450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

We Should Never Let Others Stop Us from Helping Others: Persuasive Essay

Over a truly amazing span, we as a whole commit errors. Also, regularly we underestimate what we have, imagining that possibly we merit what we as of now have, or accepting that we won't ever require anybody to help or help us free from troublesome and testing times. Such was the case of a friend of mine who had an incredible work, a decent house, and all she required. She was, however, not a caring individual for a few reasons....
1 Page 438 Words

Ella Fitzgerald as One of the Greatest Musicians of All Time: Biography Essay

Throughout history the music industry has had a few people who have been able to change the sound or make-up of music. Whether it be for their virtuosic skill on their chosen instrument, or because of their revolutionary sound. One such artist that comes to mind is Ella Fitzgerald, who using her incredible singing skill was able to transcend into one of the greatest of all time. Ella Fitzgerald was born on April 25, 1917, and had a troubled childhood....
1 Page 455 Words

Critical Essay on the Positive Effects of Social Media

The use of social media has been a ubiquitous act that is occurring among almost everyone around the world. This has led to the main reason why most kids, teenagers and adults can’t do without pressing their gadgets (phones and laptops) just because they want to make use of a social media network. Some people even walk and press their mobile devices without caring if they will fall down while in motion due to the intense concentration on social media...
1 Page 452 Words

Are We Too Dependent on Technology: Persuasive Essay

When was the last time you did not have to search for the answer to an innominate question? Probably today because technology has made us so dependent on what we know, but are unable to do out of laziness. Some examples of this technology are GPS, educational advancements, and social media. Therefore, GPS is used by many to help them get to a designated place. As you may know, before we had GPS our only options were to use a...
1 Page 473 Words

Sonnet 116 Metaphor: Critical Analysis Essay

Shakespeare’s theme is about the permanence of love. He expresses love as a powerful and unstoppable force. He builds on this theme by saying that love is not something that can be “alter[ed]” nor “bend[ed]” to the lover’s content. It's an “ever-fixed mark” that never moves or changes. In the first two lines of Sonnet 116, Shakespeare says that no “impediments” or obstacles can ever get in the way of true lovers. Through every storm, every fight, and every obstacle...
1 Page 440 Words

Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society: Critical Essay

The internet has become an essential part of our life and it is hard not to underestimate its influence in modern society. However, it is a very complicated question to answer about its positive and negative sides in terms of people’s reactions towards it. Nowadays it is particularly impossible to live without modern gadgets. New technologies are used in everyday life by millions of people around the world. Social relationships between us are getting easier with the help of mobiles...
1 Page 438 Words

Ellen Degeneres’ Impact on Society: Critical Essay

Ellen DeGeneres is a famous American talk show host. Despite facing many hardships and discriminatory situations when she became candid about her sexuality, Ellen utilized her famous platform to support the commendable causes of many organizations and individuals. Ellen was born in Metairie, Louisiana, on the 26th of January 1958. She was a successful stand-up comedian before starring on her own TV show, Ellen. DeGeneres came out as a lesbian in 1997, becoming a detrimental LGBTQ rights activist. She is...
1 Page 455 Words

Al Capone’s Impact on Society: Analytical Essay

How unescapable is prison? Well, many prisons may seem difficult but eventually, someone will figure a way out. Alcatraz was seen as an inescapable prison but that didn't stop people from trying. Over the time that the prison was open, many people tried and failed to escape The Rock but not all. Many people have gone there even people like Al Capone have been locked up in prison. But there is still a lot of mystery surrounding the island. Although...
1 Page 428 Words

Metaphors in 'Invisible Man': Literary Criticism Essay

In chapter one of “Invisible Man,” through his use of imagery and metaphors, Ralph Ellison conveys the premise of how vulnerable and powerless the people of color are made by the whites while living in such an unequal and racist society. Ellison describes a battle royal scene in which a group of 10 young black boys was blindfolded, stripped, and put into a ring to fight each other for the entertainment of white men. In the book, it states, “Blindfolded,...
1 Page 471 Words

Three Main Classes of Marxist Criticism in the Novel 'Snowpiercer'

The graphic novel 'Snowpiercer', created by Jacques Lob and illustrated by Jean-Marc Rochette is a clear depiction of the three major classes of Marxist criticism: the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat. To begin with, in the novel, the Snowpiercer is a train consisting of one thousand and one carriages which are divided into classes. The closer a carriage is to the engine the higher the class. So, since the aristocracy class according to Marxist criticism consists of a small...
1 Page 454 Words

Importance of Being Yourself and Living for Yourself

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself” - Friedrich Nietzsche. This quote is the proof that you cannot please everyone in your surroundings, even your closest friends and/or family relatives can judge you no matter what the circumstances are, but if you tried to ignore and...
1 Page 435 Words

Thank You for Those Who Appreciates Me

I always figured out myself in the mirror and end with tears because I always find my flaws. Some people laughed at me because of my body, my face and even my emotions. Some hurt me by their words, by their eyes and by their lame jokes. I wake up in the morning with a glare and try to hug my hair, even it was not beautiful. I reached out God every day, praying that someday I would not be...
1 Page 433 Words

Stanley Kubrick’s Use of Sound in 'The Shining'

Although Kubrick does use many aspects of filmmaking, like cinematography as well as editing, there is no doubt that the most vital of all is his use of sound. Throughout his movie ‘The Shining’, Kubrick uses both diegetic and non-diegetic sound cues to control and guide the audience. This is often shown even from the opening scene of the movie during which slow and eerie music track is played over shots of Jack Torrance driving up to the hotel for...
1 Page 436 Words

My Motivation for a Scholarship to Study Nursing in Croatia

My passion to pursue a career in nursing was largely contributed to my volunteer experience at Kenol and Exotic Private Hospital, where I worked as a health educator and health care assistant. In this position I had sole responsibility for taking care of some patients’ daily needs, such as cleaning, feeding, exercise and educating them on how to live, improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Through this hands-on experience, I learned the importance of service to humanity and developed a...
1 Page 451 Words

Finding the Right Male

Unsure of what the future brings us, young and full of hopes and dreams, we step into the difficult life of dating and relationships without any experience. And then, based only on what we feel, we think the right partner is the person that gives us the biggest thrill, the one who first makes us feel an impossible to fight attraction. So, our first experiences of love are physical, and they can’t always be the right choices. Among lots of...
1 Page 448 Words

Everything We Should Know about Puberty in Girls

As we get older, we will experience something in our life that might confuse us. Puberty. This word may sound scary, but it is just a part of our life where we are changing and growing up. The main reason girls go through puberty is to prepare for having a child. Puberty happens because of hormones. The female hormone is called estrogen. Estrogen is the cause of secondary sex characteristics and physical changes in the body. Secondary sex characteristics are...
1 Page 474 Words

Essay on an Inspirational Person: Taylor Swift

For many people, she is an idol, the best, most inspiring person ever. She went from being a farm girl and collecting insect eggs from her family's farm to performing her own songs worldwide in front of big audiences, inspiring many people, including me. Taylor Swift is the queen of pop and a big role model to people around the world. Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 19, 1989 in West Reading, Pennsylvania. Her parents are Andrea Swift and...
1 Page 437 Words

End of the Year Reflection Essay

Introduction As the academic year comes to a close, it is a time for reflection and introspection. Looking back on the past year, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the experiences, challenges, and growth that I have encountered. This reflective essay will delve into the lessons I have learned, the obstacles I have overcome, and the personal development I have experienced throughout this transformative year. Embracing New Opportunities Over the course of the year, I have embraced...
1 Page 441 Words

Everything Is about to Change: Persuasive Essay

Introduction Change is an inevitable part of life. From personal growth to societal progress, change shapes our experiences and propels us forward. In this persuasive essay, we will explore the idea that everything is about to change and argue for the importance of embracing transformation. By acknowledging the potential for change and harnessing its power, we can adapt to new circumstances, foster innovation, and create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. Adaptability and Resilience Change disrupts the...
1 Page 434 Words

Persuasive Essay on Why Not to Eat Turkey on Thanksgiving

Introduction Thanksgiving is a cherished holiday that brings families and friends together to express gratitude and share a bountiful feast. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement to reconsider the traditional centerpiece of Thanksgiving—the turkey. In this persuasive essay, we will explore compelling reasons why we should reconsider consuming turkey on Thanksgiving Day. By embracing compassion, environmental sustainability, and expanding our culinary traditions, we can create a more inclusive and ethically conscious holiday experience. Compassion for Animals...
1 Page 474 Words

Bring Them Home: Argumentative Essay

Introduction The separation of families due to forced migration or geopolitical circumstances has been a tragic reality for countless individuals around the world. In this essay, we argue for the importance of repatriation and family reunification, emphasizing the moral and ethical imperative of bringing separated families back together. By examining the psychological, emotional, and social consequences of family separation, as well as the potential benefits of reuniting families, we can build a compelling case for prioritizing efforts to bring them...
1 Page 448 Words

Who Is Calpurnia in 'Julius Caesar': Character Analysis Essay

Calpurnia Caesar casts a small but vital role in Julius Caesar. Calpurnia is cast as the humble and obedient wife of Julius Caesar. She is a very caring, humble, and deferential human who cares greatly for her husband. She is protective and wants to make sure that her husband and everyone are well. Calpurnia fears 'O Caesar these things are beyond all use and I do fear them' but Caesar's moral feelings lead him to choose to not listen to...
1 Page 464 Words

What Type of Bond Exists between Julius Caesar and Brutus: Critical Analysis Essay

Caesar and Brutus are friends. They are also enemies. How does Brutus justify his betrayal of Caesar and why does he believe his involvement in the conspiracy is necessary? Brutus pretends he is friends with Ceaser but he is really his enemy. Brutus thinks that it would be good to have him as a friend somehow, while Cassius disagreed. Cassius betrays Brutus' trust in him by misreporting letters to prompt Brutus to join the conspiracy to kill Caesar. Brutus felt...
1 Page 472 Words

Was Hammurabi's Code Fair: Argumentative Essay

This document was written by Hammurabi, who was the sixth king of the Babylonian Dynasty. After reading the document, along with the codes, I feel that some of the biases Hammurabi had were unfair due to some of his laws being unjust. It seems that his laws were gender biased. An example of this is the role of women. It looks like some of these laws did not give women individual rights. Law 128 says, “If a man takes a...
1 Page 454 Words

Was Brutus a Betrayer or a Patriot: Argumentative Essay

The question of Brutus joining the conspiracy against Caesar was right is rather contradicting, but at the end of the day, I believe his decision wasn’t immoral and, in fact, was right. Brutus loved Caesar, but his love for Rome was bigger. The fear of someone taking over Rome entirely to themselves gave Brutus the strength to stab a knife through this dear friend. At the end of the day, if Caesar still lived, he would be offered so many...
1 Page 436 Words

The Word 'Renaissance' Means: Definition Essay

The Renaissance era was an era of revival and rebirth of classical culture. It originated in Florence in the early 15th century and spread throughout Europe, replacing the medieval Gothic style. Renewal and innovation were one of the main driving aspects and factors of this era. Appreciation was given to different arts from literature to art and architecture. Knowledge was one of the main attributes of people in the Renaissance. “There was a revival of ancient Roman forms, including the...
1 Page 455 Words

Symbols in 'The Cat in The Rain': Critical Essay

The Cat in The Hat by Dr. Seuss is a picture storybook about rules and order aimed at 7-10-year-olds that incorporates excitement for children’s imagination. Based on a fictional story where two kids are stuck at home on a rainy day, a stranger (cat) comes into the house. The story allows the opportunity to talk about what is trust and who can you trust as a child. The Cat reassures the kids that their mother won’t mind him and his...
1 Page 457 Words

Narrative Essay on Your Educational Goals

Currently, I am a high school senior and will soon be attending Wingate University to further my education and major in Nursing. My educational goals are to have a positive mindset, take time out of the day to study and challenge myself. Some of my life goals are to have financial stability, live life to the fullest, and be responsible. For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a Nurse. I’ve changed my mind multiple times...
1 Page 450 Words

Memoir Essay about Life Challenges

Indeed, lessons we learn from the obstacles and challenges we face in day-to-day life play an important role in achieving success in the future. I personally can attest to this since I myself have been lucky to learn valuable lessons from some of the challenges that I come across. One which I think is very significant and has even contributed to shaping who I am today was the passing of my father who I solely depended on after my mother...
1 Page 463 Words

Is Water Odourless: Informative Essay on Properties of Water

Water is an inorganic compound from two hydrogens and one oxygen atom, From the properties of the water it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It is also named the “universal solvent” because it can easily dissolve many substances. Water is also the most essential liquid in our lives and in all other creatures as plants and animals, water also is the most known substance to exist in three forms (solid, liquid, gas) depending on the surrounding temperature (1).in this situation...
1 Page 471 Words
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