What Makes 'Mulan' So Popular: Argumentative Essay

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Mulan is a amazing and very entertaining Disney movie. This amazing Fantasy Disney movie came out in 1998 the movie was made Walt Disney feature animation which was for Walt Disney pictures. Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook were the directors and with having a storyline written by Robert D. and San Souci and which was played by Rita Hsiao, Phillip LaZebink and many more. The movies story line is based on a old Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, Hua Mulan was a legendary Chinese warrior from the Northern and Southern dynasties period (420-5890 of Chinese history. In the movie, The Huns invade Han China By breaching the Great Wall, which then causes the Chinese emperor to order general mobilization with the requirement of enlisting one male from to join the army. When Mulan hears that her father would have to go as he is the only male, Mulan decides to take her father’s old armour so she could disguise herself as a male for so her father wouldn’t have to go, which causes a rise of tension and plot.

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This Disney movie is a very original and quite different from all the other Disney movies. What makes the 1998 movie such a hit is the fact that in the movie is that it blurred gender roles by the fact that Mulan which is a women is disguised as male, just so her father wouldn’t have to go to war for a second time since his health during that time in the movie is very poorly, it also shows women can be strong and fight alongside men. Another thing that makes the movie so incredible hit was that intelligence is put over everything which shows that a positive aspect of masculinity and that Mulan succeeds by herself with her amazing intelligence and creativity

As the movie continues and as tension rises after Mulan discuses herself as a man to enlistment for her father, there are certain problems that rise up for Mulan to overcome, since she is a female her physical ability isn’t as good as the men’s is which means that Mulan would have to trained hard than the men. She also has to overcome mental issues. As we get to the end of the movie we come to find out that Mulan has managed to overcome all the issues she is faced with making her strong women. All those reasons made the movie Mulan stand out from the usual Disney movies but also caused the movie to become such a amazing and very popular film.

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What Makes ‘Mulan’ So Popular: Argumentative Essay. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 8, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-mulan-so-popular-argumentative-essay/
“What Makes ‘Mulan’ So Popular: Argumentative Essay.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-mulan-so-popular-argumentative-essay/
What Makes ‘Mulan’ So Popular: Argumentative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-mulan-so-popular-argumentative-essay/> [Accessed 8 May 2024].
What Makes ‘Mulan’ So Popular: Argumentative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 May 8]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-mulan-so-popular-argumentative-essay/

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