Mulan': Movie Review

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Media portrayals and representations are the methods by which the media depicts specific groups, networks, encounters, thoughts, or subjects from a specific ideological perspective. The portrayal is the means by which media texts manage and present sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, national and regional characters, social issues, and occasions to a crowd of people. Media texts have the ability to shape a crowd of people's learning, understanding, and opinions of these critical points.

An ideology is mainly an arrangement of beliefs that helps explain and describe the world and that makes value judgments about that world, mainly shaped and influenced by media whether positively or negatively way. Many people agree that mass media is incredibly influential as a teacher of social norms, specifically to young people according to Wynns and Rosenfeld (2003). Disney for example is highly known for the subliminal messages within their content; the following essay will examine and thoroughly discuss the representation of gender equality and sexuality in Walt Disney’s Mulan, and how it challenges the current and ongoing dominant ideologies about female roles in society.

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Mulan is an American children and family movie produced in 1998 for Walt Disney Pictures by Walt Disney Feature Animation. It is set during the Han dynasty in China, the movie tells the story of a courageous Chinese young lady named Fa Mulan that is trying in every way possible to please her family and bring them honor. Who is in a quest looking for self-definition and in this procedure enters the Imperial armed force masked as a man, and figures out how to spare the nation.

Fa Mulan is an impulsive young lady who is required to be an obedient girl and a future attentive and responsible spouse. Nonetheless, after a disastrous visit to the nearby matchmaker, she is blamed for being a dishonor to her family and anticipated that she will never be able to find a spouse. Later on, delegates of the Emperor report that the Huns have attacked China and that each family is obliged to send at least one man to battle in the Imperial armed force. Mulan's very old father complies with the order yet clearly he would not endure the fight. Hence, Mulan steals her father’s sword and armor in order to protect him, dresses as a man, and flees to join the military instead of him. During an encounter with the enemy, Mulan masterminds a strategic move to win the fight. Be that as it may, she suddenly gets injured and her mystery is uncovered. As an outcome, Mulan is abandoned while her soldier acquaintances enter the city to celebrate their triumph. When she learns that a group of Huns has endured and assaulted the Emperor, Mulan prevails with another impossible-to-miss technique to maintain the sovereign. She is then celebrated as a courageous young woman and offered work in the royal palace, which she politely declines; Mulan preferred the idea of going back to her family to which she presently has brought significant honor and integrity.

Mulan is targeted toward youngsters and is viewed as a feminist icon for the way she defied gender stereotypes, as a character she sets a realistic representation of a young female that doesn’t tolerate traditional gender roles.h

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Mulan’: Movie Review. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 21, 2025, from
“Mulan’: Movie Review.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
Mulan’: Movie Review. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 21 Jan. 2025].
Mulan’: Movie Review [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2025 Jan 21]. Available from:

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