3500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Correlation between Freedom and the Blues

The fifties and sixties of the United States were a time of prosperity and peace for most Americans. Living a carefree life without fear or worry. Booming economy, raising families, flashy cars, nice clothes, night clubs, and music. Doo-wop, swing, and rock and roll flooded the airwaves in homes, restaurants, cars, and clubs. Music was everywhere. The post-World War II America in most Americans memories was a happy time. However, there are those that were forgotten, left in the shadows...
7 Pages 3461 Words

Ethics for All: What is it for?

The topics of Ethics is not one commonly brought up in the litany of rhetoric of educational systems along with subjects like math and science– often placing the role of molding the growing child’s moral code to the parents or religious institutions. Typically, many of these values are learned in life lessons through trial and error, pit falls and triumphs, or childhood fables which are espoused to be used as models for future behavior. As we age these lessons are...
8 Pages 3611 Words

The View On Women In William Shakespeare’s Play Twelfth Night And John Milton’s Poem Paradise Lost

William Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night and John Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost, challenge the traditional conservative views of women. Twelfth Night demonstrates a radical and powerful presentation of women as they control and dominate the actions of the characters and plot line. Paradise Lost provides an interpretation of the Biblical text of the fall of man, as the poem presents Eve as a heroic figure willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good. However, Twelfth Night and Paradise Lost fail...
8 Pages 3555 Words

Surrogacy in India: Multiple Perspectives

While the previous chapters have dealt with the contents and similarities and differences of the 2016 Bill and the Standing Committee Report, this chapter aims to critically engage with their understanding and approach to commercial surrogacy using the perspectives of morality and autonomy, economic freedom and risks, as well as health approaches and the disability movement’s response to commercial surrogacy. A Feminist Analysis Surrogacy may influence the ways in which society views reproductive rights and enables them to be exercised....
8 Pages 3617 Words

Self-destructive Behaviour, Gender And Grief In The Catcher In The Rye and The Bell Jar

Breakdown and madness is one of the most noteworthy themes explored by J.D Salinger and Sylvia Plath in their confessional, bildungsroman novels “The Catcher in the Rye” (1951) and “The Bell Jar” (1963.) As “The Bell Jar” was heavily influenced by “The Catcher in the Rye” many similarities can be drawn between them, as Robyn Marsack says; “Esther is the female version of Holden”. I am tempted to agree with this sentiment – as there are many key similarities between...
7 Pages 3290 Words

The Effect Of Coaching And Cognitive Load On Children’s Lying Behavior

Abstract The purpose of studying children’s lying behavior is to give valid reasons on why children begin to lie early in life in order to conceal their wrongdoing. However, at many times children are coached to lie and it is harder to detect the lie when the child is able to conceal transgression and have good semantic leakage. We will examine and predict the effect of coaching lies and the cognitive load of children when they lie. Children (N=240; 3-8...
8 Pages 3548 Words

Early Childhood Adversity in Indigenous Canadian Communities

It is no secret that how a person was raised and what they experience shape who they become. However, when we think of childhood experiences shaping a person, we often forget that the experiences they face in childhood can become a factor related to mental health issues they are experiencing as an adult. According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (2018) there is a fifty percent chance of a Canadian experiencing mental health issues by the time they...
7 Pages 3347 Words

Health Promotion During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Risk Factors During pregnancy, there are many factors that can affect the fetus and/or the mother. It is important, as a healthcare provider, to incorporate health promotion into obstetrics care. My patient, JW, is on her third pregnancy, and is around 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Previously, she endured a spontaneous abortion in 2008. In 2015, at 36 weeks gestation, she went under an emergency cesarean section due to oligohydramnios, which means deficient amniotic fluid. The baby...
8 Pages 3568 Words

Legalization of Marijuana in Texas: Pros and Cons

Introduction Marijuana or cannabis is the most commonly abused drug in the United States, and its uses have been increasing in recent years despite the strict rules that the government has imposed over the substance (Hickenlooper 244). The uses of bhang are common among youthful people who apply it for several reasons particularly to stimulate their brain. The drug is prohibited as a result of the adverse effects that it has on the users. Marijuana is highly addictive, and it...
7 Pages 3331 Words

The Peculiarities Of Cyber Threat Intelligence

Abstract Darknet has become a hub for piracy communities. It providing cyber criminals with the ability to freely discuss and sell unknown and emerging exploits. This paper focuses on studying the effectiveness of automated learning to provide information about threat intelligence from darknet penetration forums. Develop an effective system for extracting information from communities and applying automated learning methods to predict high threat elements. These potentially threatening actors include user generated contributions that may be intended to sell or discuss...
8 Pages 3571 Words

Piracy, Corruption, Morality and Law: Exploring Bindingness of Law in Adverse Social Morality of South Asia

Abstract Why does the law bind people, and which law is binding? The answers that are attempted to this question often lead to discussions on interaction and relation (or lack thereof) of law and morality, and relate to the question of effectiveness of a law. The current paper aims to present these much trodden jurisprudential questions albeit in a novel setting. Focusing on issues of infringement of intellectual property and corruption as two examples, the paper aims to discuss whether...
7 Pages 3323 Words

Beckett Passage of Time in Waiting for Godot and Molloy

One of the most prominent themes throughout Beckett’s works is the passage of time. This essay will explore the presentation of the passage of time in Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Molloy. The characters in these works are utterly constrained by the ways in which time passes, has passed and will continue to pass; from Vladimir and Estragon who are condemned to spend their lives waiting for a person that may not even exist, to Molloy and Moran who find...
7 Pages 3328 Words

The Police Response To Domestic Violence

ABSTRACT Domestic violence is one of the most frequent forms of violence in which the police themselves must deal constantly. My assignment describes police officers' experiences, tactics, and changes in policing to deal with different types of domestic violence. Recommendations about the most effective way to train police officers to cope with unexpected situations of integral risk to domestic violence are suggested. INTRODUCTION In this essay, I will have the opportunity to assess how social policy responds to the social...
7 Pages 3359 Words

The Peculiarities Of Discrimination Towards Women

Imagine being determined how much you earn in the way you look. A Harvard Law School student who was 1 in 9 women to be there in 1956 was discriminated despite the abilities that her ideas had to offer because she was a woman (ACLU). Upon graduating Law school, she was recommended for a clerkship position, but no one wanted to take her seriously even though she took the same tests and went through the same qualifications to get a...
7 Pages 3369 Words

The Politics Of Hunger And Malnutrition: A Cause For Conflict?

Introduction In this essay, the focus is to examine food insecurity as the root cause of conflict in modern societies. In this context, it would be pertinent to use the term conflict analysis to mean the systematic study of the causes motivating actors and the dynamics of conflict. Dealing with any conflict would require that it would first be analyzed and understood. Before any intervention can be initiated in the context of conflict, conflict analysis is the most important step...
8 Pages 3723 Words

Effect of Work-family Conflict on Commitment Organization

Humans are one of the resources needed to run an organization or company. As the main factor that runs the organization system, humans hold the role of crisis (crucial factor) which will determine the success or failure of a company. In a hospital industry, health workers are human resources who play an important role. A hospital, with abundant capital accompanied by sophisticated technology will not be able to advance without being run by qualified health personnel and having a strong...
7 Pages 3300 Words

Intergroup Conflict and Technological Mediums

Abstract Intergroup conflict analysis in political psychology has identified ways that groups form their perceptions towards the outgroup and different reconciliation methods have been suggested as a means for conflict resolution. This paper combines essential theories of communication and psychological theories to argue that the internet can be used as a tool for reconciling groups in the 21st century and years to come. It will first look at why the ‘medium’ through which intergroups interact is a crucial component with...
7 Pages 3449 Words

Jane Eyre and Rebecca: The Presentation of Women in Society

Charlotte Brontë and Daphne Du Maurier represent society and class systems within both Rebecca and Jane Eyre. Brontë gives us insight into a society overwhelmed by the patriarchal class structure and skillfully unravels the bildungsroman of Jane Eyre, who started as an orphan but quickly intermingled with stereotypical female roles within the 19th century. On the contrary, Du Maurier explores the possibilities for females to unhinge themselves from the standardized view attached to femininity and women. This is shown through...
7 Pages 3267 Words

The Slender and Obese: Body Image Representation in the Fashion Industry

This paper will discuss the different body types of woman and the way in which this is presented in the fashion industry. Throughout this paper both ends of the spectrum of the female form will be investigated, from the slender body to female obesity, with consideration to factors such as the male gaze, and how this influences how we approach the question of skinny or fat. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the ever-changing ideal body of...
8 Pages 3709 Words

The Peculiarities And Effects Of Racial Profiling In The UK

The Greater London Authority’s analysis of the 2001 Census, ‘World in One City’ found people from 179 different nations living within London and The Guardian Newspaper praised it as ‘the most cosmopolitan place on earth’ (Vertovec, 2007, p. 1024). This resulted in British policy-makers producing a strategy called Multiculturalism, acknowledging the mass scale of immigration from the African Caribbean and South Asia and to implement strategies to ensure equality for ethnic minorities (ibid, p. 1027). However, this essay argues the...
7 Pages 3324 Words

To What Extent can and should Moral Discussions in Political Theory Inform Actual Politics?

Throughout this assignment I will aim to show how and to what extent moral discussion in the form of moral philosophy has informed actual politics, providing examples and an in depth understanding of the philosophy and its implications. The piece will then aim to come to a conclusion on the extent to which moral discussion should inform politics, the only issue I find whilst writing this is the issue of ones own political motivations, for some the idea of utilitarianism...
7 Pages 3310 Words

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Ethics and the Legal Environment of Business

Corporations institute compliance and ethics programs (C&E) with the purpose of following the law and promoting ethical conduct on a daily basis. Traditionally, public law and order officials were authorized to keep a watch and prosecute civil and criminal infractions by business entities and their owners. Over time, businesses found it more beneficial to comply with public pressure for self-policing. “Outrage over ethical and financial misconduct by the senior management of public companies led to the passage of historic legislation...
8 Pages 3666 Words

Suicide Rates In The Military And The Financial Issues Associated

Over the past few years it has been said countless times that suicide rate in the military is quite astounding. It has grown and with it so has the attention it is getting and the awareness that it needs. As such, more studies have begun to discover why this high suicide rate exists within our armed forces. These studies are to determine the reason these rates are so high and who is most affected by these. This research paper exists...
8 Pages 3422 Words

Racial Discrimination In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And To Kill A Mockingbird

In today’s world ninety-two percent of African Americans claim that Black Americans still face discrimination. Surprisingly, this large number is considered a significant decrease from what it used to be in the past. Even after the Civil Rights Act in 1964, African Americans still feel inequality between themselves and people of other races, specifically in the south (Bates). Mark Twain, the author of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” grew up in Florida, Missouri in the mid 1800’s. He spent much...
7 Pages 3281 Words

Does Contemporary Literature Have a Distinctive Ethics?

This novel revolves around the story based on the main character from his vision and how he managed to turn his life around in his favour. The story begins with young Thomas Cromwell who is brutally beaten by his father which makes him want to flee from home to Europe in order to build the life of his own. Then the story shifts towards the older Cromwell who is completely changed. He has all the skills, knows so many languages...
7 Pages 3293 Words

Developing Leadership And Management: Case Study On Moneyball

Introduction to the film The film Moneyball was screened in 2011 in the cinema, which came in second in box office result for the opening weekend. The film was then being nominated for a total of 6 Oscar awards in the same year. This film depicts a Major League Baseball team named Oakland Athletic that was eventually managed by Billy Beane – Starred by Brad Pitt. It showed how a season wonder Baseball team managed to put together a run...
7 Pages 3544 Words

Music Therapy: Impact On The Behaviour Of Elderly People With Dementia Experiencing Agitation

The aim of the literature review is to explore how music therapy impacts the behaviour of elderly people with dementia experiencing agitation. The term ‘dementia’ describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss, mood and behaviour changes, reasoning and language (Alzheimer Society, 2015). These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by certain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease or other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. Dementia causes significant difficulties to individuals, reducing their ability to perform their...
8 Pages 3521 Words

An Analysis of the Effects of the Ritualistic Practice of Two-Hourly Turning

This paper compares older research supporting the traditional practice of frequent repositioning with newer research which presents an argument against two-hourly turning intervals, and stresses the importance of providing residents with alternating-pressure air mattresses as an alternative option. The paper discusses the connections between such frequent turning with issues such as sleep disruption, problematic behaviors, restraint of patients, and thus, increased- rather than reduced- occurrence of pressure ulcers. With research showing that the traditional method of two-hourly turning can be...
8 Pages 3594 Words

Study of the Phenomena of Commercial Surrogacy in India and Analysis of Legal, Political and Economic Responses to It

Introduction Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) have revolutionized infertility treatment in the last century. It has given hope to hapless couples, and enabled children to be conceived, who have no genetic relationship to one or both of their parents. ART is also being used by persons without infertility problems to minimize the risk of transmitting certain genetic disorders such as in the case of people who are recessive carriers of abnormalities, such as sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia, and Tay-Sachs disease. Surrogacy...
8 Pages 3571 Words

A Study Of Multiple Personality Disorder: Dissociative Identity Disorder As Seen In The Work Of Martin Scorsese

Introduction The dissertation tries to portray the condition, Multiple Personality Disorder from the movie Shutter Island. Multiple Personality Disorder is a type of psychological condition where a person comes across several personalities in himself. Multiple Personality Disorder is otherwise known as Dissociative Disorder. It was Dr Jean Martin Charcot, a physician at a hospital in Paris who discovered the disease in 1880. He called this disorder Hystero-Epilepsy and later came up with the name Multiple Personality Disorder. At first people...
8 Pages 3491 Words
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