400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Eating Disorders in Rhythmic Gymnastics

Women athletes are likely to be monitored for eating disorders these days. Representatives of aesthetic sports are more likely to establish an eating disorder than different type of female athletes (Sungot-Borgen & Torstveit, 2004). 'The prevalence of excessive training loads and the over emphasis on thinness is increasing in all aesthetically shaped sports' (Boros, 2009, p.1). Ballerinas, dancers, figure skaters, synchronized swimmers, just like rhythmic gymnasts are often subject of developing eating disorders by practicing unhealthy methods for weight loss...
1 Page 402 Words

Hamlet: The Freedom Of Action Madness Provides

Shakespeare’s Hamlet explores the freedom that madness provides through setting and the characterisation of Hamlet and Ophelia, presenting the freedom their changing speech and behaviour provide. Shakespeare emphasises the liberty of Hamlet and Ophelia’s seemingly irrational actions against their confined status and actions in a rigid social structure where women still “obey” a male figure and Princes feel trapped in a “prison.” Hamlet uses the façade of madness to “put on an antic disposition”, to find his father’s murderer. Shakespeare...
1 Page 378 Words

Restorative Justice: Can Justice And Forgiveness Go Hand In Hand?

Can justice and forgiveness go hand in hand? For a society that is ran by systems and procedures the role of forgiveness, especially when the law has been broken, does not go hand in hand. Our systems focus on three things: the law that was broken, the one who broke the law by committing the crime(s), and punishment. Forgiveness has no system. According to Wikipedia “forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process which a victim undergoes a change in feelings...
1 Page 417 Words

The Meaning of Moral Responsibility

What morality means is how we attempt to define what is wrong or right of our actions and thoughts. It also indicates what is good or bad of being who we are. There are multiple types of morality. There are moral standards, with regard to behavior. Moral identity, someone who is capable of right or wrong. The final one is moral responsibility, referring to our conscience. We ensure morality in society for fair play and helps individuals to be good...
1 Page 401 Words

The Outsiders: the Theme of Social Classes

In The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, there is a common theme of class divide rich vs poor and greasers vs socs. In the novel The Outsiders is about two gangs on each side of a town. The socs and the greasers, who have a destructive rivalry and are very different. However throughout the course of the novel their true characteristics are proven to be fundamentally the same. Each side has its differences, for example, their opposing dress codes. The...
1 Page 408 Words

Decoding What Is Woman Empowerment

Woman empowerment is a tricky subject to write on. Balancing views from both sides of the spectrum are needed. Unfortunately, every discussion on it becomes a gender issue and the respective genders begin to defend their arguments taking rationality for a toss. My aim is to be neutral and aid you to understand what woman empowerment really is. First things first. What is empowerment? Granting someone the right or authority to do something. So you might be thinking were women...
1 Page 421 Words

Fecal Transplant May Be The Ultimate Cure For Acute Malnutrition

In 2017, I was privileged to study, for a short period, in Kyungpook National University. Three other students and I, were given a task of reviewing latest studies, which showed the relationship between malnutrition and gut microbiome, and to think of an appropriate solution to malnutrition based on gut microbiota. This is what I will briefly share with you. Under-nutrition is caused by a lot of factors, the immediate causes being inadequate diet and diseases. However, research has shown that...
1 Page 422 Words

The Peculiarities Of Juvenile Crime And Justice

My thoughts on why the supreme court are not giving juniors who committed a horrible crime and will not be getting the life sentence is not fair to the justice system and its not fair for the victims family. The supreme court did this because it broke the 8th amendment which is “unusual punishment” but its not, if they commit the crime they have do the time. The juvenile death penalty was stopped along time ago because it was a...
1 Page 407 Words

The Obesity in Teenagers of Ecuador and England

Obesity is currently a problem that causes serious health problems, especially in adolescents because it is a nutritional disorder presented by some factors such as psychological syndromes, anxiety, depression and the quality of life that each person has. In England, many young people are obese, especially adolescents who seriously compromise their health with diseases such as two different types of diabetes, heart diseases and certain types of cancer. In Ecuador, more than a quarter of the population is overweight and...
1 Page 399 Words

Juvenile Crime And Violence As A Effect Of Socioeconomic Conditions

“Environment is the parent of revolution and crime.” similar to Aristotle's quote. Juvenile crime is the effect of the social environment that kids grow up in. Each case is unique and it is caused by different factors as family, drugs, education… It's one of the nation's most serious problems. Every country cares about their child, but what is really worrisome is not the short run trend but their sense that violent crime has been climbing steadily for a long time...
1 Page 403 Words

Reducing STI and HIV Risk among the Elderly

The, diseases contracted in human bodies are responsible for interfering with the homeostatic immune mechanisms in the body and this decrease with age. AIDS and STIs are viral diseases that weaken the body immune response and are transfused by direct sexual intimacy between partners. Currently, they are the most frequent diseases among the seniors due to a number of factors as discussed below. A research conducted by Susan et al., (2017), indicated that, among the population of entire Americans, older...
1 Page 403 Words

The Financial Status of Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company of the United States is one of the world's largest auto companies. Founded in 1903 by Mr. Henry Ford, headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, USA. Ford's trademark is a signature font commonly used by founder Henry Ford. Ford Motor Company employs 245,000 people worldwide and manufactures and assembles nearly 100 plants worldwide. Its products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions on 6 continents. Ford ranked fourth in the list of the worlds’ 500 largest companies...
1 Page 408 Words

Basics for Finding an Immigration Lawyer

While the immigration process has become even more challenging all over the world, there are many top notch lawyers who will help you throughout with their expertise. Most people simply fear the process of immigration to the US with its lengthy and complicated process which is daunting at every step of the way. In order to quickly sort out the proceedings, you will need to be in touch with immigration attorneys who offer useful consultations. It is not easy to...
1 Page 413 Words

Domestic Violence As Social Problem

In the state of Louisiana, there are 24 organizations that provide domestic violence services (Louisiana Domestic Violence Help, Programs and Statistics, 2019). On March 7, 2013, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization bill (aka S. 47) was signed by President Barack Obama to improve existing programs for domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking (Preventing violence, n.d.). The AMA adopted a policy to address intimate partner violence (IPV) in LGBTQ population (“AMA policy supporting survivors of LGBTQ intimate partner violence”, 2018). The...
1 Page 393 Words

Civil Disobedience VS Morality

Nobody has the same morals, beliefs, or even opinions. Morality does not have a true right or wrong because of everyone's individuality. Since everyone has their own opinions, they should have the right to voice those opinions; there are several ways of doing so. As a citizen, an individual with my own beliefs, I believe I have the right to not comply with laws if I feel morally obligated to do so. In certain ways it seems as if it’s...
1 Page 404 Words

The Dangers of Smoking Tobacco

Tobacco originated in the North and South American continents and became known by Europeans in the 15th and 16th century. Before that however, Native Americans used tobacco in religious and medicinal practices. The native crop later became a fashionable drug for colonists in America. The severe consequences of tobacco were unfortunately not uncovered until much later. Today even, 34.2 million adults in the U.S. smoke cigarretes and more than 16 million Americans live with a smoking-related disease. One way that...
1 Page 401 Words

The Issue with Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

For as long as we can remember, we have been told that marijuana was a bad thing. Some would even call it “the devil’s lettuce”. Now, as time goes by and doctors and scientists start to do their research and they start toying with the thought of marijuana possibly being a good thing for people. People from kids to senior citizens are being treated with medicinal marijuana and it is actually working. Medicinally, marijuana is good for people, and now...
1 Page 414 Words

Should Cigarette Smoking be Banned or not?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO)'s report (2008), nearly 100 million people had died because of cigarette smoking-related causes during the 20th century. It has also predicted that tobacco will kill more than 8 million people every year by 2030 without intervention, and 80% of those deaths will occur in developing countries. For a long time, cigarette smoking has always been a heated topic for the whole society to discuss. Cigarette smoking is harmful so it should be banned...
1 Page 420 Words

Music Therapy And Autism

Research studies in the past have examined the effect of music therapy on socio-emotional reciprocity in children with ASD (Kim, Wigram, & Gold, 2009; Srinivasan et al., 2015; Thompson, McFerran, & Gold, 2013; Venuti et al., 2017). In the first study of this section, Kim et al. (2009) investigated the characteristics of musical interaction that motivate interpersonal engagement between the therapist and the child. Ten children aged 3 to 5 were recruited from a psychiatric institution for examination in the...
1 Page 404 Words

Surrogacy as an Effective Method to Solve Infertility Issue

In the current world, a female who is not capable of bearing a child can have one through surrogacy. In this, a fertile woman carries a baby and gives birth on behalf of the one who does not have the capability of conceiving. Many legal issues are encompassed during surrogacy; hence individuals intending to proceed with the option are recommended to seek legal advice. Studies have confirmed surrogacy to be an effective method of conception. However, it is necessary to...
1 Page 415 Words

Feudal Society in Madame Bovary

Following the French Revolution, the French feudal society came to an end and the bourgeoisie middle-class emerged. A prominent novel from this time period is Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. He tells the story of Emma, a young woman who dreams of love and prosperity. Nonetheless, Emma’s bourgeois aspirations are unattainable due to her marriage to Charles Bovary. Ultimately, Gustave Flaubert employs illusion to depict Emma’s longing for love, and Charles’s idea of a happy marriage but utilizes reality to disregard...
1 Page 409 Words

Starbucks and Delivering Customer Service

When Starbucks advanced as a business it set the models exceptionally high for its clients through its incentive. Despite the fact, Starbucks first figured out how to satisfy these guidelines, the retail extension and the item advancement methodology that the organization tracked with the customization of the beverages had a destructive impact on every one of the three parts (coffee quality, service, and atmosphere) of the offer which had prompted the declining impacts of consumer loyalty The image of the...
1 Page 400 Words

Starbucks and Its Impacts on the Community

A company's effort is powerful. It can impact the sales, profits, recruiting employees and working ethics. A great company effort attracts people who want to work or do business with a company. By creating good opportunities at their company, it can inspire employees to be more productive and positive at work. It’s easy to see how the company makes an effort that impact the employees working with them. Starbucks give importance in protecting their employees who are working under them....
1 Page 418 Words

Do We Live In A Post Racial America?

“Political correctness is ruining America. Racism is dead. All lives matter. Racism is over exaggerated by liberals. People just blame white supremacy for everything. Too many black people are playing the race card. Affirmative Action is unconstitutional and represents racism against white people. Talking about race makes you racist” are just a few of the statements an increasingly loud minority, dedicated to telling anyone and everyone that racism no longer exists in America. likes to use. They have these phrases...
1 Page 408 Words

Is Lying Always Wrong?

Lying, in general, seems to be a somewhat functioning part of society. Whether we deem that moral or not, is determined by our own view of morality. To those who are honest, of course it would be “wrong” to lie, but what about those who lie all the time? Since “liars” see it as a norm, is it possible that lying could be right in some cases? A decent spot to start investigating the rightness or unsoundness of lying is...
1 Page 420 Words

Why Video Games Shouldn't Be Blamed For All Violent Behavior

Have you been watching stories about video games being blamed for school shootings in the news lately? If you have, you probably know that it’s only showing you one perspective, and it's usually the biased one. Everyone has been blaming video games lately. They don't know the statistics. A few video game blamed school shootings have also been blamed for mental health issues. Most politicians who blame video games don't even research what they are talking about and as a...
1 Page 424 Words

The Issue Of Inequality In Educational System

UNESCO/ Sweden’s Historical Background and Past Action For Sweden, education is particularly important. So much so that taxation is intentionally very high to fund schooling. Through the teaching system, pupils and their happiness are the main focus, with Swedish schools focusing less on exam results and targets, and more on the child themselves. More specifically, Sweden understands the impacts of stereotyping in school and how this can be the root to inequality- and therefore aim from a very young age,...
1 Page 409 Words

The Correlation of Obesity and Osteoporosis

Obesity is a known and well-established risk factor for osteoporosis. What are the possible mechanisms by which obesity increases the risk of osteoporosis? It was previously believed that obesity and osteoporosis were two unrelated diseases, but recent studies have shown that both diseases share several common genetic and environmental factors.. Despite the lack of a clear consensus regarding the impact of effects of fat on bone, a number of mechanistic explanations have been proposed to support the observed epidemiologic and...
1 Page 412 Words

The Relation of Communication and Conflict

“Communication can be defined as the exchange of an information, thought and emotion between individuals or groups. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient.” Effective communication is huge for managers in the associations to play out the essential elements of the executives. In order to run an organisation effectively, one of the main factors is to have good communication among the fellow peers. The communication must be from both the sides of the management. The managers must...
1 Page 416 Words

Coronavirus Impact on Tourism

After the Coronavirus pandemic, almost no industry declined like tourism. Reasons for the decline in tourism include government control of people’s travel, and there are tourists who cancel travel because they avoided the Coronavirus. With the international travel ban affecting more than 90% of the world’s population, tourism essentially ceased in March 2020. There are evidences show that air travel, cruises, and accommodations have been devastating. After this situation happens, what changes should the tourism industry make? For the travel...
1 Page 420 Words
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