3500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Construction of Black and White Masculinity in Beloved and Song of Solomon

In Morrison’s work, concerned as it is almost exclusively with the female locus, it might be easy to overlook issues of masculinity. Indeed, if these issues are to be found at all, they are found in the corners of her narratives, occupying a peripheral discourse that stands as a secondary concern to black femininity. Where Morrison does offer representations of black masculinity, these are complicated, and seem deliberately problematised to imply a critique of negative masculine ideals. For the sake...
8 Pages 3478 Words

Comparing Chaucer's and Milton's Works: Merchant's Tale and Paradise Lost

'The female is nothing but the body.' Following your study of Chaucer's The Merchant's Tale and Milton's Paradise Lost, how far do you think that women are presented as inferior to men in each text? The texts examined in this essay, Chaucer's The Merchant's Tale1 All references are from Hussey M ed., 1975, The Merchant's Prologue and Tale, Cambridge, CUP. and Milton's Paradise Lost2 All references are form Fowler A ed., 1984, Paradise Lost, USA, Longman , both explore the...
8 Pages 3578 Words

Application of Leadership in Mentoring: Analytical Essay

According to NMC(2008), Mentor is a registered nurse who has attained the standard to support learning and assessment in practice (8 domains of SLAIP standards) criteria and again NMC,(2008) recognizes standards for mentors as they should complete mentoring or equivalent course, and should have 12 months post registration experience and have developed their professional skills beyond registration, and should be experienced in a similar area of practice as the student they are to assess. More names like mentor, preceptor, coach,...
7 Pages 3329 Words

Analytical Essay on Causes and Treatment of Malaria

Abstract Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) resolve the smallest degree of genetic difference between individuals and in the post-genomic era are increasingly being used to identify genetic markers for complex disease traits (Cargill M et al). SNPs at the TNF can be identified to be associated with the pathogenesis of Plasmodium falciparum. A large body of clinical and epidemiological evidence has also been accumulated which clearly demonstrates that host iron deficiency is protective against falciparum malaria and host iron supplementation may...
8 Pages 3617 Words

Legal Discourse on Abortion, Gun Control, and Death Penalty in the USA

Introduction “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness [
]” (Declaration of Independence, 1776). Just as the U.S. Declaration of Independence, both the U.S. Constitution (14th Amendment, Section 1)[footnoteRef:1] and the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 3)[footnoteRef:2] prescribe a “right to life” to everyone. But what exactly is the right to...
8 Pages 3557 Words

Analysis of Education Program: Essay on Samsung Smart Class

Samsung Smart Class The Indian education system to date is to a great extent driven by regular techniques for utilizing course books as instructive material and addresses for conferring information. This prompts substandard learning results at advanced education levels, further reflected in low-talented labor in India. Samsung considers training to be the seed of development and along these lines made the Samsung Smart Class program that bolsters instruction using Samsung's innovation, administration, and skill. Set up in association with Government...
8 Pages 3587 Words

Advanced Coaching and Mentoring: Critical Analysis

Garvey, Stokes, and Megginson (2009:26) conclude that ‘there can be no ‘one best way’ in mentoring and coaching and therefore no one definition. In this essay, I intend to critically consider this statement by starting with various definitions of Mentoring and Coaching, comparing different models and methods; then moving on to the implications this may have for practitioners, focusing on how coaching is aligned with leadership as this is relevant to my setting as a leader in education. Introduction: I...
8 Pages 3451 Words

Essay on Who Started the Cold War

After the Second World War, the United States of America (U.SA.) and Soviet Russia (U.S.S.R.) became two great powers of the world. The entire world got divided into two power blocs. This led to the emergence of a Cold War between the western powers of the U.S.A. and the communist bloc of Russia. The term “Cold War” was first used by Bernard Baruch, an American statesman. In a speech on 16th April 1947, he said “Let us not be deceived...
8 Pages 3748 Words

Importance of Food

There has been research-proven by scientists that there needs to be a balance between stress levels. If it is too much, it can either lead to dangerous side effects like depression, heart disease, fatigue and much more, however, having a low to moderate amount of stress is actually necessary for growth. According to stress.org, eighty percent of adolescents have stress and have trouble coping with it. When stress begins to take over one's body the stress hormones begin to affect...
7 Pages 3288 Words

African-American Experience in American West: Civil War and Reconstruction

Despite the unique social, economic and political progress that America has achieved over the years, it is yet to mitigate racism. Institutionalized racism is quite prevalent in modern society as blacks face discrimination in employment, social status, and healthcare services. The current events, however, reflect experiences of African-Americans since they entered America as slaves. In essence, the Civil War occurred as a result of conflict over the expansion of slavery to western states. Even though life was somehow better for...
8 Pages 3540 Words

Searching for My Purpose

What is the purpose of my life? What am I interested in and what do I want from life? What are the things I truly value and not just do to please or impress others? Purpose is a word with many different meanings and definitions. Each person understands something different under what is meant by finding one’s true purpose in life. For some finding a purpose seems to be an easy task and for others as they take longer or...
8 Pages 3487 Words

How to Reduce Pollution? Essay

Essay on Pollution for Students An essay about pollution explores the detrimental effects of human activities on the environment and the urgent need for sustainable solutions. Pollution refers to the contamination of natural resources such as air, water, and soil, caused by various factors including industrialization, urbanization, and the excessive use of fossil fuels. In this essay, we will delve into the wide-ranging consequences of pollution on both the planet and human health. Air pollution, for instance, contributes to the...
7 Pages 3452 Words

Essay About the Causes of the 2008 Financial Crisis

In 2008 the world’s economy had its biggest crisis since the Great Depression in 1930. According to Britannica, this epidemic “began in 2007 when sky-high home prices in the United States finally turned decisively downward, spread quickly, first to the entire U.S. financial sector and then to financial markets overseas” (para. 1). The individuals and firms associated with this were commercial banks, savings and loans lender, mortgage offices, insurance companies, and the entire banking investment industry. It affected many other...
8 Pages 3323 Words

Essay on the Economic Crisis in Greece

Greece is a country in South Eastern Europe consisting of 2 mainland peninsulas and thousands of islands throughout the Aegean and Ionian Seas. It is 15th largest economy among the 27 Europe Union. Greece is a developed country with high standards of living and high human development index. Participation in the European Monetary Union was a landmark development for Greece. It bestowed on its government and private sectors a rare historical privilege: the ability to borrow in open financial markets...
8 Pages 3733 Words

Developing Ecotourism in Olympus National Park

Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world. A vast number of travelers are drawn to visiting national parks, with their beautiful and picturesque scenery. The effects of tourism are sometimes detrimental; causing changes to the landscape and effecting people who habitat it. Some destinations are being restricted and even completely closed off to the public entirely. In some cases, too much of a good thing, can turn into too much of a bad thing. In this assignment...
7 Pages 3369 Words

Female Genital Mutilation: Human Rights Violation in India

“Culture must not be accorded the status of a metanorm which trumps rights”, - Philip Alston, ‘The Best Interests Principle: Towards a Reconciliation of Culture and Human Rights’. The legal approach towards cultural practice in the name of preserving cultural pluralism has so far been in congruence within the relevant social understandings of the cultures within which they are practiced. The respective morality of these practices has been left for the sole discretion of dominant and prevalent notion of a...
7 Pages 3319 Words

Disadvantages of Technology in Criminal Justice: Challenges and Solutions

In this essay, I will talk about how modern technology will change our criminal justice system. First, I will talk about modern technologies that have been used by the criminal justice system over the years and whether their use has made the criminal justice system more efficient or transparent. I also focus on the disadvantages and challenges of using the technology, as well as on possible solutions. With technology advancing at a fast pace, it was only a matter of...
7 Pages 3351 Words

Vietnam and Its Future Prospects

Throughout its history Vietnam has been no stranger to key political and world changing events. I’m sure everyone is aware of the Vietnam War because of the United States involvement in the conflict, but there are so many other factors to the war and to Vietnam as a whole which shaped Vietnam into the country it is today. Vietnam was originally under the rule of the French until 1940 when France lost control of Vietnam to Japan in the beginning...
8 Pages 3642 Words

Reasons Why People Cheating

Introduction Many people do not know what it means to cheat, whether it is in a relationship, classwork, homework, on a quiz etc. There are many definitions for the term cheating, it can be implemented in almost anything. There are many consequences now for cheating, in the past decades there were not many repercussions. Technology has change drastically, did you know that now there are websites where teachers can copy and paste your essay and know how much of your...
8 Pages 3475 Words

Effects of Climate Change Essay

Introduction: Climate change is a consequential effect of humanity’s expansion. It can kill off entire species of plants, and animals, and create uninhabitable regions on Earth. The ever-growing effect of climate change can be reduced though, and even reversed over time, but serious improvements must be made to the way people live and the impact they make on the environment. Along with the damage climate change brings to Earth’s ecosystems and the environment itself, climate change also totes a serious...
6 Pages 3350 Words

Causes of the Holocaust Essay

The Holocaust was a horrific and traumatic event that will serve for the rest of time as a reminder of the terrible atrocities that mankind can commit when put under vulnerable and desperate circumstances. While undeniably a disgusting event in human history, the causes of the Holocaust are often highly debated by historians all around the globe. The two prevailing schools of thought include the functionalist and intentionalist perspectives, the former emphasizing the complexity and confusion that existed within the...
8 Pages 3547 Words

Law School Essay

Lasting Problems with Law School Culture Introduction We as law students have recently entered into a lifelong journey in the legal profession. The journey began in our respective undergraduate programs where we considered our next path in life. With this, we did our very best to get high grades and studied tirelessly for the LSAT. We sat down for hours on end staring at a blank screen, thinking about how 1800 characters could portray who we are as individuals to...
8 Pages 3562 Words

Women's Role In Othello Essay

Written in 1603, William Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello is based on the story of Un Capitano Moro by a disciple of Boccaccio which was previously first published in 1565. The presentation of women in Shakespeare’s Othello is an issue that cannot be ignored when interpreting the text. Examining how women were treated in Elizabethan Italy, with the three female characters being either virtuous or licentious, three theses can be: Women as angels or whores, Women as possessions, and Women as assertive....
7 Pages 3364 Words

Teenage Pregnancy: Problems and Solutions

Introduction The question I am researching is “Is teenage pregnancy a problem?” The aim of this project is to research the positives and the negatives of teenage pregnancy, the health risks during pregnancy, how teenage pregnancy has changed over time, and how it differs with different social classes. I am doing my project on this specific topic as I am interested in going into midwifery or nursing as a career in the future. This specific question is useful as teenage...
7 Pages 3335 Words

Managing a Multigenerational Workforce: Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z

1 Introduction The world has been in constant demographic change and it's experiencing immense changes with the advancement in vast technologies and proliferation in communication tools, resulting in clear and more prominent differences between different age groups or generations (Belal, Nafei, Khanfar, & Kaifi, 2012). Over the last couple of years, there has been interaction between three very different generations inside the workplace, Generation X, Generation Y better known as millennials, and most currently Generation Z (Belal, Nafei, Khanfar, &...
8 Pages 3542 Words

Analysis of Life in Changing African Society: Nervous Conditions

A film writer and an award winning author Tsitsi Dangarmbga was born in Zimbabwe. Her novels confess a deep message about societal issues concerning much on the racial and gender discrimination witnessed by the black people of Rhodesia before and after independence. Her novels exhibit a clear portrayal of the sufferings of the blacks under the colonizers and the agony and pain undertaken by the female characters due to gender discrimination which was in practice for many years in Rhodesia....
8 Pages 3451 Words

New Understanding of Plato's Republic in Political Thought

History of Political Though 'It looks to me as though the investigation we are undertaking is no ordinary thing, but one for a man who sees sharply. Since we're not clever men, [
] we should make this kind of investigation of it: if someone had, for example, ordered men who don't see very sharply to read little letters from afar and then someone had the thought that the same letters are somewhere else also, but bigger and in a bigger...
7 Pages 3407 Words

Concept of Meaning in My Life: Reflective Essay

“Man, first of all, is the being who hurls himself towards a future and who is conscious of imagining himself as being the future” (Sartre in Cooper & McLeod, 2011, p19) In these modern times, there is little appreciation of the value of Philosophy, a discipline that is two and a half thousand years old. Many dismiss it out of hand, maintaining they have no time for it. Yet as Alex Howard (2000b, p) so rightly points out everyone practises...
7 Pages 3317 Words

Foundation Training in Systemic Practice and Family Therapy

In the following essay, I have chosen to speak about the concept of engagement as I feel it is a very important aspect of family therapy if it is to be a success. In my work as a nurse in the self-harm team, looking after young people between the ages of 12-18 who are experiencing self-harm, suicidal ideation, and/or suicide attempts, I am often meeting with families in a crisis situation. This calls for a rapid engagement with the young...
7 Pages 3253 Words

Critical Systemic Intersubjectivity in Social Work Practice: Analysis

Paradigms in building a trauma-informed, infant-led, relationally reflective system of care: A contemporary exploration of the intersection of the Australian child protection system, the child protection practitioner, and the care of the infant. Introduction National child protection data gives evidence of a growing proportion of infants entering out-of-home care (AIHW, 2015). Out-of-home care (OOHC) is a system of care that encompasses short to long-term fostering or kinship care arrangements for children who have been removed from their families due to...
7 Pages 3251 Words
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