Interviewing, Journey Mapping, Questionnaires, Semiotics And Ethnography As Methods Of Students Appealing

For this project we had to investigate and research how we can make the National Museum of Cardiff more appealing to students in Higher Education. I engaged in research methodologies which helped me develop my independent research and analytical skills. To aid me in my research I used several methodologies. These include: Interviewing, Journey Mapping, Questionnaires, Semiotics and Ethnography. Interviewing To begin my research, I started with the methodology of interviewing. I carried out my interviews as a group of...
6 Pages 2918 Words

The Operational Differences Between The Concept Of Banking In The Muslim World And The Western World

Introduction This study will try and identify the differences between the Islamic and conventional banking from earlier days as well as today. While looking at the differences the study will identify the advantages and disadvantages for both sides equally. It will also talk about finances for both banking systems. This study is going to look at all the sources available such as: books, journals, newspapers, previous studies and internet. What is Islamic banking? Islamic banking is a new way of...
6 Pages 2904 Words

The Presentation Of Social Aspirations In The Great Gatsby And Revolutionary Road

Critic Kurt Vonnegut pronounced that Richard Yates’ ‘Revolutionary Road’ was the Great Gatsby of his time. As genre-defining American novels there are definite similarities as authors present post-war societies, with characters coming to terms with newfound lives outside of warfare. As Fitzgerald and Yates’ characters struggle with fresh existences, often they cannot project into the future, portraying a single aspiration socially, yet truly desiring something else. The authors use of a second genuine aspiration allows for complex, layered presentation of...
6 Pages 2926 Words

The Theories Of The Origins Of Religion By Durkheim And Freud

The origins of religion have been disputed thoroughly over time. Whether an individual is a believer or not, it is hard to miss the influence of religion in society. Great architectural works, poems, art and literature have stemmed from religion globally. Since the early 20th century, secular scholarly traditions have accepted that religious traditions are merely tools, created in order to organise societies, and not necessarily accounts of divine intervention. They argue that the distinctions we have for religious fact,...
6 Pages 2979 Words

The Context And Significance Of The Principle Of Non-harm In Early Jainism And Brahmanism

This essay will look at the concept of ahiṃsā within early Jainism and Brahmanism. It will reflect on the etymology, history and references to ahiṃsā within ancient texts including the Ṛgveda, Upaniṣads, Mahābārata, Bhagavadgītā, Pātañjalayogaśāstra and the Ācārāṅga Sutra. It will consider the nature of hiṃsā in contrast to ahiṃsā looking at moral and social values and viewpoints surrounding the principles of violent and non-violent action and how practicing ahiṃsā is a rudimentary requirement within early Indian religious life. The...
7 Pages 3211 Words

The Correlation Between Sexual Abuse And Borderline Personality Disorder

Abstract The purpose of this research proposal is to highlight the correlation between the experience of sexual abuse and the development of emerging borderline personality disorder as a result. The sample is made up of 35 youth offenders in the main 6 medium-secure forensic units in England and Wales and were asked to take part in a questionnaire to collect the data needed for this study (Mental disorder, sexual abuse, caregiver etc,). The data was collected electronically from the units’...
7 Pages 3078 Words

The Relationship Between Employee Engagement And Organisational Performance

Abstract In our modern day and age everyone has heard of employee engagement in one way or another. As a HR professional I have been bombarded with numerous employee engagement platforms, survey providers and consultants. However up until recently there have been very minimal empirical studies that looked objectively at the possible connection between employee engagement and an organisation’s performance. In this literature review first, I looked at the brief history of engagement research. In the second part of this...
7 Pages 3118 Words

The Effects Of Same Sex Parenting On Child

ABSTRACT In today’s society, it is essential we examine the lives of minorities within our societies as it is these people who often face adversity. Since the legalisation of same-sex marriage in the UK in 2014 and in the US in 2015, the rate of support for same-sex couples went through the roof. It was a natural point of focus for research to look into this newly accepted group within society. It is imperative that we understand more about such...
7 Pages 2937 Words

IKEA, Coca-Cola And Starbucks Vision And Mission Statement

IKEA It was recorded that IKEA came to existence through a 17 year Swedish young man called Ingvar Kamprad in the year 1943. This business process starting at the beginning was known to be selling pens, Christmas festive cards as well as seeds growth harvested from the farm of Kamprad's family. As this business continues, it expanded into retailing of home furnishings and also global cultural dimensions. The year 2009 IKEA grew business in 38 countries over the world where...
6 Pages 2955 Words

Linguistics Of The Bible Translation

Introduction An in-depth consideration of Bible Translation processes offers useful points of reflection for translators across a variety of specializations. Such work brings to light the essentialism of cultural and artistic content held within original texts. By understanding the history of bible translation, challenges and approaches taken by bible translators, language experts can benefit. Scholars and professionals reflect upon the usefulness of sense-for-sense translation compared to literal translation and a number of techniques used to navigate the lack of relevant...
6 Pages 2824 Words

Anti-vaccination Views And Its Beneficial Effects On Children

The standards of vaccination studies and practices have extensively changed throughout the course of the last century, as advancement in medical technology has propelled our research and medicine. Before the 1900s, diseases were much more deadly. For instance, tuberculosis, as anyone exposed, would be diagnosed with a terminal illness and would be expected to die. In the 1900s, this all began to change as medicine was taking its first steps, and vaccines were being created and perfected as time went...
6 Pages 2952 Words

Belbin Team And Teamwork Role

Introduction Working as a team takes a lot of effort from every individual. Each person associated with the team needs to work efficiently as well as effectively to survive better in the competitive environment. The report made for the evaluation of self-skills in making a project as a team is discussed. The report talks about the Dukes University and making its courses available online to facilitate students in every way. It starts by giving a brief introduction about the university...
6 Pages 2815 Words

The Features Of Christian Worldview

Hidden Worldviews: Eight Cultural Stories That Shape Our Lives is a book by Steve Wilkens and Mark Sanford that is written to help Christians understand eight competing narratives within American culture that have significant influence and power both outside and within the contemporary church. The hope is that this book will help Christians understand these views and more fully integrate every aspect of life in line with a Christian worldview. Wilkens and Sanford show that worldviews in practice do not...
6 Pages 2958 Words

The Warriors Of Mortal Kombat

Introduction This essay is going to focus on one of the digital games that was developed over two decades ago; mortal kombat. Mortal Kombat is a video game that has always been favorite for many people over the years especially among the teens. The essay shall cover the following areas: the visual, auditory and tactile signs provided by the game to its players together with the meaning of every sign. The significance of every sign shall also be articulated transparently...
6 Pages 2886 Words

Colors And Plant Growth In Baby Spinach Leaves

Abstract The effect of light wavelength on the rate of photosynthesis in baby spinach leaves was determined by recording the consumption of carbon dioxide for four minutes. Red, blue, and green light were tested to determine which color increased the rate of photosynthesis the most. Each color has a specific range of wavelengths to describe it, and the closer the wavelength is to the accepted, the more carbon dioxide was consumed. The graphs supported the prediction that as the wavelength...
6 Pages 2794 Words

The Road To Becoming Me: My Life Journey

Abstract As a counselor, it is imperative for an individual to be conscious of their own life experiences. In this paper I will re-examine my life and include experiences while considering the infancy, childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood stages of my life. I will relate significant events in my life to the developmental theories covered in this life span course. I will demonstrate my understanding and mastery of the major concepts taught in this course. This paper will cover different...
7 Pages 3079 Words
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